




类别历史 热血





刀剑神域 艾恩葛朗特篇























内容简介:他是风和月娱乐圈他是风和月娱乐圈小说阅读其他小说类型小说他是风和月娱乐圈由作家梓叶歌创作《他是风和月【娱乐圈】》作者:梓叶歌【完结】文案《真相是真》是个益智推理真人秀,评分高,火,但也 不是谁都敢上的,毕竟一个不小心就被观众知道了真实的智商水平。偏偏有两个人就是被对方严谨强大的逻辑推理能力给吸引住了。真人秀原型参考网综《明星大侦探》,具体设定都差不多(比如流程,玩家设置之类的)小兵提供他是风和月娱乐圈最新章节他是风和月娱乐圈最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-105654 >>


内容简介:重生军长掌中宝,身娇体软易推倒。身怀空间有灵泉,虐渣治家样样好!上辈子受白莲花迫害,渣男欺骗利用,一世凄惨痛苦。姜小轻发誓,这辈子要用自己的双手,为家人,为自己,编织出一个锦绣人生!白 莲花想诬赖她?今天她就要表演一个辣手摧花,让各位知道花儿为什么这样红!渣男想色诱她?姜小轻不屑:这么丑,我会看上你吗?当晚,萧大军长穿着制服出现:媳妇儿,那我你看得上吗?姜小轻捂着鼻血连滚带爬跑出房——军长大人!制服诱惑太犯规啊!萧大军长曰:色诱这种事,还得专业的来!———九十年代架空勿考据本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生九零之军妻撩人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83842 >>


内容简介:阮凝离开阳城时,本以为丢掉了所有烦恼。当她遇到苏峥的那刻,才知道,原来有一种招人烦叫没有最烦,只有更烦。“姓名,地址,电话?”“干嘛?”“投诉你!”苏峥磨着后槽牙,掏出了警官证。重回阳 城,阮凝总觉得有人跟踪她。“干嘛?”“想你了。”“我不想你。”“这不巧了,我喜欢的样子,你都有。”在这个精心又残忍的现世里,阮凝怀揣希望,却发现现实残酷起来,从来都是那么不留情面。1w83996-84081 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:海贼之最强生物】流风穿越到海贼王世界,偶然捡到优化果实,从此,他将各种生物特性到优化自身。蚂蚁举起超过自身400倍的物体,跳蚤可以跳过它们身长350倍的距离, 壁虎的断肢可以短时间重新生长,鹰的视力可以看到10公里外的老鼠,变色龙的皮肤可以变幻颜色,万米深海更有岁月悠久,身躯坚不可摧的海王类…这些生物的特殊本领都将成为他的天赋!无数生物特性集结,一个比凯多恐怖百倍的最强生物诞生!!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢海贼之最强生物,别忘记分享给朋友作者:小小怪所写的《海贼之最强生物》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83431 >>




内容简介:不负佳人不负卿最新章节由网友提供《不负佳人不负卿》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的都市言情类型小说,不负佳人不负卿由作家谢若汐萧亦辰创作,小兵免费提供不负佳人不负卿最新清 爽干净的文字章节在线阅读,主要讲述的是:大离王朝的圣元五年八月十五。这天,是个极好的天气,天空湛蓝,阳光和煦,照在人身上暖洋洋的。因为是中秋,宫里特地给各位大臣放了假,准许今日不用当值,可以回家团聚。1w13679-97216 >>


内容简介:原创男男架空高h正剧美攻强受高h生存所需,见色起意,日久生情。欲望是永恒燃烧的烈火,又仿佛是一切痛苦的根源,却又是促使生命不断前行,开出丰盛花朵的无尽动力。mit最年轻的终身教授简嘉( drjustnj)觉得人生毫无波澜,就在他想要混入神职人员行列研究神学的时候,突然来到一个名为“极乐伊甸”的古怪地方,并且得知,想活下去就得干男人……简嘉面无表情“干就干吧,怎么都得活着吧,我还没研究清楚上帝呢……”关键是特么的找上他的几个男人都是身份非凡的大人物……有点干不下去……#纵然你权势滔天,依然要乖乖雌伏在我身下#这是一个智商爆表到智障程度的攻,带着一群凶残受,一边啪啪啪,一边逆流而上,干翻上帝的故事。本文总攻ds设定,不过作者乱七八糟二设一向多。认准腐国度唯一域名强(美)攻强受走肾走心作者偏攻控,看过位面旅者的读者大大们应该很了解作者的恶趣味啦1w0-82308 >>




