




类别玄幻 都市










临场即兴恋人 Debut!

朝阳怀着和奶奶的约定,以搞笑艺人为目标。 在搞笑养成所...








类别恋爱 穿越 古风




简介吞噬人间漫画 ,全世界被一种怪病笼罩恐怖欺负,几个年轻人误入一个神秘地域,这里是解开谜团的钥匙吗?




内容简介:  书名——影视世界之辣手警探。  (上架后,很难改书名了,特此说明)  路克重生了,还重生到了美国。但他渐渐发现,这个美国并不是上一世的那个美国。  这里有着影视世界里的超凡能力和人 物,他要如何在这个力量体系极其可怕的世界存活下去?  幸好,他还有一个金手指——神探系统。  一切,从当个小警探开始……1w0-8 >>


内容简介:  身怀系统八年,本想做你身后默默付出的男人,给你一个温馨完美的家六年后你终于成了大明星,却给我递上了一纸离婚协议那我……不藏了!####【高订过万已入精品频道,放心阅读!】1w0-2 767 >>


内容简介:本书又名《穿成红颜祸水女炮灰的那些年》,轻松搞笑文,博君一乐。一觉睡醒,苏然穿成了自己笔下的红颜祸水。家徒四壁、无衣无食,空有一身美貌的……炮灰。作为全书的创世主,苏然相当淡定:“这书 都是我写的,搞点钱来还不容易?!”她把目光盯向本书中最有钱有身份有势力的……反派。自信满满:“你一男配,还能跟我斗?”肃王府世子发现自己最近被人盯上了。他家的盐路被人断了,他送出去的真金白银变成石头了,就连他弟弟拿去讨那贫家女欢心的玉佩都被人给捡了。世子爷把那瓷做的杯子捏了个粉碎。“千万别让我逮着你!”一个仗着自己有财有势,一个仗着自己知晓剧情,斗来斗去,最后斗成一窝的故事。男主心黑手狠城府深,女主没心没肺只爱钱。看文提示:1,1V1,HE,日更,偶尔加更,保证不坑!2,女主狡猾市侩无节操,请不要用三观要求她。3,剧情线为主,感情线为辅,主基调轻松,有苏有甜,保证不虐。4,因为穿越带来的蝴蝶效应,所以和原书剧情关联不大。5,写文是兴趣,看文是缘分,请不要让我们互相伤害。更多选择请进钉钉专栏接档文求收:《群狼环伺》——她是唯一的美羊羊。穿进男人群像小说中,成为里面的道具型女炮灰。如何在没有金手指的情况下,征服诸多男主,压倒终极BOSS?这是一个难题……1w0-95585 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:疯了吧,高冷校花竟然是我女儿!】十八岁生日这天,苏陌收到了一个快递。打开一看,竟然是他跟他们学校校花的亲子检测报告。苏陌惊呆了!他怎么也没想到自己一个十八岁的 少年,就这样有了一个十七岁的校花女儿!一岁喜当爹。就问世界上还有谁!于是苏陌找到女儿苏静雅。苏静雅:你找我干嘛?苏陌我是你爹!苏陌拿出亲子检测报告。苏静雅:我才不会认你这个十八岁的爸爸!半年后。苏静雅爸爸真好,爸爸是这个世界上最好的男人!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-81038 >>


内容简介:一朝穿越,无痛当妈,末世木系大佬陈秋湘只能说——凑合着过,还能穿回去咋地?大雍朝一代传奇首辅秦墨琰的一生坎坷,年少的时候父亲早逝、母亲改嫁,只有祖母忍着失去丈夫儿子的痛苦将他拉扯到十岁 就去世了。幸而秦氏族人对他不错,让他能够读书,让他能够靠着科举一步步走上巅峰。然而也因此,秦墨琰年纪轻轻,四十出头的年纪就病痛1w0-92593 >>


内容简介:洪武三十一年,这是成渊来到大明的第三年,也是即将走上人生巅峰的一年。洪武皇帝朱元璋崩。朱棣想要去京城送自己的父皇,却被建文帝阻止。朱棣俺这个侄子真是欺人太甚。姚广孝王爷,我可以送您一顶 白帽子。成渊王爷,等时机成熟,我可以送你万里江山。一个身无分文的青年,笔趣阁开启盛世。永乐一朝,都是他的传奇故事。各位书友要是觉得《永乐之盛》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-76419 >>


内容简介:  萧兮兮穿越回古代,成了太子的小老婆之一。  本应该是宫斗的开始,可她只想当咸鱼。  争宠?不存在的!  咸鱼才是生存之道,混吃等死才是人生真谛!  可偏偏,  高冷太子就爱她这一款 。  ……  萧父:闺女,你要争气啊,咱家可就指望你攀龙附凤了!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  宫女:小主,您要争气啊,一定要打败那些绿茶婊成为太子妃!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  太子:爱妃,你要争气啊,孤就指望你传宗接代了!  萧兮兮:不,我只是一条咸鱼  太子:无妨,咸鱼我也可以。  ……  (1V1宠文,双洁,超甜!)1w0-960 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《立道庭》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读大道无形,生育天地;大道无情,运行日月;大道无名,长养万物;吾不知其名,强名曰道。一千大世界,三千小世界。此处便是末法年代,天道将崩,吾等炼气 之士,应顺天行事,不可逆之。道庭威严,吾等立之!求不要打脸打得太狠,贫道怎么说也是申公豹第一百零八代嫡传弟子,给吾祖师爷留点面子,双腿双手前胸五体投地谢了。各位书友要是觉得《立道庭》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-55317 >>


