








类别悬疑 恐怖 都市 灵异








类别恋爱 总裁 剧情















内容简介:是蝼蚁,是埃尘还是强者,不是你说了算!倾九从来不是弱者!穿越三千世界,只为寻得一线仙缘,成那九天强者,复归齐域兴荣。本文女主无CP本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《快穿之倾九》还不错的话请不 要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80533 >>


内容简介:前世的慕晚晚死后,看到她避之如蛇蝎的薄司寒抱着她的尸体生活了半年,才知道他原来爱她入骨。重活一世,慕晚晚彻底开挂,抱紧薄爷大大腿,一边虐渣一边撒狗粮。无数女人把传说中有钱有权又有颜的薄 爷当成梦中情人,盼着慕晚晚被抛弃花瓶配不上薄爷。慕晚晚冷笑一声,不好意思。天才编剧,国家医学研究院大佬,金牌作曲人……本小姐的小马甲随便拉出一个,都能亮瞎你们的眼。最重要的是我老公没我会死。传说中的高冷薄爷我老婆说的都对!1w11031-99634 >>


内容简介:贺嘉音在和朋友一起玩跑团游戏的途中穿越了,成为拉法米大学的一名文学史教授西列斯诺埃尔。与此同时,拉法米城中正因为一名叛教者的越狱而闹得沸沸扬扬等等,这不是他玩的跑团游戏的故事内容吗但他 是1w0-84059 >>


内容简介:十五年后,英国归来,她原是让那些害过她的人,好好忏悔,却不成想,坏了他的好事儿。他是北方十六省最尊贵的公子哥,督军府的大公子。他搂着她的腰,在她耳边吐气如兰:“坏了我的好事儿,该怎么赔 我?”她拿着刚得手的勃朗宁抵着他的腰:“你要怎么赔?”“…”某少帅一脸正经:“初儿,我想到一句诗。”“你说。”她有些期待的目光。“芙蓉帐暖度春宵,从此君王不早朝。”“…”土匪就是土匪。1w0-28397 >>


内容简介:【一心只想搞钱搞事业的人间娇花VS超级有钱掌控欲超强的大佬】【双重生,甜宠文】陆寒尧为人凉薄低调,是京城最矜贵的男人。25岁那年,清心寡欲的他看上了一个女孩儿。女孩儿年幼稚嫩,柔弱无害 ,是朵一碰就会哭的娇花。他将女孩儿接到身边,日夜守着,精心娇养,好不容易等女孩长大,准备将人娶进门,一向乖巧温顺的女孩儿竟然在结婚前逃之夭夭。重活一世,他做的第一件事就是让女孩成为名正言顺的陆太太。……上辈子,苏栀是陆寒尧养的金丝雀。陆寒尧给了她最深的宠爱,最好的生活,最贵的宝石,却唯独不给她自由和名份。重生回16岁,她决定跟狗男人划清界限。苏栀:“男人只会影响我搞钱搞事业。”陆寒尧:“我姓事名业,超级有钱。”苏栀:???陆寒尧:“欢迎来搞。”好友明里暗里提醒陆寒尧,“苏栀跟你在一起就是贪图你的钱。”陆寒尧指间夹着烟,笑得春风得意:“有钱人那么多,她却只贪图我的钱,还不是因为喜欢我。”各位书友要是觉得《金丝雀重生后被宠成了大佬》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-64490 >>




内容简介:简介:主角:魏桐,窦之远。人称校霸的魏桐有一个情敌,叫窦之远。窦之远何许人也?二中男神级人物,老师心目中的好学生,全校最受Omega欢迎的Alpha。青春期姗姗来迟的魏桐,不慎在这位情 敌面前分化成Omega,并意外被他临时标记,之后医生说他患上了信息素依赖症,一离开他的Alpha太远,就会心慌、气短,甚至患得患失。去他妈的患得患失,老子就算是个O,也会是这个世界上最纯爷们的O,绝不会对那个家伙心慌气短,患得患失!后来。魏桐眼尾泛红,一个壁咚将窦之远堵在墙角:“喂,你的校服借我闻一下。”窦之远靠近过来,在他的耳边低声道:“校服够吗,需不需要我再咬你一口?”完了,心慌、气短。妈的,真香。懒洋洋吃软不吃硬受X表面懂礼好学生实际爱走野路子攻1w0-26280 >>


内容简介:他是京都城最尊贵最神秘的男人,总参军情机关ZMI特工首脑。一个权倾天下的大人物。有多大?!——他说,试过才知道!她是外地来京的犯罪心理学硕士,未成年人管教所心理辅导员。一个饥荒不饱的小 人物。有多小?!——她说,关你什么事?初次见面,他在她身上流汗打假炮儿。无奈陪练,她在他下边纳闷儿真思考。一个冷魅、尊贵、俊毅、邪戾,狷狂,霸道,牛逼…但凡小言男主身上的贴金词儿都能使用的大金主儿。他闲得蛋疼么,和她逗闷子玩?如果不是逗闷子,那他擦边儿捣鼓半天不办实事,到底又为了哪般?难道是?——性心理障碍?治,还是不治?治,又该怎么治?1w0-84610 >>


内容简介:“没错,我就是那个被猴子打过的玉皇大帝……”玉皇大帝张百忍一脸无奈的坐在一处巨石上说道。PS:一击无敌文,已完本《一拳皇者》,自写书以来,从未断更,大家放心收藏,投推荐票。本站提示:各 位书友要是觉得《朕乃玉皇大帝》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105376 >>


