
































内容简介:四年前,她被渣妹设计,意外怀孕。四年后,她携子归来。一个矜贵霸道的男人突然闯进她的世界,“说,孩子的爸爸是谁?”一个缩小版的他突然跳出来,“哪来的野男人,敢抢小爷女神!”“……”萧夜凌 ,“女人,偷我种子,知道什么下场吗?”“啊?”“作为补偿,做我老婆,一辈子!”婚后,夫妻虐渣顺带虐狗。面对上门求复合的前任,林绾绾抱住男人的手臂,对渣男露齿一笑,“比起女朋友,我更喜欢你喊我二婶!”1w2557-25874 >>




内容简介:一生践一诺,以身许祖国。钟蕾绑定女配虐渣系统,穿梭各个小世界,手撕人渣,碾压极品。然而时间久了,这种打打杀杀的日子,实在无聊且没有价值。她总觉得,自己心中还有更重要的信仰与追求。1w0 -105147 >>


内容简介:  自小在战场上凌厉狠辣的亲王郡主,一夜间父王失踪、亲弟昏迷,自己沦为异国质子,且看她如何在逆境之中搅动风云。  慕修薄唇紧抿,鲜血溅在他的面上还未来得及擦去,本就生的清冷入骨,如此更 显出几分邪魅,夕阳的余晖将他的身形勾勒的颀长而孤寂,仿佛上古的杀戮之神,遗世独立。1w0-2202 >>


内容简介:八零后的沈飞扬辛苦拼搏,却在年过半百的时候惨遭车祸,再次睁开眼睛的时候,看到的不是医院的白墙,也不是到了阴曹地府,反而是穿越到了五零后小姑娘沈云芳身上。好死不死的,小姑娘现在刚刚十五岁 ,也就是说,她穿越在了吃不饱穿不暖,还动乱万分的七十年代。哼哼,这些都难不倒在社会中拼搏了大半辈子的智慧女人,且看她怎么左手鸡右手鸭,身后背着胖娃娃,跟着兵哥哥的脚步,一路引吭高歌。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《穿越七十年代之军嫂成长记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4911 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:四合院:开局被秦家收养】叶墨轩参加宣传活动时穿越到了四合院之中。有了叶墨轩的秦家,四合院将不再姓禽。拾掇许大茂,让他家都不敢回。报答何雨柱,气死三大爷,怼晕二 大爷。携三千死士,打造一个完全属于他自己的商业帝国。当叶墨轩以为自己会凭着先知先觉,按照这个时代轨迹站在时代的浪尖之上时。他遇到了一个叫韩春明的小子,一个收破,自称破候的人。当他以为自己穿越到了正阳门下的世界时,他认识了一个叫南易的厨子飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-84264 >>


内容简介:【无固定CP女扮男装团宠超甜!】CP随便磕穿越后,在男生宿舍中醒来!冷酷校霸:你尽管肆意妄为无法无天,天塌了我给你顶着。病娇男神:招惹了我,一辈子别想和我划清界限。毒舌贵族:黑卡随便刷 ,只要你高兴。蓝眸校草:我的钢琴曲,以你命名。傲娇正太:难道我不比那些女孩子好看多了,哼!所有人都知道,墨文是个宝贝团宠。各位书友要是觉得《女扮男装后,我成了男寝的小团宠》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76435 >>


内容简介:小兵提供哟是二哈大神最新作品《全球降临:百倍增幅》最新章节列表,全球降临:百倍增幅全文阅读,全球降临:百倍增幅无弹窗,请关注全球降临:百倍增幅吧,本站最新最快更新全球降临:百倍增幅的最 新章节。1w0-83408 >>


内容简介:【下本接档文,小甜饼一枚,有生子!求收藏】CP:温柔大美人受x铁血狠辣战神攻国公府不受宠的嫡子叶云亭,被一道圣旨赐婚给了武安王李凤岐当王妃。武安王镇守北疆,杀敌无数,是当之无愧的昭国战 神。然而叶云亭嫁过去的时候,战神已经身中剧毒,经脉寸断,只能躺在床上苟延残喘。叶云亭心如死灰嫁过去,因惧怕战神凶名,躲在自己的院子里得过且过。没过多久,他因误喝了给武安王的毒汤,就此命丧黄泉。临死前,那个据说快死了的武安王半跪在他床前,握着他的手郑重承诺:“你因我而丧命,从今往后,我会竭我所能庇护你的亲人,你安心去吧。”后来他登基为帝,果然践诺,庇护了他唯一的亲人。重来一世,叶云亭还是躲不过给武安王冲喜的命运。但这一次,他决定好好照顾这个奄奄一息的男人,报他前世恩情。却不料男人解毒后急不可耐拉着他要圆房。他被男人紧紧搂在怀里,温热呼吸打在耳畔:“安心跟着我,从今往后,我护着你。”★食用指南★小甜饼,两辈子攻受都只有彼此。2生子生子生子生子!雷的别看,看了也别说受娘,作者就好这口不喜欢的慢走不送。3依旧老梗开局,不喜欢请及时止损,不要互相折磨了真的。各位书友要是觉得《给残疾暴君冲喜重生》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82171 >>


