








类别古风 大女主




类别都市 恋爱 少女 总裁










简介我穿越到小说里,变成了连名字都不太记得的小配角。但好歹是个贵族,在小说结局前就尽情享受幸福的生活吧!然而事与愿违,才穿越第二天,我就睡了小说里占有欲最强的男主角! “既然男女共度了初夜,当然就要对彼此负责吧?”












内容简介:内容简介:郑谦偶然获得恋爱神豪系统,只要在认识的女人身上花钱,竟然能获得十倍返现?!请仙姿佚貌的美女同事吃顿饭,她竟然装作喝醉……给家道中落的千金小姐买套房,她竟然以身相许……给明艳端 庄的贴身秘书买个包,她竟然……给丰姿冶丽的金融巨鳄看了一眼银行卡余额,她竟然……郑谦:你可能赚了,但我绝对不亏。不多说了,挣钱。1w0-45430 >>


内容简介:是蝼蚁,是埃尘还是强者,不是你说了算!倾九从来不是弱者!穿越三千世界,只为寻得一线仙缘,成那九天强者,复归齐域兴荣。本文女主无CP本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿之倾九》还不错的话请不 要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80533 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者红芹酥酒的经典小说:《与病娇男二he》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说原名《穿书后成了反派男二的心尖宠》。孟芫穿到了一本十分危险的修仙文里。 原身作为爱慕男主容少卿的小师妹,有着很多小说女配的标准特色——胸大无脑、霸道刁蛮,本事不大拖后腿第一。从和女主见面的第一天起就处处和她不对付,还瞧不起身为半妖的男二司灼,对他各种鄙视嘲讽。好好的宗门不待,偏偏要陪着这几个人在外面冒险历练,最后为了救自己心爱的师兄,在魔洞中被男二坑害,落入傀儡手中种下蛊虫,成了一具没有意识的行尸走1w0-84846 >>


内容简介:婚前,沈慕橙拍着胸脯对俊美无害的男人保证道:“你放心,我会对你负责的!”婚后,沈慕橙扶着老腰对邪魅狂傲的男人大声咆哮:“混蛋,我要离婚!”“离婚可以,不过你先前说要对我负责,那……就从 现在开始。”男人不慌不忙地答道。整个B市的人都知道,雷枭是个冷酷,狂傲,不近女色的男人,唯独只有沈慕橙知道,雷枭是个霸道,狡猾,吃人连渣都不剩地魔鬼,不仅凶猛,而且无耻!1w0-103203 >>


内容简介:  重活一回,本想安安稳稳过一生,奈何都想逼着他做皇帝.......1w0-1497


内容简介:“别惹我,我老公超凶。”十八岁的姜咻被父亲卖给了豪门老男人冲喜,同父异母的姐姐假惺惺:“听说寒爷是从地狱里爬出来的恶鬼,杀人不眨眼,凶残暴戾,咻咻去了傅家肯定会被折磨的很惨,活不过三天 不说还会被羞辱的嘤嘤嘤。”后来,她亲眼看见在豪华的商场里,传闻中恶鬼一般的老男人不仅帅到令人窒息,还单膝下跪温柔的给姜咻穿上了一只水晶鞋。再后来,记者采访傅沉寒:“请问两位这么多年来一直恩爱的原因是什么呢?”寒爷表示:钱给你,随便花。人给你,随便睡。就会一直很和谐。1w0-95776 >>


内容简介:【【第三届网络原创文学现实主义题材征文大赛】参赛作品】“小姐,您贵姓?”他失踪了三年多,一见面竟然跟她玩儿失忆,哼!姑奶奶我可是老中医,专治各种疑难杂症,只是没想到这家伙病得顽固,不仅 失忆,还厌食、神经衰弱……追夫之路是漫漫长路,追夫之难难于上青天,遥望那张帅得掉渣渣儿的俊脸,她捶胸顿足,为何以前面对如此美色竟能面不改色、老僧入定,她觉得她以前不仅傻,而且缺,可现在,嘿嘿,本姑娘智商上线了,本姑娘的座右铭是:他的手得牵就牵;他的嘴得亲就亲;他的人得睡就睡,总之,他的便宜……得占就占……非你莫属:钟情于你最新章节地址:1w0-78269 >>




内容简介:小主播吴意获得直播神豪系统。一边卖货的同时慢慢成为大佬。【叮,您的直播神豪系统已激活。】宿主请注意从现在开始,您每一次直播卖货盈利将获得199999倍翻倍奖励。消费将获得经验值升级,每 次升级将获得一次抽奖。奖品包括直播货物未来升级产品,网络神豪体验卡,股神体验卡,幸运中奖卡,身体强化卡等。【注:本系统的目标是让宿主从外到内彻底成为超级神豪。消费不是目的,系统将帮助宿主整体提升。】吴意的神豪之路,就此开启。群号:144781277。1w0-83105 >>


内容简介:五年前,叶辰被人当做死狗沉江。五年后,一代天帝强势归来,却意外的发现自己有了一个宝贝女儿。女儿对着夜空许愿:“爸爸,人家想要天上的星星。”叶辰满脸宠溺,屈指一弹,一颗星辰划过苍穹,轰然 落入东瀛国!女儿望着天际发呆:“爸爸,人家想要飞高高。”叶辰微微一笑,隔空一抓,龙族老祖九爪金龙撅着屁股瑟瑟发抖!“爸爸,人家还想要一个弟弟。”1w6358-28980 >>


