
































内容简介:李欢穿越到大佬林立的竞技场世界。神话、时间规划局、火影忍者、狂暴巨兽、毒液、暮光之城、大剑、EVA、死神……诸天万界,各显神通。见识过许多大佬,他也想当大佬了。已有百万字完结作品《穿越 诸天的怪兽》。群号:181891402本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《大佬竞技场》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-46466 >>


内容简介:未来长生不死公司的掌门人,飞机失事穿越到秦末的魏国,成了乡中一土鳖。不管是在乡里,巧做豆腐,还是社宰分祭肉,就连追女孩,讨媳妇,都不惜弄几辆豪车,在家门口压出几道车辙印;智斗恶霸石家, 面对捣乱、诬告、纵火、奸细,层层设套,步步用计,最后通过乞丐寄书,使石家灰飞烟灭。看似生活日常,却处处暗藏机关,不经意间,彰显人生智慧。出山后,扶助奄奄一息的魏王,守大梁,杀得秦军尸横遍野,搞游击,截断秦军运输线;历经战阵,血雨腥风,安然自若;这些还都是小菜,重头戏在之后,看他如何辅助刘邦,屡出奇计,灭项羽,解白登,全樊哙,诛灭诸吕,保大汉四百年江山1w0-26688 >>


内容简介:三十年前,流星坠,神墟现!有神明从中走出,以人类为食。从那一天起,人类开始成为神明的食物,除了我!因为我以神明为食。作者:相思洗红豆所写的《我以神明为食》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章 节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-107297 >>


内容简介:阴差阳错,误入大唐。这里有丰神如玉的李淳风,这里有腹黑闷骚的袁天罡。这里有婉媚无双的小高阳,这里有豆蔻十三的武媚娘。既来之,则安之,且看他一恩一仇、一情一梦、一信一诺间,如何嬉闹贞观, 玩转大唐!1w0-1017 >>


内容简介:  传说,在那古老的星空深处,伫立着一道血与火侵染的红色之门。  传奇与神话,黑暗与光明,无尽传说皆在这古老的门户中流淌。  俯瞰星门,热血照耀天地,黑暗终将离去!1w0-2625




内容简介:张宇怎么也没有想到,一个西瓜皮居然把他送回到2015年大学毕业前夕。这是一个大学挂科生如何一步步成长为商业科技大佬的故事。随手创立的公司一不小心就成为全球科技最厉害的公司。张宇怎么也想 不通,自己明明想成为金融投资之王,结果一不小心成为了科技之王。《归档之金融才子》字数近两百万,一本正经的商业金融文,希1w0-97698 >>


内容简介:前世南宫可晴是特种兵的身份,一次意外穿越时空,竹林里遇冷面战神、一手西医一手中医,在琉璃国大展拳脚,从默默无闻的草民,一路凭着自身的本事升级成县主、郡主、公主、并且有了自己的商业帝国… …可是,她怎么和这个战神成了战场上的敌对关系?两个人的感情何去何从?南宫可晴羞赧、窘迫得脱口而出:“你……还是……快点把衣服穿上吧!男色当前,我怕我把持不住。”亓卿轩挑眉轻笑,暧昧地道:“如果把持不住的话你想怎么样?”“那个……”南宫可晴不知道如何回避,顿了顿道:“毕竟爱美之心人皆有之,再说了谁不喜欢美好的事物呢?呵呵,这叫赏心悦目。”南宫可晴笑得及不自然。丌卿轩脸上缓缓绽开一个魅惑的笑“本王怎么才发现……你竟可以把这么色的事情说得如此义正言辞?”“你……你这叫什么话?那……谁叫你这么好看的。”南宫可晴被戏弄的尴尬不已,有点语无伦次。【展开】【收起】本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《冷面战神又撩又甜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-67959 >>


内容简介:  简介?不存在的,书都是假的,简介当然也是假的啊!哈哈哈哈哈哈,假的,都是假的,什么修仙,什么小说,统统都是假的!不要碰朕!朕不要吃药,朕没疯!总有书友想害朕!哈哈哈哈,你们这些人都 想害朕,护驾!护驾!!!!VIP全订群的群号:229370094(新书《我真不是仙二代》隆重发布,全新旅程开启,亲们可以去看看啦!)1w0-596 >>


内容简介:《8831》是陪你倒数精心创作的都市言情,ABC小说网实时更新8831最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的8831评论,并不代表ABC小说网赞同或者支持8831读者的观点。各位书友 要是觉得《8831》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1239-27364 >>


内容简介:文案:生病请假回家那天,我撞破了我哥调教奴隶,高考之后,我跪在了我哥脚边。萌雷自鉴:堂兄弟,骨科,年上,主奴文,攻之前有过感情经历,1V1,HE更新频率:尽力做到隔日更新,有特殊情况会 提前说明过往完结文txt下载群:687934389微博:白色硫酸铜《跪在哥哥脚边》小说推荐:卿卿一笑百媚生、和偏执霸道少年谈恋爱穿书、大师穿成掉包豪门千金、隐衷、权贵的五指山、在下考场MVP、再苏就炸了、星光甜不过她娱乐圈、我们这里不准刷脸快穿、思春期、在你眉梢点花灯、老魃的讨饭棍、穿越七十年代之农家好女、完美先生与差不多小姐、大国师,大骗子、截胡、重生之纨绔逆袭修仙、攻略那个起点男主!!第二部、我的衣柜通向星际、末世吃货生存手札1w0-95857 >>