内容简介:吾是浮游子,志在记苍生!元能111身体素质1修为10五商剑术100五商剑术大成!修为突破灵境!职业:修道者姓名:商蝣号浮游子修为:灵境三重天【99910000】能力:游商天下(踏遍千山 万水,归来仍是少年!)灵法:磨剑法大成御兽法大圆满身体素质:66666666评级:一颗星(潜力有限,节哀顺便!)PS只手握苍生,游商行天下!游商书友群:八一五五二九五九七1w0-81942 >>


内容简介:十年相处,她有眼无珠,不知渣男狼心狗肺,不识渣女伪善蛇蝎!被削了手足,剜了琵琶骨,惨死在冷宫深处!一朝重生,她一路披荆斩棘,剑指渣男,步步相逼:“上官鸿,我慕容笙怎会放过你?!就算是死 ,这一世,我也要带着你,黄泉路上一道走!”1w30741-30749 >>


内容简介:唤醒睡美人,只需要一个法式湿吻江醒醒原本住在潮湿地下室,每天跑片场龙套领盒饭,有一天,她捡回了一个落魄小狼狗,小狼狗失忆,无家可归,话也很少。江醒醒心肠软,无微不至地照顾他,每天从片场 领了盒饭,还分给他一半。当然,被窝也分他一半。后来小狼狗失踪了,江醒醒难过了好久。某天,江醒醒一觉醒来,发现自己睡在三米豪华大床上,窗边餐桌上法式早餐琳琅满目,衣架上挂着一件璀璨的晚礼服。江醒醒懵了几秒,恍然以为自己在做梦。这时候,一个下身裹着白色浴巾的男人浴室出来,男人眉宇高挺,容颜清俊,拥有漂亮的锁骨和巧克力板块状腹肌。男人走到她身边,轻轻揽过了她的纤腰,凑近她耳畔,声音性感:“睡过就把我忘了,嗯?”那晚以后,江醒醒的事业开始出现转机,同时,她也成了江城首富名义上的妻子。不是演戏吗,睡在一起是闹哪样!哎哎,谁让你脱衣服,八块腹肌和人鱼线了不起啊!商戒扯掉了衬衣的领口,冷眸微勾,薄唇轻启——别动,乖一点。步步为营大尾巴狼失忆霸道总裁x呆萌可爱正能量元气少女文案截图,拿梗慎重基友的文:荔枝香近《别逼我撩你》曲小蛐《药那么甜》老衲吃素《蜜桃色巧合》各位书友要是觉得《我把被窝分给你》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-49091 >>


内容简介:直掰弯野马顶流攻vs易碎感美人影帝受闻纪年是gay圈纯欲天花板,他同桌仲星燃是个钢铁直男,向来排斥gay,两人是全校公认的宿敌。有一天,他们一起穿越到了五年后。仲星燃成了内娱唱跳顶流, 狂傲不驯舞台劲爆,迷死一票女友粉。闻纪年则成了演技爆表的新晋影帝,肤白貌美清冷易碎。可怕的是,他们竟然结婚了!且两人都是出了名的秀恩爱狂魔,不久前刚签约了一档直播恋综。为了不造成大混乱,并弄清楚这五1w0-127332 >>

Dark Edge

After his mother's death, Kuro Takagi transfers to Yotsuji Private High School where his father is the proprietor. But Yotsuji is no ordinary school. It holds a strange rule of “No students on campus after dark!” On his first day of attendance, Kuro and his classmates inadvertently break the school’s highest protocol and find themselves victims of a faculty zombie attack. Although they manage to narrowly escape, this is but a prelude to more encounters with the undead, especially after Kuro discover his own blood-ties and latent zombie abilities. From there, it's full steam ahead as this dark and intense action/comedy shifts into high gear.

Othello (Yaoi)

Consists of four stories: 1) Othello- After Atsushi dies in a horrible accident, his twin brother Ayumu decides to steal his identity and returns to school in his place. He attempts to hide his reckless behavior and assume persona of his honor student brother. However, for some reason, Ayumu is unable to hide his true colors and composure around his classmate Kirishima. 2) Snow White in Summer- Kaoru returns to his child home to find that his once quiet and shy childhood friend Snow is now loud, mean, and violent, and the change is somehow his fault. 3) Night's Fragrance- masanari, and journalist, is sent to investigate the life of a popular and elusive artist, Sougetsu Tokiwa. While investigating, he comes across a beautiful and enigmatic boy whom is rumored to be Tokiwa's lover. 4) Night's Abyss (Haruka no Fuchi)- After the death of his wife, a man moves to the countryside and finds horror.

