
















简介知名女模真实身份竟是女装大佬? 身负数个代言,郁一直被当“女性”。 随着进入青春期,他开始对青梅竹马萌生了特殊的感情,而对方却一直把他当成gay蜜…作者:郭晓(编)&秃头老咸(绘)/春风画社,每周四更新~


















内容简介:此为《大小姐人设崩了!》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《大小姐人设崩了!》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,本站提供大小姐人设崩了!最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅读。1 w0-70004 >>


内容简介:  你终于回来,在我还没孤独终老的时候。  ————  后来,林莫臣已是坐拥百亿资产的集团董事长,国内商界最年轻的大佬之一。  有人问他:“她究竟有哪里好,让你这么多年也忘不掉?”   林莫臣答:“曾经我也以为,自己值得更好的。可这世上,谁能及我爱的女人好?”1w0-694 >>


内容简介:预收《一键修仙》《表面天下第一》欢迎收藏~安倍晴明子觉得花之魔术师应当是时候感受一下阴阳师的毒打了她从迦勒底穿到了另一个时空的平安京,顺带一jio把本世界的安倍晴明踹走却被告知【恭喜玩 家通关,现在开始准备二周目啦】???好,行您的好友【正义的伙伴,安倍晴明子】再次上线。挽救平安京,舍我晴明其谁?(强颜欢笑)(1《综冠位大阴阳师》小说推荐:本书禁阅·熹微、我家老宫失忆了[娱乐圈]、重生八零锦绣军婚、别哭、万千厉鬼排队表白我、不二之臣、女配是重生的、开局给魏尔伦戴了顶环保帽、穿成病弱女配后我出道了、重生空间之少将仙妻、惊悚练习生、七零俏媳是知青、落入他的溺爱、重生奋斗俏甜妻、二分之一不死无限、和前男友成了国民CP、窄红、蜜吻999次:乔爷,抱!、沉溺、绿茶女配真的不想红1w0-60164 >>




内容简介:关于须尽欢:医女舒殿合因为追查自己的身世之谜,被迫入京参加科举考试,没有想到一举及第,还被当今的皇帝点为驸马。在公主的种种为难和皇权威胁之下,她夹缝救生,唯恐身份暴露死无葬身之地。当今 最受宠的公主宣城殿下:本宫不喜欢这段被强逼的婚事,本宫要亲手摧毁它,本宫要轰走不识趣的呆头鹅驸马,本宫发誓与她势不两立…嘤嘤嘤,可是本宫打不过对方,又没有驸马聪明,本宫该怎么办?混世魔王x久居深山不食人间烟火的古板大夫(但两个人1w0-69590 >>


内容简介:一年前,她一意孤行嫁给了江氏总裁却被骗光资产,净身出户,连累家族面临破产。一年后,她被父亲迷晕,‘卖’给了脊椎重度残疾的傅家长子,傅行止。当所有人都在践踏她时,她竟挽着西装笔挺的傅行止 ,一袭盛装华丽回归!他是傅家长子,自小残疾备尝冷眼,却一步步创建出属于自己的商业帝国,跻身富豪榜单。当儒雅腹黑,睚眦必报的他,用一纸契约掌控了被被家族抛弃的她,便用万千盛宠赐给她一场璀璨人生……1w0-84788 >>


内容简介:↑↑↑↑↑点击收藏,么么哒虐文女主赵卿死后觉醒,悔不当初。卑微奉献,痴迷男主,被害死全家榨干利用价值下场凄凉还执迷不悟?系统的存在给了她另一个选择——【掠夺男主光环!】原来她的着魔、执 着、痴迷不悔,都受这男主光环影响!她决定亲手复仇,改写自己的人生。这一次,她绝不会再陷入深渊!【预定世界】第一世界:皇子他要权要钱《虐文女主觉醒了(快穿)》小说推荐:萌宝成双:霍少的大牌娇妻、黑少,你老婆又在装傻、养崽崽后本宫躺赢了、毒医小狂妃、庶女攻略、神医毒妃不好惹、重生甜妻:老公,请宠我、宠婚蜜爱:宁先生,宁太太又有了、穿成七零白富美、嫁给渣男死对头、豪门暖婚之夫人说了算、鲜妻超软萌、重生后嫁给男主他叔、霸爱成瘾:穆总的天价小新娘、快穿:宿主她真的很飘、湛爷的小妖精长大了、闪婚夫妻宠娃日常、女配她一心向道快穿、头号炮灰快穿、快穿之炮灰的开挂人生1w0-95871 >>


内容简介:简介:沈家九姑娘沈听雪前世眼瞎,错信奸人,致使沈家灭门,挚爱之人横死。再睁眼,回到十五岁那年,小姑娘撸起袖子,什么也不说就是干!众人发现,九姑娘那个草包不草了,有美貌、有手段,还会撒娇 求抱抱。而那传闻中狠辣冷厉的定北王,却伸手将小姑娘抱在怀里,眉目清朗,温言轻哄,“乖,抱抱。”PS女主有八个哥哥,还有一堆师兄、表哥,身世神秘,团宠小公主。男主纨绔,又帅又腹黑,宠妻狂魔。另:本文小甜饼一枚欢迎来啃各位书友要是觉得《重生后王妃飘了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w9424-29684 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者高压电的经典小说:《都市之天上掉下百万亿》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说《都市之天上掉下百万亿》一夜之间坐拥百万亿资产,除了买买买?我能怎 么办?我也很绝望啊!其实我不想装逼,可世间都充满了我装逼的痕迹;如果非要装逼,那我会选择低调地装逼。1w0-71253 >>


