










类别都市 恋爱 霸总




在这个方块构成的世界 人类与怪物不断地争斗 而一名少年的出现 或将逆转一切 (漫画粉丝群:849201789)




类别都市 恋爱 生活


类别都市 恋爱 生活 少女




拥有财富、名声、权力,这世界上的一切的男人 “海贼王”哥...










内容简介:烈酒煮青梅烈酒煮青梅小说阅读其它类型小说烈酒煮青梅由作家藕粉圆子创作预收文《摘一片月光》求收藏为了应付长辈,陆梦溪和裴越泽协议结婚。两人约定,婚后不同居、不公开、不联系。新婚第二天,陆 梦溪赴山区支教。上山路上,车子抛锚。陆梦溪和同事下车等待支援,远远看见裴越泽的库里南顺着崎岖山路蜿蜒而上。陆梦溪不由问他:“你怎么来了?”裴越泽摘下墨镜,望着风尘仆仆的新婚妻子,低笑一声,理直气壮道:“想你了。”陆梦溪:???说好假结婚的呢?清冷古典舞小仙女x暗恋成真心机竹马翻山越岭,为你而来。情窦初开,便不再忘怀。食用指南:1、女主因为生病忘记了很多事,后期会想起来。2、青梅竹马先婚后爱年少时双向暗恋,信我,甜文!3、求收藏预收文《摘一片月光》文案如下:了解宗誉的人都知道,他是一个极度自律的不婚主义者。不吸烟不喝酒,无不良嗜好,定schedule都精确到秒。直到他遇见陈令仪。多年来冷静自矜的宗誉从没有想过,有一天他会扔下所有工作,奔赴千万里,只为见一个日日夜夜疯狂肖想的女人。·【小剧场】陈令仪有一回在饭局上喝多了酒,跟同事吐槽大客户宗誉:“他那种和资本一起玩耍的人,眼里只有钱,浑身上下都弥漫着资本家的铜臭味。”邻桌西装革履的年轻男人闻言,谨慎地嗅了嗅衣角。酒醒之后,宗誉温柔地问她:“陈小姐,我眼里只有钱吗?”陈令仪:“……”他轻轻地笑:“我眼里还有你啊。”食用指南:1、美貌任性银行经理x禁欲专情金融大鳄2、点进专栏可见,求收藏本小说网提供藕粉圆子著作的烈酒煮青梅最新章节,烈酒煮青梅全文免费阅读,烈酒煮青梅无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供烈酒煮青梅最新章节烈酒煮青梅最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-82438 >>




内容简介:社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅是一步一莲创作的经典的小说作品社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅小兵提供社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅最新章节全文免费阅读,社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅下载 ,社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅全文字更新,社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅无弹窗!请关注社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅吧,本站最新最快更新社畜的我,靠签到天降一套大别墅的最新章节。1w0-81633 >>


内容简介:带着一丝本源之火,叶晨来到了仙侠世界。修道之人,得大自在,逍遥于天地间。能阳神出游,阴神离窍,驾驭鸿凌紫冥,朝游北海,夕行九州,更能神游于太虚之间。七十二神通榜收录了修道界有史以来最为 顶尖的七十二种神通,每一种都将攻防发挥到极致,且拥有许多难以想象的妙用。任你法宝无尽,术法通玄,我自以神通打穿!———我若为侠,善恶我报!心中的仙侠世界。1w0-78298 >>


内容简介:外憨内黑的操盘手穿进了一本女主修仙文,成了文里只出现过一次的路人甲。天刑古神后裔路人甲的封神之路韩穆薇:无视女主,无视男主,无视男女主,努力修仙,铲除避天行逆道者传说中的存在沐尧:不想 当传说,只想躺平把命还给韩穆薇事先说明:沐尧是本文男主,非原文男主境界划分,以及各个境界对应的寿元如下:练气0——150岁(比凡人好一层)筑基150——300岁金丹(真人)300——600岁元婴(真君)600——1200岁化神(道君)1200——2500岁炼虚(道尊)2500——4500岁出窍(道尊)4500——8000岁合体(尊者)8000——12000岁大乘(尊者)12000——20000岁渡劫(尊者)20000——30000岁年岁仅供参考,还可服食增寿灵药等上界境界从低到高分为:人仙、真仙、玄仙、地仙、金仙、大罗金仙、仙君、仙帝。1w0-4476 >>


