










类别都市 恋爱






















内容简介:【本文日更,上午1130230更新】入v,希望大家多多支持。五行缺四,一脸短命相的周长庸辛辛苦苦考上了地府公务员,眼看着就要摆脱早夭的噩运,穿越后一朝回到解放前。在这个黄泉天封闭,轮回 大道缺失的修真界,手拿着生死簿的周长庸原本以为自己拿的是主角剧本。结果低头一看,糟糕,死气蔓延,自己的名字马上就要出现在生死簿上了,死后躺棺材的滋味不好受。阎王要你三更死,不可留人到五更。人有人道,鬼有鬼途。九幽已灭,地府当存。—————————本文又名:《我每天都在被气死和病死中间徘徊》《拿着生死簿要被全世界追杀》《拜托了,前辈》《骗妻一时爽,一直骗一直爽》《我被火葬场包围的日日夜夜》每天苟着就是不想死·攻vs世上怎么可能有人不爱我·受同系列文请看《史上第一剑修》和《史上第一佛修》,挨得上背景板设定的边请看《不信邪》立意自立自强,健康快乐的过一生1w0-76224 >>




内容简介:  科技图书馆:科学的至高境,就是神学;  长生不老,飞天遁地,呼风唤雨,移山填海。这些神话传说,科学是可以实现的。想拿这些技术,必须拥有科技图书馆最高权限。  一次意外的救人,让陈默 收获了爱情,也获得收藏着无尽科技技术的科技图书馆,故事从此开始……  本故事纯属虚构,如有雷同,请进交流群:439923657(蚁巢)1w0-611 >>




内容简介:《以我深情,与你白首》一场车祸,订婚礼上,他另娶她人,她将他送的戒指扔到他的面前,祝福他永远不要后悔!她本以为终于可以放下一切离开,却被陌生男人拉入房间,灼热的呼吸点燃夜的温度:“帮帮 我,我会对你负责。”一夜之后,她的无名指,被人强行戴上了一枚价值连城的戒指。1w0-74507 >>


内容简介:傅泽沛,omega,信息素感知障碍。o对a的信息素没反应,说好听点是x冷淡,说难听点,x无能!(哔他觉得这件事很丢人,于是隐瞒omega的身份,在学校当一个普普通通(并不)的beta。 直到有一天,他忽然闻见某个A身上的味道。傅泽沛:哥们,你用的什么香水??祁鹤:我不用香水。接着发现,这家伙不是从小住他隔壁,还跟他暗恋同一个女生的情敌么!直到有天祁鹤吃醋导致信息素散发过多,当场进入情热期,并临时求标记。在一起后傅泽沛:请你收敛一下你的信息素。祁鹤:好的(继续微弱散发ing)傅泽沛内心os:淦!好想跟他不可描述!A装B又装O沉稳又醋精攻(祁鹤)X好好学生O装B受(傅泽沛)攻的信息素会随着对受感情而变化,味道从水到烈酒。受的信息素是栀子。天降即竹马,伪情敌变情人,单箭头变双箭头。私设较多。若有撞梗纯属巧合。甜文练笔,拒绝写作指导。1w94116-99059 >>


内容简介:“糟糕,我成替身了!”关左一睁开眼,发现换了人间,被掳来成了江湖上魔道巨擎后代的替身,危机四伏之下还要代替正主北上出关,俨然被当成了替死鬼。幸得脑中出现一件奇物,只要做出选择,便有数不 尽的神功绝艺、奇珍异宝。天魔大法,忘情天书,大金刚神力,浑天宝鉴,天妖屠神法,吞天灭地七大限,北冥重生法……大还丹,血菩提,无极仙丹,水火龙珠,玉玲珑,凤血龙元……数年之后。”大胆贼子,竟敢在江湖中冒充我们少门主1w0-29822 >>




内容简介:顾染染是个学霸,兼职裸模。穿上衣服比谁都纯,脱了裙子比谁都骚。为了查清自己多年的饭票好姐妹——李梦西离奇死亡的真相,她耍尽心机地勾引各路大佬,接近李梦西生前所在的核心圈子。凶手是谁?寻 找真相一得靠脑子,二得靠被啪。男主嫌疑人们对女主的宣言(证词):韩祁夜(傲娇):“我才不想啪你呢!最讨厌你这样女人惹。”边说边偷瞄。白修(禁欲):“当初是谁说的,没钱肉偿?”宫烬(衣冠):“你很迷人,尤其是在我的实验台上躺着张开腿的时候。”容迦(病娇):“再敢穿别的男人1w0-118681 >>


内容简介:一夜之间,全球人类穿越到了未知的世界。这里,百兽纵横、危机四伏,到处都充满了未知的危险。原有的社会制度被打破,新的生存法则在诞生。全民求生,从发展部落开始。渐渐的,苏城发现自己的部落人 有亿点点强!当别人还在为了生存而努力的时候,苏城已经满级了。“什么?我还在省吃俭用,大佬已经开烤肉派对了?”“刚刚建好小木屋,大佬已经躺在庄园里了……”1w0-84104 >>


内容简介:【卑微小广告:星际文《被毛茸茸包围的日子》预收】单元故事合集。放飞自我,随心所欲。【第一单元】兄弟的女朋友我爱了【第二单元】论如何从朋友晋升情人关系【第三单元】金屋藏娇【第四单元】好吃 不过饺子【第五单元】家花不如野花香【第六单元】彩旗飘飘◤阅读指南◢1、宝贝们我肥来喽~作者手速慢,更新频率不太稳〃°ω°〃2、友好看文,不讨论三观问题3、渣女系列and只虐男↑如果有小天使们的爱的话,应该会更勤奋一点哟~1w0-81028 >>


