





G-taste G-Girls 珍贵收藏品 美丽女神们的白皮书



类别搞笑 后宫 爆笑 剧情
























内容简介:二十岁那年我因为贪财收了一件不该收的古董,从那以后,为了活命,我不得不一次次出入那些对于活人来说十死无生的禁地。秦岭大山里的墓葬群,西北戈壁中的无人区,浩瀚深海下的失落遗迹,雪域高原上 的死亡禁区……或许有一天,当你因为贪婪而拿了不该拿的东西时,你就会发现睡觉时有东西站你旁边,告诉你,天黑了,一起来玩玩吧。QQ读者群:257998547作者QQ:458266256(三万字后每天保底两更,看打赏情况不定时爆更,新书需要兄弟们的多多支持,风尘拜谢!)活人回避是原作者风尘散人精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新活人回避最新章节,书友所发表的活人回避评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持活人回避书友的观点。您要是觉得《活人回避》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w0-4839 >>


内容简介:因为在路上玩手机结果不小心出车祸身亡——原本应该是这样。然而苏醒之后却发现自己竟然转生成了一本魔导书。嗯,看起来很厉害的样子,但是为什么是魔导书啊?!而且还转生在被称为世界最难的深渊迷 宫之中…1w0-74032 >>




内容简介:穿越成肉文小说中的炮灰女配,面临被一堆男人兽人甚至不是人……轮奸的未来命运曼柔决定,既然不能选择死亡,她选择攻略器大活好的男主高H,各种曼柔最新鼎力大作,必看玄幻奇幻类小说。1w0-9 5516 >>


内容简介:《东北寻宝往事》长白妖世界,北国地仙家。我原本是长白山一个小小的山村少年,却无意中得到了奇书“血引尸经”和“噬魂血眼”。我想救人,却总是在杀人。父亲那诡异的门派传承,十二奇门的千年隐秘 ,移山冢的幽暗秘境。究竟还有多少阴谋与诡谲,隐藏在我的周围?青铜鬼棺、铁枷异人、子母怨魂、千婴蛊盆!当我在无休无止的黑暗之路上前行的《东北寻宝往事》小说推荐:快意恩仇小神医、逆天神妃至上、徐振东苏以珂、纪先生既放手就别回头、透视小医神、柯学验尸官、宠物小精灵之王者无双、青叶灵异事务所、我可能是一只假的奥特曼、都市之破案狂少、都市修真邪少、不死帝尊、废柴逆天召唤师、傲娇鬼夫别乱来、诡纹、太古龙象诀、龙娘、混蛋爹地妈咪要改嫁、绝世大少陈歌、豪门崛起:重生校园商女1w0-68496 >>


内容简介:  我这个人最大的特点就是喜欢战斗!战斗使人快乐!与天斗其乐无穷、与地斗其乐无穷、与人斗其乐无穷!1w0-3017


内容简介:新文《宠你入怀傅少撩妻无下限》超甜宠文她是现代的神偷杀手,一朝穿越,掉入了那男人的怀中,因一手医术而被男人拐回他的地盘,从此开始了扮猪吃老虎;无奈男人身边麻烦不断,扮猪吃老虎的计划很快 失效,既然如此,她就不再掩饰自己,风华尽显,翻手云覆手雨,势必震撼整个大陆,让他们俯首称臣。他是大陆人称帝尊的君墨尘,初遇,那个女人掉入了他的怀中,因这女人能够压制住他的毒,他将她带回了邪域,怎料就此丢了心各位书友要是觉得《宠妻如命:帝尊的倾城妃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-109699 >>


内容简介:  酷爱探险的主角,被一只跑错地方的蚂蚁咬伤,徘徊在生与死之间。穿越以后“如果上天能够给我一个再来一次的机会,我会选择自挂东南枝。”“既然有外挂,早死早超生。”1w0-3477






内容简介:本书又名《藏玉娇》永安伯得一女。幼时,玉雪可爱。长成时,仙姿玉貌,倾国倾城。见过此女之男子,无不酥倒,见过此女之女子,无不羡嫉。伯府上下心惊胆战,就怕此女被人看了去。千防万防,依然没有 防住传闻,永安伯之女,长相不尽如人意,因此甚少参加贵族夫人小姐间的聚会。到了谈婚论嫁之时,也戴着帷帽,众贵女坚信传言不假,便未把其当做对手。哪知道,她们倾慕的对象,国公府世子萧尧娶了这位永安伯之女。不甘的众贵女,想观世子夫人容貌,却始终不得一见,只道是丑陋不堪,不能见人。众人只等此女被世子厌弃,广纳妾室。等来等去国公世子成了国公爷,孙子都娶妻了,依然没有纳妾而众人也终见此女之颜,可谓是沉鱼落雁,倾国倾城,难怪国公爷不纳妾。【男主篇】国公府世子萧尧得知,永安伯之女因容貌有损不敢出门,料她定是愤世嫉俗,心性不佳,便将她排除在自己妻子人选之外。赏花宴上,发现她全然不是他想的那样,此后他便再也忘不掉了。那日,阿涵被萧尧抱进假山之中,她面如桃花,他心头鹿撞,凑近她玉雪可爱的耳垂,低语呢喃说明:1、男主另外有设定,没有见色起意。2、假山是婚后的事情,其他人看到女主真容也没有到男女主有孙子的时候。3、玛丽苏言情,不喜不要勉强,可以看看预收。预收《穿成恶毒养姐之后》——————————【女主篇】一拳锤暴丧尸头的钢铁直女李妙妙,穿到古代了。看着和自己一样瘦小的弟弟赵煜,伪萝莉真大人李妙妙担负起了养崽责任。凭借着强大武力,李妙妙把自己和赵煜养的白白胖胖。未来世界,幼崽极其珍贵,怎么呵护都不为过。李妙妙给赵煜,喂饭,穿衣,洗澡,讲故事。李妙妙教训了欺负赵煜的熊孩子,教训了打他的父母。李妙妙觉得自己是讲道理的,怎么能那样下死手打幼崽呢?这是犯罪!【男主篇】本是大皇子的赵煜一出生被人掳走,重生到自己八岁,他发誓要让掳走他的这一家人不得好死。在他的算计下,养姐摔破了头。养姐突然变了,她为他做饭,洗衣。她挡在他的身前,维护他以为这样就可以得到他的原谅?做梦!嘴上说不要,身体却忍不住靠近。最后,她进了他的心,他不想只做她的弟弟。傲娇偏执重生男主vs一根筋武力强大穿越女主(女宠男)1w0-82936 >>