内容简介:  一觉醒来,出现在了千余米的高空。  这是一根高耸入云的石柱的顶端。  我是怎么上来的?  我该怎么下去?  救命啊!1w0-1649

I’M A Stand-In Puppet For His Ex-Lover

To He Yang, Shen Xiu Zhu is a cinnabar mole, his savior, and the white moonlight in his heart. Xu Cheng Yan, who has been in love with him for five years, is like an insignificant mosquito blood stain, like a substitute meal in the place of Shen Xiu Zhu, a replacement to fill the emptiness of his body. Then Xu Cheng Yan died in an accident, and He Yang waited, only to be met with a cold corpse. Realizing that the past five years together was too short, he wanted to turn back time, but desire didn’t help. Note: 'Cinnabar mole' and 'White moonlight' refers to those that can neither be obtained nor forgotten.

Codename: Sailor V

**This is a prequel to the manga 'Sailor Moon' You can even find Usagi (Serena), her friends the Sailor Scouts and even Luna? in this manga.** Codename Sailor V tells the story of Minako Aino, a 13 year old middle school student, who is slightly distracted, out-spoken and dreams about some day finding true love. But soon, her calm and normal life changes when she encounters a talking white cat with a crescent moon on its forehead. This cat introduces himself as Artemis and claims that Minako is a girl with the power to transform into a Sailor Scout. He calls her 'Venus' and tells her she has a mission to protect the Earth. To help her with her new mission, Artemis gives her magical items. Sailor V begins fighting the evil known as the Dark Agency, who fight under Danburite's command. He's in charge of sending his many talented idols to enslave the public. She also later gained the aid of Kaitou Ace, who has his own TV show. Will she provail against evil and find her true love?

Guard Youth

When the otaku Shim Suho went to pick up the courier, he met Kim Sang Hyuk, a very young and handsome apartment guard. Crit! Suho, who fell in love at first sight, rushed directly to Sang Hyuk. But something always feels wrong about this relationship.. Funny, love and thrilling, although the cliffhangers are painful, it is a story that can catch a reader attention Honestly it's just a super dumb horny dude with no life other than be dumb and horny is inlove lol +

Romantic Beauty

Collection of 5 stories 1. Romantic Beauty - Yuka, who during the Junior High graduation got rejected by Takigawa-kun from that day on goes on a diet, loses 20 kilos, and transforms into a beautiful butterfly. This is because she wants to meet up with Takigawa-kun again, confess her love a second time, and have her first time with him! The completely transformed Yuka goes back to her old home town for a school reunion but the person who calls out to her is...?! [from Tenshi-Tachi] 2. The Queen And Her Slave - Ai is a university student and also a virgin, but when she's drunk she forgets everything. One morning, she awakens only to find herself naked and next to a handsome high school student. He fell in love with her and offers to become her slave. 3. Pure Love, Forbiden Love - Ryo nii-san is Kazuko's cousin and her first love. After ten long years, she transferred into Ryo's school where he is the student council's president. She's looking forward to seeing her kind, gentle cousin, only to find that he's not as pure as she thought he would be. 4. The Days Where I Yearn For Love - Mochida is a shy high school girl who can't seem to speak up about her opinions, especially in front of Aoyama. But now he sits next to her - the worst thing ever, because now she's more nervous than ever. Aoyama befriends her, noticing her shyness and manages to make her open up to him. Although Aoyama is now friends with her, Mochida doesn't expect anything out of their friendship, but does Aoyama want something from Mochida? 5. The Warmth Of Your Fingertips - Hanashima Yuna is often molested on the train to school, but she is afraid to speak up. One morning, Yuasa Kouichi saves her and protects her throughout the entire ride. She's confused at his kindness, especially when he hovers over her protectively on the train ride home. Why is he protecting her?

Household Administration

Household Administration summary: Household Administration summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Household Administration. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The God of Study is Shy of Strangers

The God of Study is Shy of Strangers summary: Madoka Kisaragi was someone who was better at sports than at her studies, a sparkling high school student, and belonged to the track and field team. She had a dream she wanted to achieve no matter what…but what should she do to achieve her dream despite her bad grades?
Then came Makoto Ichiyanagi. A cla.s.smate of hers who, though good in studying, had poor social disposition. She dubbed him as the “G.o.d of Study”
She requested him to help her in her studies. As a result, Madoka’s grades improved from the study method Makoto taught. Meanwhile, Makoto’s shyness gradually cured through his contact with Madoka.
This is a subtle love story of two dull youth in their spring.

Outside The Lines: Third Person Narration

Outside The Lines: Third Person Narration summary: Outside The Lines: Third Person Narration summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Outside The Lines: Third Person Narration. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Irons In The Fire

Irons In The Fire summary: Irons In The Fire summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Irons In The Fire. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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