内容简介:(本书永久免费!!本书全本免费,不跟团,不舔原主,而且最后会有给比比东重新塑造身体的安排!)杨凡穿越斗罗大陆,身为武魂殿教皇,比比东一人之下万人之上,无人敢冒犯,可是这一天,杨凡阴差阳 错居然给比比东表白了!面对比比东逼问,杨凡心中一横!王霸之气一露,眼中透着两分溺爱三分邪魅五分霸道:“我知道我不完美,但我的爱最纯粹,我不怕苦不怕累,一生爱你是我最灿烂的陶醉,努力营造生活的明媚,爱你我真的无悔!”“与君远相知,不知云海深。”“就算你满身荆棘如刺猬,仍有我伸手拥你无忌讳。”“我能想到最浪漫的事就是和你一起变老笔趣阁各位书友要是觉得《斗罗之开局表白比比东》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-26293 >>

Love Gauge 100%

Beautiful characters, an immersive story, and the option to choose your position are some of the characteristics of the popular BL game that otaku Kim Yihan is obsessed with!Yihan's favourite character is the handsome mint-haired character name Mikaros, but one day, Parkha, a man who looks exactly like Mikaros appears in front of Yihan! Will Kim Yihan be able to select Mikaros in real life as well?!

Pokémon Gotta Catch 'em All

Pokémon Gotta Catch 'Em All is a comedy-adventure series about a Pokemon trainer named Shuu, who can communicate with his Pokemon, such as his Pikachu, through a headset. The series is mostly composed of short stories about his attempts to make up for his lackluster skills in capturing Pokemon.-MyAnimeList

Nirameba Koi

Apart from the fact he's in the student council and has quite strange tastes, Shima is an average, low-profile, quiet high schooler. Therefore, he doesn't understand why Ryuunosuke, a sports student, always glares at him every time they cross paths. Shima doesn't want to draw the punk's attention, but the instinctive hostility of Ryuunosuke towards him troubles him, and he wants to know why the other boy hates him...

Sonna No Koi Ja Nai

1) Why is it This Painful? Chiaki found out that her boyfriend had another girlfriend besides herself, and she ended their relationship while they still loved each other. A few years later, Chiaki meets up with the ex, Konishi, but she already has a boyfriend! 2) That's Not Love Hirobayashi-senpai breaks up with Minako, and she complies because she's hopelessly in love with him, but that doesn't mean she's going to give up on loving him so easily. Her underclassman Shimanuki isn't going to give up on her just yet, either. 3) Sweetheart Tomohiro breaks up with Kana, and she thinks she's okay, thinking that she could easily replace her feelings for him; but after deciding to act like nothing happened between them for a while, he comes back the next day and wants to walk home together, and they become just friends. 4) I Just Want You to Be With Me Story involves a girl named Mami who initially believes that her relationship with her longtime boyfriend has gotten boring. To make matters worse, this cute guy at her workplace kissed her out of the blue one afternoon, which got her questioning her 'love' for her boyfriend even more. So the classic thing happens... they break up. But is that all there is to it? She didn't love him, right? 5) Holding Hands (Joining Hands) Hitoshi-kun has a secret girlfriend, whilst having and official girlfriend that he's been dating for two years. Will the secret girlfriend be okay with being second in his life?

The Duellist And The Emperor

The Duellist And The Emperor summary: The Duellist And The Emperor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Duellist And The Emperor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Elsword – Time Trouble

Elsword – Time Trouble summary: Add (a Time Tracer) is trying to steal Eve (as a Code: Exotic)’s core for his own use but was found out by Eun. Much to his surprise, Eun offers Add help with stealing Eve’s core. Though there seem to be other reasons behind Eun’s support, Add still decides to let the fox help.

The French Revolution

The French Revolution summary: The French Revolution summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The French Revolution. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Spirit Vessel

Spirit Vessel summary: Spirit Vessel takes place in a mysterious world. There are cultivators rebelling against the heavens and beautiful elegant women with endless grace. There are peerless experts reincarnating into the world and formidable ancient beasts. Beneath the earth is the Yellow Springs; above the heavens many saintly palaces float. And there are the seven spirit vessels.
Don’t forget about the heroic man with an indomitable will, Feng Fei Yun. This Demon Phoenix Emperor will take you through a wondrous story with dramatic and gripping tales.
Even if I die to a poisoned rose, I would still choose love.
Translator’s summary:
A demon phoenix cultivator died in the hands of his beloved and was merged with a young master with the same name. Their souls were fused and now, the new Feng Fei Yun is struggling to become stronger and survive in the human world.
Will he meet his lover once again? Will they reconcile even though she is now a G.o.ddess and he a mortal human? And what is the Spirit Vessel that took his soul to this world?
#1 ranked on 17k.com. It is a more subtle narrative with foreshadowing planned by the author which will create some inconsistency and questionable actions at first. Not everything given by the narrative is correct and it is more of a Wuxia in terms of plot.

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