内容简介:不良高中教师,本着好玩的心态捡了一个看似可怜小狗的受伤男子,打算把他当成奴隶来奴役,不曾想日后这小狗兽性大发变成恶狼起来反扑。受伤失忆的恶狼被暴力男捡到,听话体贴,恢复记忆后却发现对方 是自己恨的咬牙切齿的男人,隐瞒仇恨最终强压之。补充1:必须是剧情流补充2:这不是兽人文【为了和谐社会,找肉章请戳到我的作者专栏】↑↑↑↑以下1章节抽风看不到新内容的话,请将地址栏改成my2这是个很有坑品的人入V公告:编编通知06月10号入V,当天三更,谢谢支持手机看不到河蟹请嘟一声各位书友要是觉得《捡只狼来爱强强》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!捡只狼来爱强强最新章节捡只狼来爱强强无弹窗捡只狼来爱强强全文阅读1w0-32821 >>




内容简介:神秘王爷欠调教全文阅读全本在线免费阅读(无弹窗广告),穿越而来的她妩媚惑人,腹黑邪魅,谈笑间夺人性命。却嫁给一个有隐疾的傻王爷,只是,这王爷似乎并不似表面那般纯良1w20274-286 19 >>


内容简介:女友被非礼,陈平为保护女友而坐牢,可三年后出狱,女友却嫁给了当年施暴者…………陈平悲愤不已,幸好在狱中习得凝心诀,陈平从此走上修仙之路,身边美女陪伴,前女友悔恨不已!1w31519-1 16052 >>


内容简介:她,医界传奇意外穿越,成了永宁伯府嫡四姑娘,上天偏爱,附赠了逆天空间一枚!一场赐婚,被许给了心有所属的他。 心有所属又何妨,他尽管宠他的白月光,她带着后院众美搞事业,互不干涉,完美! 举国上下的小妾,羡慕定王府后院羡慕的眼睛都要绿了,只恨投错了胎嫁错了人,未遇到定王妃这样能把妾室宠上天的主母,嘤嘤嘤! 见群芳成天环绕着王妃都没人搭理他,定王殿下发懵:这些女人嫁的到底是本王还是王妃?1w0-3415 >>


内容简介:这个时代,诡异当道,夜晚人人闭户不出,街上妖魔横行,只有强大的武力才能够保证自身。幸好你能够合成武学,在这诡异的世界也能有自保之力。“白玉基础桩功61提升天赋的白玉桩”“十斤铁砂基础拳 脚61威力十足的铁砂掌”“十五斤铁锭基础炼体诀61刀枪不入的铁布衫”“吐息功二十斤金属61金行功”你思索片刻,看向了手边的小皇叔,准备看看这个能合成出来什么。1w0-62184 >>


From MangaHelpers: 'The Sixth Dimension Experiment.' This experiment, in attempting to open one of the eleven dimensions in our reality, the sixth dimension (Secht), resulted in a catastrophic explosion that killed 110 million people and left 12 countries in ruins. The originator of this experiment, Himeka Yuki, bearing the total responsibility for the failure of this experiment, has been banished from reality for eternity. In response to this event, the world leaders in sciences formed a monitoring agency known as 'Zeien' to keep control of all scientists and technology in order to prevent another Sixth Dimension Experiment. 10 years have passed since the incident. Takaomi Yuki, the younger brother of Himeka, notices a change in the 'Time Machine Destination' that his sister has given him before her banishment. Suddenly, the device summons a lively girl armored with metals he has never seen. 'Takaomi-san! To save Earth, pull out your lance and ride me!' To uncover the truth, the two will begin an adventure that crosses time and space. [DrCoke]

Mado No Mukougawa

Kei Sonofuji is trying to get a new start by changing her image before getting into high school. But just as it seems everything is going to go well, she gets sick and has to miss the first week. Just as she thinks she's missed out on everything, she gets a surprise from one of her classmates!

Strobe Edge

Having no experience in romance, the vibrant Ninako curiously explores the meaning of what 'love' really is, and is surprised to feel a colorful range of emotions as she grows closer to the school heartthrob, the quiet yet gentle Ren, who also happens to be involved in a longtime relationship. With every intention of keeping her head held high, Ninako prepares to face the mental pain of this one-sided love that she had allowed to take root, facing a series of trials that would either contribute to her growth as a headstrong woman, or break her as it did with other girls. However, is this really a one-sided love? Or had something been silently sown in the most hidden area of Ren's heart?

