
























简介外星超能少女携手“地球”废柴共同抓捕外星逃犯的故事!(* ̄3)(ε ̄*)








内容简介:  穿越异界,化身世家子弟,觉醒自身异能。 投影不同人物,获取不同技能,投影万千世界,领悟一个个世界的风采。 无限之旅,从此开始。欢迎诸位大大加入书友群:243373977(普通群 )652557418(VIP群,需一千粉丝值)1w0-4163 >>




内容简介:【重生空间女强】前世的云疏怀因能力特殊被爱人背叛,那人搂着新欢亲手将她送上实验台,让她遭受非人的折磨致死。一朝重回三年前末世还未到来的时候,她发现自己竟带着比重生前更加强悍的异能。谁说 辅助不能输出!在别人还躲在基地瑟瑟发抖的时候,云疏怀已经带领自己的团队在丧尸聚集地里游刃有余,路上还捡到某前世基地大佬。什么?大佬才是我初恋!?PS:男主出的晚!!1w0-117760 >>


内容简介:  一个两千年后的灵魂,穿越到了公元前260年赵孝成王丹的身上。  为了摆脱将来沦为秦始皇一统天下垫脚石的命运,赵丹决定还是把这个统一天下的担子放在自己肩膀上好了。  但在那之前,赵丹 得应对一个迫在眉睫的问题。  此时此刻正是秦赵长平之战的最紧要关头,所以赵括换廉颇,到底换不换?  本书QQ交流群:672482759。1w0-3871 >>


内容简介:  “别人穿越有金手指,我只有一个论坛算怎么回事?”  立志贴:我,D之意志的继承者,定将这清洗腐朽的世界政府与天龙人!请大家为我见证,也欢迎有经验的朋友提出宝贵意见!——发帖人:D多 拉格。  咦?楼主是要与社会制度为敌吗?与我很像的样子,与君共勉!——回复人:SOX教永存。  攻略讨论帖:论愿望具象化类物品的运行原理及使用方式。——发帖人:虚夜宫之主。  似乎和可以令炼金术不遵循“等价交换”原则的道具很像,我们可以加个好友。——回复人:钢铁侠的哥哥。  我也知道一种可以实现愿望的道具,叫“四魂之玉”,不过现在碎了。——回复人:好哔都让狗鈤了。  这是一个高贵的管理员,利用论坛穿越各个世界,并且保护世界和平的故事……1w0-4446 >>


内容简介:  “作为已经连续五年率领队伍拿下总冠军并且在不同位置分别获得五个FMVP的您,大家都很好奇您是不是对于这个游戏有着非常独特的理解。” “有手就行。” 本书又名:【这个 男人太强怎么办】【为什么他不是在越塔就是在越塔的路上】【他是怎么做到把对面中单当炮车补掉的】【一天不堵泉水就感觉少了点什么的职业选手】.... 寄刀片群:10403573381w0-2433 >>


内容简介:什什麽?我正迷糊著时,没发觉自己已经被美人店长抱坐在了了书桌上。并且美人店长很暧昧的站立在我的两腿间。本来热裤就短,这样腿被一分,热裤更是被往上拉险些PP也包不住。我们家是在一个老社区 ,隔著郁郁葱葱的大树外面就是闹市区。我拐进绿树成荫的小巷准备回家了。突然这时一个身影从我前方左边草丛钻进了右边草丛。黄鼠狼?话说在许多年前我们社区还未被闹市区包围初,这里的确会有黄鼠狼的身影,可如今?我摇摇头否定了这一猜测,难道是猫?可这速度也太快了不!最後我决定上前看看那再没动静的草丛,我蹑手蹑脚的靠近草丛快速的用手一拨,里面没有可疑的动物倒是有一个不大不小刚刚可以钻进一只猫的洞。我蹲下身,向里面张望,好多笼子哦,好像是家宠物店的样子。“汪汪”哎呦!笼子里的狗们突然叫了起来,吓了我一跳。拍了拍腿上的灰尘站起身,我都在这住了近20年了,怎麽从来不知道这里有家宠物店呢?我可是很喜欢小动物的哟所以如果能在宠物店打工?真不错呢!恩!得找到宠物店的正门才行,应该就在附近吧!我继续向前走,来到前面不远处的小商业街,这里只有大约10来家的店,并且都是些安静的特色服饰小店,我经常来逛的。难道那家宠物店是新开的?我兜了几圈,并没有发现有新开的店啊!“叔叔!这里有没有新开一家宠物店啊?”我走进经常逛的一家店,询问相识的老板。“啾啾啊最近可是很少来逛叔叔的店了啊!”“叔叔,人家问您问题呢?有没有呀?”看我很著急的模样,老板叔叔不再和我开玩笑。“宠物店,倒是有一家。可已经开了好多年数了啊!”好多年我居然不知道?“叔叔!在哪呀?我都没见过!”按著叔叔指的路,我走进从不曾注意的小巷,经过七八个弯才看见一家门店。宠物店吗?看著门口布满的鲜花,更像是花店啊!并且还没有招牌,真是一家奇怪的店。不管了,进去再说。踏进门口的一刻,此起彼伏的狗叫声猫叫声证明了这的确是家宠物店,还是一家热闹的宠物店。“有人吗?”我叫了好几声,并没有人回应我。也许店主有事不在。我只好打量著这家热闹的宠物店。还真是不看不知道一看吓一跳啊!这里的宠物狗宠物猫品种真全,连蓝骑士,小雪獒都有。并且花丛中还挂著好多鸟笼,都是没见的。1w0-75847 >>


