














类别玄幻 都市 恋爱




简介离奇死亡的凌优优强闯冥界逃入人间,阴阳官奉命抓捕,在一系列爆笑故事之后,等待他们得又将会是何种真相! 欲知详情,观众老爷们请点击观看!关注微博:创易漫画,有更多更好看的漫画等着你。读者群号:829348592 更新时间:周六














内容简介:祝府的表小姐赵芯儿生了个天生狐媚子样。尤其是那不盈一握的杨柳细腰,十分惹人。上辈子,赵芯儿受尽了红颜祸水的苦死状凄惨,不得善终。重来一世,赵芯儿只想早日离开祝府,绝不再重蹈覆辙。-隔壁 新搬过来的袁子琰是个岁数挺大的莽夫。他穿的破破烂烂,却敢打那些混账纨绔。赵芯儿觉得,这个男人可以嫁。他那么穷,肯定纳不起妾,她嫁过去便是主母。唯一有点遗憾的就是——生的也太凶了些,她一瞅就觉得腿软于是,赵芯儿壮着胆子战战兢兢的走到袁子琰面前,吓得声音发抖:“你若是肯待我好,我、我就嫁你。”袁子琰直勾勾的看着说完这句话都快哭出来的赵芯儿,目光像是头饿狼一般。“好。”他哑着嗓子。赵芯儿身子一颤,真哭了。-嫁人后,赵芯儿突然觉得不对劲。家里的碗,是上好的瓷器。家里的床,是金丝楠木的。丈夫身上的破玉佩,居然让上辈子看不起她的祝府太太下了跪!赵芯儿迷茫了。说好的穷丈夫呢?这日子还怎么过?袁子琰如愿以偿的搂住那杨柳细腰,哑声开口:“娘子不怕,爷这辈子只疼你一个。”1w0-4255 >>


内容简介:  东方神州,有人皇立道统,有圣贤宗门传道,有诸侯雄踞一方王国,诸强林立,神州动乱千万载,值此之时,一代天骄叶青帝及东凰大帝横空出世,东方神州一统!  然,叶青帝忽然暴毙,世间雕像尽皆 被毁,于世间除名,沦为禁忌;从此神州唯东凰大帝独尊!  十五年后,东海青州城,一名为叶伏天的少年,开启了他的传奇之路…1w0-470 >>


内容简介:魂穿大唐,一梦千年,沧海桑田,世事沉浮。贞观初年,天下初定,李靖北击突厥,太宗横推敌手,兵锋所指,所向披靡,重整河山。百姓安居,商业繁华,国力日增,盛世之兆,中国历史上,最壮丽,最磅礴 ,最震撼的时代来临了。就在此时,秦岭一处断崖下,一个粗布少年,睁开了锐利的双眼这是一个小兵成长的故事,这是一个开疆拓土的故事,这是一个抱得美人归的故事1w0-71391 >>


内容简介:死了一个师傅,我得到了一本秘籍当师傅接二连三出事的时候,我才意识到事情没那么简单。明明是想在游戏里成为一个大侠的我,最后怎么会变成个超级大反派了,这不科学!为什么反派大佬都会看重我啊? ?书友群号5585726381w8177-72115 >>


内容简介:  新书《我徒弟真的都是废物啊》已发布,内投穿越到二战末尾时期的火影世界,却被逼无奈成为二尾的人柱力?!舍人摩挲着小腹上的封印,浮想联翩,舌根处传来阴冷的触感... 舌祸根绝之印?! 我在...雷之国还是火之国? 刚穿越就要接受地狱模式的考验?! “二尾,你说,大漂亮和小傲娇,这两个名字哪个好听?” “二尾,今天来给你讲一个大象与小白猫的故事...” ........ ........ 简介疲软无力,槿木习以为常! 已有完本370万字小说,拥有日万、月40万字能力,更新值得信赖! 书友群:1078231973,欢迎进群唠嗑!1w0-4360 >>


内容简介:《绝世邪神之纵横异界》是纯情犀利哥精心创作的玄幻魔法,ABC小说网实时更新绝世邪神之纵横异界最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的绝世邪神之纵横异界评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者 支持绝世邪神之纵横异界读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《绝世邪神之纵横异界》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w9364-25809 >>








内容简介:  什么是武?武功无关琴棋书画,无关宝物秘籍,也没那么多天下第一。武功是技术,一种让弱者窥得机会向强者挥刀的技术。什么是侠?侠义不是风花雪月,不是传统文化,没什么温良恭俭可言。侠义是暴 力,是被逼上梁山者为暴君打造的刺刀。曹沫盟柯,返鲁侵地。专诸进炙,定吴篡位。彰弟哭市,报主涂厕。刎颈申冤,操袖行事。暴秦夺魄,懦夫增气。这是一个武侠的故事。30年代,几个志同道合的年轻人走到一起,为了改变世界而努力。然后,二百年后,某个垃圾填埋场内,当初重开天地自成体系的赛博武道初祖向山,却在失去了一切记忆体的情况下,念着仇敌的名字醒了过来。“或许就是因为当初我输了,所以世界才会变成这个样子……”“那么这一次,我再不会败!”这是一个人,再一次改变世界的故事!1w0-1487 >>


内容简介:婚情漫漫,周律师他见不得光是半支烟头创作的经典的小说作品婚情漫漫,周律师他见不得光小兵提供婚情漫漫,周律师他见不得光最新章节全文免费阅读,婚情漫漫,周律师他见不得光下载,婚情漫漫,周律 师他见不得光全文字更新,婚情漫漫,周律师他见不得光无弹窗!请关注婚情漫漫,周律师他见不得光吧,本站最新最快更新婚情漫漫,周律师他见不得光的最新章节。1w0-78764 >>


