


































内容简介:  【文文设定无脑、微玄幻、无逻辑】阮初好不容易从异世穿回来,却穿到了一个三个月大的小婴儿身体里。三个月会游泳,被阮家认为不祥,被丢到外婆家一养就是十七年。十七年后再度回阮家,抱歉,你 们各位都高攀不起本祖宗!……【醋精禁欲系大佬vs萌软小仙女大佬】他是帝都人人惧怕,狠戾无情的傅家最高掌权人,神秘、嗜血,杀伐果断是他的代名词。可偏偏,处在高高在上神坛中的男人却因她一不小心坠入了凡尘,落入了她的怀里,从此傅家最为神秘致命的掌权人多了一个代名词——嗜妻如命的帝都醋精!初见,她与他夜色朦胧中相遇,她一针扎了他打包扛走。第二次见面,他把她抓回去丢进蛇堆里……第三次见面,他躺在她床上……阮初:“我会救你!”傅冥:“你救我一命,我护你一世……”ps:男主身中剧毒,女主会医术再加多重马甲,强强联合!  1w0-3057 >>






内容简介:神秘的药剂,使得末世降临,原本是个普通人的林飞,却因为得到了系统,过的风生水起,一步步的解开,末世降临的秘密。开局一条狗的末世故事,从这里开始。新人新书,请大家多多支持,多多指教,多多 评论,多多收藏,谢谢。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《末世御兽师系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79906 >>

第一部 第一卷 高中寻美



内容简介:一:听说鉴定部要迎来第七个协助。众人心知肚明,主区下来的人不过借着协助之名行监察之事,为的就是调查三年前E级异蛋失踪的真相。而这个被监察的重点对象,则是鉴定部唯一的高级鉴定师,沈知。在 沈知眼里,这些主区的眼睛天赋极差却眼高于顶,个个都是进两趟危险区就会丧命的草包。见到新来的协助之后,他默默的在在前头加了个修饰词。至少这次是个漂亮的草包。二:新来的协助不过二十二岁,却是个高级驯兽师,和沈知同属一级。沈知思忖,像这样的高岭之花,平常少不了被人献媚套近乎,一定十分厌恶被人过分亲近。让敌人远离自己的最好办法就是主动亲近敌人。于是他累了要人背,受伤了要人照顾,清理个伤口也表示草地太扎人了要躺人齐协助腿上。自以为用尽了浑身解数,齐宋该对他避而不及。等等……这人为什么不退反进?三:沈知不知道的是,他和齐宋其实相遇的很早。早到他的记忆尽数湮灭在十三年前鲜血淋漓的忏悔台上,坠入深渊后怀着屈辱苟且到现在。后来他发现原本意想中的死对头身后拿的也不是能将他刺死的尖刀,而是一盒度了十几年体温的糖果。当初见过沈知眼中星辰璀璨的少年已经长大,怀着满腔温柔越过千山万水来到他面前,只为告诉他,这世上还有人爱他。1w0-87888 >>


内容简介:穿越火影,青木飞鸢被小南收养,之后更是绑定了“日记系统”,每天只要写写日记就能变强。然而,青木飞鸢不知道的是,“日记系统”还有个日记副本,而这个副本,又恰好落到了佩恩的手里,再然后,佩 恩通过日记副本看到了青木飞鸢的所有日记内容……【……蝎将会死在这次任务中……他的身份和实力天然就有竞争风影的资格,若是晓组织能够借助他控制砂隐村,那就相当于是晓组织直接掌控了五大忍村的其中之一!】【另外,迪达拉貌1w0-29923 >>


内容简介:【本文女强男强,双强双C,宠文无虐,一对一,欢迎跳坑】一朝醒来,她竟穿成唐门庶出小姐,还没弄清楚处境,就强被穿上嫁衣,代妹出嫁。这个身子倾国倾城,却生来病魔缠身,走几步都得喘几声?不怕 !她随身带着药修至宝,养好身体不过小case。什么?自己要嫁的男人传说是怪物?连娶了十二任新娘全死于非命?修炼魔功?“呵。”一声笑。1w62740-64240 >>


