














简介来做些羞羞的事吧漫画 ,成绩优异的学生会长,她的秘密被一个学弟发现了——?












简介【每周二更新】妖夫求你休了我 小鑫是个普通小市民,家境来说还算不错,是个某公司的小经理,有着一套不大的房子…… 可是……一次相亲会上,小鑫遇到了自己的另一半。 新婚的第二天早晨,小鑫发现自己的丈夫居然是个妖怪…


简介法力高深的苍穹和尚阻止了一场神龙兄弟相残的斗争,却因自己的一时疏忽,使神龙白陌惨被人类切肉分食, 后悔莫及的苍穹和尚历时十年找寻他破碎的灵魂,以精血真气塑造出白陌幼年状态,与他一同生活,然而平静的生活 却因神龙白容的来临而被打破......






内容简介:  一梦回到八零年,手握储物戒指和传送门的我该何去何从?1w0-2976


内容简介:【新言情征文】时菲羽穿越到千年之后的星际空间,能打怪,也能种菜;敢入虫族、也能忽悠圣族……在这个星际世界,时菲羽可谓生活的风生水起,唯独摆不脱不了的便是被帝国婚姻系统绑定的婚姻,她不想 嫁,不要嫁!不嫁?狗系统居然把自己设定:稍有跟异性接触,不,只要是个雄性从身边走过自己便会心脏疼痛难忍,心脏要爆裂吗?不,我还想要活得久一些,不就是一个系统婚姻吗?糊弄1w0-89724 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,张启阳发现自己正在《我是歌手》的踢馆赛现场。他居然成了这个位面的华国首富之子!他的前身,离经叛道,酷爱摇滚。他宁愿做一个三流的摇滚明星,也不要继承他老爹的千亿家产。在公众眼里 ,他是一个靠着老子才混出名的纨绔子。没有人在乎他的才华,更没有人欣赏他的音乐。大家津津乐道的,永远是他的无脑放炮和喷人。一直到那晚《我是歌手》的踢馆赛……本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《首富巨星》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84205 >>


内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者三十二电客的经典小说:《末世启示录》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说五十年前,人类为抵抗外星文明入侵,动用核弹将其消灭,但随之而来的,便是环 境恶化,人口大量死亡,在“RTX”公司的带领下,人类建立起由四座防辐射城墙组成的方舟巨城,并在里面生活了五十年,这反乌托邦的城市,究竟是伊甸园还是牢笼?“如果这个世界真的存在神明,那也是人类欲望创造出来的!”——张明浩1w0-82924 >>


内容简介:沈林溪穿进了一本万人迷苏主受修真文,原本只想混吃等死继续做宅男。但是他竟然绑定了一个叫做【只与修为最高的人做朋友】的无耻系统。可怕的是,无论他跟之前的攻略对象已经建立多么深厚的感情。一 旦检测到身边有更高修为之人,狗逼系统瞬间更换攻略目标。看着现在还弱小,之后却一定会成长为修真界顶峰掌权者的原文主角受,沈林溪哭了qaq1v1,万人迷受,修罗场狗血无脑苏文,实际上挺轻松搞笑的(?,封面是T童君T画的沈林溪这边说一下,和武力值最高的人做朋友那本是我的旧文。。!因为想试试写写单纯古代的这样的剧情所以又安排上了各位书友要是觉得《只和修为最高的人做朋友》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-73451 >>






内容简介:“师兄,你昨个同师傅下山除妖可有给我带那家铺子做的糖饼子?”“师兄……我求你。”南洛城已经分不清楚自己身上沾染的血,究竟是他的,还是旁人的,他只是觉得心口疼的不行“温夜歌!你要真的要取 我性命,能不下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读能换一个人?只当我最后一次求你,别用你自己的手杀我,换一个人就好。”他从来都知道我最怕疼,一点疼都受不了,但到最后他似乎忘了,不然也不会用他那把剑刺向我。我怕疼,但我从未怕过死,我只是不愿死在下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读你手下,不愿我爱的和亲手取走我性命的人会是一个人。心脏疼到了一定的程度,肉体好像就感觉不到了疼痛。原来他从未信过我,从未有一天……他这数载岁月之中,受尽蛊毒侵蚀折磨,但他最大的痛苦还是拜那下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读位自己曾一心护着的师兄所赐,他恨透了他,更恨透了谷风派以及修仙世家的众人。自此以后若让他死,必然是以所有门派为其陪葬,谁也拦不住他……?下载小兵阅读APP支持正版阅读1w0-29071 >>


内容简介:九转十世,投胎皇家。命运给了他一个尊贵无比的太子身份,也给了他一个残酷无情的生活环境!那就是他不得不面对的坑爹现实:他爹是李治,他娘叫武媚。新书《宋疆》已发布,还请大家多多支持。群号: 605978837.欢迎大家进群讨论。1w0-3751 >>


内容简介:这时老头双手分开她那雪白的大腿,只见大腿中间一下子露出了一条细细的「肉缝」,由于她生过四个孩子,阴唇有点发黑了,阴唇四周布满细细的阴毛,可是里面的肉还是娇艳鲜嫩的,被淫水流的湿润无比。 老头急不可待的把自已还不是很硬的「阳具」插入这个湿润的洞内,激动的抽插起来……「啊……啊……」胡秀英只觉自已的「阴道」一紧,呻吟起来……老头只插了十几下,只见他浑身一抖,完事了,原来老头年龄大了,又是兴奋激动,忍不住的丢了。正个软在了秀英的身体上。1w0-95683 >>


