
































内容简介:公元219年11月,东吴大将吕蒙白衣渡江,袭取荆州。此刻,关羽正在樊城与曹军大将徐晃交战。而主角却赶巧不巧地穿越到关羽庶子关索的身上。“连系统都没有当真就不能让我早几天穿越吗?”刀法九 流,性格顽劣,胸无大志,不喜军旅,长得和女人一般俊,张飞表示二哥你这儿子确定不是被调包了?就是这么一个纨绔子弟,决定在三国乱世逆转乾坤,名扬天下算了,还是先想想怎么救关羽吧。PS:本文以《三国志》为主,《三国演义》为辅,并穿插一些野史人物。现已将关索设定为关羽第二子。各位书友要是觉得《三国之白马关郎》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27905 >>


内容简介:命途多舛的高中生刘远获得了宇宙顶级文明的传承从而改变了自身的命运,笔趣阁也利用传承之中的诸多强大科技带领华夏民族在宇宙之中崛起。各位书友要是觉得《宇宙科技崛起》还不错的话请不要忘记向您 QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-77130 >>


内容简介:颜韵一觉醒来穿越到昨晚熬夜看的小说世界里,变成肤白貌美巨有钱堪称人生赢家的女主角。男主角邵叙颜值身高都在线,还是大集团的总裁,最重要的是,他正在对她展开热烈的追求。…………可这是男主复 仇小说,她还是被男主报复虐身虐心的对象啊!!!颜韵:我有一句mmp不知当讲不当讲1w0-27152 >>


内容简介:如果有一天,太阳消失了,人间一片黑暗,会是什么样的世界呢?巨变中的地球陷入了黑暗,从此没有了阳光,没有了星空,只有无尽的寒冷与黑夜,人类从此进入黑暗的血与色的时代!逃难的队伍里,在你身 后的大叔也许就是昔日财富榜上叱咤风云的【天下巨富】;饥饿的人群中,恳求你给她半块面包的也许正是昔日光彩照人的【嫩模女星】;冰冷的避难所内,企图偎依在你棉大衣中取暖的也许是昔日驾着顶级跑车的【国际名媛】!1w0-4946 >>


内容简介:进宫前,顾云黛就被太子困在了厨房里。进宫后,顾云黛一心想用药膳废了人渣。谁知太子妻妾迟迟无孕,她的肚子里却蹦了个儿子出来。顾云黛本想母凭子贵安安静静过日子,等儿子长大封王做个闲云野鹤的 太妃。谁知皇叔造反,皇家子嗣死了一大堆,她的儿子变成了唯一的皇孙……眼看着距离后位越来越近,云黛忽然觉得,扶持儿子做皇帝,甩掉渣男做太后才是人生最爽的事情。1w85-4732 >>


内容简介:通向至尊的道路布满了荆棘。那便……以风为墨,以雷为笔,绘一条跨越了轮回的通天大道!以剑为琴,以血为弦,弹一首破灭了万物的青莲剑歌!额……这是文青的说法。正常的说法……主角模式开启后,郝 运以仅有的底线,祸祸了三界一万年——祸你一万年。1w0-29120 >>


内容简介:虐文男配的偏宠笔趣阁,虐文男配的偏宠sodu,虐文男配的偏宠小说,虐文男配的偏宠顶点,虐文男配的偏宠鸡腿冰淇淋,一朝穿成虐文路人后,夏徽音每天都在认认真真调养身体,兢兢业业的当路人。剧 情开始当天,她一步未出房门,就怕蝴蝶效应。谁知,本该摔在女主房门外,开启虐文男配之旅的顾锦嘉,当夜却带伤撞开了她的房门……再后来,家中双亲为她相看对象时,顾锦嘉疯了一样的将她逼至角落,阴戾的盯着她,“徽音,只要你乖乖听话,待在我身边,我可以付出一切代价。”夏徽音:……不是,到底是什么改变了你虐文男配的身份?为什么根本没按剧情走?偏执且占有欲强烈男主温柔病弱女主感情上,男主前期敏感自卑,后期偏执,女主前期冷清,后期柔情。阅读指南1文章背景一切架空。,男女主都是彼此的唯一。3一切剧情为感情服务。4各花入各眼,不喜欢本文的小天使,咱们有缘下本再见(^ω^)1w0-115063 >>