内容简介:《胖娘她只想混吃等死》大明星沈霜一觉醒来发现自己穿越到一个古代小山村,不仅仅身材肥胖,还是个被设计抱错被丢回村里去的农家女!她发现自己太难了,小哑巴弟弟,老实巴交懦弱属性的父母,强势的 奶奶,各种极品亲戚……成天鸡飞狗跳,幸好遇上一只通灵小狼能开开金手指,可是山脚下的大哑巴老盯着她是怎么回事?1w0-76230 >>


内容简介:  李桐重生了,也清醒了,原来,他从来没爱过她惜过她……  姜焕璋逆天而回,这一回,他要更上一层楼,他要做那真正的一人之下,万人之上……  宁远千里而来:姜焕璋,小爷我专业毁人不倦…… 新书《暖君》连载中!1w0-682 >>


内容简介:如果给你190公分的身高,如果从小你就怀着对篮球的热爱和执念,你能在篮球之路走多远?参加NCAA联赛,进入NBA联盟,出战国家队。我是杨龙,来看我怎样将我的名字刻在奈史密斯篮球名人堂的 荣誉之墙。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重生之篮球巨星》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79557 >>

Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne

Kusakabe Maron has lived alone for a long time, since she was young and her parents left to travel abroad for their jobs. Her rent gets paid every month, and she always has money for food or whatever else she needs or wants, but her parents haven't even sent a single letter to her in all the years they've been gone. Even though right across the hall is Maron's best friend, and she always puts on a brave face, Maron always dreads the empty apartment at night and the time of day when she stops and checks her mail box, which never has anything in it. Then she meets Finn Fish, the tiny angel-in-training which tells her who she really is: Kaitou Jeanne, the reincarnation of Joan of Arc (called by her French name, Jeanne d'Arc in the series)! Now, as well as dealling with normal high school and an empty mailbox, at night Maron must become Kaitou Jeanne, the amazing art thief who uses special divine tools given to her by the will of God to sneak into people's homes and other places to 'steal' beautiful objects which have been inhabited by demons who control the beautiful souls of the people who love the art. These people become greedy and cruel, and will stop at nothing to save the art. And so Jeanne leaves a note card, designating the time she will arrive to steal the art. The process used to seal the demon, however, also causes the art to disappear, and where paintings were a beautiful angel now fills the empty canvas. However, the athorities cannot allow this to go on, and Maron's best friend, who dreams of becoming a detective and is the daughtor of a police chief, will stop at nothing to capture Jeanne and comes up with a new trap every night. Then the smooth-talking Chiaki moves in to the apartment next door to Maron, at the same time as Kaitou Sinbad appears and begins to seal demons as though he were in competition with Jeanne, and with his sidekick, another angel-in-training named Access Time, he is beginning to thwart the police as well as Jeanne. Maron might have bitten off more than she can chew now, because the greatest obstacles still lies ahead: Falling in love with her worst enemy next to the devil himself. Reads this manga from right to left

Sonna Kimochi Ga Koi Datta

From Memory For You: Kunimi and Hideaki are childhood friends. But lately, Hideaki is behaving coldly towards Kunimi. Why?


COMPILER is a story about the Igarashi brothers Nachi and Toshi, and two beauties from another dimension, Compiler and Assembler. Originally sent to conquer Earth through a game of destruction and creation, Compiler and Assembler ended up deciding that living in our world is more fun than conquering it. They moved in with Nachi and Toshi. A growing relationship began to develop between Nachi and Compiler, and Toshi and Assembler, though none of them can bring themselves to admit it outright. Meanwhile, the people who sent Compiler and Assembler to conquer Earth were outraged by their apparent betrayal. They sent two assassins, Bios and Directory, to deal with the renegades and proceed with the invasion plan. And so, the misadventures begin...


From A Willful Muse & Alice Dreams “Wanna book a room with me?” It was only meant to be some harmless teasing! Aoi’s never even had a first love but now a mysterious boy has accepted her joking offer seriously. From a misunderstanding, Aoi and the boy start a passionate relationship. It’s only physical, right? Or has Aoi unconsciously started to fall in love with him? Tengoku No Tsuki - At an all girls school, Yuuri is the idolized, boyish and tall, upperclassman. With rumors of the 'Perverted Hand' flying about the school, what will Yuuri do when her best friend is the next victim? (Chapter 3 continues Tengoku No Tsuki) Protecting Eien's secret and granting his happiness is Yuuri's main focus of her beloved. But how will Eien react to the Priest getting too close to Yuuri during the school play Vampire Lover - Saku Mikuriya's parents divorced and she was left to live with her headmistress grandmother. As she cried of how she was unwanted, a man with golden hair and golden eyes appeared before her. 'Then do you want to leave with me?' he offered, they made a promise when the flower blooms, he would come and take her away. 10 years have passed and the flower only buds, but what happens when a mysterious transfer student arrives and he looks exactly like the man she met 10 years ago? Nana is ordinary, plain, doesn't stand out, and totally in love with Shu Aiba, a model and her classmate. What happens when Shu picks her to be his 'girlfriend' for his 'Tropical Island Vacation with My Girlfriend' shoot?

Popular Tales from the Norse

Popular Tales from the Norse summary: Popular Tales from the Norse summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Popular Tales from the Norse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Melody of Earth

The Melody of Earth summary: The Melody of Earth summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Melody of Earth. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Three Men and a Maid

Three Men and a Maid summary: Three Men and a Maid summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Three Men and a Maid. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

First Person Paramount

First Person Paramount summary: First Person Paramount summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of First Person Paramount. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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