内容简介:【2018年度火爆爽文,强力推荐】况天佑激活了万界无敌系统,系统带他穿越到僵约世界,被僵尸王将臣的一滴精血变成一只僵尸。拥有三大本命神通的况天佑成为了唯一男主角,以僵尸之身参加抗日战争 ,狂虐几百万侵华日军,甚至成为了开国上将……系统位面穿越功能,让况天佑尝尽诸天万界各族强者血液!他战将臣,揍伏羲,囚命运,炼化各大强者血脉成为诸天万界唯一的无敌金眼僵神。还有马小玲、马丹娜、阿秀、未来、瑶池圣母、大地之母女娲等美女爱他爱得死去活来……(PS这是一本很爽的爽文,美女不会少,请大家收藏鲜花支持!)本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】(书屋(05)已开启缓存可登陆收藏到书架查看最新,或者刷新等待一会,感谢您选择书屋阅读僵约之最强僵尸王!)各位书友要是觉得《僵约之最强僵尸王》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-68791 >>


内容简介:简介:【古风征文】本文有腹黑将军、柔弱太子、高岭之花国师、权臣千岁、病美人状元郎、黑莲花皇叔、傲娇杀手、冰块脸侍卫、黑化国师等多款美人供君挑选。1V1甜宠文如果您喜欢快穿·繁花,别忘记 分享给朋友作者:迟沫所写的《快穿·繁花》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-73460 >>

Kyou, Koi Wo Hajimemasu

Tsubaki is a girl who loves making her younger sister's hair pretty every morning, but she doesn't think that kind of style suits herself! The day of her High School Beginning Ceremony, after she failed in being the top student (who usually makes the ceremony speech), she finds herself sitting next to the actual top student of the first years, the worst rude guy ever, Kyouta. She ends up cutting his hair on purpose because of the bad things he says to her. Kyouta demands that Tsubaki pay him back with her body, but Tsubaki fixes his hair instead--making it even shorter! After that, Kyouta unexpectedly kisses Tsubaki and swears that he'll make her his woman.

Count Down!

Koyori, an ordinary girl who is afraid to change herself, encounters Yuuki during a magic show that she had participated in. Yuuki, in fact, is Koyori's English teacher and a former singer in disguise! With Yuuki's help, he will act as Koyori's manager and help Koyori change herself as he helps her made a debut in the spotlight. [From Strawberry Vanilla]: One day a girl named Koyori FUJIMOTO is pulled out of a crowd watching a magic act on the street and is forced to participate by getting into the 'Miracle box' and being made to 'disappear'. What really happens to her is she suddenly finds herself being carried over the shoulder by someone, down a ladder into the sewer below the street. The guy is part of the magical act. When Koyori gets a good look at the guy, she is stunned at how good looking he is, and by his brilliant green eyes. Koyori is fascinated by him and asks his name, and he tells her it's 'Yuki' and then he rides off on his motorcycle. At school the next day, Koyori is preoccupied by thoughts of Yuki, but she also catches a few glimpses of the classmate guy she likes, Shuu-kun. We see that Koyori's class is taught by a very geeky looking guy with glasses named Nagase-sensei, but turns out he is Yuki!! Now Koyori is caught in the middle between her feelings for her classmate Shuu-kun, and her new feelings towards her surprisingly handsome teacher.

Lumen Lunae

(From The Manga Obsession) There is a rumor around school about Houjyou Aika giving birth to a child at the age of fifteen, just now returning to school about a year later. Reality is far worse than the gossip. Aika was raped by the demon ruler (Suruga) and she somehow survived long enough to give birth to a boy. The half-demon was taken to the 'real world' (aka demon world) by his father and imprisoned in the 'Cliff of Time'. During his time there, Kai was a plaything to his elder brother, Kaiga. This is a serious series with rather violent, bloody scenes. The demons have no morals, seeing the human world as a big playground and sex with anyone is just fine. The only mistake Kai made in his life was existing, and he is constantly punished for it. If you've been looking for a dark, convoluted series with great artwork to read, Lumen Lunae would be a good choice.

Yuusha Dan

In the wilderness of Hokkaido, the Ainu people of Japan live in harmony with nature. Kotan Nakamura is a young Ainu boy living peacefully until he meets a tiger one day. This tiger, Dan, has escaped from a train that was carrying him to a zoo. Together, they discover mysterious ruins hidden underneath the ground. Within the ruins, Kotan and Dan discover an old man named Upopo living there. He tells the boy and the tiger about three keys to a fantastic treasure. As it so happens, the evil Sekkoku Kou is also searching for the treasure and shoots Upopo. Before he dies, Upopo gives one of the keys to Kotan. Now, Kotan and Dan find themselves involved in an ugly battle as numerous villains track them down to try to get the three keys so they can claim the treasure.

Enduring The Winter

Enduring The Winter summary: One is a gyonshi who has everlasting life. The other is a soldier of the Demonic Sect who does not know when she will die. This is a story on living and dying. This is the story of the Crown Prince of Chen from Peach Demon.

If You Are A Dodder Flower

If You Are A Dodder Flower summary: In her previous life, she tried her best, she struggled. In the end, she has lost to her mediocre. In this life, she resigned to her fate. // After her mother pa.s.sed away, Xia Rou rebirthed as an orphan and she got took in by her mother’s lover. Once again she stepped into Cao family, and once again she had to confront the people she loved and hated&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip; She dares not to expect anything, only except that she won’t suffer any more in this life&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

On Blue's Waters

On Blue's Waters summary: On Blue's Waters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of On Blue's Waters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Middle Temple Murder

The Middle Temple Murder summary: The Middle Temple Murder summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Middle Temple Murder. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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