






















简介某天发现自己暗恋许久的女神是男的肿么破?而且还是自己不怎么待见的表弟,最主要的是这货还臭不要脸的要同居要亲亲要抱抱要交往!叶卿言:“嫁给我好吗?”苏哲:“滚!” 这是一个宅男被自己表弟黏糊了好久终于追到手HE了的故事。【每周二更新】










内容简介:傅明娴无比纠结的看着那人群中众星捧月的大奸臣。样貌堂堂,身材凛凛,位高权重,一表人才……可惜为什么要是督主呢呢呢…………霸气型简介:大太监何宦无妻!!!……每日更新,质量保证,欢迎入坑 ,欢迎打包带走小衡衡зゝ∠……某浪微博:周自衡本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《何宦无妻》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84573 >>




内容简介:全民城堡:开局随机唯一兵种天使数十亿人类降临无尽大陆,成为城堡之主,参与公平公正的万族争霸赛。降临之初,每位城堡之主都会随机获得一座初始兵种建筑。招募兵种,掠夺资源,建立王朝,争霸万族 !林伊1w53167-66878 >>


内容简介:天下人,天下事,都不过是我大唐人餐桌上的一道道菜肴。虽然原始的食材便具有食物原始的风情,云初还是认为,最美味的食物还是需要经过分割,烹调,处置,最后端上桌的食物才是最符合大唐人肠胃的食 物。清蒸,红烧,爆炒,炖煮……天下有多少事,庖厨便有多少种烹调手段。不论是高句丽,突厥,吐蕃,吐谷浑,薛延陀,铁勒……还是长鲸,猛虎,巨鲨,饿狼,在大唐这个熔炉铁锅里都能烹调出绝世美味……再加上李治,武瞾,长孙无忌,褚遂良,李绩,程咬金等等绝世调料,不论是色香味总会有一样让你难以忘怀。云初希望这样的豪华宴会上,绝对应该有自己的一个座位!现如今,美味已经烹调完毕——云初铺好餐巾,拿起割鹿刀,双眼微闭,准备享受一顿前所未有的大餐,以满足自己饥渴的肠胃。1w0-98708 >>


内容简介:  武之巅峰,是孤独,是寂寞,是漫漫求索,是高处不胜寒  逆境中成长,绝地里求生,不屈不饶,才能堪破武之极道。  凌霄阁试炼弟子兼扫地小厮杨开偶获一本无字黑书,从此踏上漫漫武道。1w0 -593 >>


内容简介:  在与虫族的决战中,星际联邦最年轻有为的女将军江珏穿越百年,一不小心成了星际黑户。百年后的她,没钱没身份没地位,更没有家族的庇护,只能自力更生。明明可以靠脸吃饭,她非要靠实力!(开始 )队友:这个女人肯定会拖我后腿!(后来)队友:大佬求带!!!ps:热血搞笑型,不要在乎什么逻辑!————————已有两本百万完本作品,人品坚挺,绝不太监!1w0-3038 >>


内容简介:孟步青第一次见到季婉的时候。那个比她大八岁的女人,长发笔直,红唇嫣然,手里拖着的行李箱价值五位数。美得生机勃勃,像童话故事里的恶毒皇后。季婉住进她家,孟步青只想和她和谐共处。平等友善、 井水不犯河水就是了。某天,她给季婉拿了快递、做了晚饭、买了零食后,准备久违地去夜店蹦个迪。蹑手蹑脚走到玄关,手刚搭上门把,身后出现一道冷淡淡的声音:“题目都没做完,你想去哪儿?”“……”孟步青:大学都考上了各位书友要是觉得《顺我心意》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-74612 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:人在木叶:旗木家的长生老祖宗】木叶五年,百岁的旗木空从棺材中爬出,从此忍界多了一位外号“五五开”的强者!他很强,对战强者无数,此生从未一败!但也不强,因为…… 他从未一胜!猿飞日斩:“旗木老头你有多强?”旗木空:“我和宇智波斑五五开!”三忍:“旗木老师你有多强?”旗木空:“我和半藏五五开”波风水门:“旗木爷爷你有多强?”,旗木空:“我和柱间五五开”鸣人:“老爷爷,那个白发女人太强,跑远点啊!”旗木空:“不是早和你们说了?我和辉夜姬五五开!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢人在木叶:旗木家的长生老祖宗,别忘记分享给朋友人在木叶:旗木家的长生老祖宗TXT下载1w0-74590 >>




