










简介【每周三更新】四人突然集体穿越,但只有一人才是真正被召唤的神女大人? 其他三人都被当做神女候补享受一切时,而林小柒却意外成为落单少女……等等!这个突然出现向她效忠的男人又是谁啊?!




简介腐女也有春天!千南集团实习生尹路最近又迷上一对男男CP——同公司的总经理和副总经理!两个惊天大帅哥本来就是值得腐女YY的对象嘛!欸?什么鬼?为什么本来就应该在一起的家伙怎么都来和她告白啊? “住,住口!我才不要成为你们之间的第三者!(每周二更新)




简介十年前追逐明星梦的少年,却被迫害欺压成为冷血杀手。穿越重生之后,杀手的心却重新为梦想沸腾!我要踢开那些绊脚石……直到巨星的顶端!每周日更新,大家看着喜欢就收藏满分红票支持一下!※※※※※※※※※※※※读者群: 374022261※※※※※※※※※※※








简介祭品公主与兽之王漫画 ,这个国家过去存在着吞食人类支配大地的异形一族,还有统治着魔族并吞噬祭品的国王──还记得那部《满月下的孤狼》吗?作者又一部讲述魔王的故事~这次魔王和她的祭品公主演绎美女与野兽~我的外表只是为了霸气!






内容简介:重生废柴班班主任,陆泽获得【超强硬核教师系统】。陆泽:初次见面,这样,班长拉个群,大家一起加进去吧。班长:好的陆老师。下一秒。陆泽:来,已经进群的这25位同学,手机交上来。这老师,这么 坑?又一次。陆泽:来,大家和我一起念,老当益壮,不移白首之心。众学生:老当益壮陆泽:穷且hi,sirisiri你好,我在。陆泽:刚刚出声了的,手机交上来他是恶魔,也是1w0-81274 >>






内容简介:慕情一觉醒来,竟然穿越到了她刚看完的一本玛丽苏小说中。而且还成了书中最强大的男配的……亲妈!看着日后只手遮天战斗力爆表,把男女主虐的死去活来的强大男配,慕情捏了捏他的包子脸。才三岁的大 BOSS“哇”的一声哭出来!累觉不爱!家有未来大BOSS不说,大BOSS的亲爹也来凑热闹。“老婆,都有二胎了,咱们什么时候官宣?”1w0-28540 >>


内容简介:宁孤舟把剑架在棠妙心的脖子上:“你除了偷怀本王的崽,还有什么事瞒着本王?”她拿出一大堆令牌:“玄门、鬼医门、黑虎寨、听风楼……只有这些了!”话落,邻国玉玺从她身上掉了下来,他:“……” 她眼泪汪汪:“这些都是老东西们逼我继承的!”众大佬:“你再装!”1w18904-26095 >>


内容简介:文案牧逸重生之后,痛定思痛,绝不重蹈覆辙,一手融灵鞭,势必要将徒儿劝上归途,孩子还是要从小打起。然而穿越过来的谢念刚从牢中出来,于人群之中远远的看到了他后半辈子的师尊。谢念:那个长的一 脸刻薄相的就是我师尊?系统:那是高冷禁欲谢念:呵,谢杜鹃的大名取的是够高冷禁欲的系统:……于人群中那匆匆一眼,两看相厌。师徒真香,师傅一心想要劝徒弟归入正途,将徒弟的性取向打回来,却不慎自己陷了进去。分类:甜文HE仙侠架空穿越重生1w0-108126 >>


内容简介:论潜力,不算天才,可玄功武技,皆可无师自通。论实力,任凭你有万千至宝,但定不敌我界灵大军。我是谁?天下众生视我为修罗,却不知,我以修罗成武神。…………………………各位书友要是觉得《逆道 战神楚枫楚月》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1155-4698 >>


内容简介:关于冷面王爷下堂妾:流放关外,贬为官婢,数年之后,大赦天下,她重回京城。她带回来的唯一财产——居然是一名襁褓中的男婴。昔日郡主,沦为最大的丑闻。心仪之人,早已成了位高权重的秦王,一人之 下,万人之上。他就要娶别的女子,她也决心埋葬过往。谁知命运弄人,他竟要她成为他的妾?!他娶她,不过是报复她当年的无心招惹。。。。。。谁知道她深埋地下的秘密?谁知道她无奈深重的仇恨?谁知道她生不如死的煎熬?她咽下的,不只是苦。她学会的,不1w14113-80498 >>


内容简介:【每天早六点或晚九点左右更新,日更,偶尔会有不定期更新掉落,感谢支持!】顾北进入各个小世界做任务,拯救痴心错付,遇到渣男的女炮灰。给那些付出过真心的女孩子一个好结局。甜甜的小宠文。排雷 :私设全部架空也许会有一点小平淡。1w0-78643 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:玄幻:妖皇的我,老婆是神朝女帝】李若尘穿越玄幻世界,从一只小鸟,奋斗千年,成为了妖族妖皇。但羽化神朝统治一切,无上女帝发誓要横扫一切敌,他索性来到帝都隐居,却 意外遇上了挚爱宁清霜。却不知道她就是神朝无上女帝,修运朝流,必须太上忘情,但她却没有经历过任何的感情,隐姓埋名,意外和李若尘遇见。当她随时可以太上忘情,成就至高,却选择了平常生活,和李若尘生儿育女。直到羽化神朝世仇白衣女帝出关,誓要取女帝性命,粉碎羽化神朝,为兄报仇,君临帝都!“夫人,你竟然是神朝女帝?”“相公,你竟然是妖族妖皇?”被迫出手的两人相互错愕,却不知道白衣女帝青铜面具下疯狂震惊,因为李若尘和她的哥哥长得一模一样!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-84512 >>


