
































内容简介:本文将于号入V,请小天使多多支持!预收文求收藏:《孩子他爸失忆了》所有人都知道喻疏是某大型娱乐公司的总裁,生的好看气质冷艳,只要是个流量小生就想和她炒绯闻。所有人也知道温雁北是位演技一 流的好演员,气质温润待人有礼,只要是个年轻演员就会尊称一声“温老师”。而“德艺双馨”的温老师最喜欢的事情就是在家看玛丽苏神剧,一边给正在开会的喻疏发消息:“你已经五分钟没回我消息,你是不是不爱我了。”喻疏:……小剧场:喻疏:今天拍戏还顺利吗?温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:有没有人在你面前耍大牌欺负你?我给你撑腰。温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:我们一起去吃饭吧,那家的点心做的可好吃了。温雁北:哼唧!喻疏:……那我走了。温雁北:你敢!女友力Max的娱乐圈女大佬X在外温润贵公子在家小作精的演技帝注意:1女宠男2每晚八点准时更新3书名很雷,本文更雷4全文无脑甜推荐基友文:幻言文:《穿成大佬假妹妹》然后当了女总裁和大神写手耽美文:《大兄弟,你的头掉了》——悲催作者传到自己笔下的恐怖小说里,和主角一起解密逃生!完结的娱乐圈甜文,可以宰了~《靠败家征服娱乐圈》还有基友的预收文推荐哦~《帝女[快穿]》1w0-97995 >>


内容简介:【入v,届时有万字更新~】穿越后——降谷雪睁开眼睛,就看见四张大脸。咒灵操使:“有新伙伴了呢。”人形咒灵:“由人类的嫉妒产生的咒灵么?可以算得上是我妹妹了!”火山咒灵:“看起来很弱,但 是真好看。”森林咒灵:“唔,她的能力会是什么……?”咒灵操使人形咒灵火山咒灵森林咒灵(秒变倾心脸):【让人无条件疯狂心动的能力!!】咒灵操使:“让她去吸引最强咒术师,用爱封印他。”人形咒灵:“绝1w0-92012 >>




内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:盗墓:和明星摸金365天】土夫世家出身,人称小佛爷的张晨,穿越道平行世界,和黄垒,黄渤,洪雷,丫丫,胖迪,查娜一起参加一部名为《我们一起去摸金》的考古真人秀节 目!张晨是唯一的素人嘉宾!这个节目以三百六十五天24h天眼直播的方式呈现给观众!节目组不会在除了发生生命危险以外的任何时刻给与嘉宾帮助!以绝对真实的经历呈现给观众!三百六十五天,所有嘉宾需要完成十座古墓探险!开局便是龙岭迷窟!任何嘉宾在接受节目组提供帮助之后,便视为淘汰自动离开节目!如此残酷的条件下,张晨凭借丰富的经验和系统帮助,征服了所有观看节目的观众!洪雷:“张晨才叫狠人!魁星踢斗,踢飞大粽子,我华强真的服飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢盗墓:和明星摸金365天,别忘记分享给朋友作者:植物人所写的《盗墓:和明星摸金365天》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-65721 >>






内容简介:斗罗大陆之倾城绝色是作家灭世法神的小说本站提供斗罗大陆之倾城绝色全文免费阅读,斗罗大陆之倾城绝色最新章节全文免费阅读,全集完整版无弹窗无广告,斗罗大陆之倾城绝色最佳阅读体验就在小兵。1 w7907-97597 >>


内容简介:穿越到1925年,成为从西点军校、D国军事学院毕业的张大帅第二子张宗卿。偶获超级军工设计系统,各式超时代武器纷纷涌现。彼时,时局维艰,华国尚未一统。羸弱的华国面对虎视眈眈的倭奴国,张牙 舞爪的大熊国。世界格局风云涌变,华国在二公子的带领下自此复兴,傲立于世。张汉青:“谁敢欺负我,你们知道我二弟是谁?我二弟是大帅,我就是扛着二弟的旗子1w18826-26192 >>


