










简介世人皆知,大学士芮祤才高八斗、学富五车,可及冠多年仍未娶妻,乃是身体羸弱之故。而将门虎女南辰筱,泼辣凶悍,加之品行不端,除了一张脸明艳动人再无半点女人样。一个无人愿嫁,一个无人敢娶,圣上亲自为大学士与将门虎女赐婚,更称此二人为天下第一良配! 可实际上,大学士乃是娇滴滴的女儿身,将门虎子则是如假包换的男子汉大丈夫。当今圣上“指夫为妻”,所为哪般?【每周六更新,责编:阿丁】将门之子x温柔才女






















内容简介:南风交友社──鲲鹏,乃一祕密结社,专门提供大夏朝的断袖们找寻结契对象的管道。只要月付五十文钱,并提供自己的长相画像、飞鸽传书地址、年龄喜好、自我介绍,即可登上鲲鹏誌发送到每个社员手中, 大家可私下交流。1w0-97707 >>






内容简介:   【地狱级狠辣女主VS至尊无敌超强男主,强强联手。】前世捡了一只狼崽子,疼着,爱着,呵护着,到头来却被他亲手推入万丈深渊。腹中胎儿被生剖,惨遭挖心噬血。她被扒皮抽筋,骨肉遭众生分食 ,魂飞魄散。千年后,再睁眼,她是温府灾星。这一世,她誓要那狼崽子和六界众生万劫不复。六界:也许……拼死抵抗还能苟命?偏偏那个超强的圣界至尊站在了她身边:负过你的,全都干废!六界:大家摆好姿势,等死吧!……扶渊:前世来不及爱你,今生千倍奉还。【简介无能,正文真香,信我。】1w0-1895 >>


内容简介:楚江名声很响,名头更多。“绝世厨神”“史上最牛炼药师”“再世医神”“心理大师”“全知全能者”“最逆天的男人”等等……狂热的亿万粉丝疯狂追问:“你是怎么做到的呢?”楚江瞟了一眼全职业大师 系统光幕上自己那看不到底的一长溜职业,一脸唏嘘。“如果你有一个长得像天仙、能力如妖孽的老婆,你也会很努力的……男人,你懂的!”1w57665-84376 >>




内容简介:  以细胞形态寄生,选择宿主必须慎重。谁也没有想到文明会在战争中毁灭,我是蛮族,也是人类。1w0-201


内容简介:别急着投降啊,拿起你们的刀枪,其实我很好杀的……李长青看着跪倒在身前,哭着喊着要对自己效忠的降兵,满脸惆怅。“唉,没有你们挡刀,我又要去找新的敌人,好麻烦……”李长青脑中灵光一闪,心想 :或许,我可以当一个暴君?作为一个有担当,崇尚正义铁拳的P社玩家,反复刷叛军不是常规操作么?1w0-81700 >>


内容简介:本文已完结xAxA傅青玄是个快穿任务者,根据系统任务,他收养了三个徒弟,迫于无奈,他渣了三个徒弟。xAxA大徒弟,温润尔雅,被他弄瞎了双眼。xA二徒弟,开朗幽默,被他打折了双腿。xA三 徒弟,阴郁偏执,被他废了灵根,扔了出去。xAxA系统:“不好了,那个世界主要人物全部黑化了,宿主必须重新回去做一次任务,要化解他们心中的怨恨,咳咳!时间已经过去了十八年,注意捂好自己的马甲。”xAxA傅青玄:“……”QAQ,这任务相当于让他去送死。xAxA大徒弟成了第一仙门掌门,他谪仙高雅:“师父,当年我的眼睛被魔魂侵蚀,您耗费修为给我清理,我愿意以身相许。”xAxA二徒弟成了合欢宗宗主,他美艳明媚:“若非你打折了我的腿,我体内魔力肆虐,早已魂飞魄散。师父,别躲啊,坐近点,让我好好感谢你。”xAxA小徒弟成了人人畏惧的魔君,他把傅青玄按在墙上,折过他的双手,翻过他的身子,低吼:“师尊不是清冷禁欲,对我的感情不屑一顾吗?我偏要搞你。”xAxA傅青玄:“????”你们怎么回事?都怎么知道的?xAxA1欢脱修真小白文,恋爱修罗场,结局1v1,攻是聂钰。xA2玻璃心作者,只想听好话Ora。xAxA求预收,熟悉的修罗场味道哦,戳我的专栏吧,谢谢xAxA文名:《宿敌们都想攻略我》xA文案:xA段槿穿书了,他竟然有三个宿敌?xAxA他的徒弟,不知哪根筋搭错了,非要跟他结道侣,他断然拒绝,师父反目。xAxA他最忠诚的管家,突然在他喝醉的晚上,把他压在身下,意图强吻,被他一掌劈开。xAxA他跟魔君决战,魔头把受伤的他搂在怀里:“你脆弱的样子,好迷人,我想换个方式弄哭你。”xAxA段槿一脸懵,这特么到底怎么回事?xAxA直到他绑定了反攻略系统:“亲,你是宿敌们的攻略对象呢,只有成功跟你求婚,他们才能完成任务。”xAxA段槿惊了:“还有这种事!”xAxA“亲亲不要害怕,这边送你读心术呢,看穿他们,让他们心甘情愿爱上你,你可以重生回家呢。”xAxA结果,段槿发现:xAxA徒弟表面说:“师尊,我一定要得到你的人,用强也在所不惜。”xA心里:师尊,好想让你抱抱我。xAxA管家:“主上,得不到你我就要毁了你。”xA心里:呜呜呜,舍不得毁了。xAxA魔头:“来,哭给我看,喊给我听。”xA心里:莫挨老子。1w0-27655 >>


