






简介(每周二、周日更新) 房价太高怎么办?修真打怪来钱快! 不吃不喝才能买得起房子的时代,只好去修仙了! 码农房奴成就最强修真者,打工打怪打BOSS,赚钱还贷奔小康。











燕山派与百花门 第一季

类别搞笑 恋爱 古风








简介为了解开每到凌晨就会变身成狗的诅咒, 女主角和害怕狗的男主角展开了一段互相推拉的浪漫爱情故事。






内容简介:方云,因为误入修真者遗留的洞府成为地球上最后一个修真者,却因为念家只想在家陪陪家人,搞搞旅游。展起来的神奇的小山村引来了许多心怀鬼胎的各路人马,但是都在方云绝对的力量面前碰得鼻青脸肿。 本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《霸道修真农民》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81391 >>


内容简介:一世人两兄弟,背井离乡举目无亲,活着真的是太难了。可活人总不能让尿憋死,路还是要继续往前走,就算生活是一滩烂泥,也要捏出朵狗尾巴花来。【下山虎,为生存,凶猛无比,无所畏惧。】(QQ群: 474558375,作者勿扰,谢谢)1w0-4520 >>




内容简介:一个从未知空间传送而来的要塞世界,没有人知道卡迪亚人口中的帝皇和人类帝国是什么。“帝皇庇佑着我们,我们必将戮灭异形”现任卡迪亚总督——帕金斯卡迪亚必将重建!卡迪亚永不陷落!现经历世界: 灵笼(待续)雄兵连(待续)阿凡达(正在)1w0-79713 >>


内容简介:苏青安想要成为能给予符华幸福的人。而为此,即使在最灰暗的世界线与最绝望的未来里,他都可以容忍远比曾经更为恐怖的炼狱。【目前书中经历时间线:前文明沧海市——主线长空市——主线长空市——前 文明——云墨时期——往世乐土、后崩坏书、IF线黑化上仙、赛博朋克要素的异闻带。】———————————谨以此文,作为献给上仙的百万情书。1w0-62719 >>


内容简介:末世自爆后,夏海棠和林南峰夫妻两人一起穿越了。林南峰成了一个嫌弃媳妇生不出儿子,天天打媳妇打闺女,还游手好闲的混账丈夫。夏海棠成了那个天天被打,默默忍受,还一心只想生出儿子的懦弱媳妇。 他们不仅成了别人眼中的笑话,家里更是穷的家徒四壁,一点余粮没有,还欠着好多钱!两人一合计,没钱没粮不怕,名声不好更不怕,他们身怀异能又有空间,轻轻松松就能打个翻身仗。种田养娃,治病救人,带领全家全村一起发家致富,1w0-68204 >>


内容简介:玉笙烟固执地问霍爻:“现在,你心里有好过一点点吗?”她是真心的,希望能抚平霍爻刻骨的仇恨,解了他心里的痛,哪怕只有一点点。可玉笙烟还是想得太简单了……霍爻有的是方法,将她打入地狱!1w 0-81317 >>


内容简介:破碎虚空,前路何在?寰宇之外又有大千,那便叫这无尽枷锁于煌煌剑威下彻底粉碎!剑铸吾身,身临百战,跨越无数战场而不败。血火为锷,白骨为锋,斩尽诸界最强之存在。无尽世界瑰丽雄奇,无边宇宙苍 茫浩淼,以剑神之名,打出一条通向不朽之路!老群被封,新群:2259116651w0-2411 >>




内容简介:容深,当今最炙手可热的全能影帝。简笺,娱乐圈公认颜值天花板的新晋影后。出道数年两人毫无交集,一朝合作,便立刻稳居CP榜第一。全网CP粉2000w,死忠粉无数,一跃成为国民CP。后来,两 人成了娱乐圈撒糖专业户。官宣前:CP粉:“我可以是假的,我的CP必须是真的!”唯粉:“请圈地自萌,抱走我家哥哥姐姐。”官宣后:CP粉:“妈妈,我嗑到真的了!我的CP真的真的是真的!”唯粉:“哎呀妈,真香。”毒唯:“我不管我不信,哥哥姐姐是我的!”CP唯粉:“滚!”容深身份曝光后:路人:“简笺不配!”简笺身份曝光后:路人:“原来小丑竟是我自己……”男主看似俊雅清贵实则腹黑心机,女主表面狐狸女王内心温暖小天使。不圣母、不犯蠢。Attention:本文专注嗑糖,全程cpn。架空,请勿考究,请勿代入!禁止谈论其他书籍和人物,相互尊重!划重点,依旧甜宠无虐,身心干净,坑品保证。1w0-28428 >>


