








类别悬疑 恐怖 惊悚






类别都市 恋爱 霸总 总裁 甜宠









通灵王Super Star

介绍:通灵王漫画 ,你知道甚麼是通靈者嗎?據說他們是連結這個世...








内容简介:  拥有“上帝之手”的天才外科医生叶琳琅重回一九八零年后,一不小心,成了全家人的团宠。白手起家的全国首富是她亲爸。非遗文化的美女传承人是她亲妈。史上最年轻的大学教授是她亲哥。锦鲤本鲤的 小奶包童星是她亲弟。有着“再世华陀”之称的叶琳琅美滋滋的去找自己前世丈夫:结婚吗?我请你!前世丈夫:房产证、户口本、存折、工资卡,还有我,都是你的。1w0-1850 >>


内容简介:  艾琳娜·卡斯兰娜,混血媚娃,危险等级:【极度致命】  她消弭了千年来学院间的纷争,让霍格沃茨成为圣地。  她挽救了无数濒危的神奇动物,增进人与自然的了解。  她促使了魔法与非魔法的 融合,找到两者共存平衡点。  她有着无数耀眼的头衔——霍格沃茨大姐头、古灵阁之主、三代目黑魔王、顶端掠食者、苏格兰圆脸胖鸡之敌、首席特级厨师……  在她的成长经历中,有无数璀璨的姓名,邓布利多、格林德沃、斯卡曼德……  ——下面我们来采访一下邓布利多。  “您好,能分享一些卡斯兰娜女士在学校的故事吗?”  阿不思·心好累好想退休·邓布利多:快……快,我需要速效救心丸!  【慎入,女主文】1w0-313 >>






内容简介:少年洪宇为了给父亲筹集手术费,孤身入深山采摘野山参,却偶得仙医传承,从此开启一段仙医之路。治病救人,画符看相,武道神通,琴棋书画,笔趣阁无所不能。且看,乡野小子洪无极如何笑傲都市,制霸 全球。各位书友要是觉得《都市无极仙医》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-98010 >>


内容简介:作为一个高中生,当务之急就是好好学习。谈什么恋爱?做一个学霸不香吗?当众人眼中的学渣云渺渺开始努力学习的时候,所有人都震惊了。大家都等着看她的笑话,结果云渺渺却像是开挂了一样迅速成长。 被打脸的同学们不甘心的奋起直追,决不能让这个吊车尾给超过了。于是全班学习氛围都紧张了起来,直逼尖子班。然后老师们开心了,家长也开心了1w0-76411 >>




内容简介:原名:重生后我成了护夫狂魔。前世,云七念太作,直接把自己给作死了!重活一次,看着眼前帅得让人神魂颠倒的老公,她只想喊:宠他!宠他!宠他!老公喜欢什么?买!老公被人欺负?打!老公要她亲亲 抱抱举高高?没问题!老公说要再生个猴子,云七念:……???什么叫再?直到有一天,一个q版的软萌小包子出现在她面前,她才明白一切。从此以后,誓要更加宠他,爱他,珍惜他!1w0-3626 >>


内容简介:  第一次工业革命,蒸汽机将大英帝国变成了日不落帝国  第二次工业革命,内燃机推动历史的车轮,电灯照亮漆黑的夜晚  第三次工业革命,互联网将我们的星球变成了地球村  大学生秦毅走运获得 了科技塔,掀开了星际工业时代,从此以后太阳系变成了我们的后花园  我们在太空之中发展农业、兴建太空工厂;我们在月亮上建立月球城、开采资源;我们在柯伊伯带开采小行星……我们还将目光看向浩瀚无垠的宇宙星空  已有完本《宇宙霸业》《大汉科技帝国》,人品有保证,放心入坑,书友群:493829756欢迎喜欢科技的书友一起来聊聊星空宇宙1w0-75 >>


内容简介:长宁公主大婚前夜被驸马一剑穿心,再次醒来竟成了国公府的傻小姐。为复仇,她精心谋划,步步为营,誓要让背叛她的人血债血偿。听说驸马思她成疾,每晚都要守着她的棺材才能入睡。而她当年随手捡回的 少年,竟成了当朝第一权宦。东厂督公江潋心里住着一个人,为了她甘愿堕入地狱,做一只吃人的恶鬼。人人避他如蛇蝎,唯有国公府的傻小姐整日纠缠于他。江潋忍无可忍,扬言要杀了她。不料,那位小姐却将招亲的绣球抛进了他怀里……1w0-78276 >>




