
































内容简介:穿越西游获得反套路系统。宿主晚出世五百年,反套路成功获得……宿主不去拜师,反套路成功获得……宿主不去大闹天宫,反套路成功获得……如来:阿伟已经死了,你挑的吗偶像?五百年,你知道我这五百 斤是怎么过的吗?玉帝:这猴子咋还不来大闹天宫啊,快点吧,我等的花都谢了。满天神佛:咱有啥说啥,跑个龙套让我们等了五百年,不加钱绝对不干。大噶好,我系练习两年半的个人反套路生,这是你没有看过船新版本西游。1w0-8231 >>


内容简介:顾嘉本是真千金,却因错抱而流落在外,十几年后才回到父母身边。养在乡下的她心思单纯,比不过那位一直被父母养着的假小姐,深宅大院之中她处处艰难,受尽苦楚,最后就连亲事也是捡了一个对方不要的 。重活一世,再入侯门,她只想捞钱,捞足了就走,什么父母亲情,什么豪门公子,一边去吧。无脑苏爽文一枚,重生后走上人生巅峰的故事1w0-3993 >>


内容简介:穿越成大周王朝皇子,却没想到这是一名冷宫皇子。还好。赵乾发现他在游戏中编辑的外挂也一起来了。无上资质、超凡提取、不死之躯……凄冷、寂静的冷宫成为了他安静的修炼之地。一步步,成为了黑天子 、神朝之主、神秘存在……本书又名《从冷宫皇子到无上黑天子》,《我编辑的外挂成真了》。1w0-64362 >>


内容简介:前世,她错把狼子野心当成一片真心,不仅失去了一切还丢了性命;重活一世,她慧眼如炬,冷沉之中不掩锋芒,誓要报得前世血海深仇!只是她未曾料到,死之前看到的最后一人,今世竟会与她有如此纠葛… …“娘子,报仇这种累心的事情就交给为夫吧,你只需开心快乐便是。”“可我不想……”穆婉宁愕然摇头,报仇这样的事1w0-89433 >>


内容简介:  作为天道的亲闺女,她开了一家神奇的店。  这家店可以跳跃空间和时间,穿越很多个世界。夜晚时分,龙凤琉璃灯会指引有缘人进入这家名为万物皆有的店,再收取代价满足有缘人的愿望。  前提, 只要你支付得起这个代价。  你,想要踏入这间店么?  任何愿望都可以实现哦,威震四方,俾睨天下,凌驾众生!  她的萌宠一龙一凤表示,我们真不是黑店,我们也不是来装逼的。我们只是来纠正偏离正轨的世界。  然而,无形装逼最为致命。  客人,需要带你装逼带你飞么?1w0-4355 >>






内容简介:一场阴谋,继母想要偷梁换柱,让她替继妹出嫁。但房间里的男人究竟是谁?五年后携萌宝归来,开启复仇计划,白莲绿茶她一手一个!却遇上了一个极为难缠的男人……男人眉眼和她的一双宝贝极为相似,战 少勾唇邪魅一笑:“既然连孩子都偷偷生了,那就做我的女人,想要什么唾手可得。”黎末笙:“谁比谁厉害,还说不定呢!”直到萌宝们将她的各种证书马甲摆出来,战少咬牙切齿:“女人,你究竟还瞒了我多少事情?!1w16169-28092 >>


内容简介:唐宁看了一本主受的耽美小说。一觉醒来发现自己穿成了书里的天下第二美人。只不过天下第二美人是个恶毒男配,专门给主角受打脸的炮灰。你问主角受为啥对着一张美人脸都能下得去手?很不幸,主角受他 是天下第一美人。本文又名:小说屋《天下第一和天下第二美人在一起了》《我就是喜欢找你茬了咋地》《天下第一见了我总是眼冒绿光》《天下第二看见我总是两腿发软》第一攻X第二受如此清奇的CP了解一下?各位书友要是觉得《天下第二美人穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-81713 >>


内容简介:张振东是个充满正能量的放牛娃。虽然家徒四壁穷困潦倒,但小人物却有着大大的梦想,凭着一身异能,带领着贫困的桃花村村民奔向小康,走出大山,冲出城市,走向世界!这是一部乡野少年神医的奋斗日记 。各位书友要是觉得《乡野小神医》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-37046 >>


内容简介:本文日25章入v,当日肥章掉落~,专栏《和大魔王偷偷表白后》求收藏~白幼宜一朝穿进某本修仙小说,成了仙门内头顶俩揪揪的小师妹。小说里,她的所有师兄师姐都是炮灰,注定只能成为女主修炼路上 的踏脚石。系统:“你的任务是,打倒女主,抢夺气运!”白幼宜:“谁傻谁和主角对着干,让我咸鱼。”她咸鱼的如意算盘打得噼啪响,结果当夜,小命差点交代在女主手里。系统重申:“你的任务是,打倒女主——”白幼宜奶凶奶凶地打断它:“呵,不干死她,我白幼宜三字倒过来念!”原书女主发觉身边不知何时多了个碍眼的小物件。她对大师兄含情脉脉时,白幼宜奶声奶气:“我挺喜欢你们俩的,我们三一起过好不好?”她对二师兄两情缱绻时,白幼宜打散自己小揪揪,哭得上气不接下气,“我要师兄抱抱……”她对三师姐下手挖坑时,白幼宜摇头晃脑:“女孩子有个前男友怎么了?你都有一百来个呢!”她对四师兄表述心意时,白幼宜拍着圆滚滚的小肚子:“饿饿。”女主:你个小东西怎么回事?白幼宜对自己人生规划的很清楚,日常任务:干女主随机任务:与师兄拉手手逛街,让师尊抱抱讲故事,缠着香香师姐打瞌睡这种团宠的日子持续很久,直到某日——白幼宜惊恐1w0-77709 >>