内容简介:明泷做了一个梦,梦里火光一片,他拼尽一切才救出一个小女孩,女孩问他叫什么名字,他笑着回答“我叫明泽。明天的明,三点水的泽。别记错了。”为了遇见你,你得先遇见我父亲。雪攸×明泷禁忌之恋免 费精彩在线:「po1⒏υip」1w0-122546 >>


内容简介:小兵的都市小说逍遥境(越来越H虐心np人兽唯美)最新章节更新速度一流,阅读环境舒适,是逍遥境(越来越H虐心np人兽唯美)爱好者阅读首选之站,逍遥境(越来越H虐心np人兽唯美)全文阅读一 定要来小兵网。1w94016-100694 >>


内容简介:前世,叶禾是单纯的白莲,被继母继妹哄骗,害死了自己和把她放在心尖的京城太子爷。重生回三年前,男人的气息萦绕在她周围,声音阴冷,“叶禾,你就这么恨我?”这是她受了蛊惑刺杀他的那天,还好一 切可以重来。这一世叶禾智商上线,决心做一朵黑莲花。嘲笑她孤儿院出生?不好意思,我不仅比你有钱还比你有才。联手设计陷害她?没事,我陪你们慢慢玩儿。预谋抢走她的男人?“阿衍,新晋影后说她昨晚和你相谈甚欢!什么意思?”“谁?不认识?”男人低头,用轻吻抚平她眉心的褶皱,“阿禾,你还不明白吗?我只属于你是最不需要怀疑的真理。”各位书友要是觉得《重生后,她强宠了偏执季爷》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-39456 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者池翎的经典小说:《本座真的没有始乱终弃》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说风辞平定四海,开创六门,以一己之力拯救苍生,被奉为救世圣尊。后来他玩 腻了,将自己所有法器和一条怎么也无法化形、又瘦又小的小黑蛇随便找个山洞一封,以道法化境,魂游太虚。这一走就走了三千年。三千年后,风辞神识回归,不仅他的小黑蛇和一屋子法器没了,就连肉身都不见了踪影。风辞寄生于一名刚刚殒命的少年,被迫出山,恰逢仙盟纳新收徒。传闻中冷血无情的仙盟首座裴千越高坐云台,黑绸覆眼,冷冰冰道:根骨太差,去外门扫1w0-70682 >>




Kyo Aizawa's father is a basketball devotee but has been forced to quit playing his precious sport because of an injury. Instead of himself working his way up to the NBA, he feels that Kyo, his daughter should fulfill his dream. To give Kyo a good start in her career of basketball he enrolls her in Seishu High School which is known for two things: its extremely cute girls' uniforms and their boys' basketball team. Not only does unhappy Kyo have to pretend to be a boy during the day (the basketball team members all live at the school to boost the team spirit), she has to do it day and night. The super-star of the team, Chiharu Eniwa, may be a good-looking, basketball champion, but his attitude towards Kyo is hostile from their very first meeting. Poor Kyo ends up roommates with the evil Chiharu. As they get to know one another, both sense that the other has a secret.