内容简介:新人写作季作品坠落在这个嘈杂喧嚣的世界中,我们为自身的存在寻找一个接一个的理由。我们渴望生活如同恒星般的炙热,超新星爆发般的充满激情,星际湍流般的一泻千里。可是,我们生活的行星却是那么 平淡,平淡无奇,就像一杯白开水。个人的生命犹如彗星般一瞬即逝,生命似乎很难找到值得恋栈不去的理由。我们迷惘了,像是被星云所包裹,上下左右前后到处都是雾茫茫的一片,迷惘的星云啊……疯狂!我们渴望疯狂,一如宇宙飓风般的疯狂,吹散所有的迷雾,再现人间的童话。我们希望找到一个正确的方向,在人类远远没有完成的进化之漫漫长路上奋勇前进,但是路在何方?也许只有回归——回归自然,回归混沌,回归到宇宙大爆炸起始时的那一个宙点。在那里,我们忽然发现,质点只是人类的情感凝结成的巨大黑洞,其他所有一切都化为子虚乌有……说了这么多毫无意义,这本小说只是叙述了一群生物在某个时空中渴望自我进化的梦想之路,希望大家看过之后一笑了之。喜欢的不喜欢的都可以加qq群号:200624381w0-75818 >>


内容简介:  本文又名《从第一眼开始沦陷》  方策西女扮男装转到渝庆八中,住到“八中第一混子”言鹤次家,才得知“八中学神”余笙也住这儿,还睡在她下铺!  一开始,她以为[扛把子次]不好处,没想到 ,学神才是那个让她脑细胞直线下降,多巴胺直线上升的——————  [外直内骚·八中惹不起·披着羊皮的隐藏大佬]  所以她想逃......  他就堵,嘴里的糖喂给她:“听说吃甜食心情好点。”  方策西:好**!  她想逃到学校去住校......  他圈着她:“想不想关系变特别?”  “不想!”  “我想!”他夺走了她的初吻。  后来......某军官将自己千金许配给万年单身的特种作战指挥官余笙,同样万年单身的军医院高级医师向来依突然发了条微博:@向笙,恭喜,中银行两座!附图B超检查单!  老同学群炸了!  副cp[卫柒VS言鹤次]  【伪高冷真甜妹VS伪校霸真学神】  他嚣张混痞,一眼沦陷。  她过分纯甜,举步维艰。  他说:“有什么不懂的尽管吻我!”  她回:“......大可不必!”  后来,他对她唯一的亲人说:“我遗憾啊,遗憾她前十七年,没有我。”1w0-3249 >>





Konya Mo Jirettai

One day, a young man is found unconscious outside the shared-household where Ayato lives. Despite the warnings of one of his housemates, Ayato lets the person live with them temporarily. It turns out that the young man is Ryou, who used to be Ayato’s childhood friend back when he was two years old. Both of them had previously been separated since eleven years ago, but are now reunited. Ayato, filled with happiness as he reminisces about their early memories, is gradually drawn to Ryou. However, Ryou appears to be glum with melancholy, as if he’s hiding something important…?!

Kabu No Isaki

Living in the boonies, one must give great consideration as to how they will get around when they turn 16. Isaki has just tuned 16 and his choice of transportation is his brother's Piper Cub. It might be old, but it flies well. One day he decides to fly over the 2,000m high Ogusa mountain range to see the city his older sister is always talking about. But for some reason his plane feels too heavy and is using fuel faster than planned. Will he make to the airport or crash in the bushes. And just what was making the plane feel so heavy? Originally a oneshot, but became a regular feature to Afternoon due to its popularity

Little Romance

From Baka-Updates: Volume 3 of series. First 2 volumes are Kareshi Irimasenka and Kareshi no Himitsu Contents 1) Winter Romance (2 chapers) 2) Love Inside the Hand (2 chapters) 3) Little Romance (3 chapters) Kareshi Irimasen ka? (Prequel) 2001 Kareshi no Himitsu (Prequel) 2003


