






















类别悬疑 玄幻 恋爱












内容简介:一觉醒来,程诺发现自己眼中的世界完全变的不同了。任何东西在他眼中,都能化成一组组数据。程诺眼中的美女:身高168厘米,体重57千克,胸围85厘米,腰围63厘米,臀围89厘米程诺眼中的台 球:台球直径毫米,重量170克,杆长145厘米,三号球入袋所需用力牛,角度度程诺眼中的……你可以称程诺学霸!数据帝!速算达人!拥有技能:百分百投篮命中,百分百射门命中,百分百一杆清台……程诺的人生格言就是:在这个世上,没有数学解决不了的问题。如果有的话,那就再加上物理和化学!1w3771-81570 >>




内容简介:类型:言情架空历史爱情古代贤良女沈如梅,莫名的输给了没落世家女余欣娘。不仅输掉了丈夫,也输掉了孩子和自己的命。她不知道,那个抢走她一切的女子乃是现代穿越女!当古代贵族贤良女子沈如梅重生 后,当穿越女依旧到来时,却是新的一番风云纠葛。且看古代重生女子的宅门生活。1w0-75663 >>


内容简介:微型炸药让伊兰幽跟渣男贱女同归于尽,老天垂怜使她重回十六岁,前世懦弱卑微人畜可欺,今世高调霸道无人不惧。上一辈子欠她分毫的这一辈子她都要加倍讨回。虐渣打脸绝不手软。机关算进却还是百密一 疏:原以为可以看透所有人的心,却独在与他的交易中不小心丢了自己的心,眼前这个男人绝对是个祸害。1w0-4460 >>


内容简介:这是一部充满奇异大胆想象的科幻改运小说,500年后,地球生态完全被改变,为了帮助人类复国,一批低等的保姆机器人寻找到人类的种子,在外星人X的帮助下一起实现地球回造的计划。1w0-754 16 >>


内容简介:温情作文600字六年级作文我生于淮南,长于淮南,这里是我永远的故乡。但以后的事谁又能料,也许我会漂于他乡,在陌生的土地上挥洒着苦涩的泪水就像父亲一样。父亲童年生活在东北辽阔的黑土地上, 生活在与朝鲜隔岸相望的鸭绿江边父女两人的故园,一个天南,一个地北。十三年前,父亲因1w0-69990 >>


内容简介:  当了三百多年的小幡鬼卢悦,因为自家双胎姐姐送的一滴精血,准备去轮回转世,孰料,魔门大佬元婴自暴,正值血月当空,轮回道上,卢悦被卷进一股时光乱流当中。再醒来时,却回到了身死的两年前。   重活一世,卢悦脚踏实地,走向一条不一样的仙路。  1w0-629 >>


内容简介:二十二岁那年的婚礼是她的噩梦,礼堂变刑场,父亲被警察带走,而策划这一切的竟然是刚刚与她宣誓的男人。她被迫继续这场没有亲友祝福的婚礼,牧师看向漂亮的新娘,“你愿意嫁给这位先生吗?”她咬着 牙,狠狠的瞪着他,“不愿意。”他抬起手轻抚她颤抖的唇,“可是,我愿意。”怀胎十月,她生下女儿,却只来得及看上一眼便被他强行带走。“想见她,除非你有本事再次爬上我的床。”世界上最远的距离不是我爱你而得不到,而是,我爱你,却不敢让你知道!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《军长私密爱》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-65231 >>


内容简介:“贫道降妖几十栽,还从来没有遇见过你这么骚的?赶紧脱衣服··啊呸投降!”在山上单身久了,见到妖怪也感觉眉清目秀了。屌丝孟宇下山,斩杀妖邪,成为无数美女心中的偶像,踩无数富家子弟,扬眉吐 气,校花总裁明星,纷纷拜倒在他的牛仔裤下。手持戮仙剑,斩仙,灭魔,翻江倒海·····都市言情类型的优秀作品真的很多,比较出彩的作品,我们可以一起来读读《都市猎艳天师》这本吧。这是一本在花飘地狱笔下洋洋洒洒的努力了多少个时日才完工的小说,你可以感觉到什么叫才华横溢、什么叫文笔流畅,作者灵感源源不绝,处处精彩不断。好书一本啊!洋洋洒洒的完结全本奉上收藏,关注,点赞必须的哟!小兵及时更新为您奉上最好的服务。花飘地狱无抄袭纯原创力作之都市猎艳天师最新章节、都市猎艳天师无弹窗广告全文阅读连载、都市猎艳天师TXT电子书下载最好的服务给最好的您。最好的阅读平台您我他她共同创!各位书友要是觉得《都市猎艳天师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!魁星阁《都市猎艳天师》章节列表目录地址:请复制后分享给您的好友!好看的都市言情小说排行榜推荐1w0-74586 >>


内容简介:豁达健气受vs阴沉心机攻林真从床上爬起来,就发现自己成了同名同姓,丈夫刚死,还有一个八岁继子的寡夫郎。由于被那小崽子误会想卷着他爹的财产和人私奔,小崽子要跟着舅舅住,觉着自己不会照顾人 的林真松了一口气,安顿好他回原身的家,带着家人发家致富奔小康。哪想到小崽子舅舅舅母为了银子虐待小崽子,他这个继爹只能收拾了舅舅舅母将其接回来,顺便为了不让孩子长歪,将其送进学堂。童生,秀才,举人,状元顾凛越来各位书友要是觉得《穿成寡夫郎之后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-94543 >>


