
































内容简介:前世,她错把狼子野心当成一片真心,不仅失去了一切还丢了性命;重活一世,她慧眼如炬,冷沉之中不掩锋芒,誓要报得前世血海深仇!只是她未曾料到,死之前看到的最后一人,今世竟会与她有如此纠葛… …“娘子,报仇这种累心的事情就交给为夫吧,你只需开心快乐便是。”“可我不想……”穆婉宁愕然摇头,报仇这样的事1w0-89433 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:综漫:从eva世界开始】同时拥有生命之果和智慧之果真的能成神吗?首次同步率40很牛比吗?引发冲击修改世界很厉害吗?穿越eva世界,落天决定要干一些大事!碇真嗣 ?他打不了的使徒我能打!他救不了的人我来救!第三次冲击不可能发生!改变世界交给我!他只需要躲角落里抹鼻涕就可以了暴走?除非我愿意!初号机绝对不可能暴走!碇源堂想见碇唯?满足你!碇源堂激动的望着灵魂状态的碇唯:“唯!我终于”碇唯:“小天,他是谁啊?”落天:“他?跳梁小丑而已。”碇源堂:“混蛋!你把唯怎么了!!”落天:“没什么啊,就是从灵魂中抽出了一些飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢综漫:从eva世界开始,别忘记分享给朋友综漫:从eva世界开始TXT下载1w0-105830 >>


内容简介:本文没文案,文名即文案。CP游止水(顾渊)X林殊预防针:黑历史,求轻拍。推荐朋友的文:《穿进恐怖游戏撩白月光》by阿姑不弃坑——幻耽。无限流,年下,主攻。推荐自己的无CP预收《明朝解舟 南》文案:拂解舟生来体弱,命师断言他活不过二十四岁。闭眼后仍能醒来,便是世上最幸福的事之一。为何是之一呢?只因……他仍想与挚友烹茶煮酒,共阅诗文,以及……看家里几只小乖乖争宠互斗啊。可惜,天……不遂人愿。既如此,逆天又何妨?推荐一记左勾拳小姐姐的文《穿进古早文拯救反派大佬[快穿]》余林林被拯救反派系统001选中了,被迫穿梭在各个古早文里。系统表示要将这些虐恋情深的古早文变成人人都爱的小甜饼!余林林,跃跃欲试:请问我需要把大反派们改造到什么程度系统,摸着下巴:大概就是把没得感情的刽子手变成社会主义接班人,那种程度就可以了。余林林,呆滞:……嗷???后来,饱受各个世界摧残的余林林,留下了一句沧桑的感叹:老实人啊,不在沉默中变坏,就在沉默中变态各位书友要是觉得《(穿书)穿成白莲花女配以后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-29265 >>


内容简介:  燕赵歌第一次穿越,穿到了武道文明繁盛至极的异世界,一头撞进包罗万象,遍收天下经典的神宫藏书楼里,但随后便是一场天地大劫,连神宫也破灭了。  接下来居然第二次穿越,灵魂来到了同一个世 界,不知多少年后的时代。  人们发掘承载破灭之后残存的遗留,这里的武道文明重新起步,还处于新一代的发展期。  装了一脑子神宫秘籍宝典的燕赵歌,二次穿越到当前的时代,简直就如同一个人玩惯了地狱模式之后,突然被丢去玩简单模式。  简直不要太爽!  不过在此之前,他先要解决一个问题。  “我不是主角?而是跟主角争妹子的反派高富帅师兄?”  “这剧本不对啊!”  PS:已有460万字完本精品老书《史上第一祖师爷》,欢迎大家收藏养肥本书的同时移步阅读。1w0-664 >>


内容简介:  我有剑三尺,寒锋出鞘,敢问天下不平事;  我有笔一支,浓墨入骨,能写春秋分曲直!  ——  读者书友群:213142008,恭候大驾!1w0-4166


内容简介:霸王龙朝着自己飞奔而来,张开的血口中都滴落下了不少口水……再看看自己手中系统制作的简易木矛,李霄照着天空竖起了中指!“霸王龙你等着,等我复活后我拿火箭筒来干你!”李霄卒……(刷怪、升级 、建造、种植、驯服恐龙……游戏版的鲁宾逊。轻松、不无脑的原始流种田文……)1w0-27308 >>


内容简介:和植物人大佬联姻后他醒了简介:言淮十八岁生日那天被赶出家门。为了学费,不得不四处兼职,直到言父找到言淮,让他和豪门顾家联姻。言淮冷笑:联姻可以,你得在我妈坟前跪着忏悔三天三夜。言父咬牙 同意。言淮的联姻对象是顾家家主顾霄,传闻他性格暴躁阴鸷,半年前出车祸至今昏迷不醒,言淮的作用是冲喜。合同上丰富的条件让言淮动了心,再加上顾霄很难醒来,他觉得婚后日子会很自由,于是放心签下自己名字。没想到几天后,顾霄醒了。言淮:“……”晴天霹雳。传言顾家家主对婚事极为不满,一度要悔婚,大家都猜测他根本看不上1w0-83490 >>


内容简介:【穿越废材流,一对一,女强男强,宠文爽文,坑品保证】萧梦云,古武医学世家继承人,一朝穿越,却钻入某病男的床上腹黑男霸气挥袍,ldquo睡了本尊,要负责,做本尊的女人!rdquo传闻废物 萧家五小姐又丑又傻,却被内外都霸道又腹黑的某男缠上。某天,妖孽男邪魅眨眼,ldquo娘子,为夫的毒发作了,需降温!rdquoldquo降温?好啊!rdquo某女一甩银针,ldquo那就让本神医替你好好治治发热的地方!降降温!rdquo某男腹黑一笑,ldquo娘子亲身来降温,更有效!rdquo展开gtgt各位书友如果觉得《御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得《御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!您要是觉得《ltstrgt御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻ltstrgt》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!各位书友要是觉得《御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻最新章节御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻无弹窗御宠医妃:腹黑王爷强宠妻全文阅读1w0-77138 >>


