

















类别恋爱 霸总 少女














内容简介:文案:这是一个被主神当作任务王牌的男人过河拆桥卷系统逃跑的有趣故事,这是一场穿越三千世界看戏打脸外加虐渣的悠闲旅途,这也是有关如何拐到一只忠犬老攻的爱情科普。银河纪元风姿斐然的少年元帅 顾安爵,深度妹控患者,当知道妹妹复生的唯一条件就是篡夺粒子世界能量时,他毫不犹豫地与主神做了交易,绑定系统,踏上一条作死之路。身为幕后大boss,顾安爵不得不扮演主角成功路上的绊脚石,也是最后被一脚踹开的可怜虫。小说里的反派,往往都有一副俊美帅气的外表,显赫家世加上超强武功,看起来尊贵到了极点,可却连身边最亲近的人都会被主角光环感染,高喊着为了正义与和平,再狠狠地在他背后捅上一刀。明明有一千种方式可以轻而易举地干掉主角,可顾安爵还是得乖乖按照剧本走流程,就像游戏里打怪似的,一次次被主角推倒,然后爆出来各种功法秘籍,帮助主角变强。顾安爵经历了无数个世界,但无一例外,都是被主角,或者主角身边的女人弄死,心里早就累积了无数的不甘与愤怒。当他终于摆脱主神的控制,唯一的愿望就是再好好地跟主角玩一把,看看这一次,到底是谁赢?炮灰逆袭之战正式打响,剧情君,请尽情地崩坏吧!扫雷:1金手指粗长,苏苏苏,爽爽爽。2bl快穿,坚定主受。3从始至终1v1,妖孽女王受and可霸道可腹黑可忠犬可痴汉可高冷可鬼畜的宠妻狂魔攻。4肉是什么?我会说有吗,请自备去污粉,我们要时刻保持优雅。皮埃斯:感谢upstream图铺咸鱼帅比提供的美腻封面~1w0-33944 >>


内容简介:才五岁的粉团子被村里人说成是丧门星,逼得她献祭河神才能保住全村的命。啥?敢动我妹妹!溺水没气儿的沈大哥顿时复活,手握七十二家商铺,“谁敢碰六六,我送他去和阎王叙旧!”人称傻子沈二哥,拿 着刚研究的最新植株,“全村都吃饱就不封建迷信了,六六不怕。”被乡亲误认为战死沙场的沈三哥戎装归来,“想要打六六的主意,先问问我背后大刀同不同意。”病秧子沈四哥,轻松拿下进士,“功名在身,六六便是官家的人,劝你1w0-63916 >>


内容简介:  本书为大狙回归经典文风的全新力作《古神的诡异游戏》一个室友的离奇死亡。一个诡异的神秘游戏。这个游戏能让你赢得一切这个游戏也能让你输的万劫不复。唯一的问题是——你敢玩么。1w0-20 91 >>


内容简介:高歌肉身穿越到洪荒!“救命啊!”“我脚下比珠穆朗玛峰还高的山,被一只怪物一脚踩到地下三万丈去了”“我正在往下掉,怎样才能活命?”“在线等!急……”“嘭!”演绎一个不一样的洪荒!群:95 9259556本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《我是洪荒第一人》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84454 >>


内容简介:生产队的都说余家祖坟冒青烟了,新进门的媳妇突然一改先前的懒馋,不仅做得一手好菜,就是地里的农活也干得有模有样,更让人眼红的是,人家一举考上大学,毕业就成了吃商品粮的教师。眼看余家日子越 过越好,生产队的纷纷开始巴结当家的新媳妇,只有周小满在心底默默流泪,一辈子稳重内敛的自己,怎么就摊上这么个二流子老公1w0-89946 >>


内容简介:凌天凡,一场逆天改命的布局,让他重生回到十六岁,身陷绯色陷阱的关键时刻。 美色有毒,功高盖主,莫须之罪,惨祸在即。 且看他,如何逆天改命,势不要悲剧重演。 天无情,斩之!地无情,灭之! 神无情,屠之!圣无情,杀之!道无情,碎之! 剑道凌天,再临寰宇!1w0-2315 >>


内容简介:店铺亏损,妻子还变得和以前不太一样。面对来自这两方面的打击,宋远并没有气馁。他开始追查真相,却发现真相远比他想象中的复杂。在佳人的帮助下,以一家小店为基础的他完成人生逆袭,创造出一个又 一个商海神话!1w10337-29294 >>


内容简介:经历了大绝望的时代,全新的纪元终将来临。在成为废墟,化为远古,巨兽纵横的世界上,重建起秩序的文明。科技在不断革新,人类,也开始了进化的脚步,觉醒的天赋,将带领人类走上一个全新的高度。试 看未来,必将是属于猎魔者的时代!看来自于异世的他,如何在这一片熟悉而又陌生的世界,领舞一场热血传奇!大都会、黑暗复活节、丛林魅影……,一路的惊险,一路的热血,一路的种种隐秘会为你一一展现;这,将是属于他的传说!书友群:553646706(QQ)各位书友要是觉得《逆战之猎魔时代》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71572 >>


内容简介:公告栏:今早第一更已更,二更在1900日更文,不用看小红花!小红花不准qwq下一本《她看起来很好吃》,前十章发红包,麻烦收个藏呀〃▽〃·傅一言十八岁生日时,傅妈妈严肃说:“儿子,有件事 我们一直没敢告1w0-29117 >>


