
































内容简介:  新书《我真是剑天尊》已上传!请大家多多支持!……穿越火影世界,成为宇智波一族无足轻重的一员。“我虽微末凡尘,但也心向天空!”我们的目标是:飞上天和大筒木辉夜肩并肩!1w0-3934


内容简介:云落桑这辈子最不幸的事情,是遇上叶落辰。云落桑这辈子最幸运的事情,是遇上叶落辰。且看风起云涌,红尘作劫,步步为妻。叶落辰:“桑儿,今生,我护你。”各位书友要是觉得《霸君宠妻:腹黑圣女驯 夫记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72323 >>


内容简介:本书原名《穿书之好孕满满》一朝穿越,元满无奈发现自己穿越到了一本玛丽苏言情文中,成为了一个连炮灰都算不上的路人甲伪表妹,原本元满打算既来之则安之,可是老天却给了她一个巨大的金手指,那就 是:能!生!———————————————————————————————扯着自家将军的衣袖,元满崩溃大哭:“嘤嘤嘤……将军我们能别生了吗?”盛澹:“不能!”元满拍了拍自己西瓜般圆滚滚的肚子,眼泪汪汪道:“这已经是第七个娃了啊!”盛澹:“……”穿越千年,她的宿命就是遇见他……1个新手司机上路史》本文傻白甜!本文傻白甜!本文傻白甜!作者菌的智商不在线!所以里面的角色智商都不在线!慎入!!!架空勿考据!和编编商议过了,本文8月19号也就是星期五入V,届时有三更掉落!!!谢绝任何形式的转载!穿书之好运满满是原作者秋水一珊精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新穿书之好运满满最新章节,书友所发表的穿书之好运满满评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持穿书之好运满满书友的观点。秋水一珊的其他作品:穿书归途仙路您要是觉得《穿书之好运满满》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w95805-98887 >>


内容简介:  一曰:乡下回京的姜家四姑娘,得罪了权倾朝野的摄政王,人生怕是要完。  岂料画风变成这样:  姜奈:“王爷,我给你算了一卦。你今天辰时前出门,九成九会遭雷劈。”  摄政王:……有何化 解之法?  姜奈:来我阴阳斋购一神器,可避大祸。  暗卫:……这不一锅盖么?属下觉得您似乎又被坑了。  本王翩然风采岂是一锅盖可压?让你们看看,何谓头顶锅盖风轻云淡。  二曰:四姑娘大字不识一个,半点文墨皆无,写的文章怕是狗屁不通。  上京书院院长:四姑娘上知天文下知地理,尤其对古姜国历史文化颇有研究,为学术上作出极大贡献。  群众:怕说的不是同一个人叭?这个院长八成是个托儿!  三曰:四姑娘克母克兄克叔婶姐妹,得送去庵里放养几年磨磨心气儿。  叔婶姐妹:哭唧唧,求求乃们别造谣了。命苦哇,你们每造谣一次,我们就集体倒霉一回。  数年后,姜奈牵着小版摄政王逛街。  儿子好奇问:娘亲,为什么坊间尚存一赌局,赌你在爹爹手里,活命不过三旬?  姜奈一脸心虚:这事要从一副山居图说起。  当年娘亲年少无知,把你爹坑在一副画里,差点把他给活活饿死啦……  儿子:……您当时怎么想的呢?  姜奈:就觉得他怪可怜见的,饿得腰太细了……1w0-1883 >>


