














她与她的沙场恋歌。 。楼船夜雪瓜洲渡,铁马秋风大散关。 。因为一场政变,跌入人生低谷的谢敏与李奕在边关重逢,在朝堂沉浮、战火纷飞中相知相扶相爱。(第五话开主线)。 。只有谋略,只有算计,只有时时留心,只有步步为营。 。白切黑.相府长女 × 大白花.将门独子。 。权谋。百合。架空古代。




















内容简介:前生,曹小满是眼瞎心盲认狼为亲的傻子。一朝重生,她看清了身边所有人,上撕的了渣男,下斗的了白莲,吃了我的给我吐出来,拿了我的给老娘还回来,新仇旧恨咱一起算!至于上辈子那个敢爱不敢说的男 人谁能教教她怎么勾搭这未来大佬?1w17860-29432 >>


内容简介:简介:穿越大明。成为明宣宗的第三个儿子。作为一个现代人,朱祁钖本没想争皇帝。索性与于谦等人相交,日日过的倒也自在。谁知正统十四年时自己那个哥哥英宗在土木堡大败,还被俘虏!一时间,大明陷 入危机。五十万精锐所剩无几,天子被俘三军军心皆散。都城外临瓦剌大军,内有百官皆乱。朱祁钖在莫名其妙的情况下被于谦抬上了皇位!“皇帝被俘,朝中内乱”“臣知一位王爷,他若为帝,定可匡扶我大明王朝!”瓦剌兵至,京都被围!【恭喜宿主绑定千古一帝系统,以发放新手礼包:士气激励!】朱祁钖:“日月山河永在,大明江山永在!既然1w0-125682 >>

95 昏昏沉沉

内容简介:邻家哥哥你混蛋!最新章节列表及全文阅读。早期作品,非礼勿视,我说了别进来了哦邻家哥哥与弟弟的日常生活!PS掰弯日常“哥哥我重不重?”“一头猪,你说呢?”“哥哥我可不可爱?”“会舔就更可 爱了。”“哥哥我要抱抱。”“这不是抱下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读着呢……”PS本文属于慢热、爆笑文!下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读1w0-66807 >>


内容简介:昆仑蟠桃会后,五族分裂,天下离心,大荒风云再起。九州四海,究竟谁主沉浮?洪荒往事,又隐藏了多少玄秘!理想正义,难决难舍;爱恨情仇,如火如荼。拓拔野、蚩尤、姬远玄、烈炎……群雄逐鹿,各领 ,在这华夏最为瑰丽莫测的破晓,谱写出一曲波澜壮阔、气壮山河的洪荒史诗。1w0-2950 >>


内容简介:退休勇者陈艾,在帝国边陲开起了一家小酒店。原以为会风平浪静地度过一生。没想到酒店刚开,就遭遇人生强敌!“敢在我对面开酒店,你的店想活几个月?”出现在勇者眼前的,是一名绝美的精灵少女,和 她无敌的五星级酒店…1w0-75287 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者锥花的经典小说:《偏执着迷》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说【正文完结,番外更新中】【下本写《独占温柔》or《病态荆棘》,求个专栏收藏。微博 锥花啊】从小到大,桑渴都是裴行端屁股后面的小跟班。打架冲在他前头,他的作业她包办,就连满天飞的情书也一并交由她保管。混的鼻青脸肿,卑微不堪,周围同伴都戏称她是要给裴少爷做一辈子女保镖了。彼时的桑渴面对周遭嘻嘻哈哈的调侃只是抿了抿唇,照旧在人群里,一眼就看到俊俏又惹眼的裴行端。她笑着跑向他,可换来的却是一声:“又脏又丑1w0-73799 >>


内容简介:温桃蹊想好好活着,想叫温家所有的人都好好活着。她以为重生一世便能无欲则刚,直到遇上陆家那个总爱眯着眼笑着看她的男人——她想通了,无欲无欢,不如嫁与春色一抹,换得现世安稳。1w31934 -75912 >>