内容简介:小兵提供大冰大神最新作品《阿弥陀佛么么哒》最新章节全文免费阅读,阿弥陀佛么么哒全集,阿弥陀佛么么哒5200,阿弥陀佛么么哒无弹窗!请关注阿弥陀佛么么哒吧,本站最新最快更新阿弥陀佛么么哒 最新章节。1w0-96809 >>

Kiss To Koukai

From Intercross: ♥ Kiss to Koukai (Kisses and Regrets) The distance between us wouldn't diminish. It's painful, lonely, and my heart squeezes in pain. At that time, if I had been more honest, would it change anything...? Yeah, right. That's why this time, so I won't regret it, I'll... ♥ Itoshii no Senpai-sama (Beloved Senpai-sama) Hinako is the only girl to receive special attention from Katsuragi-senpai, the popular Kyuudo club president protected by his male club-member guards from all girls, not just fangirls. But Hinako's preferential treatment resembles nothing so much as a senior's spartan training of a junior. At first happy over how Katsuragi-senpai diligently takes time to teach her 'many things,' Hinako later questions why her so-called enviable position saddens her. ♥ Ikenai Koto (Something I Shouldn't Do) Yui vehemently refuses to have her little brother's friend Haruka stay over at her house for the three days his parents are away... ♥ Kimi no Button Kudasai (Give Me Your button) Yuki plays pranks on Tomoya because she likes him. Her last one before they graduate — writing Suki (I like you) on the back of his gakuran's second button. What is Yuki supposed to do when Tomoya says 'Yes' to another girl before graduation? ♥ Kieta Hanbun, Nokotta Real (Half Gone, Love Remains) A broken school festival sign and a common love for music makes best buds out of Naru and Yamato. That is until Naru loses all hearing in her right ear and she keeps her condition from Yamato a secret...

Shortcut Love!!

Akino's been in the advertising world for a while, and has been successful. But when younger man Kurata is chosen to team up with him on a project, he wishes it was anyone else. Kurata is always challenging Akino and criticizing his ideas. Why is Kurata so hard on Akino?

After War Gundam X Re:master Edition

Fifteen years ago, those living in Outer Space went to war with people still on Earth. During the battles of the 7th Space War, it was found that certain human beings had mysterious arcane abilities, powers of the mind to control and forsee. These gifted people were called Newtypes. They were valuable to both sides of the war; the Earth Federation designed the Flash System which allowed a Newtype pilot to control a horde of unmanned MS, called Bit-Mobile Suits.This was an effective weapon, but sacrificed the lives of many Newtypes.Space fought back for principal, believing the effect of living in Space heightened every human ability and eventually created the prized power of a Newtype, who was not something to use as a tool for war. But in the end, mankind was its own downfall. During the final battle, the Space Revolution Army (SRA) crashed numerous colonies into the planet Earth, with a devastating effect.Millions died as a result of the colony drop. Those that were fortunate enough to find refuge in a Shelter were both blessed and cursed; they wouldn't see the sun again for four years. The rest that made it through had to endure and suffer with living on a ruined planet, plagued by an endless winter and an ever-changing, chaotic atmosphere. With that, the war had ended. For now. But everyone who continued to live on was possessed by that tragic war, and the word 'Newtype'...The year is After War 0015, and life on Earth is finally on its way to creating a more perfect world, except for the ruthless mercenaries who use mobile suits to make a living raiding; called Vultures, some of these people are merely chasing money, while others are running from the past. Enter 15 year old Garrod Ran, an orphan of the war. He is a lively and friendly boy who is trying to survive in the wake of the war, living off his daring-do's and knowledge of MS. Because of this, Garrod is hired to rescue a kidnapped girl from a Vulture ship, called the Freeden, and its stoic captain, Jamil Neate.But Garrod soon finds out that this job is entirely not what it seems; that the girl, Tiffa Adill, is actually a powerful Newtype, able to dream the future. And when Tiffa shows Garrod the Gundam X, Garrod can do nothing but bear witness to the suddenly changing times. He may learn that people's true intentions run far deeper, and that the Vultures and Captain Jamil Neate are their only hope for surviving the coming age, and the birth of the New Earth Federation.Must mankind repeat the tragic mistake of the past? (From MyAnimeList)

Lodoss Tousenki: Honoo No Majin

Lodoss Tousenki: Honoo no Majin summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lodoss Tousenki: Honoo no Majin. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Heavenly Zenith

Heavenly Zenith summary: Yet another take on the overpowered MC with a system in a fantasy world. Not a good synopsis, but it 'll do until more of the story is built up.--As with my other stories, I should make sure to point out that I am extremely bad at remembering to update, so you have my apologies in advance for it.

The Trade Union Woman

The Trade Union Woman summary: The Trade Union Woman summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Trade Union Woman. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Woman Triumphant

Woman Triumphant summary: Woman Triumphant summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Woman Triumphant. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Two Of Six: A Captain's Dilemma

Two Of Six: A Captain's Dilemma summary: An unexplained malfunction transforms what should have been a pleasure trip through s.p.a.ce into a waking nightmare. Six human crew and pa.s.sengers are on board; the escape pod only fits two. Who lives and who dies? It’s up to the captain to decide. Fortunately, his humanoid navigator Elise is there to a.s.sist. But will she ease, or worsen, his burden of choice? Two of Six: A Captain’s Dilemma is a thought-provoking SF story reminiscent of “12 Angry Men” that touches on what it means to be human–or this *almost* human.

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