内容简介:牧尘穿越洪荒,成为一道虚无缥缈的灵体。本是个战五渣,却意外觉醒星海垂钓选择系统。“恭喜宿主垂钓百年,获得诛仙四剑仿品!”“恭喜宿主垂钓千年,成为太乙玄仙!”“恭喜宿主垂钓万年,成就大罗 金仙!”鸿钧:1w13352-27914 >>


内容简介:解锁神级摆摊系统!开局摆摊卖空气!一瓶不要九十八,不要九九八,只要九十九万八!真神路过,当场惊呆!瓶子里竟然是我几千年都没见过的纯粹灵气!这地摊!连个指甲刀里蕴含的威能都比我本命法器还 要强!摊主前辈!我可以尝一块士力架吗?天啊!我卡在真神级别上千年,吃了它竟然突破了!【展开】【收起】1w37204-80458 >>

Go Ahead

Hungry for a teacher and student relationship? Nope, it’s not about love or romance. It’s all about sport! Find out what happens if both the teacher and student, who have nothing in common and hate each other in the beginning, are connected with hockey as their life. (Source: Doko Demo Doa Manga Scanlations)

Megane Goshi No Sora Wa...

1-3) The Sky Over My SpectaclesEven though Azumas 'spectacle fetish' is infamous, guys are out of the question, and Sorachi is definitely way out of the question - hes too serious for him to even carry on a decent conversation with. One day, however, Azuma finds Sorachi asleep without his glasses, and can't help himself from kissing him! Glasses may be the thing that attracts Azuma to Sorachi... or is it?4) Let's Fall in LoveMinami always seems to walk in on Sawai being confessed to! Sawai doesn't know how good he has it, being beloved by cute girls. But there's a reason Sawai turns them down...5) Let's Meet at One O'ClockEvery day Detective Saegusa Noritaka has an unwilling lunch date in serious cafe worker Nanase Ikumi. But every time Saegusa tries to get closer Nanase pulls away. 6) Kirishima (Saegusa's assistant)'s younger neighbor Tetsuji is getting ready to go to college. Kirishima's always had a crush on the younger man, but has never been able to tell him. But before he leaves, Tetsuji suddenly kisses him!Sequel:>Wild Darling( http://mangapark.com/search?q=wild-darling )

Romeo X Juliet

Neo Verona. A land floating high in the sky ruled by the Capulet family. That is until one night, when the long time rivals of the Capulets, the Montagues, storm the palace, killing the duke, his wife, and his men. All are killed but Juliet, a young daughter of the Capulets who is rescued and spirited away to safety before she could be killed. Fourteen years later, Juliet remembers nothing of her gruesome past, and lives with the small band who had rescued her, the only family she has. It is not safe for Juliet to go out undisguised, however, as a search for the Capulet heiress is still underway. So in public, she dresses as a boy, a young man named Odin, at the request of her 'family'. Though she is technically not allowed to, Juliet has another secret identity: The Red Whirlwind, the daring and righteous hero of Neo Verona, famous for saving any in danger with his (or rather, her) sword and advanced combat skills without killing anyone. It is on one of these 'rescue missions' that she first meets Romeo, heir of the Montague house. By chance, they fall in love–a forbidden love that neither side will allow. Things get even more complicated, however, when Juliet finally learns of her true identity and is told that she must kill the current duke–Romeo's father.

Manga Meisaku Opera

In the eight volumes of the series, the mangaka choses some of the most famous operas of all times to tell their stories. The first two volumes deal withe the operas in Wagner's Ring Cycle, the third contains La Traviata, Rigoletto, Aida and so on, each o the volumes containing various operas, their actions being divided in acts following the staging tradition.

In the Roar of the Sea

In the Roar of the Sea summary: In the Roar of the Sea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Roar of the Sea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Works of Theophile Gautier

The Works of Theophile Gautier summary: The Works of Theophile Gautier summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Works of Theophile Gautier. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Giving It To The Bad Guy

Giving It To The Bad Guy summary: Giving It To The Bad Guy summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Giving It To The Bad Guy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fei Pin Ying Qiang

Fei Pin Ying Qiang summary: Fei Pin Ying Qiang summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Fei Pin Ying Qiang. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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