内容简介:《盛爱来袭:这位总裁有点黏》是落烟烟精心创作的恐怖灵异,快眼看书实时更新盛爱来袭:这位总裁有点黏最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的盛爱来袭:这位总裁有点黏评论,并不代表快眼看书赞 同或者支持盛爱来袭:这位总裁有点黏读者的观点。各位书友要是觉得《盛爱来袭:这位总裁有点黏》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w18823-25152 >>

Suteneko No Karute

From Shinmakoku Scanlations: Kaoru is frustrated. He's just been dumped, again. And it's all because he could never express his feelings properly. What's wrong with him? What should he do? Feeling all alone and restless, he strolls into a gay park and meets... a cat. Youhei is a straight guy, and younger than Kaoru. But something in Kaoru moves his heart, reminding him of a cat, the feline species he's so in love with! Can he capture Kaoru's heart, the abandoned cat?

Crazy For Daddy

From Fushichou: Crazy for Daddy is a collection of unrelated, hard yaoi one-shots by Chi-ran. From light-hearted humor, to angst and a taste of the forbidden, each chapter embraces a wide variety of subjects and emotions, exploring the different sexual relationships between eclectic groups of characters. Some of the stories contain elements of bondage, non-con themes, and incest. 1) Crazy For You: Mizugami is surprised one day when that woman, who was his first and last, suddenly appears after sixteen years and tells him he is a father. Not only that, but his son Yuuri is now his responsibility. Yuuri has always harbored an attraction for his small, cute daddy, and can’t see the man as his father. Can Yuuri help his daddy see beyond the forbidden and accept him as a lover? 2) So, I Know All About It: Mitomo sleeps with other men for money and as a hobby. Toudou is his childhood friend and wants him to stop, nagging constantly about pride and self-respect. He has always loved Mitomo and has never been with another, wanting to give his first kiss and first experience to his childhood friend. Mitomo knows Toudou is a virgin and taunts him until Toudou finally gives into the seduction, making love for the first time with Mitomo. Just when Toudou thinks that things have changed and all is right in the world, he catches Mitomo with another customer. Can Toudou convince Mitomo to give up his whoring ways? 3) Cute Little Devil: Ibuki Kaoru is a normal human who keeps 4 demons as pets. The youngest demon, Dooru, is connected to Ibuki because if he doesn’t drink Ibuki’s blood, he can’t survive. Having Dooru drink his blood while he has sex with the demon, fills Ibuki with indescribable pleasure. But at the climax, Dooru always calls the name of another. It makes Ibuki want to bully him. After one particularly harsh punishment, Dooru slips into a coma. Can Ibuki bring the demon back by revealing his true feelings? 4) The Sun and the North Wind: Soleil, the sun god, loves Nord, the north wind god. But Nord will have nothing to do with him. The moon god Lune, fed up with the depression in which Soleil has fallen, suggests that the sun god try a different strategy to win over Nord. Soleil challenges the north wind god to a contest, where the winner stands to gain it all. Can the sun god win the game and the heart of the north wind god? 5) Heaven: What’s the difference between sinful and non-sinful sexual relationships? Is loving someone a sin, even if that person is of the same sex? If wanting to be with the one you love, wishing to share happiness with the one you love is a sin, then why did God give humans bodies of flesh? These are questions that a beautiful priest can not easily answer when pressured with sweet temptation. Will he lose his faith to the dark haired demon that taunts him? 6) Display House: Takayuki Mukai lives in the corporate dorms directly across from Meguru Esaka’s home. Meguru is a voyeur, watching Takayuki entertain his guests, and slowly developing feelings for the other man. He uses his knowledge to blackmail Takayuki into giving him shows on a regular basis, having sex with random strangers in the window so that Meguru can watch from his room directly next door. Meguru’s goal is to eventually make Takayuki his. In that showroom where Takayuki’s shameful performance unfolds, will he ever realize the love that Meguru has for him?

Kirikagohime To Mahou Tsukai

From AQUA Scans: A cranky misanthrope sorcerer, Neverheart, reluctantly went into town one day and discovered a fairy that had been injured in a side-show act. With one look at the fairy Neverheart decided that she suited him and claims her as part of his collection... The new series of the fantasy expert Nesumi Chisato begins!

Out Code

A string of high school students have all been mysteriously murdered by being burned to death upon where water was evidently present. Junior High student Shirogane, a PSI (Paranormal Special Investigator) officer, takes action to solve this bizarre phenomenon. Upon questioning possible suspect Kirisaki Kirio, she discovers that he has the ability of electrocution! What other things will Shirogane unravel while dealing with this case of murders?

Western Romance Collection: Rugged Cowboys

Western Romance Collection: Rugged Cowboys summary: Western Romance Collection: Rugged Cowboys summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Western Romance Collection: Rugged Cowboys. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

John the Baptist: A Play

John the Baptist: A Play summary: John the Baptist: A Play summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of John the Baptist: A Play. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Great Stone Face, and Other Tales of the White Mountains

The Great Stone Face, and Other Tales of the White Mountains summary: The Great Stone Face, and Other Tales of the White Mountains summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Great Stone Face, and Other Tales of the White Mountains. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Weapon Master

Weapon Master summary: A cauldron, a secret forging method, and his blood created an ultimate weapon.

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