






简介阳光正直暖男攻X美貌傲娇强大受 萌暖甜虐· 些许励志 童星出身的傲岳长大后被观众厌倦,人气出现危机,公司为了挽救这个超级赚钱机器,决定以他为中心组成一个偶像组合……组合新成员竟然是头脑简单四肢发达的运动员出身,然鹅……




简介从前有个秀才很有妖缘,总遇到各种萌萌的小妖怪,后来秀才飞升天界,奉仙君之命出任飞升司主事,掌管各路妖怪飞升渡劫之事。于是,秀才见证着各路妖王的爱恨情愁,生离死别…… 一样的呆呆小秀才,不一样的可爱小妖怪,萌化版“聊斋志异”,一起来寻找最有爱的妖怪cp吧!作者其他作品《门徒》《教主是柔道队队员》《我的烛龙养父》《我的纯阴师尊》《应龙兄弟的日常》【完结,责编:凡】






















内容简介:末世神医安泞死那一刻绝对料不到自己会穿进一本狗血古言小说里,更料不到,她穿进去之后,每天都在被疯批男主暗杀!……王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,王妃落水后意外救下了小皇子,现在皇上正 要赏赐她!王爷:…………王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,宫宴上王妃为皇后娘娘挡了一剑,皇后娘娘赐给了王妃一枚免死金牌。王爷:…………王爷:王妃死了吗?下人:启禀王爷,王妃代替白姑娘从城墙上跳了1w83186-83247 >>


内容简介:小兵提供蜀七大神最新作品《魅魔的庄园》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,魅魔的庄园小说txt下载,魅魔的庄园小说笔趣阁,魅魔的庄园无弹窗!本站最新最快更新魅魔的庄园小说最新章节。1w0-752 38 >>


内容简介:《麻衣神婿》是一举成神精心创作的玄幻小说,长风文学网实时更新麻衣神婿最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的麻衣神婿评论,并不代表长风文学网赞同或者支持麻衣神婿读者的观点。1w2465 -75629 >>




内容简介:人族至高无上者,为帝,少女走出故乡,踏遍天下,一步步跨入其中,成为神话(当女强文看吧,单身)各位书友要是觉得《绝代女仙尊》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-9 9917 >>


内容简介:穿越大秦,成为秦始皇的儿子,意外觉醒国运系统,国运越强自己获得的奖励越丰富。叮!宿主献上骑兵三件套,大秦国运提升获得奖励神兽军团叮!宿主诛杀赵高,大秦国运提升获得奖励杂交水稻和高产小麦 叮!宿主集齐秦时明月百大美人,大秦国运提升获得奖励双修内经当秦始皇东巡回来后,看着大殿里的文武百官在看了看插遍全球的黑水龙旗,他一代千古一帝蚌埠住了啊!1w0-89962 >>


内容简介:一个修仙小门派普通修士,意外得到一段来着未来的记忆,看宁平如何凭借一点点优势,立足修仙界,并一步步走向巅峰。总之,这是一部凡人流小说。(修仙境界:练气,筑基,结丹,元婴,化神,炼虚,合 体,大乘,飞升。)1w0-81666 >>


内容简介:三年亲密无间的陪伴暖化不了那个男人坚硬的心,看到霍景辰因为江青羽的回归而展露笑容的时候,江小鱼才突然明白,她之于这个男人来说什么都不是,所以痛快的放手,见面互不相识才是她与他最好的结局 。而这一次连老天爷都帮着她,塔台出事,所有人都以为江小鱼死了,可是她只是被人救起,但是却在那场事故中失去了一段记忆,也因此她忘记了曾经深深的爱着的慕景辰,从此被一个深深的爱着她的男人宠在了怀里。1w0-107877 >>


内容简介:尘海枯竭,万世成空,雷电咆哮,古道悲鸣!巨头镇压当世,古帝隔岸观火,先天生灵身伴大道而生,谁敢称尊?……“大道枯竭,世间不允许你这样的剑道至尊横空出世。”少年太子被封葬剑冢内,本以为碌 碌一生,谁知竟觉醒满级悟性。观看始祖佩剑,顿悟上古剑术!观看日出日暮,顿悟先天之气,自创内景大世界,媲美先天极道生灵!当世人都忘记了这位曾经惊艳一世的剑道至尊时,一个号称为古神寻找继承人的组织来到了葬剑冢。“真武,你的时代到了。”本书又名:【老祖,我已是真武大帝,不能继承你的地府传承了】【禁足葬剑冢,一剑斩落世间仙】【刚继承真武名号,老祖又送来满级大号】ps:简介无能,请看正文。1w96164-98639 >>


内容简介:《勇者学院的吊车尾咸鱼》“我追求的是平静的生活。”罗伦这么对第一名的叶鹰说到。“支撑我的是平静生活带来的安心感,而不是在拯救多元世界带来的荣耀,或者考试成绩评优。”“所以你想说什么?” “我一点也不想当什么勇者啊!”只是个试图把苦大仇深的故事变得轻松欢乐一点的坑罢了。1w0-84160 >>


