










事情发生在土木堡事变之后,讲述的是当时历史事件中人物的孩子们的成长故事。全篇是轻松搞笑的校园生活中伴随着朝廷的明争暗斗,讲述着孩子们之间的羁绊、矛盾及智慧。 小御使们如侦探般,解开公主失踪之谜、用计深入位高权重的大太监的府邸,探查整个事件背后的主使……






类别都市 恋爱 霸总 少女 其他




















内容简介:  新书《捡到一只始皇帝》,希望各位能来看看!  东汉延熹九年,年仅九岁的刘宏,从河中钓起一只金鱼,剖开其腹,得天书一卷,其名曰《三国志》!于是,大汉拥有了一个不一样的灵帝,不一样的天 下。  书友群:932493822  vip群:168673501 验证两千粉丝值以上。1w0-4109 >>




内容简介:  一场卑鄙而残忍的阴谋,一个乒乓球的梦想继承,成长的脚步究竟会多么艰难,究竟会遇到多少危险?寄托这无限的期望,他究竟能否称霸球坛?1w0-3221


内容简介:一个小小家丁,却牵扯着一个千古之秘。一桩离奇命案,把一个恋爱脑的多情大小姐和一个清冷傲娇的小俏婢送到了他的面前。她们,真的只是无辜涉入的人?西湖断桥,诡谲重重。情缘牵一线。真相,只在咫 尺之间。1w0-4402 >>




内容简介:《快穿之宿主才是真boss》为作者墨婳成鲤创作,作品快穿之宿主才是真boss章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供墨婳成鲤精心编写原创快穿之宿主才是真boss及无弹窗快穿之宿主才是真boss全 文免费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于快穿之宿主才是真boss:灵灵妖很绝望,原本它暗搓搓盯了很久的心慕宿主没绑到,绑到了一个弄死了它心慕宿主的蛇精病。不过看在这个宿主还挺好看的份上就勉强用了╯╰灵灵妖鉴于小世界中炮灰女配们的怨气太重,所以,宿主你必须脚踏实地的做任务,攻略男主成功逆袭,干掉掉女主,自己翻身做女主这样你才能复活优夜挑眉:噢。灵灵妖我们的口号是——攻略男主走巅峰干掉后来——灵灵妖!!辣鸡宿主你在干什么?啊啊啊夭寿啦!男主没了优夜捏碎解药怪我咯灵灵妖让你攻略不是搞死男主啊!再后来,灵灵妖已经麻木地看着自己的辣鸡宿主翻身做起了常怼剧情,逆了女主打男主。【男主一个人,女主自有三观。打脸、苏爽、烧脑、狗血齐飞。本文架空谢绝考据、不接受喜印记。你来我就怼!】1w0-73153 >>


内容简介:末世神医安泞死那一刻绝对料不到自己会穿进一本狗血古言小说里,更料不到,她穿进去之后,每天都在被疯批男主暗杀!……王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,王妃落水后意外救下了小皇子,现在皇上正 要赏赐她!王爷:…………王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,宫宴上王妃为皇后娘娘挡了一剑,皇后娘娘赐给了王妃一枚免死金牌。王爷:…………王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,王妃代替白姑娘从城墙上跳了1w83186-83247 >>


内容简介:新书《超级保镖》已正式上传,开始连载,请不要被书名的语法迷惑,这是一个鬼修刺客在修仙界的故事。鬼,奔跑在夜色中,无影无形。刺客,眼神似鹰,刀影掠过,生机灭绝。你没有任何防备的时候,鲜血 已经从喉头喷射而出。我是鬼,但我要主宰这个宇宙!大家不要忘了手上每天的推荐票和期待票各位书友要是觉得《你身后有鬼》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95038 >>


内容简介:我靠海岛空间称霸末世!我靠海岛空间称霸末世!小说阅读穿越重生小说我靠海岛空间称霸末世!由作家雾中迷鹿创作【号入v,v章评论有红包掉落,全订有抽奖,感谢支持v】冒险海岛是一款集海岛生存、 出海冒险、萌宠、基建为一体的种田类游戏。休闲与冒险元素的别样融合,加上可以全服联机的人性化设置,简直让玩过的玩家欲罢不能。开局一间茅草屋,萌宠全靠捕捉,出海冒险就去砍树造船,是兄弟就一起来冒险海岛!正式公测后,除了入坑的游戏爱好者,本来不屑一顾的无数路人、风景党也纷纷在试玩后表示真香。但这所有的快乐都与沈初颜无关,因为她只是一个平平无奇的古地球末日求生者。地球历2101年1月1日,来自高等文明的末日选拔系统席卷了全球。生命数据化后,所有地球居民被迫参与这场长达四年的生死淘汰赛。无止境的屠杀、可怕的异形巨兽、令人无法呼吸的死亡墙壁、来自地底的邪恶窥探每一年,选拔赛系统都将更新资料片,愈来愈困难的求生环境令无数遭受了这场无妄之灾的地球居民陷入绝境。生者,将拥有无上的异世界能力与前往高等文明的机会;而死者,能带走的或许只有世人的留念与不舍。末日选拔赛开始后的第三年,求生者沈初颜生命值归零,被系统宣判死亡。但神奇的却是,她并未丧失意识,而是重返至末日前夕。没有落地成盒的沈初颜带着诸多求生经验,再次踏上这场征途——面前是难以角逐的死亡之路,身后是无法退却的穷途。好在,重生归来的沈初颜点亮了幸运buff,她发现自己随身携带的玉佩里竟然还隐藏着一个海岛空间!海岛空间内有着丰富的资源:用于充饥的蔬果,可以提升实力的晶石。在空间的辅助下,沈初颜步步领先,实力渐长。而之后的发展则更让人瞠目结舌,这个海岛居然还能联机?食用指南1苏爽文,男主背景板2主世界末日剧情与海岛空间剧情各占一半篇幅【文案发表于2020年7月,修改于2020年11月,已截图】》》》完结文《我在欢乐游戏里赚生活费全息》,戳专栏可见0v0》》》下本要开的同类型预收《我靠抽卡异能称霸迷雾幻境!》求收藏鸭!QAQ本小说网提供雾中迷鹿著作的我靠海岛空间称霸末世!最新章节,我靠海岛空间称霸末世!全文免费阅读,我靠海岛空间称霸末世!无弹窗清爽阅读体验!小兵提供我靠海岛空间称霸末世!最新章节我靠海岛空间称霸末世!最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-80847 >>