内容简介:  为了能转世修仙,林文被迫于红尘中积累善缘。却没想到,不知不觉中。他就成为了这万丈红尘之中,唯一的光。-书友群:5755832631w0-3599


内容简介:(这本后面的部分不好写,我得慢慢来,跳坑请慎重)御雷派掌门亲传弟子沈倦,生来一副好模样,但为人不思进取,成日只知吃喝玩乐。天下第一的圣阶剑者沈见空,是沈倦师兄。沈见空一直以为沈倦只能当 猫养着,供在门派精心伺候,却没想到沈倦一出刀,刀光雪亮,映天地失色。“既然天道对你不公,我便替你,掀了这天。”沈见空一身白衣,望着坐在月色中的人,轻声说道。“然后呢?”沈倦满身月色,就花饮酒,漂亮的桃花眼轻弯成扇。“然后……这世间之人若要信仰什么才可活,那我,便是这世界的新神。”“我叫沈倦,懒倦的倦。”“我不太擅长打打杀杀,平时就养猫逗狗打麻将这个样子,所以我的心愿,是世界和平。”“但如果有谁敢打扰我的养老生活,这一刀下去,你必然会死。”“哪怕你,是这世间至高无上的神佛。”月上刀寒,寒光也可照夜纵红尘梦苦,春来犹折花千万别打扰我养老·不然我一刀下去你会死·大美人受x百年不变面瘫脸·修剑穷三代但我很有钱·天下第一攻师兄弟cp曾用名《仙道第一吉祥物》接档文求预收《说好的协议结婚竟然》我是个omega,不屑装b混入军校这种操作。我凭自己的本事入了一所综合性大学,念机甲技师专业,本系那些弱鸡alpha只有被我吊打的分。没错,我是个天才。但天才也会为生活所迫。因为某些原因,我嫁给了一个贵族alpha,他是个将军,据说杀伐果断冰冷无情。但这和我无关,因为我们签下了互不干扰的协议。没想到三个月后……他失忆了!还想标记我!狗逼alpha,果然没一个好东西!《抑制剂失效》1、谢翡是个omega,长得漂亮玩得开。有一次,他真心话大冒险输了,抽到对校草告白这样的惩罚。他半点没怂,拿着喇叭上天台,铿锵有力朗诵了一首情诗。一中的校草是顾方晏,成绩优异背景深厚,为人冷淡,不太好接近。谢翡对这类人不感兴趣,告完白没多久就和别的Alpha走到一起。2、一年前谢翡休学养病,身体出了点问题,所有的抑制剂都对他失效,要想安稳度过发情期,只能找alpha。其实谁都可以,但他碰上的人,偏偏是顾方晏。空无一人的自习室,谢翡背贴在墙上,难受得想哭。顾方晏垂眼看他:“要我帮你可以,叫声好听的。”谢翡偏头,试探性开口:“哥哥?”1w0-28769 >>


内容简介:有个从来抓不到鬼的小道士还俗了,大婚这一天,师兄弟没有一个到场的,全程的鬼却都聚在了婚礼的上空,想替这个总是心肠很软、碎碎念很唠叨、最后却娶了个小狐狸的小家伙挡一道雷劫,毕竟啊,人妖殊 途,可是那天啊,晴空万里,什么都没有发生。1w12919-97382 >>


A lighthearted comedy involving elementary school kids.

Rabu Kare - Gokujou Men Dokuhon!

