









类别热血 校园 爆笑 竞技 运动 日漫


简介少女漫画家遭遇脾气最坏的人气男明星,三番两次给自己惹麻烦。还诬陷她是个跟踪狂!这个表里不一的人,一定要揭穿他在粉丝面前温柔亲和的形象!可是,这种温暖而熟悉,让人不由自主地接近的朦胧感觉到底是? 七百年前的一场情殇,跨越千年的轮回情劫,今世能否再续前缘?【每周日更新,责编:汪仔】




















内容简介:成亲两年,他就要纳王侧妃。而与以往纳妾不同的是,这次他是真的上心了。她不知道这一生还要看着他纳多少侧室进门…她不想像娘亲一样,拥有的只有王妃这个头衔。可是她却无力阻止。侧王妃一进门,王 府从此平生波澜。面对他一次次的责难,她默默忍受下来。最后,王妃的头衔终于从她身上卸去。而她没想到,今生她真的能离开王府,离开他。这次,她要活出全新的自己。当他提出要她回去时。她只想告诉他:“覆水再收岂满杯,弃妾已去难重回!”1w0-84401 >>


内容简介:《热爱可抵岁月长》是叶沐芙霍帛龚精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新热爱可抵岁月长最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的热爱可抵岁月长评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持热爱可抵岁月长读者的观 点。1w0-108186 >>


内容简介:不演渣受就会死是佐润创作的经典的小说作品不演渣受就会死小兵提供不演渣受就会死最新章节全文免费阅读,不演渣受就会死下载,不演渣受就会死全文字更新,不演渣受就会死无弹窗!请关注不演渣受就会 死吧,本站最新最快更新不演渣受就会死的最新章节。1w0-73849 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《神策》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读武道、战灵、心相,胜者为王。王策的第二次生命,以穿越到特务集团作为开端。凭李白、岳飞、盖聂、李师师、秦始皇等战灵,开创武道神话!……朝廷、宗派、 世家,权势称雄。王策将率领复活的暴秦军团、强汉军团、盛唐军团,重现横扫千军的绝世风采,铸就权势王座!各位书友要是觉得《神策》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-61546 >>




内容简介:如果电脑不能下载TXT,请登陆手机版()下载白晓宇一朝从末世穿到星际,在追杀现场醒来,一把黑漆漆的枪口对准他。星际新生蛋需要专业的培育师来孵蛋,原主是个废柴,从中央星被踢出来,装的培育 师。他面临一堆烂摊子和一窝被孵出问题的蛋。系统:请将这些蛋蛋孵出来。白晓宇:怎么孵?系统:靠你自己摸索。白晓宇:……好不容易解决掉原主留下的一堆烂摊子,一不小心有了名气,越来越多的人往他这里送蛋,而且都是疑难杂症蛋。白晓宇:……我并不想孵蛋。之后他慢慢发现蛋越大越难孵。某天,一个比他还要高大的蛋自动跑来住下不走了。后来,这只巨大的蛋里面孵出一只毛绒绒的大猫,转身变成传说中失踪的那位高冷战神元帅。白晓宇:高冷战神???大黑蛋:要抱抱( ̄︶ ̄)大黑蛋:要举高高︿ ̄︶ ̄︿大黑蛋:要亲亲o▽q白晓宇看着犯错跑回自己蛋壳并快速合上蛋壳的某只,额头渐渐生出‘井’字。升级流类种田文预收和作者专栏,球收藏球抱走。预收《大草原养崽指南》段淮没有想到醒来会陷入如此境地,他变成了一头牛。放眼望去一片青青绿草原。旁边有只小狮子正在对他疯狂龇牙。在这之前这张牙舞爪的小家伙,好像在啃他的牛蹄子?吃草的如何养成一只吃肉的?『醒来后成为储备粮的日子』『想多了吧,你那小乳牙能咬破我的牛皮吗』『后来,他成了征服大草原狮皇身边的传说』预收《一朝穿成老侯爷》:喜当爷。预收《我在古代养暴君的日子》:养过暴君。1w0-82893 >>


