


简介“求总裁放过!”—— 他怀中妖媚风情的酒吧歌手,就是那个暗恋他多年未果的眼镜男孩。本想不再相见,但第二天却偏偏成为了他的贴身助手!?受尽屈辱……双面娇男隐藏身份,是为躲避旧爱,还是另有隐情?






















简介从小不受欢迎的钟小离,做梦也没有想到自己捡回来的一只“流浪狗”真实身份竟然是只狐仙大人!更重要的是,这位狐仙大人竟然要娶自己当老婆!什么鬼!! 当阴郁草食系女生遇到自恋肉食系狐仙大人,“互相伤害”的生活就此拉开序幕......《现世情人是尾狐》每周三更新~求收藏!求月票!







淫宠(高H 1V1)

内容简介:τxτǒyuzhaiwu黎琬被当做祭品召唤到陌生国度,凭实力挣脱矮奴身份,成为沧元国三殿下桓冽的爱宠。每每被桓冽的手指弄到高潮,黎琬心中便多一分屈辱。直到这个男人将她的名字刀刻在身上时 ,她方才觉悟这个男人爱她多么入骨。体格差,男主是异国巨人,女主是现世人类。身份差,男主是沧元国三殿下,女主是矮奴。1V1,双处,双强。有剧情,有h。架空文,剧情党勿考究。欢迎投猪,50猪加一更。日更不定时加更。欢迎跳坑。1w0-87954 >>




内容简介:每隔百年的凛冬逢魔时,地狱之门都会重新开启,被打入无间地狱的恶灵闯过十九层炼狱,就可以重回人间。地狱内的恶灵绝非善类,连阙混在其间,众恶灵却发现——他总是能莫名躺赢。厉鬼的刀每次只斩在 他身侧……就连末世中恶名在外、手腕铁血的最高裁决院之刃也为他破例。在他们看不到的暗角,众人求而不得的地狱使者召唤卡牌在他手中熠熠生辉——“绑定成功,尊贵的付费用户,欢迎来到,地狱的第十九层。我是地狱使者,您最忠实的——信徒。”连阙歪头笑道:“谢谢,但我不记得什么时候充过值?”地狱使者微笑不语。可他记得那座荒山孤冢,那人随手丢下的花,和那一句——“听说在人间,死后无亲人祭拜者只能入地狱门,不能再入轮回。但如果可以,做个人吧。”景斯言始终追随他的神,舍弃轮回甘入地狱成为他最趁手的一把刀。直至十九狱业火倾覆,人人贪欲满身。他望向他的神明,目光温柔而克制:“什么都可以?”连阙倾身低语:“什么都可以。”他的双瞳已被业火染成一片赤红,在他的神明前单膝跪地,生涩而虔诚地吻上他的手背。连阙:?他妄图比肩神明,只为他片刻垂青。1w0-105855 >>


内容简介:论救错反派的下场全文小说全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《论救错反派的下场全文小说》凤羽涅著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读论救错反派的下场全文小说 全文内容。1w14630-75603 >>


内容简介:突然有一天,死党秦菲菲告知,她是从末日重生归来,为了再次迎接末日,秦菲菲和云歆开始找金手指,买种子,准备食材和武器……只是坑爹的,末日降临,这个随身空间居然神秘消失……没法,只得拿钱菜 刀当武器,平底锅当防具,开门冲出去和丧尸硬碰硬,阿门,保佑我不要成为炮灰!当末日来临,大小姐秦菲菲和宅女云歆开启了扮猪吃老虎的另类末日人生。(纯属书荒,又来开坑,写的不好,请多多包容!)各位书友要是觉得《末日之随身空间》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95863 >>


内容简介:喜欢吞噬星空,写一本同人,遵照原著设定,希望大家能喜欢。有金手指,欣赏罗峰所以不夺原著机缘,不修改原著的基础设定,不写多次元宇宙。从构思到发布已经过了半年,第十一版大纲、细纲。新手作者 ,文笔稚嫩,期待诸位的鼓励支持。1w0-29843 >>


内容简介:【书迷群5451663期待诸位老铁加入!】成婚当天,丈母娘突然要求彩礼加倍。这是要的彩礼吗?这是要的父母两条命!彩礼加倍?这婚不结了!拒绝之后,沈浪反手便娶了大唐公主!1w0-4619 4 >>


内容简介:每晚八点日更。下本开《枕边风月》当红女星X资本大佬,求个预收呀么么哒本文文案那天驾照考科四,考完哥哥说他有朋友在考场附近,顺路去接她。朋友来了,听说计迦楠拿了新鲜的小黑本,阔气地递上了 一把车钥匙,说给她练手。当天晚上,迈巴赫充京第一撞的消息肆虐满城,他们整个圈子差点笑没了,说他车子刚提三天,够慷慨,新手也敢借。计迦楠好几天没出门,直到那天深夜接到哥哥的电话,电话里传来的却是那把熟悉1w0-126648 >>




