












类别玄幻 冒险




















内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:原神:十连保底,一念神魔】某一天,所有原神玩家都发现了游戏更新之后出现了一个BUG,当天原神UP奖池十连保底必出新角色,李信一念神魔因热度居高不下,导致了一场 梦幻联动的诞生。提瓦特大陆也因此迎来了第二位异界的旅者。【我们的共同点,是都想做第一个看到黎明的人吧。没有欲望和执念,也无需背负欲望和执念,真好但是,异乡人,又如何能容忍故土脱离自己的手掌!那就让你看看,像我这样的凡人,都怎么诛灭神魔!一念通天!神魔无惧!】飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-84964 >>


内容简介:林立穿越到了一个全民狼人杀的平行世界,狼人杀职业联赛,狼人杀综艺,这个世界的狼人杀游戏异常火热,大多数娱乐活动都与狼人杀有关,狼人杀高手也有着媲美娱乐圈艺人的地位和待遇。作为前世狼人杀 资深玩家,在这样一个桌游狂潮的世界,林立是选择做职业选手、娱乐主播、教学玩家或是做一个默默无闻,游戏人生的高手呢?(新人写手,十几年老书虫,狼人杀资深玩家处女作。这里没有狗血烂梗,,有的是精彩的狼人杀对局,丰富的日常生活和细腻的感情经历,希望大家多多支持。)1w0-127664 >>


内容简介:文案一:苏家有对双胞胎女儿。姐姐明艳大方性格火辣,妹妹清纯内敛柔情似水。哪想到长大后,内向的妹妹踏入娱乐圈,成为了人尽皆知的当红小花;而姐姐却背起书包,在大洋彼岸一路读到了地质学博士。 突然有一天,姐姐灰头土脸在野外勘探时,妹妹的经纪人带着一帮保镖,把姐姐绑到了综艺节目现场。“卧槽你们tm想干什么?!给老娘放手!!”“苏纪时,你妹妹留下一封隐退信就消失了!她身上所有代言、综艺、电影合约加起来违约金超过三十个亿!她不上,你来上!”“……???”“顺便提醒你,她现在和XX集团副总裁交往中,明晚你和他有一场约会。1w0-28348 >>


内容简介:简介:汉末三国初期。此时。赤壁大战还没上演,曹操正在努力的平(tu)定(du)北方,刘备窝在新野,江东依然在和黄祖拉扯。后世普(fu)通(bao)人享受者陈逢穿越而来,绑定朝九晚五系统 。帮刘备掏空刘表,助季汉,匡汉室,重新让汉旗飘扬世界之巅!每一步,他都在其中。ps:简介无力,看书。本书又名:《三国:刘表快被我掏空了》、《刘表:机关算尽,优势在我!》、《刘琮:若非父亲,我怎会直接投降?》、《孙权:江东已历三世,怎么就是不如刘备一朝崛起?》、《刘备:放眼望去,荆州尽是自己人!》展开作者:一虫所写的《人在三国,朝九晚五》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-126976 >>


内容简介: 血与火的战场,风声鹤唳的山林,神奇的猛兽和古武少年,这是一支有着铮铮铁骨的特种部队,这是一群浴血疆场、有血有泪的特种军人。枪声与热血共存,猛兽与英雄相伴,这是一本描写铁骨军人的 书! 书友群号:336093992 竹香书屋VIP读者群:群号4686940311w0-1133 >>




内容简介:那一年,他在街边追擒“三只手”,怒目圆睁;那一天,他在狮子楼上俯瞰西门庆,双眸赤红;那一瞬,大批丧尸来袭,他在小巷里扬起斧头,冷眼如电…………PS:娱乐文,无系统。各位书友要是觉得《硬 汉崛起》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-31587 >>


