
















类别都市 恋爱 霸总











(C100)Dress up doll (东方project)

(C100) [みみぷる (魅未)] Dress up doll (东方project)






内容简介:叶枫穿越到斗气大陆,竟成为一名蛇人族。身为美杜莎亲卫一员,这岂不是近水楼台先得女王?开局激活签到系统:奖励功法斗技,异火丹药,等诸天天材地宝……叮!获得异火:三千焱炎火!叮!获得不死之 体:“三千星辰体”!叮!获得魔核武器流刃若火斩魂刀一把!叮!获得七品丹药“天魂融血丹”一枚!咦这是在未雨先绸么?女王的运气真是极好呢!萧炎:为什么我的运气这么差?叶枫:因为你的脑形!!!………………【爽文】【小白】【无敌】【轻松】【有点甜】本书又名《斗破:迎娶美杜莎,暴打萧炎》《斗破:攻略美杜莎,从做亲卫开始》1w0-79168 >>


内容简介:《将进酒by唐酒卿》小说简介:浪荡败类纨绔攻vs睚眦必报美人受。恶狗对疯犬。中博六州被拱手让于外敌,沈泽川受押入京,沦为人人痛打的落水狗。萧驰野闻着味来,不叫别人动手,自己将沈泽川一脚 踹成了病秧子,谁知这病秧子回头一口,咬得他鲜血淋漓。两个人从此结下了大梁子,见面必撕咬。“命运要我一生都守在这里,可这并非是我抉择的那一条路。黄沙淹没了我的手足,我不想再臣服于虚无的命。1w0-4967 >>




内容简介:小兵提供孤独的乌云大神最新作品《全民杀戮开局掠夺神级机缘》最新章节列表,全民杀戮开局掠夺神级机缘全文阅读,全民杀戮开局掠夺神级机缘无弹窗,请关注全民杀戮开局掠夺神级机缘吧,本站最新最快 更新全民杀戮开局掠夺神级机缘的最新章节。1w0-85081 >>


内容简介:  人在道中,道在人心!锁一方气运,绝一方灵气,道归时,人何在?1w0-941


内容简介:  小小少年柳清欢,于凡尘战乱中走出,又走进了波澜壮阔的修仙者战争。是超然世外,还是扛起责任?是不忘初心,还是太上忘情?以万丈红尘炼心,坐忘长生。1w0-635


内容简介:周溪和林笑成相恋两年,在新婚之夜却被他算计送到别人床上。旖旎过后,她带着愧疚回家,却撞见曾经的爱人和旁人缱绻,对她视如敝履口出恶言。她痛定思痛,决意与渣男恩断义绝,但是林笑成却对她百般 纠缠,不愿意放过她。正在她一筹莫展时,严景山强势出现,替她手撕绿茶白莲花,完爆贱人渣渣,数次解救她于危难。周溪:“为什么帮我?”严景山挑眉逼近,在她耳边轻声道:“当然是1w0-62604 >>