内容简介:《战恋雪》寒雪饰朱竹清,寒战饰戴沐白战恋雪1。春天碧落新皇皇甫昊天登基,改年号为天福,大赦天下。天福四年的桔香镇,寒雪靠在马车的车窗边,半掀著窗帘偷看外边的街景,突然,街边的一间客栈的 招牌闯入她的视线,让她不禁瞪大了眼,笑出声来,她拍拍马车的门,叫著前面驾车的男人。“寒战,寒战,快看那边的客栈,我们今儿在那儿落脚。”“福贵客栈?”男人略一低吟,道:“不去富贵酒楼?”“不了,我们今天就住这儿。”寒雪坚持道,她的富贵酒楼遍面整个碧落国,连周边各国也有,这客栈取了谐音来提高知名度,也是挺心思的。男人不再多话,将马车停在客栈前,下车订了一个小院,将马车直接驶进小院。寒雪要了洗澡水,就打发寒战自己去梳洗,自己关上房门快乐的跳进了浴桶。战恋雪推荐星级:★★★★★战恋雪评论:表示很有肉超滑嫩的说战恋雪文案:好吧文案不好,反正很有爱~1w0-95873 >>




内容简介:离婚?悲伤吗?难过吗?没有吧洛小兮可没有这样的感觉,有的只是自由一个从那过来没有见过的丈夫要来有什么用呢?洛小兮请不要这么花痴好吗?花痴?我才没有呢?对你不需要花痴,只要吃掉就好苏季轩 每次都是本想逗逗洛小兮,但是往往到了最后都是无奈的接受着洛小兮的反调戏1w0-70721 >>






内容简介:前单人花滑世界冠军黎昕意外去世,重生进了穆焕的身体。身体没了,存款没了,奋斗至今的荣耀也随之不见,这日子是没法儿过了!穆焕低头看看自己,既然这次是个alha,或许这次自己可以试试双人滑 !?至于搭档嘛…穆焕看向曾经的自己。啧。这么落魄失意吗?不就是信息素的味道不好闻!没关系,我不嫌弃!什么?信息素太臭?要自暴自弃?喂喂!你给我振作起啦啊!想被按在地上揉搓就尽管来,打击式教育了解一下。咱爸妈还要你照顾呢!你给我好好争气啊!那一夜,恨铁不成钢的穆焕抓着黎昕的领子,将他拍在了墙上,痛心疾首地说“你知不知道我对你费了多少心思!你真是太让我失望了。”那一夜,月如银盘,云卷云舒,黎昕错愕之后,脸上竟缓缓生出一团霞云,艳色无边。雷点or萌点1水仙文2事业主线3abo,男子双人滑求下篇文预收。《竞技文预收街舞》《竞技文预收花滑》《竞技文预收极限运动》各位书友要是觉得《我的味道该死的迷人花滑》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-63815 >>




内容简介:(年代,宠文,金手指!)好不容易熬死自己的安倩倩得老天垂怜,再次回到十八岁!这世,她要找个能力强,懂浪漫,还能包容她的男人,再生一窝包子,美呀!可一不小心就美过头,天天被人“嫌弃”。某 好友:“不知道秀恩爱,死得快吗?”安某人:“你那是嫉妒!”某男人:“不好意思,我宠的!”本文走温馨路线,撕逼,极品什么都极少!1w0-25598 >>

Ouji Ga Aishita Spy

Set a couple of years after the ending of Breakfast Club: Hiroki and Miki have settled down in their respective career paths - now a successful programmer and a researcher - when Hiroki suddenly decides that he wants to open a detective agency woth the help of Matsumoto and Iizuka. How will this self-proclaimed family business go?

Maigo No Kare To Kuma No Onegai

From Dangerous Pleasure: One evening, solo courier Ronet, a child who lost his home due to conflict, rescues the beautiful youth Bear from being raped by a neighborhood thug. Bear, completely ignorant of the real world, says he's headed to Ronet's homeland, now a cursed forest. Bear asks Ronet to act as his guide, but he refuses. Bear then transforms into a stuffed toy before Ronet's very eyes?!