内容简介:  北美深海钓鱼王大赛;帕米尔山巅追逐雪豹;澳洲山火杀巨型蝙蝠;加拿大暴雪械搏棕熊!我是王奎,一名户外荒野主播,职业猎人,而我的开局,仅仅只有一个人,一把刀,和一条……犯过命案的狼狗! 已完本万订精品《直播之荒野挑战》,书荒可看。狩猎群:642684620VIP狩猎群:949291518(需验证全订阅)1w0-1670 >>


内容简介:身为程序员,竟然重生到了自己做的世界里。告别苦逼生活,改头换面。拒绝坑爹坑妈,青年楷模。重生平行世界,我为天王。让我来告诉你正确的打开方式,先看封面后看书,什么?简介?看简介干嘛,那不 重要!快抓紧扶手栏杆小板凳,我们要开车了!没有以上的,快抱紧旁边“旅”客的手臂大腿或者腰肢,司机要踩油门了!PS1:本车没有刹车,请乘客自学跳车技能。PS2:如果没有跳车技能的,请到终点站下车。PS3:本车已经上了牌照,手持A级驾驶证,还在等什么,来不及解释了,快上车吧1w0-107273 >>

Corrector Yui (Asamiya Kia)

Note: This is the Asamiya version of the manga. A schoolgirl gains self-confidence, new friends, and a cache of chic outfits when she becomes the computer-programming magical girl, Corrector Yui. She must stop the rogue A.I. Gurossa (Artificial Intelligence computer program) and his hench-programs from taking control of the global computer network. In this future, all human activity is supported by computers, so it's possible to control the world using the network. Important note: There are two versions of the Corrector Yui manga series. This is the original one that was written and drawn by Kia Asamiya and published by Shogakkukan in Japan and does not have a release date in the States yet. The Corrector Yui manga that Tokyopop is publishing is done by shojo artist Keiko Okamoto and is a manga adaptation of the anime series. Source: Manga-Updates

Boku No Tenohira De Odore

I first met Yuko in school's infirmary. I'd give her all of myself...my hair, skin, lips, everything. They are all hers, and I want to have all of her...she'll be mine forever. Dance on my palm...her sighs, her tears, everything.Includes two other stories:• Renai Junbishitsu• Tanabota-Shiki Renairon

Moonlight Flowers

Moonlight Flowers: a classic yuri manga about a woman who leaves her husband for an old friend from school. The story is told in two parts--one from the married woman's point of view, and one from the friend's point of view. The last chapter is a short story called Midnight Flowers.

Strings Dolls

One day, Shiro and his little sister, Koyori, who has been permanently crippled after an accident, download a peculiar game called 'Strings Dolls.' Whenever you have someone in your camera screen, the game allows you to move them around like a puppet. Shiro and Koyori are filled with joyl to realize that this magical game can, at least temporarily, restore her ability to walk! Other people, however, use it for much less noble purposes. Among the others who have downloaded the game is a mysterious player called Miyabi, who appears to be using the game to kill off his fellow players. Will Shiro be able to track down who is behind this game, and find the murderous Miyabi before it's too late?

Where Yesterday Lives

Where Yesterday Lives summary: Where Yesterday Lives summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Where Yesterday Lives. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Cruel Emperor And The Princess Of Prophecy

Cruel Emperor And The Princess Of Prophecy summary: 'This child will destroy her father.' The Fourth Empress was married to Emperor Wolfgang of the Hainzel Empire, who had supposedly killed the three previous Empresses and was thus called the Cruel Emperor. Her name was Nicolette. It was the first time Wolfgang had heard such a name, but she was still the Second Princess of Roware Kingdom. However, she had been confined to the monastery by her father, the King. The Princess who had received the prophecy of killing her father. Wolfgang, who was said to be cruel, was healed by the cheerful Nicolette, although she was a bit different from the world 's norms. The Emperor who was said to be atrocious, and the Princess who received the prophecy of killing her father went around. Will that prophecy become reality?

Unlimited Cycles Of Death

Unlimited Cycles Of Death summary: Six strangers met in a mysterious enclosed s.p.a.ce. One of them claimed to be a “senior” and stated that among them there was a “Devil” who does not bat an eye at killing. How to avoid the “Devil” and escape from the world is the biggest problem they face. Mu Qin: I once had someone I really liked. He was very good to me, and always likes to dance in front of me with a knife. But one day, he went crazy.

Leviathan of the Covenant

Leviathan of the Covenant summary: You shall become king—
Ruling over all “serpents” in the world&h.e.l.lip;
Become the man who bears the brunt of dragonkind’s fear and hatred.
A modern era when humanity is threatened by attacks from giant dragons flying from beyond the sky.
Controlling “leviathans”—serpentine spiritual beings created through magic—humanity is locked in a protracted war of resistance against the dragons.
Fortunately, there exist witches known as “magi”—battle maidens of salvation who formed covenants with “serpents” in order to combat dragons.
Nicknamed Hal, the young man called Haruga Haruomi makes his living through facilitating the covenants of these girls.
At the (partially coercive) request of his childhood friend Asya, one of Europe’s top witches, Hal returns to Tokyo New Town after an absence of three years.
Accompanied by the beautiful Asya whose appearance rivaled a fairy’s, Hal is running all over the place to secure his base of operations and taking care of matters related to school transfer when the elite dragon Soth suddenly attacks—!?
Life has been breathed into a brand new myth between dragons and dragonslayers.
A grand opening to the “birth” of a top-cla.s.s battle epic!

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