内容简介:【克苏鲁奇幻废土赛博朋克迪化流群像幕后】废土与神秘的交替中,噩梦在耳语。曙光与幻想的交融下,命运又在呼唤。新元历527年,我苏醒于穹顶和迷雾笼罩的苏格拉!废土、机械、巨舰、魔龙、异兽, 幸存的新元子民匍匐呐喊;魔法、无心人、失落者、浮空神域,癫狂的卑微魔物舍命嘶吼。第四纪元的乐园浮现,我看到了代表漆黑和罪恶的圣洁权杖。序位神明的血夜召唤,我用赤红之瞳挖掘世界的真相。废土神明,降下祝福。冰雪之原,迎接曙光。这是一场废土中权力的游戏!1w0-116616 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者发热的雪糕的经典小说:《都市大仙医》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说自幼修习失传古籍的周瑾,传承先祖医术,走出山村,行医治病,圣手回春;纵横 花都,校花投怀,逍遥无边。1w0-71158 >>




内容简介:我余子清为人正直,爱美食,爱学习,爱研究,从来不结交妖鬼邪魔等异类。你们都别逼我,把我逼急了,我什么都做得出来。包括数学题!ps:嫌太瘦的可以先去看万均的完本老书《一品修仙》,管饱。1 w0-92545 >>

Lonely Soldier

From DokiDoki: High School student Nanao has been having a series of reoccurring dreams about a German soldier standing alone in the middle of a battlefield. After his parents' tragic death, Nanao transfers to a new school and is immediately drawn to Haruka, a student who looks suspiciously like the soldier in his dreams. But Haruka's not very friendly... and to make matters even worse, he seems to be already involved with a boy from a neighboring school. When Nanao tells both boys about his dreams, they seem unnerved. Do they just think he's crazy, or is it possibly that they share them?

Romantic Egoist

All Arisa wanted was to go overseas for the summer, but instead she found herself roped into an Omiai with the heir to the Narimiya Corporation. She doesn’t want to be involved in this and is trying to find a way out, but Narimiya has decided that he wants to marry her – and actually has the romantic skills and determination to win her heart! -- Onigiri Gakuen

Dia Game

The beautiful vampire with long, silver hair Daia never attacked a human. He is constantly being watched by Kuro, a vampire hunter, and, because of this, he is always trying to run away. He eventually ends up in Japan and meet a merchant named Shishou, who then gives him a job and a place to stay. Daia is charmed by Shishou's kindness... Daia, who was always alone, starts to think about to drink Shishou's blood and make him a vampire as well. (Summary by BL Scanlations)

Maze Of Flowers

[From Lililicious]: 'Maze of Flowers,' tells the story of a princess and her attendant.

Motor Boat Boys Down the Danube

Motor Boat Boys Down the Danube summary: Motor Boat Boys Down the Danube summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Motor Boat Boys Down the Danube. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi

Oukoku e Tsuzuku Michi summary: Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi is a very interesting and exciting novel written by Afuro As.h.i.tsubo. It is presently published as an online book on a website called NovelOnlineFull. Potential readers can find the story there as well as other important related details. For example, you can check the satisfaction of previous readers by observing the novel's rating on the platform. It is based on the votes of others and can be good or bad depending on the story's quality.
Fortunately, you should not encounter any issues regarding this matter because the book is very well rated thanks to the interesting content. Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi is, in fact, a combination of several different genres such as Action, Adventure, and Romance among others. The mixture gives an exciting novel, so you can enjoy reading this content.
The story presents a life if a young gladiator and fighter who forget almost everything about his past life. He remembers only two things. The gladiator is aware of his great strength, and he remembers his name. It is, in fact, quite enough to start a new exciting mission in this battle. He normally fights in an arena against other similar gladiators, however, he is quite aware that he can do much more, and that this slave life does not provide a sufficient amount of satisfaction. That's why he starts planning an escape from slavery and begins with the implementation of the plan.
He kills the arena's boss, so there is nothing to stop him to come out from the gladiator's world. So he just simply escapes the prison and becomes a totally free individual. In the run, he meets the group of mercenaries and decides to join the company. The gladiator is very good at fighting and is capable and trained to kill. That's why he gets a great reputation within the group almost instantly. 
At one of their missions, they meet a female vampire named Lucy who possesses great strength. She is capable to kill a group of humans in seconds, and they have no chance to defend themselves appropriately. The gladiator fast becomes a friend with Lucy, and the strength is their mutual personal characteristics that both of them posses. Lucy even invited the gladiator to come to her house, and he accepted the offer. 
Later, they start making different plans about the improvement of their lives. The gladiator begins a mission to acquire a big land and become a king. If he succeeds, Lucy will accept his offer to become his lady, and that's how a new exciting adventure starts again within the content of Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi story.
The books are, however, still in the ongoing phase which means new chapters are about to come, but the end is not near yet. You can, of course, start following Oukoku E Tsuzuku Michi story by reading the novel, so the new chapters will arrive when you finish the old ones. There are over three hundred of those so far, so the book is not short, and you still have plenty of the content to read while waiting for the continuation.

About Orchids

About Orchids summary: About Orchids summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of About Orchids. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

New York Blues

New York Blues summary: New York Blues summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of New York Blues. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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