内容简介:苏明妩本该嫁进东宫,和青梅竹马的太子举案齐眉,然而花轿交错,她被抬进了同日成婚的雍凉王府中。恨了符栾半辈子,住在王府偏院瓦房,死前才知策划错嫁的人是她的心头朱砂白月光。一朝重生,苏明妩 重生在了洞房翌日。好巧不巧,她正以死相逼,要喝避子汤药……1w0-4048 >>


内容简介:苏明妩本该嫁进东宫,和青梅竹马的太子举案齐眉,然而花轿交错,她被抬进了同日成婚的雍凉王府中。恨了符栾半辈子,住在王府偏院瓦房,死前才知策划错嫁的人是她的心头朱砂白月光。一朝重生,苏明妩 重生在了洞房翌日。好巧不巧,她正以死相逼,要喝避子汤药……1w0-4048 >>


内容简介:宁小凡重生于修仙世界,穿越到焚天谷杂役弟子身上,无意中开启了修仙系统,正式开始艰难修仙之路。天地变色,山川崩塌,河流逆转,无数的妖、无数的魔从空间裂缝内进入,无数的猛兽妖禽从深渊大泽中 跑出。为了生存不只要堤防人,还要提防着妖族、魔族。妖、魔、人,三族争斗悄然开始。多年打磨的作品,五百万诚信作者,带你爽,带你飞,带你畅游修仙界……。1w103825-105140 >>

Zenbu Shirita

This is the debut FC book by Makita Nao. Contains 5 short stories. - I Want to Know Everything♥ I won’t act spoiled with my boyfriend, and I definitely won’t trouble him, either. I’m trying to act like a cool and mature ideal girlfriend, but the truth is, I’m a wholehearted and annoying girl! I can’t tell anyone that I’m stalking my beloved boyfriend!! - Upside Down Honey: Kameyama Chisato is a girl without boyfriend, because of her sadistic personality. While trying to fix it by practicing with a skeleton, a classmate sees her, Kurosawa Akihiro. What will happen to her secret?! And.. will Chisato ever find love?? - Fall, Fall, Rise Michiru is a girl with poor luck when it comes to love. She’s been dumped several times by her boyfriend’s for other girls. During her latest breakup, in her attempt to get over her love she makes as if to commit suicide, however a boy from her school stops her, claiming he’ll introduce her to the best guy on earth. Just who is the best guy on earth and where can be found? Or is he right in front of Michiru’s eyes? [from Starry Heaven] - Tomorrow There Will Be Fireworks Above Tomoe has a dream: to go to the fireworks display during the summer together with the guy she likes. However, she hasn’t found that spark of love at all, at least, not until her childhood friend, Miki, moves back to her school and she meets Kagami through him! She makes the perfect plan to confess to him, but that doesn’t go as well as she had hoped, when Kagami confesses to her that he really likes Tomoe’s best friend, Rikka! Is the friendship ruined between these best friends now? And will Tomoe be able to fulfill her dream of watching the fireworks with someone she loves? [from Starry Heaven] - Super ☆Star There’s a certain group of guys in Kiyoko’s class that stands out, and to her Hoshino stands out the most! In fact, he looks like he’s sparkling. However, he isn’t exactly what he seems to be, when Kiyoko discovers his part time job working at his family’s convenience store! But even in his work clothes, Hoshino is still sparkling to her. But it’s not until Hoshino is confessed to by another girl that Kiyoko truly realizes that even if she’s different from Hoshino’s ideal girl, she still has a chance…but is it too late for her? [from Starry Heaven]

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A young man, about to be married to his childhood love goes to look for his best friend who was supposed to return to the small village for his wedding from Tokyo. When the young man arrives, he finds a note left by his friend and the presents he would have brought. The note refers to a night when there was lightning and rain, cutting off the power in his small village. Was it really lightning, or could this world be a result of death and ghosts?

Clinging President - My Girl, I Want You

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The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour

The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour summary: The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Banner Boy Scouts on a Tour. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

British Butterfiles

British Butterfiles summary: British Butterfiles summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of British Butterfiles. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Weird Works of Robert E Howard - Moon of Skulls

The Weird Works of Robert E Howard - Moon of Skulls summary: The Weird Works of Robert E Howard - Moon of Skulls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Weird Works of Robert E Howard - Moon of Skulls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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