内容简介:男主:最近喜欢上一个主播,可是她好像不怎么喜欢我女主:最近总有个观众给我送钱,一送就是好几万。江盼一觉醒来,发现自己变成了连口红都买不起的大学生,顿时有种长梦不醒的冲动。可是,那个奇怪 的家伙为什么总是阴魂不散?这是一个除了钱什么都没有(并不)的男主和一个除了钱什么都有的女主的嗯,互撩故事食用说明:没有傻白甜,直播内容不多,线下交流为主,双处(不要问我怎么做到的)预告,下周一,第十九章入V,当天万字1w0-69062 >>


内容简介:别家总裁高冷有钱,她家总裁变态有病。跟她在一起后,以为他只是有些污黄,没想到还有“变态并发症”,现在还话痨自言自语了。总裁说:“我们生个孩子吧……我怀孕了。”“你……怀孕?”“你经常不 理我,我替你讲好了。”“……”食用指南:①高冷孤僻女主(半娱乐圈人士)②污黄明骚男主(腹黑心机总裁)③双处,男女主互为初恋现言有病系列预收文《脱下绿帽的男人》文案简介:被绿男主的第二春。爱是一道绿光,越爱越闪耀,他终于放下执念脱下绿帽。她却说:“乖,戴正,都歪了,制服诱惑怎么能少了绿军帽?”高冷正经男(转业军人总裁)VS欢脱女流氓(猫奴宠物医生)本文完结立马开文!戳戳进入我的专栏指路基友文文(强推!!!):《女神她只想睡我》只想要娃,却顺便收了个娃爸亦千锦《踩着黑料当影后》黑料越多,洗白以后就越红《他曾经逆光而来》清冷沉默的维和队长vs性感冷眼的女翻译官《老师!你的数学题超纲了!》老师!这道题太难了!我不会做!《影帝请轻拿轻放》嘴贱影帝与他的小怪力,打脸可真疼《影后,你家喵又疯了系统》小喵喵,你是我的了1w0-80386 >>


内容简介:家道中落即将面临巨债,俞景林不得不忍痛变卖宝贝宠蛇。买家冷酷帅气还是个识蛇大神,俞景林心里那个乐,赶紧勾搭勾搭,却发现大神其实是条修炼成精的大蛇。俞景林心头一万头草泥马奔过,他是喜欢蛇 ,可他没有被蛇上的喜好,溜了溜了溜了。可大蛇不乐意了,还认定自己就是他的雌性。俞景林欲哭无泪:求放过,我对蛇没有性趣。墨殇严肃着脸:胡说,你明明很喜欢。微博:柿原纯群号:259192578扫雷区导演灵蛇攻vs三流明星受主受1v1,生子,he,甜度背景架空,请勿考究晋江独家发表,谢绝扒榜转载完结就开这本→《救过的那条蛇要以身相许怎么办》文案楼主是兽医,曾经救过一条受伤的大蛇,现在大蛇要报恩怎么办?关键这条蛇是公的,公的,公的!温润兽医受vs返祖灵蛇攻基友的文文→《丑小鸡》by娜小在《养了一只怂包丧尸皇》by鱼鱼鱼仔酱《我的老公是只鬼》by一叶菩提《卸妆后,老婆变成了男人》by笑蓝《重生一日为夫》by楼东白作者的预收文→《不婚》《小哑巴的婚后生活》《我怀了竹马的孩子》1w0-76400 >>


内容简介:身扛超大刀,人称大刀王,她是山贼寨子里的大BOSS咱们老大要成亲,寨子里没有适龄男青年怎么办打劫!英俊潇洒,文武双全,他是只正义的公孔雀却被一个不男不女的强按了洞房,各种自救,其中寄希 望之一:他的马原来马儿也要谈恋爱,耽误了报信的时间,因它回家的路上,遇上了它的真爱,得知真相的他啐了一口,重色轻主,真是有马性没人性的家伙!本文有点欢脱无厘头,不喜勿拍!1w0-79648 >>

Sporting Salt

Sporting Salt summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sporting Salt. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Hiro has two loves: baseball and porn. But due to an elbow injury he gives up baseball choosing a school with no baseball team. His childhood friend Hikari attends a different school with baseball ace Hideo and the two wish Hiro had not given up baseball. Hiro joins the soccer team but meets Haruka, a very clumsy girl, who is manager of the unofficial baseball club. When the soccer team challenges the baseball club to a game, with hopes of humiliating them, the baseball club nearly loses until Hiro, disgusted by the soccer team`s arrogance, switches to the baseball club. A not-to-be-missed series for all, and you don't need to be a baseball fan to enjoy this! From AnimeNfo: Kunimi Hiro and his best friend Hideo were baseball wonders... Until Hiro found out his arm was permanently damaged, rendering him unable to play anymore. A frustrated Hiro goes through the trouble of specifically finding a high school with no baseball team... Only to later on find out the doctor who examined him was a quack and his arm is perfectly fine. Hiro is quick to reinstate his dream: Creating a baseball team for his school and getting to face off against Hideo in the Koshien... The number one premier league for high school baseball.