内容简介:和编辑商量了一下,打算于号入V,届时会有三更掉落,爱我请不要抛弃我QAQ穿成个已婚妇女,渣男心有白月光,正准备和离时,简娣一睁眼,发现自己又变成个男的?还是个政府没编制的公务员,一个叫 卢仲夏的翰林院庶吉士。感觉到自己少了点什么引以为傲的东西,多了点什么可怕东西后。简娣:保持微笑jpg更可怕的是,她和人家原主卢小哥一体双魂。为了确保自个租住的壳子有个远大光明的未来。简娣决定顶着卢仲夏的马甲,和卢小哥一起,一心践行社会主义核心价值观,高举大庆朝特色社会主义伟大旗帜,做个两袖清风,勤政爱民的狗,阿不,好官。大庆朝张首辅:呵呵谢状元郎:呵呵都察院杠精御史们:呵呵卢仲夏:呵……不对!我不是狗官QAQ简娣:我狗。——预收接档文:(快穿)追妻男主向快穿,1v1,HE在宋安宁死后,顾饮真才发现自己有多爱她。好在,他还来得及挽救。注:攻略对象皆为女主残魂,每一抹残魂都是女主不同性格的放大。暂定:怂包小宫女X青涩少年帝王妖媚妾室X教书先生清冷真君X坚韧徒弟演技帝反派江湖前辈X仗义任侠武林少侠先女追男,后男追女。甜虐交加,HE,酸酸甜甜!绝对好看!相信我!请收藏我!爱你们!推文时间:旧文:《男主他人老》丧心病狂嫖老人家基友文:请你改邪归我快穿作者:七日怪歌冰山腼腆温和男主X小狼狗花式爱撩女主2333如果您喜欢狗官修炼手册,别忘记分享给朋友作者:黍宁所写的《狗官修炼手册》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-95877 >>


内容简介:上一世顾瑾容活的直白肆意,可却在青春年华里惨烈死去。重来一世,她决心要稳重冷静,步步为谋,改变所有她在意的人的结局。等等,停,你若是以为这是一个励志报仇的虐文就错了。咳咳,这其实只是一 个宠人…1w0-67473 >>


内容简介:一张弓,一场悲剧;一张弓,一份缘分。荣达飞在魔兽群中长大,可森林并不是他的舞台,他要到人类社会中去!!可他连男女都分不清!更何况其他~!!!可他还是要去……这一天终于到来…………1w9 117-87258 >>

20Th Century Boys

From here: Growing older is pretty rough and Kenji is finding out just how hard it can be as life starts wearing down on him. On top of trying to make ends meet running a convenience store, he has to care for the niece that his missing sister left in his care. Memories of youth make it easier, until those memories come back to haunt you. Kenji and his old friends are slowly being drawn into a mysterious conspiracy that could threaten the world. Who is the mysterious 'friend', and how does he tie into Kenji's youth? Why are there disappearances and deaths tied into Ochanomizu University? The friend's memories hold the keys to the puzzle, but years between cloud the clues. The strange occurances and the reach of the 'friend' conspiracy grow by the day. It will all culminate on New Year's Eve 2000. Will Kenji and the rest of the group be able to put together the puzzle and save the world? Note: The last two volumes of the story were serialized under the name 21st Century Boys and are not included here.

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The Rough Road

The Rough Road summary: The Rough Road summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Rough Road. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dave Porter and the Runaways

Dave Porter and the Runaways summary: Dave Porter and the Runaways summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dave Porter and the Runaways. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Poems (1828) by Thomas Gent

Poems (1828) by Thomas Gent summary: Poems (1828) by Thomas Gent summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Poems (1828) by Thomas Gent. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka

Isekai Nonbiri Nouka summary: Isekai Nonbiri Nouka is a quite new but pretty interesting novel written by Kinosuke Naito. The book is currently published in an online version on NovelOnlineFull, so you can find it on that website. The story is recently updated, and new chapters are also about to arrive soon. So the readers can definitely expect a continuation of the story. The writing of this novel is in the ongoing phase, and that's important to mention.
The end is not yet near, and no one knows how Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story finishes. You can, however, find all the important details regarding this book on the appropriate website's page.
The story is a mixture of a number of different genres such as action, adventure, comedy, and romance. As a combination, it is an interesting one, so the readers have an opportunity to enjoy reading. There are various twists and turns which provide a necessary excitement during reading, so the readers can get familiar with the content quite easily.
The story has a very high rating on the website, which is close to the perfect five stars. That's because of the satisfaction of the previous readers who have left mostly positive votes on the story. It is a good testimony for all others who have an interest in such content. The public is more than satisfied with the content, so you can also have a great reading experience, thanks to Isekai Nonbiri Nouka novel.
The main plot in Isekai Nonbiri Nouka book follows a character who fights against a serious illness for years. Unfortunately, the disease wins at the end, and the patient dies. That seems like the finish of this story at its very beginning. Still, the lucky destiny does not betray the patient, and he gets a completely new life at the end of the past one. He is younger than before and the new life provides some interesting opportunities he could not achieve earlier when he fought against the illness. 
The main character has some nice business ideas he can implement thanks to the lucky destiny. He plans to begin a farming job by opening a ranch with different plants and animals. That leads to various challenges situation and some are very exciting. So the readers can enjoy reading while following the new life of this interesting character. 
You cannot expect too much of action within Isekai Nonbiri Nouka story that some shooting novels can provide. But it is very good for the delightful reading during restful evenings. If you like those types of books, you will definitely be more than satisfied with the content. It is very well written and the words flow excellent. 
That's one of the main reasons for a truly high rating of the story, so there is nothing that can prevent a convenient reading experience. The will for reading comes naturally with the story of this quality while the time pa.s.ses very fast during reading.

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