








类别都市 恋爱 霸总 少女 其他








类别恋爱 霸总 生活




简介我若要有 天不可无 我若要无 天不许有! 这是一个起始于第八山与第九山之间的故事 一个“我命如妖欲封天”的世界!












内容简介:新书《武神空间》,7月21日上传,大家多多支持!修炼了传说中诗仙李白遗留的功法《青莲圣歌》的人间武者秦方因为一个意外,跟随着几百年来唯一一个飞升者,张三丰前往了天界大荒!一个光怪陆离的 世界,一个人类盛极而衰的世界!顺则奴,逆则亡!踏古震今,登天路,逆仙行,狂歌天下!本书一群:252159101w0-27886 >>


内容简介:一林莞十七岁那年,逃学被扔去罚站,脚步声逐渐走近。她抬头,商陆戴着学生会的袖标,面容沉静的走到她面前。“认错了吗?”“不认。”她冷笑一声。不过就是个来找茬的书呆子,真以为她会服软?二商 陆十七岁那年,是人人口中的尖子生,但只有他自己知道,他不是好学生。无人知道。每当那个少女对着他笑、叫他名字、在他旁边戏谑时,他会有股本书关键词:幻想奇缘强强情有独钟破镜重圆爽文《强势臣服》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、混沌效应:撕裂末日、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、忍界神话:最强砂隐、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、午夜女主播、锦衣娘子、秋以为期、糊你一脸白月光快穿、跨物种相亲、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、校花之贴身高手、小娇妻,你被捕了!、我!无双战将、那个被我活埋的人、神奇宝贝:牵绊智爷、真千金不干啦、无限之剧本杀、三界狂徒、娇生惯宠、跑男之最强高富帅、蝉动、Moba:刷到满级就上场1w0-82115 >>


内容简介:在车内,男人的长指,抚过她诱人曲线,狂热地在她身上啃出颗颗草莓,轻挑地在她耳边吹气,amp“女人,是你自己惹的火,就要负责灭!amp“原本以为一辈子不会再有交集,却没想到,她再一次,误 入狼窝……拉开、撞入,直到深处,他低吼,一下比一下猛烈,他是用这样的手段报复,amp“辰熙,这是你顾家欠我的——amp“他喜欢她的身体,夜夜换花样,制服控萝莉控女王控,可最爱的却是撕碎撕碎再撕碎,看她在他身下求饶……一场车祸,身份互换;一次身体碰撞,惹来无数次缠绵。她是天之骄女,他是暗夜撒旦,他与她的纠缠,究竟是姻缘天定还是父债子偿?1w0-4900 >>


内容简介:酒会上,谈家大少爷潜规则小明星不成,还被小明星一红酒瓶砸进了医院。圈内纷纷吐槽谈大少爷吃相难看,营销号下场细数谈大少爷十宗罪,在热搜轰轰烈烈挂了三天。三天后,谈大少爷醒了。娱乐圈变天了 。谈叙开始做策划第一天。吃瓜群众纷纷嘲讽:“谈叙一二世祖懂什么策划!”谈叙开始做策划三个月。吃瓜群众纷纷拜服:“谈霸霸我错了,谈霸霸威武,谈霸霸下个节目是什么,我要为谈霸霸的节目疯狂氪金!”谈叙开始做策划一年后,某颁奖典礼现场。最佳导演:“感谢小谈总……”最佳编剧:“感谢小谈总……”最佳男主角:“感谢小谈总……”最佳动画长片导演:“感谢小谈总!”谈叙一手捧着保温杯,一边接受记者采访,神情十分怀念:“感谢当年那一酒瓶子。”架空,轻松爽文,男主无cp无原型,请勿带入现实,谢谢大家原名《大娱乐时代穿书》,改名不影响观看,鞠躬各位书友要是觉得《穿书后我成了首席策划》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-112571 >>


内容简介:十八层地狱分别叫①拔舌地狱、②剪刀地狱、③铁树地狱、④孽镜地狱、⑤蒸笼地狱、⑥铜柱地狱、⑦刀山地狱、⑧冰山地狱、⑨油锅地狱、⑩牛坑地狱、9322石压地狱、9323舂臼地狱、9324血池 地狱1w0-83047 >>


内容简介:晏卿的妹妹下凡历劫,却被人设计,每一世都穿成下场凄惨的女配角色。为了拯救妹妹,快穿退休·满级大佬·晏卿,再次踏上了世界穿梭之旅,硬核护妹,虐渣逆袭。然后——被赶出家门的真千金:不好意思 ,我的首富哥哥来接我了。被抛弃的白月光替身:不好意思,我哥说你皇位没了。被打脸的炮灰女配:不好意思,国家宠我哥我哥宠我!提示:主角是哥哥晏卿,这是一篇带妹逆袭文。1w0-4487 >>


内容简介:  【已完结】新书《收了七个徒弟后我躺赢了》她是她娘怀胎三年才诞下的妖孽,诞生时天降异象,百兽齐鸣,仙尊赐福,是万人期待的天才!她萌能苏,酷能撩,撒起娇来无人敌,是连仙尊都敢调戏的混世 小祖宗。不会炼丹?她有炼丹天才的大哥!不会炼器?她有炼器天才的二哥!谁敢欺她?霸道老爹,温柔娘亲,一众逗比小弟一起上!某小祖宗:你好好看!某仙尊:……某小祖宗:踏碎虚空,羽化飞升很难?来,爹爹,娘亲,大哥,二哥,我们去碎了那虚空玩玩!!1w0-3679 >>