A couple of high school pupils, Masaru Kato and Kei Kurono, are hit with a subway train in a effort to save the life span of a drunk homeless guy who'd fallen onto the tracks. Following their deaths, Kato and Kurono find themselves transported to the inside of an unfurnished Tokyo flat, where they meet with a Gantz expert Joichiro Nishi, as well as other clueless players. The pair soon understands that they're prohibited to depart the flat. At one end of the room there's a sizable black sphere called 'Gantz'. Characters in Gantz Manga After some time in the area, the Gantz world opens up, showing wires attached to his head and a hairless nude guy using a breathing mask, and different weapons to allow them to use. Included in these are the custom fitting black suits which give them superhuman speed, strength, stamina and damage resistance, a control which functions as a stealth and radar unit, Xgun, X Shotgun, Y-Firearm. Later on the show the Gantz sword, Gantz Bike are manufactured much more powerful at the same time as accessible weapons are given in the 100 point menu.   Brief info and a picture is revealed of a few of the Gantz' objectives; Gantz orders them to go and kill them. Except for one assignment, every one of the goals are aliens living on Earth, which take on a wide selection of types. During the mission, individuals that are ordinary cannot view the extraterrestrial beings or the players. Them transport to the part of the assignment, and they can't return or leave until all of the enemies are killed, or the time limit has run out. Each person is given points for the aliens they've killed, when they survive an effective mission. The menu offers three choices:   Alternative 1: The participant can go back to their regular life, never having to be summoned by Gantz again. As a cost, their memories of the assignments as well as Gantz will be erased. Alternative 2: The participant gets a unique and incredibly-powerful weapon. Alternative 3: The participant can restore a person that has died during a mission from Gantz' recollection. Points are tallied up following an assignment was finished, do and the players are permitted to leave as they see fit until their next mission, together with the exception of talking about Gantz which would lead with their heads bursting. During the third mission of Kato and Kurono, every one of the participants including Kato are killed, however the last leader giving a chance to live to Kurono is killed by Kato. Kurono survives the third mission bleeding on the ground along with his limbs cut. Following the next assignment inside embracing a hero, leader complex similar to Kato Kurono begins to transform. Kurono participates together with the goal of restoring his dead friends using the 100 point compensation choice as the show continues. A fresh team of Gantz players is gathered, which Kurono leads, as among the greatest combatants plus the most seasoned veteran. Through his interactions with all the other members of his life or death conflicts and the team, Kurono slowly develops into a leader that is responsible. Following the Oni assignment Kurono revives Kato, and shortly after Kurono meets his death from the vampires. As the show continues, the rules of the assignments change; regular folks can now see them, the aliens they face are increasingly more strong and dangerous, plus they participate in a mission with another Gantz team from Osaka. Kato becomes the center of his search to restore Kurono and attention in the manga. By the end of the assignment, Kato that is just like the initial time expired, he gets the better of arguably the most powerful alien in the show and is set bleeding on the ground going to expire.   After several assignments, an old player named Nishi, who understands more in relation to the others about how Gantz works, reveals them a 'catastrophe countdown' on the Gantz world that the other players were unaware of. By the end of the week, the Earth is invaded by a huge alien force and starts exterminating the human race, while their utmost tries to use Gantz' innovative technology and weapons in defense. It's suggested that Nishi expired, but his departure seems to not be clear. In his area Eeva totally controls all Gantz teams prior to the statement by killing most of the hunters, giving an expression of the mortality to the human race. Kurono that will be air to the whole world is called on by the world, and having the help of a revived Kato, Kurono gambles all his potential for winning and saving the human race on himself. Kurono manages to overcome the alien mothership stops from destroying Earth. The collection finishes with Kato and Kurono being greeted as heroes and returning safely to Earth. Other manga: + Monster Soul manga + Inuyasha manga

The Astral Plane

The Astral Plane summary: The Astral Plane summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Astral Plane. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


EVO WARS SYSTEM summary: When the world is. .h.i.t by the radiation of an exploded star from a few systems over an advance race saves them not from the radiation but from extinction. Why? Not for praise, not for resources, and not because of their good morals. It all comes down to one thing, their ENTERTAINMENT.Warning there will be cursing, gore, s.e.xual content, and some generally disturbing things once in a while...

The Blue Pearl

The Blue Pearl summary: The Blue Pearl summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Blue Pearl. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Jad Bell: Bravo

Jad Bell: Bravo summary: Jad Bell: Bravo summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Jad Bell: Bravo. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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