From Evil Flowers: A compilation of 6 sweet stories about finding love and learning how to keep it. 1) Karada no Iinari by SAKOU Watari Uika Tonoda and Kuniyoshi Hazama are very experienced when it comes to sex….in theory at least. They know every theoretical term about sex, pheromones and all sorts of things related, yet either of them has never experienced it for itself. What will happen when these 2 will meet? Will they be able to leave the talk aside and finally take action? 2) Oni Kare by TSUKISHIMA Haru Wakaba Endou only wishes to finish her driving lessons soon so she can get a driver's license. Although she thought it will be easy at first, nothing is easy when the one who's teaching you is instructor Kenzaki. He complains about every small mistake that she does and won't give her any points in her lessons unless she does them perfect. Wakaba always complains about the fact that he's so strict, but at least he's good looking... 3) Himitsu no Kinchan! by IWASHITA Keiko What would you say if you knew that objects can fall in love? Kin-chan is the most popular mannequin in a clothing shop. Everyone wants to wear the clothes she's showing and even though she's just a plastic doll one day Haruto saved her from falling on the floor when she was pushed by the many enthusiastic customers. Even since then Kin-chan is not like the other mannequins because she has fallen in love with a human. What will she do when Moai-sama will grant her the power to be a human for 3 days? 4) Shuuren by MONOU Yuki Nishimura Inori (17 years old) has given up on being girly after enrolling into an all-girls school. Since they barely get to see any boys, she and her classmates are so to called 'boy hungry”. Yet still, they kinda gave up on the idea. They end up going to a very boring school trip to Nara and are pleased to discover that in the neighborhood inn, there is another class renting the place at the same time, from an all-boy school. So, this is it, the girls last chance to seek love before going back to school. 5) Rabu + Kuro Love&Clothes by TADA Manami Matsumi Katou is a normal 25 years old housewife. Lately her husband has stopped complimenting her and she's spending most of the time taking care of her child and never to take care of herself. When she hears that she'll need to go to a party together with her husband she realizes that she's got nothing more formal to wear. In her search for a piece of cloth that will fit her she ends up at Aoi's shop, a manager who puts the happiness of the client before the job to sell any cloth to anyone. Will Aoi manage to make Matsumi look beautiful for the party? 6) Himikoi ~ Time Limit by Robiko It's her last semester of high-school and Mako realizes she hasn't done anything memorable in all her time spent here. So she starts skipping classes together with Yoshi and ends up spying on other couples instead of leaving her own love story. But love comes in many forms and even tough Yoshi doesn't seem to take an interest in her she's still determined to have her high-school romance memories, even if that means forcing him to date her.

Real Purple

From NOIR: This is the story of two siblings, Joo-won and Hee-won, and one man determined to take Hee-won's heart. Both of Joo-won and Hee-won feel isolated after their parents separate due to infidelity and remarry, placing both of them in new families. However, Hee-won's new step brother,Min-hyuk, notices Hee-won's suffering. Is he determined to take care of her, or is there something more?


This volume contains 4 separate but delightful short stories: 1) Bónd(z) - It isn’t unheard of to sleep with your friends after having too much to drink. However, when that friend happens to be a guy as well and you both happen to have girlfriends, things can get a little complicated. From the author of Our Everlasting, Loveholic and In the Walnut, comes a compilation of passion, obsession and love. 2) Situation - Yuu and Akira, two childhood best friends who deeply love one another and want to get married when they grow up. However, their teacher told them it was impossible and wrong for them to be together. Despite that, Akira grows up to accept his sexuality. You-chan, however, cannot stop hearing his teacher's words each time he thinks about Akira. Will they get their happy ending? 3) Kitan Garden (Fairy Garden) - Prince Fiona of the Roses Kingdom awakens each year at the season in which the Maiden Blush roses blossom. And his main motivation for waking up each year is to look at the smiling face of Daichi, a human whose garden Prince Fiona lives in. However, the prince's disappointment lies in the fact that he can never meet him face to face. But, with the help of a witch who wants to grant Fiona one request as his birthday present, he is finally able to stand next to Daichi till the end of the rose blooming season. 4) Sakura - Ayatsuji Yuichi, a poor salaryman, was ordered by the chairman of the company to live together with his grandchild for 1 month in order to let him experience the poor way of life. As unusual as the command was, Ayatsuji accepted and Asahina Ren, the future heir of the company, moved in with him. Ren, a 17 year old from a very rich family, has never done any house chores! So, Ayatsuji sets out to teach Ren how to cook, and clean and buy a train ticket (!!!) and in the process, the two fall in love with each other. However, as an heir to a prestigious family, Ren fears that he will be forced to stay away from Ayatsuji. (from Kawaisa)

Anime/Cultivation System

Anime/Cultivation System summary: Anime/Cultivation System summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Anime/Cultivation System. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Monday Night Cooking School

The Monday Night Cooking School summary: The Monday Night Cooking School summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Monday Night Cooking School. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon summary: Blue Dragon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Blue Dragon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sawtooth Ranch

Sawtooth Ranch summary: Sawtooth Ranch summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sawtooth Ranch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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