From The Pink Panzer: Partners was first written 15 years ago, although it has been re-printed several times since then. It's a ground-breaking classic, in the sense that it's the very first manga to realistically depict the gay S&M scene. Set in New York in the late 1980s, Partners follows the lives of six close friends who also happen to be leathermen. The manga depicts their relationships -- both sexual and emotional -- with unabashed honesty. While the story practically explodes off the page with a continuous, unremitting and glorious parade of smut, it isn't 'meaningless sex' -- these are committed couples in full-time relationships, where pleasure and pain are natural expressions of affection for one another. (You guessed it; that's where the manga's name comes from. They're 'partners.') The six friends that star in this manga are split up into three pairs. The main pair consists of Marlon and Doug, around whose relationship the manga revolves. Marlon, a high-flying executive, plays sub and devoted masochist to the beautifully dominant Doug. Doug is, interestingly enough, a janitor at the very company Marlon directs; during the average workday, they barely even make eye-contact. The contrast between their private and public lives is as stark as it is lovely. The other couples also feature in major roles, and what we end up with is an intimate and moving glimpse at an otherwise unconventional lifestyle. Be warned -- these aren't willowy bishounen clasping each other in slender arms! These are very real, very authentic male bodies bending and contorting in well-established ways. If beefy shoulders and leather chaps don't do it for you, you might be in for a bit of a shock!

Mandayuu To Ore

Taken from DramaQueen: 1) Mandayuu and Me - Kyohei is a serious, responsible office worker while his friend, Mandayuu, is anything but. A talented, high-strung, and perpetually horny hentai artist, Mandayuu is always getting Kyohei mixed up in his hare-brained exploits. Whether it's posing for Mandayuu's comics or getting trampled by rabid fans at an anime convention, life with Mandayuu around is many things, but it's certainly never boring! 2) Mandayuu and Me - The Comic Bastard 3-5) Take That! My Love - Kyouhei's Love Trance 6) Mandayuu and Me - New Year's Eve 7) Tell Me the Price of Love (Kissa Kisara e Youkoso)

Anta Nanka Daikirai

From StarryHeaven: Contains four stories. • I Can't Stand You “Although Rena-chan likes Miyake, she doesn’t do anything about it”—because Mariko has turned her woman’s charm to full throttle! However, in no time at all, she found out about her rival in love, Rena! • Caught on You Relationships haven’t gone too well for Maho throughout her life. Why is that? It all started with her first love, Shiki. What happened between these two? Will Maho be able to get over the past and find a new love? Or will one of the past be able to bloom once again? • Something's Wrong Misono isn’t a very feminine girl, and she’s been very close to her neighbor Yuuta since they were little. When feelings towards him begin to awaken, will she be able to catch his eye by dressing femininely, especially when his attention seems to have been stolen by the pretty and stylish Sugisaki? • See You Tomorrow Akemi’s in high school, and she doesn’t really care about grades. Or rather, she didn’t care until she got a new tutor–the college student Tanami-sensei. She thinks he’s a really cutie, so she’s going to do her best for him! Will her feelings be able to reach him? What will become of a forbidden love between tutor and student?

With the Naval Brigade in Natal (1899-1900)

With the Naval Brigade in Natal (1899-1900) summary: With the Naval Brigade in Natal (1899-1900) summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of With the Naval Brigade in Natal (1899-1900). If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Tracer of Lost Persons

The Tracer of Lost Persons summary: The Tracer of Lost Persons summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Tracer of Lost Persons. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN)

Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou (WN) summary: Seventeen-year-old Hajime Nagumo is your average, everyday otaku. However, his simple life of pulling all-nighters and sleeping in school is suddenly turned upside down when he, along with the rest of his cla.s.s, is summoned to a fantasy world!
They’re treated like heroes and tasked with the duty of saving the human race from utter extinction.
But what should have been any otaku’s wet dream quickly turns into Hajime’s nightmare? While the rest of his cla.s.s are blessed with G.o.dlike powers, Hajime’s job, Synergist, only has a single trans.m.u.tation skill. Ridiculed and bullied by his cla.s.smates for being weak, he soon finds himself in despair.
Will he be able to survive in this dangerous world of monsters and demons with only a glorified blacksmith’s level of strength?

Sea Legs

Sea Legs summary: Sea Legs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sea Legs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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