内容简介:叶辰是所有人都瞧不起的上门女婿,但没有人知道他的真实身份却是顶尖家族的大少爷,那些瞧不起他的人,终究要跪在他的面前,诚惶诚恐的叫他一声爷!各位书友要是觉得《萧初然叶辰》还不错的话请不要 忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w3463-4843 >>


内容简介:  有故事的音乐,才是有灵魂的。歌曲背后的故事同样精彩!影评人:他就是个拍MV的歌手。知名歌手:我们顶多拍个MV宣传歌曲,他直接拍电影宣传,这能比?知名导演:我们的电影就差了一首歌。1 w0-2871 >>


内容简介:你有远程?不好意思,我的大秦箭阵早就瞄准了你。你有骑兵?我的关宁铁骑可不是吃素的,我的大汉铁骑,蒙古铁骑可征战天下。你的将军厉害?不好意思,白起你去给他上一课。炎黄军魂系统,召唤华夏上 下所有超级兵团,诸天万界皆在我手!1w0-83157 >>




内容简介:毛缈缈自从开着穿梭艇撞进微型黑洞穿成一只缅因猫后,人生、不,猫生就开始劈了叉。当人的时候她为了生活兢兢业业工作,当猫后她在豪门里每天晒晒太阳、吃吃零食,接家里的小霸总小忧郁上下学。只是 她的交际圈,变成了隔壁邻居家肥到眼睛都看不见的大布偶猫,千里追寻着小主人进城寻亲的串串儿金毛,受主人责骂虐待得了抑郁症不停啄羽的秃毛鹦鹉,非法走私遗落到城市猫咖里的黏人大猫……还有她家可爱的小小1w0-89022 >>

She Died.

A cliché story about a good girl and a bad boy. Eros is a rebel and one day he meets Eris, an angel (literally). She must save him to save herself. A fantasy romance story that will teach you lots of lessons in life. He didn't believe in God then one day he started praying to get her back.

Anata Wo Mamoritakute

A short 26 page story about a student-teacher relationship. The teacher breaks it off and after 6 years pass, the student is now a teacher also and they find that their feelings are still the same.