内容简介:1228812288中华大地,景秀云集,1228812288名山异水,尽显其中1228812288世俗相传,北岸有妖,食爱而不老。1228812288洪荒之狐的重生归来,不一样的际遇、 不一般的渊源,1228812288梦里梦外,花开花谢,且看萌新妖狐闯都市,1228812288花开两面善,人生佛魔间。1228812288九尾皆落尽,一战即封神!各位书友要是觉得《重生之九尾落》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-30378 >>

Yaneura No Majo

From Dazzling Scans: A collection of interlinked oneshot stories, Yaneura no Majou tells the story of students from Sannosan High School as they are preparing for the Culture Festival. • Lilith Asumi is responsible for writing the play that will be performed this year, but struggles to relate to her own characters—especially that of Lilith the Witch—until she reflects on her relationship between her childhood friend Asami. • Ground Woodpecker Michi loves fortune telling, but when she helps her childhood friend Satoshi with his crush on fellow classmate Mikako by performing a magic trick, something seems strange. Her magic actually works! Satoshi begins to change and even gets the girl; however, Michi becomes obsessed with the bird that she saw while performing the trick... and she joins the bird watching club in order to find it again. • Eve Suzuki Mie is the president of the bird watching club and is assigned to put the yearbook together with committee member and star of this year's play, Kawahara Hisaki—who plays Adam. After getting to know each other, Hisaki-kun discovers that Mie is dating a girl: also named Suzuki Mie, the girl who has been cast in the role of Eve in the play. • Lilith and Venus Mikako has always envied her older sister's relationship with her boyfriend Motomu-kun. Thus, the beautiful Mikako begins dating Satoshi, who seems to possess similar qualities to Motomu. However, when she finds that they aren't so similar after all, she's faced with a crisis. • After Mary, It's Eve and Pandora Rieko, after hearing that Asami is single, confesses to him even though she knows he just broke up with a girl he liked for a long time. After a series of events, she ends up opening the Pandora's Box that she received from her father when she was young. She believes this to be the cause of a series of disasters that happens, but ultimately she's left with...?

Naki Shoujo No Tame No Pavane

From Syuura: During a field trip to the imperial capital, Tokyo, Kaga Nanao overhears the beautiful melody of a violin and immediately becomes captivated by it. In order to meet the mystery violinist, Nanao learns the violin and defies her father's wishes by attending the Marianne Music Academy for girls in Tokyo. Upon arriving at the school, Nanao comes across her mystery violinist who turns out to be Sagami Takenomaru, the violin prodigy and adopted son of the famous violinist, Sagami Chougo-sensei. However, Takenomaru isn't just a regular person, he's determined to complete a mission and fulfill a contract... Note: 'Naki Shoujo no Tame no Pavane' means 'Pavane for a Dead Girl' and is a wordplay on the Japanese translation of a solo piano piece, written by French composer Maurice Ravel in 1899, called 'Pavane pour une infante défunte' - Naki Ōjo no Tame no Pavane or Pavane for a Dead Princess. Spoilers included summary: Under a contract and as the messenger of the angels, Sagami Takenomaru is given the mission of gathering the 'Tears of Maria'. Several girls within this series have tears growing within their hearts therefore becoming victims in order to have their tear(s) gathered. Starting with his first victim, a pure and dreamy girl named Kaga Nanao, Takenomaru must continue searching for Maria(s) to fulfill his mission in spite of who the victim might be. Girls in the Marianne Music Academy consist of a variety from girls that Sagami Takenomaru have no relation to and have not known to a childhood friend that acts as an older sister to him.

Koukyuu No Arika

Young businessman Kuzumi has just returned to his childhood home where he must contend with the memories he left behind and Yuu, the handsome new dog trainer with a troubled past.

Milk Crown Lovers

Milk Crown is a story about a 16-year old girl named Tachibana Oto who leaves all her brothers and sisters at the orphanage to live in a *special* dorm as a maid and take classes at her new high school. (Everyone who lives with her are unique, but they always have fun.) There she gains a lover, friends, and many memories. The sequel to Milk Crown and Milk Crown H.

First Comes Desire

First Comes Desire summary: First Comes Desire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of First Comes Desire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavenly Sovereign On Earth

Heavenly Sovereign On Earth summary: The Great Sovereign from another world is transported to EARTH!Our Mc, Yi Long 48 years old, yearned for normal life, but faith didn 't allow him to.since young, he was extremely talented, beating everyone, and all the powers within his realm, becoming the Supreme Guardian at the age of 35!After 13 years of ruling, he wants to give up this t.i.tle, and choose his 10 disciples as...

The Dual Alliance

The Dual Alliance summary: The Dual Alliance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Dual Alliance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Fiance is in Love with My Little Sister

My Fiance is in Love with My Little Sister summary: Aah, again? My fiance is gazing intently at my charming younger sister. When I saw the blaze that lit up in those cold eyes, I was a.s.saulted by deja vu. My fiance had been in love with my younger sister even in the last life. There was nothing I could do but watch. And, by some karma, I was someone who kept returning to that exact moment.

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