内容简介:洛小天:我是兵王,你们别惹我;我就想睡懒觉,晒太阳,把这个总裁媳妇带回老家当村姑;什么?你们也要一起去,还想嫁给我。违法的事我可不干,一夫多妻是违法的,正宫娘娘只有一个,要不你们几个抓 阄吧。n于是,带着老婆情人回家种田的洛小天,远离天地变1w0-73988 >>




内容简介:容槿爱了宋时二十年,最后如愿嫁给他。哪知枕边这男人非良人,不仅灭了容家,也毁了她。绝望之际,那晚同样被设计的男人从车上下来。“嫁给我,我帮你报仇。”婚后她才知道自己嫁的男人大有来头,不 是自己能招惹的,“傅,傅总我错了,我们离婚吧……”男人揽住她的腰,声音危险至极,“我只有丧偶,你想试试?”“……”1w75121-110839 >>


'In a Fight, they say that the first one to bleed from his or her nose is the loser. Father, Mother and Brother...They're all LOSERS that bled from the nose facing that damn monster called WORLD! I'm not going to fall into that one. Even though I have to break my head, I'm not going to bow my head before anyone. I'm going to finish everyone! I'm going to throw everyone on the ground with the 'Ushi Mata'. Even though my opponent is...a GIRL' The Boy that doesn't bow his head to anyone... SUK DONGMIN

The Kang’S Yeesu

Read The Kang's Yeesu manhwa The Kang's Yeesu manga The Kang's Yeesu webtoon update free at mangabuddy.ComI am Han Yeesu, this city's coolest gay guy. But in the name of my love for Kang Jihyung, I'm willing to become a chaebol family's daughter-in-law. However- 'She's the girl you used to always treasure and adore, father. I brought her here to marry her, so why are you mad?' One day, Kang Jihyung brought home a random girl. All just to screw over his father, Kang Joongman. What am I going to do alone, you nothing-but-a-handsome-face jerk! Although I was angry, I held onto my father-in-law Joongman for a new start. 'It's because of you I ended up in this situation! Take some responsibility! You have to replace that guy!' After my father-in-law's scolding and constant nagging to become the group's successor died down, I came back to my senses to find myself buried in files and papers and working overtime. But even if it's mentally and physically painful and tiring, the desire never withers- Is it going to be the hot-tempered sexy old man Kang Joonman, Or my ideal type who betrayed me, Kang Jihyung? A sitcom filled with Yeesu's wavering love and hatred between the two filthy rich men.

Eyed Soul

During an investigation, private detective Amaki comes across Kou, a man with a mysterious aura about him; a man with strangely sharp perception and eyes that shine like a beast’s. Since his meeting with this man, for some reason wild creatures that are not supposed to inhabit the city keep appearing around Amaki... Who is this Kou? The author goes all out, a Shamanic Fantasy begins.

Mirai No Futatsu No Kao

Midway through the Twenty-first century, an integrated global computer network manages much of the world’s affairs. A proposed major software upgrade—an artificial intelligence—will give the system an unprecedented degree of independent decision-making power, but serious questions are raised in regard to how much control can safely be given to a non-human intelligence. In order to more fully assess the system, a new space-station habitat—a world in miniature—is developed for deployment of the fully operational system, named Spartacus. This mini-world can then be “attacked” in a series of escalating tests to assess the system’s responses and capabilities. If Spartacus gets out of hand, the system can be shut down and the station destroyed . . . unless Spartacus decides to take matters into its own hands and take the fight to Earth. • Adapted from James P. Hogan’s classic science-fiction novel by the award-winning Yukinobu Hoshino, The Two Faces of Tomorrow is hardcore science-fiction manga at its best.

Death at the Excelsior

Death at the Excelsior summary: Death at the Excelsior summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Death at the Excelsior. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Underdog Versus Boss

Underdog Versus Boss summary: Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting are childhood rivals.
Feng Kai Ze is the love child of a ruthless tyc.o.o.n. He resents his father for his mother’s death. When his father forces him to leave his mother’s hometown, he steals Da Tian Ting’s diary.
Da Tian Ting resents her mother for abandoning her and her father to marry her mother’s first love.
Unbeknownst to Da Tian Ting, her father’s friend betrays him by stealing her father’s invention. She believes her inheritance is from her father’s life savings.
Da Tian Ting loves her father. She agrees to marry her father’s friend’s son.
On the eve of Da Tian Ting’s wedding day, her fiance cheats on her. She cancels the wedding and breaks off the engagement.
When Da Tian Ting hits rock bottom she reunites with Feng Kai Ze. She doesn’t recognise the adult Feng Kai Ze. She thinks he is a handsome pauper and plans to recruit him as her wedding date to her ex-fiance’s wedding.
Feng Kai Ze recognises his childhood rival Da Tian Ting. Initially Feng Kai Ze wants to use Da Tian Ting to defy his father’s order for him to marry the daughter of a businessman who is blackmailing his father.
Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting join forces to take revenge on the people who hurt their mother and father respectively. Blind by revenge, Feng Kai Ze and Da Tian Ting can’t see cupid’s arrow targeting their hearts.

The Art of Cross-Examination

The Art of Cross-Examination summary: The Art of Cross-Examination summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Art of Cross-Examination. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker

Spiderman Ultimate Peter Parker summary: Reborn as Peter Parker thanks to the One Above All 's a.s.sistance, a human from earth enters the Marvel Universe to experience a whole new adventure.Note this is something I work on when I get writer 's block, or just bored so don 't expect updates often. Just something I 'm doing for fun.

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