内容简介:怎么那么多太监烂尾的书呀?怎么这些书结局都不尽人意呢?苏嫣扶额。每一本书都是一个世界,做为倒霉读者的苏嫣要做的,就是为这些太监烂尾的、没有创造完美的世界弄一个完美结局。这是一个奇葩的世 界,苏嫣现,原来作者的脑洞真大呀……1w346-109359 >>


内容简介:曾几何时,懵懂的青春,肆意的挥霍,用热血和无畏创造酸、甜、苦、辣不同滋味但是标签都为“青春”的回忆,但是就像歌词“明天就像是盒子里的巧克力糖,什么滋味?充满想象。”曾经理所当然的享受父 母的疼爱,朋友的陪伴,被幸福环绕的季予汐从未想过,突然有一天一场暴风雨的到来让自己成为像是被全世界遗弃一样的存在,她在心里无数次的祈祷,如果仅仅是一场过云雨就好了,如果仅仅是一场梦就好了。仲涵?陆梓飞?青1w0-96739 >>


内容简介:十五岁那年,江恋第一次见到陈知言。英俊的年轻男人坐在沙发里,不动声色的注视着刚睡醒的她。一双黑眸深不见底,燕尾般狭长而锋利的眼尾瞬时勾住了少女的心魂。江恋怕他,却也无可救药的想要亲近他 。只是那时她还不知道,这个男人有多危险。直到多年后,醉酒的男人撕掉冷静克制的面具,慢条斯理的扯下领带,解开衬衫袖扣,深不见底的黑眸牢牢锁住她,嗓音暗哑——“慢慢,过来。”江恋以为自己对陈知言只是见色起意,念念不忘也不过是见识太少。在被拒绝后,她痛定思痛,决心开阔眼界,放眼看看这花花世界。在酒吧和全场最炸裂的高冷小帅哥一曲热舞后,她感觉好多了,当场加了微信。闺蜜调侃,真不要你叔叔了?江恋醉眼迷离,却不忘嘴硬:早不要了!两人笑成一团。隔壁卡座里的男人黑眸眯起,咬着烟冷冷一笑——本想放你一条生路,你偏要不知死活,很好。1w0-4531 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:生活系完美神豪】(本神豪文以日常休闲、轻松幽默为主)天降神豪系统,原本以为开局就是世界首富,谁知道系统却告知高翔:“神豪不是暴发户,主要看气质!”“叮咚,恭喜 宿主获得低调内涵有修养高贵气质!”“叮咚,恭喜宿主获得完美生活仪态!”“叮咚,恭喜宿主获得渊博学识!”……一个完美的气质神豪诞生了。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-67273 >>


内容简介:(1V1双向治愈甜宠)最初,秦语兮觉得自己只不过是薄锦辰的猎物,他的目的无非是把自己占为己有,吃干抹净,然后毫不犹豫的丢弃。直到后来才发现,她此生的温暖都是他给的。会在她六十平的房子里 为她洗手作羹汤,会帮她度过每一次的危机和绝望,会开车走2000公里去片场送她爱喝的汤,也会在她成为影后的时候,当着全世界向她求婚。秦语兮大概不知道,遇到她,是薄锦辰一生的劫,也是他仅有的幸运。而他1w17393-28114 >>


内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:我!魔剑,仙宗签到三百年】穿越到仙侠世界中,成为剑冢内一把剑的剑灵,可让苏白没有想到的是,激活的居然是魔剑签到系统。在正道剑冢内,成为了一把魔剑,是怎样的一种感受 ?签到100次,获得神格【永恒不灭】。签到1000次,获得技能【寒极无双】。……签到10万次,获得天赋【诅咒之灵】。并且,这一签到就是三百年。某天,当太玄剑宗遭受灭宗之时,新晋宗门圣女慕凌霜含泪请出魔剑,当魔剑出世,天下皆为止震颤!小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72831 >>

Kurumi-Tic Miracle

1st story : Kurumi-tic Miracle (ch.1-3) Kurumi found a stone that transformed into a bracelet in her grandfather's antique shop. That bracelet lets her wish whatever. Naoki, the guy she likes, wants to get it from her so that he can fulfill his promise to his brother. His little brother has the other stone that is full of enmity and venom. If the two stones will be put together, the world will come to its worst case. What will happen now? 2nd story : Boy's x love (ch. 4) Kana is a very good fan of Ash band but she likes Akira the most. During their performance Akira somehow fell then Kana ran towards him and they bumped their heads together. After they regain consciousness, they found out that they switched bodies. How will they cope with the different lifestyles? 3rd Story : I love tomboy A girl, Hana, was so fond of playing basketball with boys, dressing like not a lady, and fighting with boys. Trying to get on the prettiest girls list, she changes herself. But will she be successful is snagging the guy she likes?