内容简介:新文《学渣和学霸的爱情买卖》已开!xA完结文《秦先生宠妻日常》xAxA夏青霜是个十八线,还要再掉两线的女明星。xA有一天节目组拿给她一份通告“的男子汉”的综艺节目xA她拨通李柏杨的电话 :“我参加了一档综艺节目。”xA李柏杨静了两秒:“嗯?”xA夏青霜有点不好意思,又有点兴奋:“是在你们军营拍的。”xA李柏杨淡淡道:“好啊,你最喜欢军绿色。”xA想起他们的关系,夏青霜深吸一口气:“我怕在镜头面前露陷。”xA李柏杨不在乎地说:“那就秀给他们看。”xA节目播出时,全国观众们含泪捂嘴:“别塞了,狗粮够了!”xA冷冰冰的狗粮,三百六十度地拍打在脸上。xA这就是一个甜文,婚恋文,无任何虐点,勇敢地点进来吧!xA先婚后爱,慢慢磨合的过程。xA有防盗,订阅率60%以上,否则24小时后能看到。1w0-28443 >>




内容简介:路漫漫其修远兮,我以半妖之身,踏上凌驾众神之路。(读者qq书群号:普一群:876441971,普二群:963701801全订福狸新群:1039835306,进群截图验证找群主或者管理员 ,吼吼,我是半妖公众号也有了,直接搜索关注:“我是半妖”即可,会不定期发放番外福利。)1w0-2200 >>

Hana Yori Mo Yaiba No Gotoku

From Dazzling Scans: The country of Japan is being terrorized by the undead, known as Revenants. Tachibana Kaguya makes it her life goal to protect her fellow citizens from these zombie-like creatures, just as her father did before her. When she enrols in Reimeikan Academy, a school that specializes in training soldiers that will eventually become part of a movement to expel the Revenants once and for all, she is reunited with Tokugawa Ichii... a boy her father had died to protect—a boy who had promised to build her a world free of monsters.


Handsome, tall, and charming bachelor Fin Deitory that every woman wanted just made the most regretfully and stupidest mistake of his life. It also changed his whole career which he imagined to be an awesome agent in the SDF, abbreviated for Special Dispatch Force. On the day he was supposed to be starting his job though, he enters the wrong room mistaking the plate name sign to be 'SDF: Special Dispatch Force' but instead, it was 'SDF: Special Doll Force'. He learns that the group was a secret to the real SDF and was only consists of doll collectors. But the handsome people trap him there because he was also handsome making him also a doll collector. Being a little bit conceited and such, Fin can't think of himself as a doll collector but he later realizes the importance of it..... From Baka-Updates: Fen has just been assigned a position in the Special Dispatch Force (a.k.a. the 'SDF') protecting the King of Vera Morgan. When he arrives at the office for the SDF he discovers he's been accidentally enrolled in the Special Doll Force instead! Fen discovers to his dismay that his new job is to search out and retrieve 'bran dolls' with the help of four strange but beautiful men - who have more than just the job on their minds!

Kaizoku Game

[From: Mangaupdates] A continuation of the oneshot Kaizoku Game in Ousama Game that features the rest of Kuuron's pirate crew. 1) Yuuki's older brother got caught at his pirate lover and was imprisoned on the ship. In the time he is being supervised by a cook. All the meals prepared are untouched and the cook got angry since all the crew recognized his talent... And the problems all start when some people don't like the relation between them... what will happen... till they have a good ending? 2) Rika, the first mate of Kuron, has been in love with Kuron for 8 long years. Even so, he never confessed his feelings and so he relieves his 'other love' off the pirate ship. But one of this sex friends joined the crew... and decided to help Rika... but all that made Rika have other thoughts... what will he do? Accept the help...??!!

Musubiya Nanako

Volume 2 of the YuuTopia Collection, contains four stories: the title story, 'Perfect Lovers', 'Memoir Girl' and 'Hang in There Nakago (Part 2)'. This last story is the continuation from the last story from Minto de Kiss me. 1. Musubiya Nanako: Nanako has her mother's ability to see the red strings that bind to people together in love. At her parents match making shrine, Nanako is forced to bring couples together by binding their strings. But who is she to be binded to? 2. Perfect Lovers: Mitsuharu and Kana get into a car accident just after breaking up. They wake up just to find themselves in a dimension where homosexuality is normal and heterosexual relationships are illegal. 3. Memoir Girl: Katakura Hitomi does not like her new step-mother taking up all the attention of her father. In an abandoned school building she meets a high school boy who becomes her confidant. 4. Hang in There Nakago (Part II) - Continues the tale from Mint de Kiss Me.

Roman Catholicism in Spain

Roman Catholicism in Spain summary: Roman Catholicism in Spain summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Roman Catholicism in Spain. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary

The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary summary: The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life of William Carey, Shoemaker and Missionary. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Last Dickens

The Last Dickens summary: The Last Dickens summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Last Dickens. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Successful Marriages

Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Successful Marriages summary: Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Successful Marriages summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Victorian Short Stories: Stories of Successful Marriages. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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