内容简介:千万富翁的儿子很了不起?大官的儿子很了不起?呸,那些人的身份都不及他的一半!拥有着强大背景的少年,却因为父母的忽略而离家出走独自闯荡。却阴差阳错跟上都市的领导扯上关系,黑道上更是频繁来 往。儿子的失踪1w0-98847 >>

Thus Spoke Kishibe Rohan - Mutsukabezaka

Kishibe Rohan is a manga-ka with the ability 'Heaven's Door', where he can read people's memories. He seeks out the supernatural for himself to see what the mystery is all about. The first tale is of a man who bleeds and won't stop.


From The Pink Panzer: In the year 2999, only eleven cities still survive on Earth. The climate has changed drastically, and a biochemical apocalypse has made women extinct. For centuries, the male population of Earth has survived by depending on only one woman, called the Holy Mother, whose ova are harvested to create genetically engineered children. By now, any concept of a world in which women exist as ordinary people is long gone. Society has re-structured itself around all-male families, and gay relationships have become the norm. At the beginning of Marginal, the Holy Mother is assassinated by a terrorist known as Grinja. The government in power doesn't want to start a mass panic, so it pretends that the Holy Mother has only shed her vessel, and that she will be miraculously 'reborn' in the near future. The public, which is superstitious and devout, believes this easily. Only government officials know that behind the scenes, there is a frantic effort to create a new being with an XXY chromosome -- a male capable of giving birth. (This is a BL misrepresentation of an actual phenomenon known as Klinefelter's Syndrome.) The manga's story revolves around one such boy -- Kira, the product of a genetic experiment, who becomes involved in a three-way relationship with Grinja, the aforementioned terrorist, and Ashijin, a young man who calls himself Kira's owner. A complex plot and flawless world-building make the story irresistible, and Kira's search for freedom is as symbolic as it is gripping.

Ashita Mo Kitto Koishiteru

Taken from Michex: MITSUKI is on top of the world when IMAI, her former tutor and sister's friend, agrees to begin dating her. Even with the seven year age gap, she's determined to make it work, even though she hardly ever gets to see him. But her happiness slowly gives way to doubts when a year passes without ever breaking down the barrier she feels between them. Does Imai-san even like her at all? Or is the person he's really in love with her older sister and he's just going out with her because he didn't have the heart to turn her down? Maybe he doesn't take her seriously because she's still in high school? When she's with him, he always seems more of the serious type---but what is this about his playboy past?!

Toritsu Mizushou!

from mangaupdates.com Mizushoubai (water business) is the term for Japan's night life activities, such as fuuzoku (similar to prostitution but none of the illegal bits), hosting and managing (entertaining at bars), and kyabakura (night clubs). Recently, it was decided that a high school should be founded to educate the youth in these area where they'd previously had no such guidance: the School of Water Business, 'Mizushou', located in Tokyo's Shinjuku ward. The story is from the perspective of a teacher, Tanabe Keisuke, who was transferred there to help teach that school's first generation of students. --------------------------- From the Old Gringo --------------------------- Toritsu Mizushou first appeared as a light novel by Hikaru Morozumi. The manga series doesn't seem to share very much with the novel other than the setting, so in a way you might call it an authorized doujin. Shinobu Inokuma's series before this was Salad Days, and you can find similar character designs there. One character in Salad Days is cloned into an entire baseball team in Mizushou. But unlike Salad Days, Mizushou is much more focused on major characters, and story arcs tend to become longer as the series goes on. All in all, great comedy and good soap opera. Explicit sexual content has been surprisingly rare, more or less equivalent to Kenichi Sonada's Gunsmith Cats or Cannon God Exaxxion. Inokuma has a web site, 'The Garden Plot' at http://saladplanning.pro.tok2.com/main.html

The Camp Fire Girls Solve a Mystery Or The Christmas Adventure at Carver House

The Camp Fire Girls Solve a Mystery Or The Christmas Adventure at Carver House summary: The Camp Fire Girls Solve a Mystery Or The Christmas Adventure at Carver House summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Camp Fire Girls Solve a Mystery Or The Christmas Adventure at Carver House. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dream Slaughters

Dream Slaughters summary: Have you ever wondered why people don 't remember their dreams the moment they wake up?Why do people forget their dreams?Why do YOU forget your dreams?Once upon a time, there 's a princess named Aurora sleeping in a tower. She is known by the people as 'Sleeping Beauty '. For a hundred of years, the princess stayed in her slumber, before the prince came to give her his true love 's kiss. She...

Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism

Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism summary: Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Socialism, Revolution and Internationalism. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

For A Prosperous World

For A Prosperous World summary: She fought in the Battle of Changping and witnessed the killing of hundreds of thousands. She once led the Qin Iron Calvary and battled against the Six Kingdoms. She has seen a third of the land and witnessed the breaking of mountains and rivers. The sound of a grand zither and the light of a great female emperor. A prosperous world that was forged on the battlefield. Yet, these two thousand years are forgotten from history.

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