Golden Time (Umechazuke)

From Baka-Tsuki: Tada Banri, a newly admitted student at a private law school in Tokyo, found himself completely lost after the opening ceremony, trying to find his way to the freshman orientation. At that moment, he ran into another lost freshman from the same school, Yanagisawa Mitsuo, and they hit it off at once. Somehow arriving at their intended goal just on time, there appeared in front of the two a beautiful girl holding a bouquet of roses. The girl then whacked Mitsuo across the face with the bouquet and handed the flowers over to him. “Freshman, congratulations”, was all she said, and then she left. The stylish, well dressed, perfect woman that had swung at Mitsuo was his childhood friend, Kaga Kouko. As children they had promised to marry each other one day, fulfilling their dreams. In order to escape from her, Mitsuo had gone out secretly and taken the examination for this well known private college, but now she showed up in the freshman orientation hall. She too had taken the law school entrance examination, catching up with him there.

Eien Wa Irenai

Tess, a maid at a resort hotel, spends one passionate night with a captivating dark-haired man she meets in the bar. She knows he is only after a one-night stand, and quietly leaves him in the morning, never to see him again... Until she discovers she is pregnant! The mysterious man is, in fact, a famous movie producer, and after much deliberation Tess decides to tell him about the baby. At his home she receives a cold reception and even harsher words. But what can she do but accept the conditions he imposes upon her?

Godzilla Vs. Space Godzilla

Several years after the tragic event in 1989, Akira Yuki plots his revenge in taking on the most monstrous nuclear menace known to mankind-Godzilla! However he's not the only one whose targeted the King of Monsters. The intergalactic tyrant SpaceGodzilla has also aimed his sights on Godzilla! Not only that, but the entire world as well! Two Godzillas, one earth, who will remain and hold the crown?

The Jew Of Malta

The Jew Of Malta summary: The Jew Of Malta summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Jew Of Malta. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Stories of John Cheever

The Stories of John Cheever summary: The Stories of John Cheever summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Stories of John Cheever. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Toradora Spin-off!

Toradora Spin-off! summary: 1. The Cherry-Coloured Tornado of Happiness (幸福の桜色トルネード)
Tomiie Kouta is a 1st year high-school student. One day, Kouta meets with Kano Sakura, the younger sister of Kano Sumire who is “everyone’s brother” and the Student Council President. Kouta is attracted to the bright and cute Sakura, but Sakura was a naive innocent girl who did not know her s.e.xual attractiveness!
Kouta, who is led to help Sakura study for her failed mid-term test retakes, struggles with immoral imaginations and thoughts being in front of Sakura… What’s going to become with the love between Kouta, who is not used to being happy, and Sakura who has no idea of whatsoever…?!
Adding to the story of an destined-to-be-unfortunate boy and an innocent girl, a new story of Taiga and Ryuuji is also included– Super Romantic Comedy “Toradora!” Spin-offs appears!
2. Fall Fattened Tiger (虎、肥ゆる秋)
Five more stories from the world of Toradora! The first relates how Taiga got a bit overweight on all the wonderful foods of fall-time, and her adventures in losing that weight. The second recounts how it was that Haruta showed up at the candy-store with an older girlfriend, shocking both Taiga and Ryuuji. The other stories focus on other characters.
3. Take a Look at My Lunch Box (俺の弁当を見てくれ)
Ten more shorter stories, each focusing on one or another of the Toradora characters. Takemiya declared it to be her last adventure in the world of Toradora.

The Believer's Authority

The Believer's Authority summary: The Believer's Authority summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Believer's Authority. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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