Tadashii Ace No Kouryakuhou

A collection of stories: 1-3. Tadashii Ace no Kouryakuhou a.) Hiroto Fujiki is the ace on his high-school baseball team. He takes an interest in one of his groupies, only to find out that 'she' is not who 'she' appears to be. b.) Ayumu Tsumori is acting as the manager of his school's baseball team, and he borrows a book from his sister to help improve their chances in an upcoming match. Following the book's instructions, Ayumu starts cross-dressing for the team. c.) Masaki Mizuhara fills in on his sister's baseball team, and catches the eye of the team's ace pitcher Hirona Fujiki, the sister to Hiroto from the first oneshot. 4. Hypnotism Trick When Touri Hirahara is hanging out with his two friends Kashiwagi and Kunieda, Kashiwagi says he can use hypnosis, so Touri decides to fake being hypnotized. However, things get out of hand when Kashiwagi 'hypnotizes' him into believing he's a girl. 5. Ani Tsura Kazuki Hasegawa started drifting apart from his younger brother Kazuomi after he started getting interested in anime, specifically a certain magical girl anime he's particularly obsessed with. Kazuomi has been doing bad on his tests, so Kazuki agrees to dress up as Kazumi from the magical girl anime so that he'll put more effort into studying. 6. Khaki P to Sumire-hime Rei Kawasumi is the vocalist of his high school band Violets, but they're not very popular, so Rei goes to ask the advice of Haruhiko Tsuchiya, a popular composer who posts his songs online under the name Khaki P. Tsuchiya tells Rei that to gain popularity, he has to not only cross-dress, but also sound and act like a girl. 7. Moshi Bare Rin Aihara transfers to a new school, but tries to keep her intense love of baseball a secret.

Gamble Fish

The story is set at Shishidou, a school attended by rich and elite people. Tomu Shirasagi, a gambler, is a mysterious new transfer student who has come from a public school (instead of a prestigious private one) and faces the elitist environment. There, he declares a challenge toward any student and claims he will bring to the ruin the whole school through a series of gambling matches. Nobody knows why he has come to that school or what the real motivations behind his actions are. During any match, Tomu shows off all of his unique coolness and ability. He employs a wide range of tricks, both psychological and physical, to ensure his victory. In any game, you will constantly ask how he's planning to win, why he's really doing certain things, and what's really going on. At the end of the matches, the tricks are revealed, and they all work in real life, even if they do require one to be highly skilled or lucky in order to perform them. The story centers around the various matches he undertakes and the interactions between the various characters, like Mika Shishidou, the beautiful granddaughter of the school headmaster, who is highly intelligent but contemptuous and superb, or Abidani, the vampiric looking dorm superintendent and main villain (for now) in the series, who has a sadistic personality and whose goal is to make Tomu leave his school (or to get him killed). As the story unfolds, more about Tomu's past is revealed, leading to unpredictable turns of events.

Lord Of The Trees And The Mad Goblin

Lord Of The Trees And The Mad Goblin summary: Lord Of The Trees And The Mad Goblin summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Lord Of The Trees And The Mad Goblin. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Konyaku haki? Yoroshī. Naraba, fukushūda

Konyaku haki? Yoroshī. Naraba, fukushūda summary: A normal setting. Annulment of an engagement. I am going to…..
Cheat, reincarnation, villainous lady elements were scattered around…

The Raising and Care of Guinea Pigs

The Raising and Care of Guinea Pigs summary: The Raising and Care of Guinea Pigs summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Raising and Care of Guinea Pigs. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Mirror of the Sea

The Mirror of the Sea summary: The Mirror of the Sea summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Mirror of the Sea. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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