Ushio And Tora

Ushio and Tora Manga facilities across conflicts and the journeys of Ushio Aotsuki, who assisted and is always being stalked by a massive, sometimes imperceptible, and unnatural tiger-like creature named Tora. Ushio inadvertently unsealed the cavern Tora was immobilized in. The show centers around their relationship, interspersed with conflicts against foes that are mythological, and with the efforts to grapple with modern life of Tora. Main characters in Ushio and Tora Manga The narrative also contains the relationships of Ushio with two girls: the female Mayuko Inoue as well as the tomboyish Asako Nakamura. The protagonist of the show, he's the son of a temple priest as well as overcome the superb y and a woman shaman, destined to wield the Beast Spearukai Hakumen no Mono. He's really kind hearted and considerably values camaraderie and all life. With his ideals, he manages to unite yukai against Hakumen and the forces of humanity with Tora through his case of his fighting partnership. Ushio cares a lot for Mayuko and adores Asako, and can quickly may actually save them from yukai strikes. Tora An early tiger-like yukai when Ushio pulled off the Beast Spear, who had been released. Prior to being trapped in the cellar of the temple of Ushio, he was known as Nagatobimaru, magnificently worried for his absolute strength and powers of lightning among the yukai community. Being trapped in the cellar for 500 years, he's great interest over gadgets and modern lifestyle. His favourite food is burgers, when they meet, which Mayuko consistently supplies. He says that he's every intent to eat Mayuko and Ushio, so is not going to let them be taken away by other yukai. In exactly the same time, Tora looks to love their firm, and he's said that he'll not make a move as low as wanting to eat Ushio in his slumber, suggesting he'd favor fight that is honest. He also describes the reason why he shields Ushio despite saying he will eat him is that he interest around him. Tora cares greatly about him which he really attempts to deny Ushio and Tora manga transform to Anime Characters in Ushio and Tora Manga Asako Nakamura The hotheaded, tomboyish childhood pal of Mayuko and Ushio. A ramen restaurant is owned by her family. Mayuko Inoue Asako and Ushio 's companion. She's womanly and more pleasant. She has feelings for Tora, whom she easily purchases burgers for and cares for Ushio. Afterwards, she took as her stepbrother in Kirio. Additionally it is disclosed that she belongs to the lineage of strong woman shamans. So, Mayuko can produce psychic barriers strong enough to hold Hakumen back. Ushio's dad, custodian of the temple he along with his son live in. His secret identity is being one of a particular Buddhist sect named Kouhamei of most powerful priest. An orphaned girl who goes to exactly the same school as Mayuko, Asako and Ushio. Her dad was quite overprotective of her, and he became an oni, causing risk to any sons who took the merest fantasy of her when he died. She was distressed by this greatly, and she attempted to commit suicide many times. Ushio eventually got his mistakes are realized by her dad, and he left for the afterworld. Then, Reiko could lead an ordinary life, and became good buddies with Mayuko, Asako and Ushio. Hyou A strong Chinese exorcist, exceptionally proficient in geomancy, use of flying spears and seals. Socket now could be a charming blue crystal ball used to save his life. Hyu Initially believes Tora is the one who killed his family, but Ushio convinces him is not guilty, and Hyu After calms down a little, being a treasured ally. Jie Mei She's the sister of Giryu, who lost her life to make the blade of the spear. She reincarnated as Yuki, the very first of the lineage of woman shamans that are strong one has the exact same appearance as her. Jie Mei is capable freely materialize everywhere desired, and seemed to help prevent Ushio with his spirit completely absorbed by the spear from transforming into a Creature. Giryu An extremely skilled blacksmith who goes mad from being not able to prevent her forfeit, the brother of Jie Mei. Filled with remorse, rage and sorrow, he beaten on his body to the shaft of the spear. However, he's pledged his devotion to Ushio. Yu Hiyama The dad of a young girl whose caused a flying devil, by Fusuma. She attributed her daddy's longtime pal Atsuzawa for the event, but she learns the truth and forgives Atsuzawa after helping Fusuma to be defeated by Ushio. She's shy and simply intimidated, apologizing profusely when the other is at fault. As the backlash of energy would ruin her, initially she's unwilling to let Ushio ruin the obstacle imprisoning Omamori, when Tora determines to deflect the backlash, but she relents. In the wake, she tells Ushio of her choice to become more powerful like him, and becomes fitter and more sociable. Strangely, her hair begins turning brown too, possibly symbolizing the conclusion of her 'occupation'. Like her mom Akiyo Takatori Ushio to Tora manga  Shinji Tokuno A former yakuza who left the company when he was identified as having cancer, and instinctively chose to go back to his home village. He gives himself to seal the mist spirit, Shimuna and keep it from ruining his hamlet. In the chapters later, Ushio wears the overcoat in memory of his sacrifice of Shinji. Reiko's childhood and classmate buddy. They became after the passing of the dad of Reiko, but made up after he with her and Ushio defeat the Oni that was the dad of Reiko. Kyuji Atsuzawa Hiyama's dad. He saw his buddy is killed by the Fusuma and when Ushio and Tora killed the heavens devil, Yu For blaming him for her dad's passing, apologized. Ushio's until a Youkai told Ushio that she is living and despised by all Youkai Mom who had been presumed dead. She is the third in a line of woman shamans that's kept from ruining Japan Hakumen no Mono imprisoned to stop it. Jie Mei enabled her to leave her place for a couple of years, which had before being made to go back to the seal, Ushio and enabled her to meet with Shigure Tokyo Ghoul Manga Lueduo Diren De Xin Manga

Ichigo To Chocolate

Ami is a high school girl who loves to chase after expensive brands. By pure chance, Ami has started working for Tatara in order to acquire a handbag she wanted. But to think that Tatara is the most famous porno writer at the time..! Who could have imagined the anxiety that lies within Ami's heart?

A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World

A Stay-at-home Dad's Restaurant In An Alternate World summary: In Chaos City on the Norland Continent, there is a strange restaurant.Here, elves and dwarves share tables. Beastmen are prohibited from making a din, and giant dragons can only seat around the tiny square in front of the restaurant. Even demons have to bring their own stools&h.e.l.lip;But it is such a strange restaurant that has long lines outside every day.Elves are stuffing kebabs...


Palimpsest summary: Palimpsest summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Palimpsest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat

The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat summary: The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Adventures of Jerry Muskrat. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Evil At Heart

Evil At Heart summary: Evil At Heart summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Evil At Heart. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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