Animal X: Genshi Sairai

Far away from home, Yuuji and Minato have carved a place for themselves in Alberta, Canada, with their new baby daughter, Yui. Yuuji works at a University, while Minato – though still as childish as ever despite being a new dad, works at the conservation center as a mediator for the better understanding between humans and Dinosauroids. It’s been a year since the contagion called X Syndrome had been unleashed on the human race. Just as distinguished government officials and police force began to regain control of the situation, the existence of the Dinosauroids became known by the academic community. Dinosauroids – while they have a tendency to possess superhuman abilities, female births are extremely rare and problematic. Which is why the existence of Yuuji (a converted female Dinosauroid), and the newly born Yui are so valuable and sought after by many – most of whom wont hesitate to resort to dubious means to acquire either one of them! True to words, Yuuji has indeed become the beauty as many had predicted – provided he takes off his heavy glasses of course! He is never short of admirers – both males and females, including a University student Linea, and the various Dinosauroid males eager to mate with a Dinosauroid female. And this is where the role of a female in a heavily populated male Dinosauroid society comes to play. Add to that, the various nefarious people after the newly born Yui, both the parents Yuuji and Minato might have their hands full this time around as well. This is the third and final installment of the Animal X series.

Necossas: Six

One night an android which looked like a cat (a Necossass: Six type) suddenly appears in Katsuhiko Katsu's room. The android said that she comes from the 22nd century and that Katsu had left a note in a time capsule stating that he wanted to live with a robot-cat.

Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories

Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories summary: Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Hazel Squirrel and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Nearly Lost but Dearly Won

Nearly Lost but Dearly Won summary: Nearly Lost but Dearly Won summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Nearly Lost but Dearly Won. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Kiss With Mr. CEO

Kiss With Mr. CEO summary: Fate is a funny thing.
A random stranger Chen Yi kissed to p.i.s.s off her ex turned out to be the CEO of the Li Corporations?
Chen Yi, the girl with impeccable beauty that could trample the heavens and devastate earth-eyes like dark shimmering brown gemstones, hair like a cascade of chocolate brown color. Skin pale like snow. Features delicate and flawless like a porcelain doll.
Abandoned and wronged by her family, cheated by her ex, betrayed by her cousin...
Sounds usual, doesn't it?
But things take an exciting turn when a certain CEO appears a at her doorstep with a contract in his hands.
'It's your choice. Either pay for the losses caused by you or sign this contract and become my wife.'
One kiss and she was bound with the formidable CEO for her life.
-Sneak peek into a chapter-
'Mr. Li, could you exclude the term of the conjugal relationship between the married couple?'
Li Luxian was momentarily surprised to hear that. Then the mischievous smile returned to his lips.
'May I ask why? Could it be you don't find my body attractive enough?'
Chen Yi was speechless.
Of course, he was attractive. He was simply a G.o.d for his looks. Did he even need to ask that? But he couldn't expect her to sleep with him right after the marriage. They needed to familiarize themselves with each other first.
That was a common-sense everyone with a relationship experience would know! Unless this impossible man had never been in a relationship before. Chen Yi looked at him. Could it be really so?
Just what in seven h.e.l.ls Chen Yi was getting her into! Oh well, it's not like she had a choice.
'It's not about that...' Chen Yi coughed. She didn't know what to say to this man. To moisten her dry throat she picked up a gla.s.s of water and chucked it down.
'Not that? Could it be that you are worried that I wouldn't be able to pleasure you well enough?' With a raised eyebrow Li Luxian asked.
Chen Yi spit out everything in her mouth. He did not just say that!
'And if you are still worried then we could always try out something so that you could confirm beforehand that I am good enough' Li Luxian rose up from the chair.
Chen Yi almost fell out of her chair.
This was not happening!
At least take your secretary in consideration who is still standing here!!!
'Mr. Li I'll take my leave then.' Secretary Zhang bowed with a stiff face and proceeded to leave her alone with his boss to give his boss some privacy to certify his skills.

An Historical Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire of London, Sept. 2nd 1666

An Historical Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire of London, Sept. 2nd 1666 summary: An Historical Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire of London, Sept. 2nd 1666 summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An Historical Narrative of the Great and Terrible Fire of London, Sept. 2nd 1666. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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