内容简介:  一个靠说书为生的小道士,却一心向往仙途,妄想成就修仙梦想。阴差阳错之下,竟然真的被他用“祖传”的仙法打通了灵脉,从而踏入了修行的大门。且看他如何一步步踏上青云,脚踩青天。(注:主角 非正人君子,谨慎进入。道门书友群:208451560) 欢迎关注双开作品《人魔之路》,一定不会让大家失望。1w0-1975 >>

Shin Kotaro Makaritoru! Juudouhen

Having to repeat his final year in Tsurugamine High School, Kotaro is drawn to Judo through the encounters he make with first-year students Kumi Mifune, Sanshiro Saigo and Daigo Daigo. Having lost to Kotaro, first-year Judoka Kumi Mifune endeared to learn the Karate discipline in order to defeat Kotaro. However, the ambitious delinquent Judoka Daigo captured her as a bait to take on Kotaro and take over his long-standing Kyokutan dojo. Sanshiro Saigo who happened to be with Kumi was taken as well and caused the Judo Club to be involved in the conflict with Kotaro. With the return of many previous characters (though many of them just making brief appearances) such as Shikato Tenzen, Momotaro Ushirono, Teruhiko Tenkouji and Kyoushiro Inamori; mixed with the appearance of new characters such as the leaders of the male and female Judo Clubs; Toshihiko Iga who seemed to know Kotaro very well and Rumiko Mitsugi whose panties Kotaro and Tenzen could never 'possess' respectively, the new arc of Kotaro brings him and Mayumi to the world of Judo filled with the familiar mix of comedy, ecchi, and martial arts.

Hitomi Genki: Kingdom

15 year old Imai Hibiki suffers from androphobia (fear of men). She was invited by the head of the Student Union, Kousaka Giou to live with him due to Hibiki's apartment having been burnt down and Hibiki asked to move out. Giou had fallen in love with Hibiki at first sight which prompted him to invite her as well as find out why Hibiki gained a fear of men in recent times. From the time they met until the present, Hibiki had fallen into an untrustful and depressed state. What had happened to Hibiki and will she be able to trust another person again? dropped by ShoujoMagic on 10-15-07

Av Gokko

From Bakeneko Scanlations: The president of the student council, Tsujioka is suddenly invited by Kurata, who he has a huge crush on, to have sex with him, which infuriates him! Tsujioka’s condition is “If you let me hold you, then ok”, but then Tsujioka gets out a camera that looks like one used in AV, but will they have sex while the camera is rolling….?! Other stories include a sadistic subordinate and a love triangle between three childhood friends.

Tenshi No Pocket

From ShoujoMagic]: A collection of short stories 1) Angel's Pocket (Tenshi no Pocket) - When Sui refuses to date a stalker guy at school, he's insistent to the point of being scary. Sui starts to run, but then slips on the stairs... and lands on top of Taki -- the school delinquent! The stalker is still in pursuit, so Sui makes like she's going to run again, but Taki grabs her and kisses her!? The stalker gives up... and although one of Sui's problems has gone away, she now has a whole new one: Taki demands compensation for saving her. She has to become his slave...!? It's out of the frying pan and into the fire for poor Sui! 2) To You, the Avante-gardes - High school senior Mishima Kasuga hates the fact that she can't say no to anyone's requests... especially now that it has attracted the 200% weirdo junior Ikeda Tomoo to her. Rumor has it that when he wants something, he'll chase it to the ends of the earth. Can Kasuga find the nerve to say no to him? Or, better question: Does she want to...? She's going to have to figure it out soon, because graduation is coming up, and there's an entire junior class of girls who've developed crushes on Tomoo since Kasuga punched the glasses off his surprisingly handsome face! 3) I Have Love - Minazuki Kaoru, age 17, is a high school junior who still makes embarrassing mistakes like a freshman, but this one has got to be her worst... she accused the handsome goateed guy of being a pervert, ran away from him, and then found out that he's Nachi Takeshi, age 22, her new student teacher! He wanted to be a novelist, but turned to teaching when he realized he had no talent for it. All the girls in class are attracted to his boyish charm, yet he seems to lavish his most immature moments on Kaoru. In spite of herself, Kaoru wants to know more about Nacchan's world, through his novels. What will it take to make him open his books -- and his heart! -- to her...? 4) 9 o'Clock Bomb - Sakada Mayu was saved from a tight spot on the street by Nagato Hiroshi, a cute boy from her class, and then got a little too obvious about her attraction to him. That's when they were stopped by a photographer and asked to participate in a 'best couple' competition. Mayu was hesitant, Nagato wasn't -- and they won first prize! They're not really a couple, but now Mayu wants to change that... She gathers all her courage and coerces him into going with her to the fireworks festival at 9:00 PM -- and something's bound to explode!

Heartless Dawn

Heartless Dawn summary: Zhao Jin has grown up unloved and neglected, but he has a secret. One day, when the man who calls himself his elder brother tries to abandon him, Zhao Jin discovers that he can control the dead.

The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidus Naso in English blank verse

The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidus Naso in English blank verse summary: The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidus Naso in English blank verse summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Metamorphoses of Publius Ovidus Naso in English blank verse. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Everlasting Immortal Firmament Prequel

Everlasting Immortal Firmament Prequel summary: Fanfiction for Everlasting Immortal Firmament.
40 years ago Gu Hai becomes famous and these are Gu Hai’s life experiences in the Chen Empire, and how he saves the Chen Empire from the crisis.

True Riches; Or, Wealth Without Wings

True Riches; Or, Wealth Without Wings summary: True Riches; Or, Wealth Without Wings summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of True Riches; Or, Wealth Without Wings. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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