内容简介:顶级高手沐云帆在西方纵横无双,大杀四方,但却被师父一个电话喊回国内和冷艳美女总裁订婚。莫名其妙多了个未婚妻不算,还在诸多美女想要泡他,有纯情火辣的,有天真无邪的,有御姐风范的,这可怎么 选?1w19273-25980 >>


内容简介:一场空难,她成了孤儿,他也是,但却是她父亲导致的。八岁的她被大十岁的他带回穆家,本以为那是他的善意,没想到,他是来讨债的。十年间,她一直以为他恨她,他的温柔可以给世间万物,唯独不会给她 ……他不允许她叫他哥,她只能叫他名字,穆霆琛,穆霆琛,一遍遍,根深蒂固……1w0-2800 >>


内容简介:  这是一个主角在港岛电影世界当差的故事,从巡逻军装开始,和陈家驹并肩作战,与刘建明暗地交锋,跟李文斌夺位一哥!——叮!系统已刷出宝箱,坐标759.455。刚走出考试厅的李少泽,掏出了 口袋里的BB机,看着地图导航破口大骂:“扑街,这不是洪兴铜锣堂口?”“陈浩南,你老豆我来了。”  作者已完本两部百万字作品,人品坚挺,书友群:368358479。  新书已发布:《港综世界大枭雄》,一样的味道,纯港风爽文,欢迎阅读。1w0-2458 >>

长嫂为妻(nph) 暮色酒歌

内容简介:小兵提供长嫂为妻nph暮色酒歌在线阅读,长嫂为妻nph暮色酒歌由墨书白创作长嫂为妻nph暮色酒歌最新章节及长嫂为妻nph暮色酒歌目录在线无弹窗阅读,看长嫂为妻nph暮色酒歌就上小兵。1 w3979-87968 >>


内容简介:  傻兔新书,黑粉到巨星从滚出娱乐圈开始,欢迎收藏哟!(小秘密:萱萱可能会出现哟~)。群:7243037811w0-4353

Zenbu Shirita

This is the debut FC book by Makita Nao. Contains 5 short stories. - I Want to Know Everything♥ I won’t act spoiled with my boyfriend, and I definitely won’t trouble him, either. I’m trying to act like a cool and mature ideal girlfriend, but the truth is, I’m a wholehearted and annoying girl! I can’t tell anyone that I’m stalking my beloved boyfriend!! - Upside Down Honey: Kameyama Chisato is a girl without boyfriend, because of her sadistic personality. While trying to fix it by practicing with a skeleton, a classmate sees her, Kurosawa Akihiro. What will happen to her secret?! And.. will Chisato ever find love?? - Fall, Fall, Rise Michiru is a girl with poor luck when it comes to love. She’s been dumped several times by her boyfriend’s for other girls. During her latest breakup, in her attempt to get over her love she makes as if to commit suicide, however a boy from her school stops her, claiming he’ll introduce her to the best guy on earth. Just who is the best guy on earth and where can be found? Or is he right in front of Michiru’s eyes? [from Starry Heaven] - Tomorrow There Will Be Fireworks Above Tomoe has a dream: to go to the fireworks display during the summer together with the guy she likes. However, she hasn’t found that spark of love at all, at least, not until her childhood friend, Miki, moves back to her school and she meets Kagami through him! She makes the perfect plan to confess to him, but that doesn’t go as well as she had hoped, when Kagami confesses to her that he really likes Tomoe’s best friend, Rikka! Is the friendship ruined between these best friends now? And will Tomoe be able to fulfill her dream of watching the fireworks with someone she loves? [from Starry Heaven] - Super ☆Star There’s a certain group of guys in Kiyoko’s class that stands out, and to her Hoshino stands out the most! In fact, he looks like he’s sparkling. However, he isn’t exactly what he seems to be, when Kiyoko discovers his part time job working at his family’s convenience store! But even in his work clothes, Hoshino is still sparkling to her. But it’s not until Hoshino is confessed to by another girl that Kiyoko truly realizes that even if she’s different from Hoshino’s ideal girl, she still has a chance…but is it too late for her? [from Starry Heaven]