内容简介:快穿之云微游记是由紫莜dxm所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供快穿之云微游记最新章节阅读快穿之云微游记全文阅读快穿之云微游记免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现快穿之云微游记更新慢了请第一时间联 系小兵。1w0-84881 >>


内容简介:一连生了五个带把儿的老陈家终于有了个小姑娘。小姑娘踩着八零年的新年钟声而来,白胖胖的模样让一大家子人都看着欢喜,五个哥哥更是争着宠她。大哥:我要好好学习,以后做妹妹的榜样!二哥:我要认 真赚钱,以后妹妹的零食玩具我包了!三哥四哥:我要好好锻炼身体,以后谁欺负妹妹,我们就揍谁!五哥:努力地把自己的小饼干塞进妹妹的嘴里……睁眼就被团宠的1w0-26082 >>


内容简介:市长郭拙诚在抗洪抢险中不幸牺牲,重生回到了改革开放初期,开始了他新的人生。………………老井开新书了,请各位书友去瞧瞧,《机电帝国》书号3234579简介如下:主角有一点腹黑,有一门独特 的技术,他用腹黑来营造环境,用技术来创建事业,终于成就了他的机电帝国本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《功高权重》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81308 >>





U Wa Uchuusen No U

Comicalization of eight short stories from the great American science fiction master, Ray Bradbury: The Lake: A man revisits his childhood home and recalls a friend who drowned in a lake during childhood. Jack in the Box: A boy lives with his mother in a vast secluded mansion. She raises him to be God after telling him his father, the original God, was killed by beasts outside. Homecoming: The main story concerning the Elliot family of vampires. It concerns their return to the ancestral home for a gathering and is seen through the eyes of Timothy, a mortal child left on their doorstep who longs to be like them. R is for Rocket: Also known as ''King of the Gray Spaces''. The Rocket Man: An astronaut's job keeps him away from home for long stretches of time, so he has little time with his wife and son, only visiting them for a period of three days at a time. The story is told from the perspective of the son, who holds an interest in becoming an astronaut too. The Fog Horn: A man and his boss are putting in a night's work at a remote lighthouse when the lighthouse's resonating fog horn attracts a sea monster who destroys the place. The Screaming Woman: A mystery/suspense story, describing a young girl who tries to procure help in digging up a woman buried in an empty lot. Come into My Cellar: Better known as ''Boys! Raise Giant Mushrooms in Your Cellar!'' There are many wondrous things that small boys can order from mail order catalogs.


From Storm in Heaven: In the town that Takada Chinatsu moved to, there's a legend about demons called Tsumitsuki that possess the feelings of guilt a person has over their sins. Those who are possessed are slowly devoured, body and mind, as the demon manifests. As one of Takada's friends starts acting strangely, her classmate Kuroe steps in to help... but his true motives are hidden behind a mask.

Dark Seed

Wizards are never a single entity. That is, they are composed of a partnership of the 'holder' and 'caretaker' of the stone. Celeste is the 'holder' of the stone, and she's in a hurry to become an independent wizard. But her partner, Chris, is not the easiest person to work with...

The Wild Kingdom

Many different anthropomorphic predator and prey species are intermingling in a fantastical African savanna society! It is a strictly structured society with many rules, such as those governing when and where a predator is allowed to hunt their prey. One lion, Leon, does not quite fit into the role nature has chosen for him. He doesn't grow his mane out, and, despite his physical strength, he shows no real interest in establishing territory and acquiring a harem of lionesses. But the most abnormal quirk of all is that Leon is a vegetarian lion! His tiger companion (who has a bit of a crush on him), is firmly of the opinion that herbivores exist to be eaten, but she manages to mostly put up with his vegetarianism. One day, the two of them rescue a frightened gazelle, freshly arrived from the capital. The tiger is less than thrilled to have a pretty female food-animal hanging around with them, but the jackals who are tracking the gazelle seem to have some kind of business with Leon as well...

Gabriel Garcia Marquez_ A Life

Gabriel Garcia Marquez_ A Life summary: Gabriel Garcia Marquez_ A Life summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Gabriel Garcia Marquez_ A Life. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Problematic Little Sister Fell In Love With Me

Problematic Little Sister Fell In Love With Me summary: My old man pointed to the flower-like woman and said, 'Call her mother from now on.' He then pointed to a flower-bud-like girl and said, 'This is your little sister.'
My sister is not cute.
She is arrogant, taciturn, and weird, but she knows how to please our parents.
She is two-faced and deceitful, but it seems like she only treats me that way.
I care for her, try to please her as much as I could, but she still dislikes me.
Until one day, I found out her secret, our relationship begins to get a little bit weird...

Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems (1798)

Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems (1798) summary: Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems (1798) summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lyrical Ballads, With a Few Other Poems (1798). If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Story Of A Small Fox Who Has A Star

The Story Of A Small Fox Who Has A Star summary: Master Cheon-Ho birthed two foxes out of boredom. One was beautiful and strong while the other was plain and weak. This is the story follows a fox who was born plain and weak.

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