内容简介:【推荐预收文章《黑月光重生后竟然洗清革面》↑】【第一世界很多人反应剧情很乱,描写也有问题,大家先别看,我会在后面不定期地修改留】谢知年是个渣攻扮演者。当他完成任务准备封神的时候,却突然 绑定了洗白系统,系统028奉旨下达命令:“为了平复目标人物的崩坏,请你重回原世界,进行洗白任务,降低他们的黑化值。”第(1)世界:他是挖取丹心的师尊,手底下养着个听话的乖徒,在刷取黑化值后,变成杀人不眨眼的魔头,兴师动众带着邪门歪道的徒弟回来复仇。某‘乖徒’裂开嘴角,他废掉对方的修为:“师尊的长生死了,他死在最爱的时候,现在活下来的只有本尊崇明,对你恨之入骨的魔修。”↓第(2)个世界:他是背叛大佬黑红的明星,大佬禁欲又寡淡,关键是三年都将他捧在手心,给他比别人更好的资源,黑化后变得生人勿近,对娱乐圈的水看透。某‘大佬’眯着眼缝,用骨骼分明的手指敲击着桌面:“听说他毁了容,我也不会心疼他点,他混不下去想自暴自弃,我有什么资格去管他,像他这种哗众取宠的人,娱乐圈不多了。”↓第(3)世界,他是定位重生的恶术风水师,对象是重生回来的天才,对他既爱又恨,本以为没有重生而再次爱上对方,结果发现一切都是一场骗局。某风水师嘲讽地笑着,提着把夺命刀:“我被同一个人骗了两次,他彻头彻尾把我当成傻瓜,如今用装可怜这一套,我不会再相信他了,我会让他死在我的手下,做成恶鬼跟在我的身边。”↑论最后的真香定律:是后悔莫及!本文又名《每个想虐心的人都反被虐了》①比惨,没人比谢知年更惨。②比手段,没人比谢知年更高明。③比血液,没人比谢知年更充足。只见谢知年苍白的面容上带着悲伤,他捂着胸口处的血液,垂眼看着每黑化的男主们,眼里没有半点的清明,奄奄一息地说道:“我要死了,你们别哭。”内心却是:我痛苦,我装的。谢知年:cue下洗白工作做得好,黑化男主瞬间为我倾倒。位面一:嫉妒徒弟的仙界师尊位面二:风水界贪生怕死恶术攻位面三:渣了大佬跑路后的明星后续还有世界。阅读需知:①暂时定下位面,更新顺序不定。②此文一旦发出,绝对有保障。③攻是任务者,但最后会1V1,和所有黑化男主集成的真实受在一起,他们两个会成为新一代的主神。1w0-81294 >>


内容简介:重生前,云卿不顾一切嫁给少帅霍锦修,然而她被那个男人用最残忍的手段羞辱揉成了碎片,她才知道有怎样的刻骨铭心,就有怎样的刺骨剜肉。重生后,完璧之身的她不但怀孕了,身边还有身份神秘的保镖保 驾护航,眼里再也没有了他,更让人不可思议的是,她医术了得,身藏神秘空间和金手指。只是那个曾经半只眼睛都瞧不上她的少帅,一边自己打自己的脸,一边狂妄道,“云卿,狼的本性就是寻找适合他口味的羔羊做点心,而你就是那一味可口的点心。甘之如饴,至死不渝!”1w87305-96711 >>


内容简介:  当群星在夜空闪耀,我却只看到你的光芒。幻想世界中的HY1w0-3328


内容简介:主人公姜爻为寻找失踪的友人萧远,偷偷潜入一幢废弃别墅调查,却阴差阳错地被一道神秘黑影所盯上,差点万劫不复。然而这却只是厄运的开始,连环事件的背后,姜爻逐渐发现跟着自己的,竟是一个“本不 该存在”之人。 如影随形的危机,友人失踪的真相,潜藏的异能者组织……离奇事件的背后,一场跨越千年的阴谋已悄然苏醒,正与邪的较量即将展开。 ------------- 官方微博:暗界神使 官方公.众号:暗界神使(ajssBNESH) 本小说作品为上海文化发展基金会扶持项目1w0-4521 >>

Kamisama Ga Yadoru Kotoba

From Shinmakoku Scanlations: God lives within words, so you must never lie. Mizuki's grandma taught Mizuki and Makoto that, right before Makoto made a promise and moved away. Years went by and they met again, this time, one of them would become a liar.

Kimi Ga Kimi De Aru Tameni

Summary taken from the back of Cover: What will happen when a human has extra power? What will happen when that power is used to fulfill all of his will? Masami, who often looks like an innocent little boy, apparently has the power that he uses as a killer weapon. He even dares to hurt his own mother in order to reach his goal. What will shogo do as his best friend?