内容简介:“赳赳老秦,复我河山,血不流干,誓不归还!”恨欲狂,长刀所向,十万大秦虎师威镇八荒!“凡日月所照,江河所至,皆为汉土,明犯大汉天威者,其远必诛!”金戈铁马,气吞万里如虎,大汉铁军战威无 可敌!“名师大将莫自牢,千军万马避白袍!”铿锵苍鹰凌天啸,七千白袍军声震云霄!“撼山易,撼岳家军难!”龙旗卷,1w0-74415 >>

Gokinjo Monogatari

Takes place before and includes characters from another Yazawa manga - Paradise Kiss. From Anime News Network: Mikako dreams of being a fashion designer, so she sets her eyes on attending Yazawa Arts with her childhood friend Tsutomu. But, he looks like a famous rock star and attracts more attention than she'd like, especially from a popular upperclassman. Incapable of dealing with her own feelings towards Tsutomu, Mikako devotes all of her time to a new 'flea market' club she's created with her friends on campus. But, it seems to bring her more into contact with Tsutomu than ever before. Cameos include Yazawa herself and characters from her previous works. [From ShoujoMagic]: Ever since he was small, all the girls in the neighborhood have fawned over Tsutomu Yamaguchi, whose name came from a song and whose adorable face closely resembles the monkey character Monchichi's. Even back then, it was enough to make his friend and neighbor Mikako sick. Now that he's a little more grown, Tsutomu looks like the lead vocalist of Manbou, Ken Nakagawa (Midori friend/boyfriend from Tenshi Nanka Ja Nai; we meet main characters from Tenshi on market/fest), and that makes him even more popular with the ladies. But Mikako--now a trendy teen with modern sensibilities--couldn't care less. Or could she...? Gokinjo Monogatari is a sharp-witted and stylish slice-of-life story!

The World God Only Knows

Read The World God Only Knows Manga Keima Katsuragi, a second year high school pupil, is an enthusiastic player of gal games (video games that require interactions with anime-styled pretty girls). Yet, in his school life that was real, Keima is called a derogatory portmanteau of the two words megane and otaku, otamega. At the start of show, Keima receives an e-mail offering him a contract to 'conquer' girls and, believing it's an invitation into a game challenge, he takes. In response, a cunning devil from Hell named Elsie appears: a Spirit Hunter. Elsie proposes the only real solution to drive the evil spirits outside is by 'conquering' the girls' hearts, making them fall in love with him and filling up the gaps that the at large evil spirits conceal in, where she is then in a position to get them. Interested only in gaming girls, nevertheless, as he's no intimate real life experiences whatsoever Keima is appalled by the thought, and refuses the duty. However, together with the contract already consented, Keima has no choice however to help Elsie no matter what, as they're going to be beheaded through an invisible (to others) purple collar around their necks when they neglect. Each sister is inactive in the center of a girl among those they've previously helped, so Keima beat their hearts and must find them a second time. This time however, they recall the meetings he's had with them as a result of goddesses inside them, as he attempts to beat the girls concurrently causing endless potential failure and high tension. Nevertheless, his time is restricted as a rebel devil faction called 'Vintage' is about to get the goddesses and take on the planet. Keima begins seeing visions of a kid who's somewhat familiar to him, after Vintage's plans are thwarted. The goddesses send Elsie and Keima to days gone by of assisting her together with the job. Upon arriving, they team up using a mysterious girl who seemingly has some link with Dokuro, Elsie's first-class in the underworld, and Keima finds that several incidents before are distinct from what he recalls, resulting in a terrible chain of events which he should avert to make sure that the present remains unaltered, along with another devil faction which releases giant humanoid creatures. As Keima finishes his final assignment, he has the capacity to make up with this and finds the truth about among the giants. Although Elsie decides to stay with him, he could be alleviated in the collar and returns to his regular life in real life. Then he professes his love for Chihiro Kosaka, among the girls who has enjoyed him from the start. Along with Keima's romantic comedy experiences, the show parodies and makes fun of common, and popular platitudes about dating sims, anime character stereotypes, and pop culture. The World God Only Knows Manga is composed and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki, serialized since April 9, 2008 in the Japanese manga magazine Weekly Shonen Sunday. Kami-sama!!' . Haksan Culture Company licenses in South Korea the collection, as well as the initial two volumes of the chain has been concurrently released with limited edition addendum for each on August 2009. Other miscellaneous information is contained. The manga series that was official has ended as of April 16, 2014, with chapters that were 268. Other manga: + Kuroko no Basket Manga + Soul Eater manga

Watatsu Umi No Juunin

Not long after Kohei lost his parents, he saw a silhouette of a person who seems like trying to commit suicide by the sea. He immediately reached out and he's even more surprised when that person transformed before his eyes ...

Natsuzora Lemon Biscuit

There's a reason why I help clean the school swimming pool. And the reason is a bit sentimental.

A Laodicean

A Laodicean summary: A Laodicean summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Laodicean. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ecological Observations on the Woodrat, Neotoma floridana

Ecological Observations on the Woodrat, Neotoma floridana summary: Ecological Observations on the Woodrat, Neotoma floridana summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ecological Observations on the Woodrat, Neotoma floridana. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The City Of The Sun

The City Of The Sun summary: The City Of The Sun summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The City Of The Sun. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Gallantry summary: Gallantry summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gallantry. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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