内容简介:“你今天要不去相亲就给老娘滚出这个家,别整天跟个大蛆一样不咬人膈应人,浪费咱家粮食!”一位妇人一脚踢开房门,扯着嗓门对着床上的儿子开骂。猫在被窝里长毛的肖尧,一脸生无可恋,毫无底气的碎 碎念,“妈,我才22,就让我去相亲真的好呀?”“老娘管你多大,你刘姨说了,那闺女温柔娴淑,貌美如花,人见人爱……今天你要是不把人家姑本书关键词:都市生活都市系统刑侦《我22,老妈逼我相亲,却被相亲对象抓了》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、星际之亡灵帝国、混沌效应:撕裂末日、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、忍界神话:最强砂隐、神级插班生、茅山关门弟子、锦衣娘子、女总裁的超级兵王、尸妻难缠、糊你一脸白月光快穿、横滨coser说穿就穿、校花之贴身高手、武极帝主、子夜十、跨物种相亲、秋以为期、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、大天师、受何苦为难受(GL)、真千金不干啦、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、子夜十顶点、那个被我活埋的人、三界狂徒、姐姐领进门:掌权1w41533-82463 >>


内容简介:  本书交流群:977893956。(运朝流,征战万界流。)重生汉献帝刘协,董卓霸权,诸侯动荡,危急时得帝皇系统认主,且看刘协如何得系统辅助诛逆臣,重掌皇权,掌大汉,诛异族,展大汉天威 。再以三国世界为本,建运朝,修帝道,征战万界,一步步成为万界至尊。穿梭功能:拥气运便穿梭诸天万界,大汉铁蹄踏足,万界臣服。武侠世界...科幻,仙侠....封神,玄幻,洪荒,一步步征战征服!本书交流群:977893956。1w0-806 >>

The Red Soul

In a time when Gods ruled with cruelty, no one dared to oppose them… A girl was offered to the wind god as a sacrifice. A tribe leader sets off on a journey of redemption while trying to save the girl and make her his wife. Kiron, while defying the Gods will, departs for a difficult journey. Will he be successful? And what kind of obstacles will the Gods throw at him?

The Ebola Files

'The Ebola Files' is based on a self-proclaimed scientist who claims he was the creator of the dreaded Ebola virus. In an attempt to create his idea of world peace he threatens to kill everyone on the Planet unless given ultimate power and declared the leader of Earth.

Yuria 100 Shiki

From Baka-Updates Manga: Yuria is a humanoid dutch wife (love doll). A female android designed with the sole purpose of being the sex slave of her master. But she has one flaw. She doesn't want to be a dutch wife. After escaping from her creator, she meets Kubo Shunsuke, who gives her a place to stay. Hilarity is bound to ensue as she battles her programming, which draws her towards him, and pretty much any other man she comes across.

Kinku - Don't Say "i Love You"

A collection of one shots Don't Say 'I Love You' Shizuka had just lost her only parent, her mother, due to a car accident. A young man, Yuuichi, rushed to the hospital and declared that he's Shizuka's step-father. That was their first encounter. The two started to live together, yet Shizuka realized that she was seeing Yuuichi as a man instead of as a father. And Yuuichi was too...in order to prevent the forbidden relationship, Yuuichi decides to leave home, and...!? Snow Falling Honjou Nao is known as a player and on Valentine's Day he kisses every girl who gives him chocolates. Furuya Wakaba wants to date someone she loves and loves her back not just some guy who wants to date casually. Furuya hates Honjou Nao because of his playful personality. On Valentines Day, she goes to the infirmary only to find a half naked Honjou Nao on the bed! Let Me Feel You Yuina has been going out with her boyfriend Yuuya for half a year already. One day Yuuya calls Yuina sexually frigid. Yuina becomes depressed and when a strange man approaches her, she goes along with him. Just before Yuina was about to do something she would regret, Hiroto comes and kicks the strange man in the head. Yuina becomes attracted to Hiroto's presence follows him to a club he's dancing in. They meet Yuuya along the way to the train station and there, Hiroto gives Yuina the kiss of her life! Lustful Lover Kazumi whose father is rich wakes up kidnapped. She's been cuffed and chained to a room. The kidnapper says that he will let her go only if she says 'Please Hold Me' to him. Every night the kidnapper brings home a woman and makes love to her right in front of the door of the room where Kazumi is chained in. Kazumi becomes sexually aware of him and soon succumbs to him. Omake (Love Prisoner and author's comments) A six pages short sequel to Lustful Lover, what happens to Kazumi when she meets her kidnapper again.

The Subjection of Women

The Subjection of Women summary: The Subjection of Women summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Subjection of Women. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Great Secret

The Great Secret summary: The Great Secret summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Great Secret. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

It Seems I Came to Another World, Now What Should I Do

It Seems I Came to Another World, Now What Should I Do summary: On a certain morning a metabolic 35 year old salary man was suddenly transported to another world.
Without knowledge, without the ability to communicate, and i am especially not confident about my physical capability’s i have no idea what to do.
However my current goal is to figure out how to keep living using the skills granted to me from the existence known as the interface.
Hero?Demon King? I know nothing about that. I am just a salaryman

Login Beyond the Centuries

Login Beyond the Centuries summary: “A 30-year-old young man woken up in the future 300 years after in the body of a 16 years old young girl. What will happen if she will have to play a super hardcore online game in the different age and gender?”
Is the reality we know every day a truth if the world we see and hear is just a fragment of the spectrum of reality? Only 1% of human know them. According to your ability of perception, you won’t even know that you’re moving across the galaxy over 220 Km/s right now.
yourself are not you. 90% of cells in your body contain other creatures’ DNA. Atoms in your body consist of 99.99999999% of s.p.a.ce, blank, and nothingness.
Even your physical body will have new cells replenished every moment. Except for brain cells, all parts of your body are replaced every day. Could it be that Human are just a bunch of brain cells?
The color is the thing some animals can’t see, it’s just non-existed for them. Within the same perspective, can we really say with full confident that there are nothing else more than things we can perceive through our senses? What are the differences of virtual worlds if they’re the things made inside our brain through nerves, not unlike animals?

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