内容简介:秦洛昇穿越了,穿越到一个虚拟技术极度发达的平行世界。 进入《命运维度》,意外觉醒SSS超神天赋,获得升华之力和魅力值MAX。 当别人还在为爆出一件黄金装备而沾沾自喜时,他已经满身神装。 当别人还在小心翼翼的揣测NPC性格和喜好时,他已经和众多NPC推心置腹,各种隐藏任务,特殊职业,无敌技能,逆天装备,不要钱的给他送。 1w0-3360 >>




内容简介:男人追女人,隔着一重山。女人追男人?安九:“呵呵。”从打看上他开始,本以为是她在给他挖坑,步步紧逼。原来,他老早就在那里,等她挖好了,直接跳进去,对她呵护一辈子。有人问安九,你家男人怎 么样?安九思考:“人好,颜好,活好!”心呢?安九:“心是黑的!”“……”魏先生,对于大家说您娶了个小妻子是老牛吃嫩草这件事,您怎么看?“好吃。”那您把媳妇儿宠成女儿,将来令千金怎么办?“不是有女婿?”本文重生一对一无虐甜宠,欢迎入坑。1w0-64868 >>


内容简介:一场渡假,被当小,姐,回国还撞见未婚夫背叛。她怒然消失离开。五年后,她带着天才萌宝回归。小宝参加钢琴大赛,哪料到,儿子竟然还打着找老爸的算盘。“镜头往这边,把我拍帅一点!我叫唐宝,我的 妈咪叫唐思雨,超漂亮的哦!我今年四岁半,有长得像我,并且,有可能是我爹地的男人,请一定要联系我哦!”说完,还不忘朝镜头道,“爹地,等你哦!”后台,某女人已气疯。几天之后,神秘男人找上门,自称孩子父亲。唐思雨看各位书友要是觉得《和你诉说爱情唐思雨邢烈寒》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2545-4840 >>

Itoshii, Hito

From Yaoi Desire Revolution: At night, once the clinic closes, he quietly visits alone. The doctor of Wada clinic -- Motoki, waits sincerely in his consultation room for this special patient, maintaining a calm expression. Kashima, a brave man, is a member of the Kitora who throws himself into a lot of conflicts and fights. The truth is, he loves Mitake, and is surrounded by danger for his sake. Because of this, Motoki falls in love with Kashima’s actions. During the moments after the consultation, they become like hungry beasts. At first, a physical relationship was sufficient. But as time passes, the current relationship slowly became unsatisfying… Full of bursting feelings and passion -- a story about unrequited love.

Piercing Hole

Piercing Hole summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Piercing Hole. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fiancee Shitai

Fianse Shitai Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom -- and he has such a weird name -- so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? (taken from shoujomagic) From Baka-Updates: 1) I Want to Be a Fiancée (Fiancée Shitai). (There are 5 chapters to this story). Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom - and he has such a weird name - so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? 2) My Darling in the Infirmary Room (Hoken Shitsu no My Darling) Maki doesn't mind a few cuts and bruises if it'll earn her a ticket to the campus infirmary room. That's because her school's doctor is handsome Takashiro, age 23, single. She works so hard to make passes at him - and Takashiro knows it. But is Maki really so busy trying to catch his attention that she doesn't notice...?

Corrector Yui (Asamiya Kia)

Note: This is the Asamiya version of the manga. A schoolgirl gains self-confidence, new friends, and a cache of chic outfits when she becomes the computer-programming magical girl, Corrector Yui. She must stop the rogue A.I. Gurossa (Artificial Intelligence computer program) and his hench-programs from taking control of the global computer network. In this future, all human activity is supported by computers, so it's possible to control the world using the network. Important note: There are two versions of the Corrector Yui manga series. This is the original one that was written and drawn by Kia Asamiya and published by Shogakkukan in Japan and does not have a release date in the States yet. The Corrector Yui manga that Tokyopop is publishing is done by shojo artist Keiko Okamoto and is a manga adaptation of the anime series. Source: Manga-Updates

An American Robinson Crusoe for American Boys and Girls

An American Robinson Crusoe for American Boys and Girls summary: An American Robinson Crusoe for American Boys and Girls summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of An American Robinson Crusoe for American Boys and Girls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Notwithstanding summary: Notwithstanding summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Notwithstanding. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art

The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art summary: The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Cross in Ritual, Architecture and Art. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page

The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page summary: The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life and Letters of Walter H. Page. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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