Shin Kotaro Makaritoru! Juudouhen

Having to repeat his final year in Tsurugamine High School, Kotaro is drawn to Judo through the encounters he make with first-year students Kumi Mifune, Sanshiro Saigo and Daigo Daigo. Having lost to Kotaro, first-year Judoka Kumi Mifune endeared to learn the Karate discipline in order to defeat Kotaro. However, the ambitious delinquent Judoka Daigo captured her as a bait to take on Kotaro and take over his long-standing Kyokutan dojo. Sanshiro Saigo who happened to be with Kumi was taken as well and caused the Judo Club to be involved in the conflict with Kotaro. With the return of many previous characters (though many of them just making brief appearances) such as Shikato Tenzen, Momotaro Ushirono, Teruhiko Tenkouji and Kyoushiro Inamori; mixed with the appearance of new characters such as the leaders of the male and female Judo Clubs; Toshihiko Iga who seemed to know Kotaro very well and Rumiko Mitsugi whose panties Kotaro and Tenzen could never 'possess' respectively, the new arc of Kotaro brings him and Mayumi to the world of Judo filled with the familiar mix of comedy, ecchi, and martial arts.

Strike Witches: Tenkou No Otometachi

Set in a world similar to Earth in the mid twentieth century, Strike Witches tells the story of a fight to protect that world using a combination of magic and technology. The titular Strike Witches, a group of young women with high magical potential, have been gathered together from various nations in a task force to fight against the enigmatic Neuroi. This puzzling enemy force has appeared frequently and without warning in many areas across the world. The weapons of the Neuroi mostly take on forms similar to propeller aircraft but their most troubling tactic is the spreading of a corrosive miasma. Not only do normal humans have no defense against this miasma, but the remnants of the land affected by it are processed by the Neuroi into new weapons, crumbling huge sections of former nations into the sea. As the miasma seems to be unable to spread across large bodies of water, humanity has designated such areas as their main lines of defense. In order to bring out their potential for use in battle, each Witch equips a unique machine onto their legs: the Striker Unit. With the Striker Unit equipped, they gain the ability to fly and their tapped magical potential provides the strength to utilize weapons far too heavy and powerful for a normal man. Also created is a defensive field that can protect the Witches from the Neuroi's miasma as well as other physical weaponry, making them humanity's trump card in the war. The franchise's main media focuses on the 501st Joint Fighter Wing, spearheading the counterattack in war-torn Europe.


Argeneau summary: A Quick Bite (Argeneau #1) That hot guy tied to Lissianna Argeneau 's bed? He 's not dessert—he 's the main course! Lissianna has been spending her centuries pining for Mr. Right, not just a quick snack, and this s.e.xy guy she finds in her bed looks like he might be a candidate. But there 's another, more pressing issue: her tendency to faint at the sight of blood . . . an especially annoying quirk for a vampire. Of course it doesn 't hurt that this man has a delicious-looking neck. What kind of cold-blooded vampire woman could resist a bite of that? Dr. Gregory Hewitt recovers from the shock of waking up in a stranger 's bedroom pretty quickly—once he sees a gorgeous woman about to treat him to a wild night of pa.s.sion. But is it possible for the good doctor to find true love with a vampire vixen, or will he be just a good meal? That 's a question Dr. Greg might be willing to sink his teeth into . . . if he can just get Lissianna to bite.

Everywhere In Jianghu Is Wonderful

Everywhere In Jianghu Is Wonderful summary: At 22 years of age, Shen Qian Ling won his first Best Male Lead award. Afterwards just as he, holding the award, was moved to tears, a piece of the ceiling fell down loudly, and accurately hit his head without mistake. And afterwards he just&h.e.l.lip;..traveled through time! Qin Shao Yu: If Ling-er is willing, Zhui Ying sect can have the wedding anytime. Shen Qian Ling: To be honest, I am extremely reluctant about this.

A Poached Peerage

A Poached Peerage summary: A Poached Peerage summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A Poached Peerage. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

One Piece Talent System

One Piece Talent System summary: He doesn’t want to be wanted for bounty, or be a pirate, but if there’s no other choice, he can only become a pirate&h.e.l.lip;.. Let the world turn upside down!

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