Kindaichi Shounen No Jikenbo - Kenmochi Keibu No Satsujin

The two volumes contain one long case, 'Murder Committed by Inspector Kenmochi', as well as two short stories in the second volume. The first one-shot, 'Evil Spirit at the Diving Pool / Diving Pool's Evil Spirit' was first published in the July 2009 edition of Shounen Rival and is about an evil spirit at the diving pool at Kindaichi's junior high school. The second one-shot is titled 'The Campsite's Mysterious Event.' Both short stories feature Kindaichi in junior high school.

Kingdom Of Zombie

Touched by the Black Death, a little girl becomes a zombie. Twenty years later... Leaving the boring, repetitive work at the smithy behind, Van manages to escape the premises, only to be caught by George, standing guard at the gates. Though he receives an earful and a chase, Van still manages to escape. George had been fearing Van growing up for a while and can't help but get a bad feeling as he sees him disappear. He yells at Van to not go near the Restricted area. Though he replied 'alright,' Van headed towards the North Gates, a request of Edmond's. Feeling the adrenaline, as he watches the two lookouts, a man suddenly appears and kills the two, leaving the Gate open. Soon, smelling the blood, four zombies hobble in and start attacking the injured guards. Van decides that he needs to let somebody know, but was exposed to the zombies in the process. As his strength leaves his legs, the zombies catch up to him. Just when the zombies are near and Van is sure he's dying, a sudden surge of strength emerges from his body and Van starts to overpower the zombies...

Sokoni Osuwari!

Shuuya Inukai is a model student at a high school who one day attracts the attentions of an ojou-sama, Kantori Isuzu, when she realizes that he is bearing, on his forehead, an X-shaped scar...that was also present on her pet dog's forehead...which leads her believe that Shuuya is actually the reincarnation of the said animal. And now Shuuya's days as Isuzu's pet begin.

His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce!

His Royal Highness, Wants A Divorce! summary: After his death, Yan Ke transmigrated and became a prince. He had yet to get himself an imperial harem and enjoy life with the (imaginary) concubines when he was married off in a marriage alliance. On the day of the wedding, he was shut out by Meng You. Half a month later after the wedding, when he had just recovered from his illness, Meng You was sent out to the battlefront. He was gone for three years. Yan Ke felt that, he was probably the most tragic, abandoned husband of the highest (epic) level. Since you are heartless, don’t blame me for being unrighteous! Therefore, the most forsaken husband reached his hand out towards the Crown Prince’s residence. — Meng You has just returned after he went out to war three years ago shortly after his marriage. For these three years, he had regularly received letters from the Crown Princess back home. His subordinates all extolled the deep love between husband and husband, but only Meng You knew that those were all attempts by the Crown Princess to ask for a peaceful separation (aka. divorce). He came back from battle only to see his Crown Prince residence turned into a mahjong house, swarming with all sorts of people – men and women, young and old. And that Crown Princess of his whom he had not seen for three years had kept himself fair and delicate, his every movement and action exceedingly coquettish and charming. And then, his Crown Princess walked towards him. Yan Ke, “Handsome, new face here? Do you want to play? It costs one tael of silver for a whole day and 25 taels of silver for a month. The boss will play with you, but the price is calculated separately. You will get more discount if you buy more~” Meng You, “……”

History of Company E of the Sixth Minnesota Regiment of Volunteer Infantry

History of Company E of the Sixth Minnesota Regiment of Volunteer Infantry summary: History of Company E of the Sixth Minnesota Regiment of Volunteer Infantry summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of History of Company E of the Sixth Minnesota Regiment of Volunteer Infantry. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Things Made Right

Things Made Right summary: Things Made Right summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Things Made Right. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Debts of Honor

Debts of Honor summary: Debts of Honor summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Debts of Honor. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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