内容简介:  来到火影世界的木叶隐村,没有红眼病、没有白内障、没有骨质增生、不姓千手、不是大筒木。 就在柳生有些慌的时候,脑海忽然多出一个聊天群。 叮!“爱德华·纽盖特”,已加入次元聊天群! 叮!“永远的十七岁少女”,已加入次元聊天群! 叮!“辉夜大小姐”,已加入次元聊天群! 叮!“流浪的小破球”,已加入次元聊天群! ……1w0-2408 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:穿越终极之天武系统】来到终极一班,激活了天武系统!父母被黑龙杀害,和汪大东成为了兄弟,进入了终极一班。KO榜?我虽然不上榜,可是我比你们所有人都强!在终极一班 的世界里,苏瑾又会搅起怎样的风雨呢。(另外提一句,作者算是终极一班的铁粉了,所以不会将剧情改的一塌糊涂,尊重原著,喜欢虐主勿入!)飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢穿越终极之天武系统,别忘记分享给朋友作者:非鱼不猫所写的《穿越终极之天武系统》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-80239 >>


内容简介:皇后秦砚,母仪天下,贤良淑德,从不起眼的王妃到太子妃再到皇后,无人不称赞其完美。直到有一天,这皇后,秦砚不想干了。皇帝沈旷,兢兢业业,仁治天下,只是性子冷清,后宫也冷清,只有皇后一人。 直到有一天,他的皇后甩给他一张和离书。秦砚:开选秀吧。沈旷:?秦砚:臣妾找个接班人。沈旷:你对朕有什么不满直说。秦砚:你娘刻薄天天想废后,你兄弟姐妹蛮横无理,还有一堆虎视眈眈大臣我用错一根簪子都要弹劾三五封1w0-90595 >>

Shugoreisama Ni Tsuitekoi

Everybody has a protection spirit. Their behavior has a direct influence on the person they protect. For instance, if protection spirit A falls in love with protection spirit B, then host of A will fall for host of B (synchronized effect). Karin has Hiriji as a protection spirit and that's why he doesn't have friends. It all changes when Karin has a little incident and gets help from his sensei (teacher), Takatsugu, who's protection spirit is Nagi. Sensei is the school nurse and can see, hear, and touch protection spirits and (the same as Nagi) was a playboy 'till he meet Karin (Hiriji).

Shi Ni Itaru Yamai

Kazuma runs across a girl named Emiru crying in the middle of a busy street, desperately crying out for a hug. When he gives her one, he doesn't realize that his life is about to intersect with this girl who is suffering from unusually severe depression… ----------------- This is the mysterious story of Futaba Kazuma's first patient. At 18, Futaba Kazuma went to school to get his qualification in clinical psychology. While attending school, he boards at a creepy mansion, which even has a butler. Also living there is a strange young woman called Emiru. She is suffering from a terminal illness of the heart --- despair. This deep psychological problem has eerie physical effects as well: her hair has turned white, her body temperature is well below normal, and her blood pressure is also bizarre. No psychologists or counselors have been able to help cure her of this problem. Will Kazuma be able to determine the cause of Emiru's despair and save her before it's too late? [tethysdust] ---- From MangaHelpers

Seito No Shuchou Kyoushi No Honbun

1-2) Student's Request Teacher's Duty Yahiro sensei is adored by all of his students, especially the girls, but it's male student Koga that Yahiro can't stop thinking about. But as much as they love each other, Yahiro knows that the affections of a teenager can be precarious. 3) Sakase! Takae no Hana Nozomu's father has recently remarried, and his new step brother is super popular Sudou sempai. Sempai is very affectionate with his new little brother, and Nozomu's trying not to let the attention go to his head. 4) Honey Happy Baby Yui Tomoya was looking forward to a special date with his older boyfriend Tsukasa, but is thrown off track when he's forced to babysit his niece Ayumi. And why doesn't Tsukasa seem to mind the interruption... 5) Voice Box High school escort Atsushi gets surprise when his beautiful-voiced client is a journalist looking for a good story. But after a night of gentle passion, the journalist disappears leaving Atsushi wanting more. Will he ever meet his mystery man again? 6) Scandal Kiss Stuntman Hideto has been dating famous actor Katsuya, a former ladies man for a while now, but his feelings of jealousy at seeing Katsuya with other women are becoming too much to control. Is it really just for work? 7) The View Through the Lens American photographer and ex-felon Rob Dain picks up young orphan immigrant Tohru one snowy night. Making Tohru his model, he obsessively photographs the teenager, but his one true desire is to see Tohru's aroused face. How far is Dain willing to go to see his dark desires fulfilled?

My Heart Is Beating

17 year old exemplary student Bae Sugu lives alone with his father, the vice principal of his school. Weighed down by his father's expectations, Sugu has to hide his one true passion: swimsuits. He does not know where it comes from, but his passion is pure and genuine - and often misunderstood. But one day, when Sugu is secretly taking pictures of swimsuits by the pool, he is caught by his homeroom teacher who forces him into something ridiculous. Can Sugu find something to get out of the standstill his life has come to? Can his heart beat again? Webtoon from Naver

The Tao of Natural Breathing

The Tao of Natural Breathing summary: The Tao of Natural Breathing summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tao of Natural Breathing. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Narrative of the Overland Expedition of the Messrs. Jardine

Narrative of the Overland Expedition of the Messrs. Jardine summary: Narrative of the Overland Expedition of the Messrs. Jardine summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Narrative of the Overland Expedition of the Messrs. Jardine. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sorcerer's Ring: A Charge Of Valor

Sorcerer's Ring: A Charge Of Valor summary: Sorcerer's Ring: A Charge Of Valor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sorcerer's Ring: A Charge Of Valor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Shrimp. summary: Shrimp. summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Shrimp.. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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