Beast Harem

In the Beast Harem series: Volume 1: Rakuen Danshi - Youko is a normal high school girl attending a not so normal high school. You see, Youko's school used to be an all boys school, so after transferring to this school she is the only female in her class, and that surely can cause a few problems! She is being constantly teased by her classmates, especially by Mastsushima Soushi, whom she hates the most!But not everything is bad, Youko is in love with Narumiya Kouei, the only one who helped her since she entered the school. But if the one Youko loves is Narumiya, why does she finds it so hard to stay away from Mastsushima, who she 'hates the most'? - From Aka Roze Tenshi Volume 2: Gokujou Rakuen Danshi - Youko and Soushi start dating. However, summer break is approaching, and Youko has to be separated from Soushi. Not if Soushi can help it. He is working with Narumiya to save up for their summer vacation hot spring trip. Yet, shadows are coming to destroy the couple's love. Will this love rival succeed? Or will Youko and Soushi' relationship survive and have their first time? Volume 3: Jun'ai Rakuen Danshi - Youko and Soushi are on their lovey-dovey vacation. There, they meet Narumiya and his famous girlfriend. Youko prepares to give her first time to Soushi but finds it extremely hard due to sharing a bedroom with friends and the pain. Upon seeing Narumiya and his girlfriend together, Youko grows worried. Will Soushi and Youko have their first time at the hot spring? Or will Soushi get tired of Youko's immatureness and end their relationship?

Memories Through The Snow

Memories Through The Snow summary: The story of a father and daughter 's best moment. A Christmas Eve of joy. This is the story of my best memory of my father. Rest In Peace.

Rebirth Of The Strongest Female Emperor

Rebirth Of The Strongest Female Emperor summary: Past life, her spirit root was dug out from her body. She had wholeheartedly dedicated herself to the just path, but she was sentenced as an evil demonic cultivator.
Returning back to her juvenile years, she turns the tide. Against natural order, she had been reborn. Those who had deceived and humiliated her, she would return it to them a hundredfold with additional thanks.
Studying her own blood vessels, she recasts the best quality spirit roots. She destroys those rascal clansmen and returned home with glory!
The rules of the world do not hold her down; this time around she kills through the righteous path.
He is the universally admired spirit emperor, high above others, cold, proud and aloof. But every night he sneaks into her room and takes liberties. “Little runt, won’t you think it over?”
“Do I have a choice?”
“You can choose from giving birth once or giving birth twice.”
“Why must I?!”
“Because you stole my heart.”

I Dedicated The Dimension To The Country

I Dedicated The Dimension To The Country summary: The Dimension signaled the end of five hundred years of civilization. Reborn a year before the Dimension, Su Han made a decision. From the day of his rebirth, the whole country gained the power to resist disasters. So, Judgement Day had a change in events. When the darkness comes, when thousands of aliens grind their claws and descend on the earth… An already prepared army of steeled troops is waiting for it… Let’s fight! Alien! Your enemy is Huaxia’s Yanhuang.

Eternal Log

Eternal Log summary: Hi, nice to meet you! I’m Haru!
As long as I can remember tou-san and kaa-san weren’t around so jii-chan and baa-chan raised me!
And I noticed that I seem to be different from everyone else!
As it is because my future is insecure, for the sake of having a stable income I will try my best to become a great adventurer!
By the way, I’d like to give marriage a shot so let’s say I have marriage aspirations!
Though whether someone will take the me who is different from everyone else…
Ah! Being negative is no good!
Well, even though I’m starting with a minus I’ll try my best!
The current target is the lowest line of the requirements for marriage: stable income!
From here on how will my life turn out? Please watch over me!
….eeeehm “Below is a rough summary of the story” seems like!
Then, my best regards!

Eternal Log
The ancient race’s treasure.
Long ago.
Superior physical strength.
Overwhelming magic power.
Those who carried knowledge of the principles of the world were called the Ancient Race governed the world.
The Ancient Race were said to be the descendants of the G.o.d of Creation.
The Ancient Race used their knowledge to invent machines, by means of magic and machines they achieved a never before seen degree of growth such that the people lived without discomfort.
However, the civilization of magic and machine that developed the world suddenly faces its demise.
Sent from the distant past to the future, Haru, whose parents were gone, was raised by his grandparents.
However, Haru noticed that he was slightly different from everyone else.
And so, a certain event envelopes the boundary of the world, and the gears of fate start turning.

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