内容简介:  身怀绝世血脉,少年自北漠拉棺而来,他要将世上神魔全部埋葬。1w0-482


PSYREN follows the adventures of Ageha Yoshina, a high school student who is chosen by Nemesis Q as a participant in the Psyren games. The games take place in a world known initially as Psyren, which is revealed to be the real world in the future. Ageha and his friends attempt to alter the future and save the world from becoming Psyren.

Wait! Wolf

Princess of romance, Hwi-Kyung. The handsome, wolf-like, Three Musketeer guys who run to Hwi-Kyung wherever she is. They make a secret promise without Hwi-Kyung knowing. If one of them starts to love Hwi-Kyung, their friendship will shatter. A no-love oath. The prince of confidence, Yoon Suh-Rin's, charm! Te-Ri, who became a two-timer because he loved Hwi-Kyung! And the one who hid his love for Hwi-Kyung's happiness, the charismatic Jo Hwan-Sung's sad love story!

Ai Wo Shiranai Okumanchouja

After her father's death, Faith's guardian, Stone, has been paying for her school fees and living costs without her knowledge. He was always the go-to person to when she had problems... But he is only her guardian. Faith couldn't let him pay for her any longer! So she quits school and begins to work to repay her debt to Stone. Unable to persuade her to change her mind, Stone offers her a proposition... he says, 'In return for writing off your debt, will you marry me?' Stone tells Faith that his mother will not hand over her company to him until he is married. A proposal from a man she loves... or is this all just a business deal?

Medaka Box

The storyline follows Medaka Kurokami, a magnetic and appealing first year Hakoniwa Academy pupil who's elected Student Council President with 98% of the vote. She addresses these petitions in her improper way, and with all the help with her childhood buddy Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, institutes a suggestion box. On the span of the narrative, the student council leadership places are distributed by her to other pupils like Mogana Kikaijima and Kouki Akune. The Student Council learns that the academy chairman means to initiate a job to powerfully experimentation on routine pupils, the Flask Plan, called Normals, so that you can turn them into Abnormals, that's people with superhuman powers. The Student Council conflicts with other pupils which are involved using the job and infiltrates the secret laboratory of the school. Soon after, Misogi Kumagawa who wishes to replace the Student Council with one of his own of Medaka challenges to a championship the Student Council. From his powers, two pupils are unsealed after the defeat of Kumagawa and complete their transport to Hakoniwa Academy. The 2 tend to be more strong than Abnormals and are dubbed 'Not Equals'. Their leader, Anshin'in, threatens to restart the Flask Plan once Medaka grads, driving their successors to be trained by the Student Council. Nevertheless, the accurate strategy of Anshin'in would be to have the standing as Student Council President of Zenkichi usurp Medaka. Zenkichi succeeds and does so on the pretense of enhancing the student life. He convinces Medaka to permit the Flask Plan for those people who are not unwilling. Took over from her responsibilities as president of the Student Council, Medaka shortly becomes involved in a championship to determine her husband. Medaka becomes the winner, choosing to wed Zenkichi after they both grad and enters herself. Shortly after, the close pal Hansode Shiranui of Zenkichi leaves the school. Zenkichi and medaka find she's to end up being another host for Iihiko Shishime, a 5000-year old being. He is defeated by medaka and vanishes after quitting the moon from crashing towards the Earth, simply to reappear in time for the year end service. Following her return, assume her dad's position ahead of her family's company conglomerate, the Kurokami Group, only to later return as the new chairwoman and Medaka determines to leave the academy. Ten years after, Zenkichi, had worked his way up the Kurokami Group, becoming a high level worker before reuniting with her, with both swearing to never get split again.


EVO WARS SYSTEM summary: When the world is. .h.i.t by the radiation of an exploded star from a few systems over an advance race saves them not from the radiation but from extinction. Why? Not for praise, not for resources, and not because of their good morals. It all comes down to one thing, their ENTERTAINMENT.Warning there will be cursing, gore, s.e.xual content, and some generally disturbing things once in a while...

The Buccaneer Farmer

The Buccaneer Farmer summary: The Buccaneer Farmer summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Buccaneer Farmer. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon

Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon summary: Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Recollections of the Private Life of Napoleon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Third Prince Elmer

Third Prince Elmer summary: A third year high school boy lost his life due to a disease. When he opened his eyes again, he had turned into a baby.
The Third Prince, whose existence was hidden, can neither talk nor laugh, and considered a failure. Add in an overprotective servant and a dragon who does things out of his own convenience.
Continuing on living even with repeated misunderstandings. Heartwarming, alternate world life.

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