17-Sai Hajimete No H

From ShoujoMagic & Nekohana: A collection of short stories revolving around a girl's first time! Story 1: A Boy's Suggestion, by SHINJO Mayu Kana is on a mission of love. How pathetic would it be if a senior like her completed high school without ever having had a boyfriend? That's when Takuya, a freshman with a reputation as someone you don't want to mess with, confidently asks Kana to go out with him. She has misgivings about him being younger than herself, but can she be adult enough to overlook it? Story 2: Virgin Beast, by MINAMI Kanan See Ren-ai Shijou Shugi, volume 2 side story. Story 3: Let's Go Be Daring!!!, by AYUKAWA Mio Yoshino has a crush on Kanou and is too shy to tell him, but if she doesn't act quickly some other girl might. Yoshino's friend tells her how to becoming daring: Don't wear any underwear! This secret technique certainly catches Kanou's attention when a brisk breeze blows Yoshino's skirt up, and... Yoshino needs to come up with a good lie, fast! Story 4: When I'm with You, I Won't Be Home 'til Morning!, by KOUSAKA Yuuka After two months and three days of dating, high schoolers Eimi and Hiroto are finally ready to have sex. Eimi is nervous, but Hiroto seems okay. She heard that he's a real lady killer and his ex-girlfriend was his college-age tutor. Can Eimi -- a virgin -- possibly measure up to the kind of experience Hiroto has had? What will it mean for their relationship if she can't...? Story 5: The Awakening of Love, by SAKURAI Miya High school girl Asuka has a boyfriend who's 23 years old, Hiroyuki. When people comment that older guys must be better in the sack, Asuka confirms it -- but she doesn't honestly know... because Asuka is still a virgin. Unable to stand it any more, she gives it up to Hiroyuki (who didn't know she was a virgin), but instead of bringing them closer together, it drives them further apart...? Story 6: Smooch Smooch Smooch, by MASUZAKI Yoshino Tomo, age 16, has a crush on the university student Yuuji. They even live together. Problem: Yuuji is her cousin! He's never had a girlfriend, but that's because Tomo harrasses him in a series of various 'attack' styles. As her latest attack, designed to make Yuuji jealous, Tomo and her friend Samata pretend to have a relationship when they're in front of him. But when Samata becomes serious about Tomo, Yuuji knows he has to make a decision -- fast. Story 7: Sweet Desires, by SHIGANO Iori Maya caught her boyfriend cheating... Since then she has lost faith in men. But will this change with a sudden kiss, outside a bar... from a kouhai??!!

Painting Warriors

In the early Song Dynasty (AD 960-1127), at the western border of the Tangut Empire - a pivot point of the Silk Road - furious battles were being fought. Brave warriors of the Tangut and a strange religious army from the west battled for a rumoured sacred item. Conflicts, conspiracies, and religious struggles - moving in the heart of the battlefield, the 'untouchable war painter' Tao Hui paints nothing but the truth! (from Manga Updates)

Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai

Seiju no Kuni no Kinju Tsukai summary: Failed on his job-hunting, shut-in Sagara Kurohiko went to the mountain on the day of a typhoon where he is struck by lightning and dies. But he is still alive, in a strange land with a great holy tree. To his surprise, his physique has rejuvenated to when he was teen. Brought to the academy near the tree, he is soon suspected as a spy from another country, and was brought to the headmaster. An accident happened on the way, which enraged the headmaster. Before Kurohiko can get blasted by magic, his eyes laid upon an old parchment. He took it and read the contents. Suddenly four holes appeared and black chains came out from each of it, binding the headmaster. It is then revealed that Kurohiko just recited an incantation of “Forbidden Art,” an art which is extremely powerful from a legend. Apparently, no one has been able to decipher the contents of the scroll, which makes Kurohiko the only current Forbidden Spellcaster. Sparked by this, the headmaster offers Kurohiko to attend the academy.

Literary Shrines

Literary Shrines summary: Literary Shrines summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Literary Shrines. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Land of The Blessed Virgin; Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia

The Land of The Blessed Virgin; Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia summary: The Land of The Blessed Virgin; Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Land of The Blessed Virgin; Sketches and Impressions in Andalusia. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

John Bull's Other Island

John Bull's Other Island summary: John Bull's Other Island summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of John Bull's Other Island. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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