内容简介:回避型依恋人格,不是病,好像又是病。那段时间迟宛辛以为爱情就是你追我赶,你赶我逃的游戏,却没想到遇到了“高冷”男神顾璟楠。“女,26岁,射手座,她有病。”迟宛辛的好姐妹对眼前这个男人阐 述着她的情况,把基本资料递给了他。直到迟宛辛知道了真相,才发现一切的巧合都是他蓄谋已久。1w0-97422 >>

Phantom - Requiem For The Phantom

A spate of mafia assasinations occurs in America, the work of the mysterious organization named Inferno. 'Phantom' is their most strongest and capable assassin, however a lone tourist witnesses Phantom's latest act of murder. He unwittingly exposes the top assassin's true identity, a young girl named Ein. Witnesses are usually killed, but the man is captured and taken to be brainwashed into 'Zwei', Inferno's newest assassin, with no memory of who he is. From this point on, Zwei is drawn into a world of conspiracy, deceit, and violence.

Suki Mo Kirai Mo Jikangai

From Attractive Fascinante: Akitsu was transferred to the East Kantou systems department a month ago. The sales person, Harada, dragged him to see the client together to rectify a problem. He got nervous and fainted. Harada took care of him, but was still a devil at work. Akitsu became fond of Harada gradually. He got upset and fainted again when he found out that Harada went to a goukon. Akitsu confessed to Harada when he woke up to find Harada had come back for him in the office. Would Harada accept him? + two one-shots


MADARA tells the story of an apprentice blacksmith in a rural village who gets by using artificial limbs created by his adoptive father. But when a chance encounter with the demon Moki reveals Madara's true destiny, he's catapulted into a mythic quest! His real father, the evil despot Miroku, feared long ago that Madara was destined to kill him and rule in his place. After Madara was born with tremendous powers, his body was cut up, and the parts divided amongst eight evil generals. Now Madara, with the help of a band of freedom fighters and a magical sword, sets out to retrieve his body parts and defeat his brothers, who covet the throne. As he fights his way across the world, he contemplates the prophecy: How will he wrest control of the kingdom from his father and win the people their freedom?

Kakene Nashi No Love Torihiki

Story 01) Kakene Nashi no LOVE Torihiki (A Love Transaction without Overcharging): Since Ami Kirisawa's father passed away, she's had to make it on her own. Now she's built a reputation as an enterprising young woman who will do anything for money. However, when Ruka Hakomori (of the Hakomori Financial empire) makes assumptions about how much of Ami his money can buy, Ami fearlessly proves him wrong. Ruka decides he wants her to help him get out of a marriage interview, but opposing Ruka's ruthless parents isn't going to be easy, no matter how fearless Ami is. Story 02) Kokoro Goku Ama-jitate (Very Sweetly Cut Heart): Suzuko runs into Riki-kun while shopping for Valentine Chocolate. When he learns that she doesn't have a boyfriend, he asks her to give him chocolate that day. The two become close but will Riki-kun's fanclub grows jealous and will do everything they can to separate them. Will they succeed or will love triumph? Story 03) Kyokou Shinwa ~Sekando Reipu~ (Made-up Myth ~Second Rape~): This is a serious story about the effects of rape. Wakana is a shy and unspectacular girl who has been text messaging the spectacular Taku for three months. Suddenly, Taku suggests that they meet, and when they do... he rapes her. Wakana goes to the police, only to go through 'second rape' -- the doubts of others who think she brought it on herself.

A Sliver Of Hope

A Sliver Of Hope summary: A Sliver Of Hope summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Sliver Of Hope. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me

A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me summary: A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Sketch Of What You Mean To Me. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron

The Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron summary: The Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Boys of Columbia High on the Gridiron. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Don Garcia of Navarre

Don Garcia of Navarre summary: Don Garcia of Navarre summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Don Garcia of Navarre. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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