



























Best Love









内容简介:【体育竞技,全息游戏,微魔幻】司扶倾把自己炸死后,不仅被夺了气运,人人都让她滚出娱乐圈。重活一次,她只想咸鱼躺,谁知娱乐圈里总有不长眼人蹦跶,不学无术,天天拉踩蹭她热度,这样下去还有救 ?怎么也得收拾收拾。司扶倾捏了捏手腕,动了。后来——爆出与司扶倾不和的顶流:今天我能站在这里,多亏了倾姐。老牌影帝:司老师演技登峰造极,我自愧不如。黑粉:姐姐求营业QAQ国际运动会组委会:恭喜司扶倾拿下第131w53820-89537 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:特工:开局救下郑耀先】周深穿越危机四伏的战乱年代,成为港大的一名老师,一次偶然的机会救下正在执行任务的郑耀先。两人结下不懈之缘,结拜成兄弟……之后,又在飞机上 救了王天风,被王天风相中,顺利进入特工学校……一个月后,周深学有所成。郑耀先:“你是我六哥的兄弟,咱俩合作,珠联璧合,现在有个任务派你去,以影子的身份回到特高课!”周深:“好的!”从此,一个谈之色变的特工出现了,代号‘判官’。(简介无力,请看正文,本书融合胭脂、麻雀、秋蝉、伪装者、风筝、和平饭店等等!)飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢特工:开局救下郑耀先,别忘记分享给朋友特工:开局救下郑耀先TXT下载1w0-61914 >>


内容简介:末世前一天,江蓠被迫绑定了一个系统,这位自称租房系统的不知名生物一上来就豪气万千地给她送了一个小区。系统挥舞着小皮鞭:“我们的目标是成为名满天下的包租婆!”江蓠:“MDZZ”正经版文案 :末世来临,人类面临生存浩劫,这个时候,一处不受丧尸侵扰的住处就变得尤为重要。江蓠看着租客越来越爆满的小区,心里美滋滋,离躺着数钱的包租婆梦想越来越近了呢!然而,系统从来不按常理出牌,江蓠看着新开出来的古代位面泪流满面,奈何系统太狗币,一朝回到解放前。身旁一直虎视眈眈的某人:“别怕,有我陪着你。”1V1,甜文不虐。1w0-30300 >>


内容简介:冲动是魔鬼小祥子在认识那个恶梦一样的男人之后越发深刻的理解了这句古谚。但是再如何深刻的理解都难以遏制烈焰一般熊熊燃烧的冲动灵魂……那个男人……那个让人一看见就想戳爆他浑身每一个毛孔的男 人!仁慈的佛祖、万能的玉帝、节操碎了一地再也不起来的作者和读者们啊!请告诉她,谁能告诉她!冲动如何能抑……PS:美丽的九爷温柔提醒,冲动真的是魔鬼哦又名:《一时冲动,七世不祥》、《祥云朵朵当空飘》1w0-72613 >>


内容简介:主角苏黎陆宴北一次意外,苏黎撞上一个神秘男人。对方姓名不详,职业不详,婚配不详。什么?再相遇,竟然是自己的顶头上司?更是鼎鼎有名人气男神陆宴北?说好要当陌路人的,可现在,这个天天缠着她 不放,要她给孩子当…1w27848-98658 >>


内容简介:听说定国公府上的大小姐被发配到山庄种地,京中小姐纨绔们纷纷去看热闹,甚至有人趁机调戏高大小姐。后来,他的脑袋被开了瓢。高家的大小姐就算是去种地,也是个嚣张的人呢。高洛神穿到了一本名为《 女帝》的书中,成为了恶毒女配。她决心不去搞事,而是老老实实靠着金手指种地,从此发家致富走向幸福生活。可那什么麻烦怎么一个个来啊?各种各样的公子上门就算了,怎么女主也来凑热闹?高洛神瑟瑟发抖:我其实只想种地。各位书友要是觉得《女配她只想种地穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-84503 >>


内容简介:玉瑶惨死后,意外得知自己是话本里的人物,整个青徽仙宗都是小师弟屠康登顶的垫脚石。对屠康来说,全宗上下皆反派!玉瑶重生回来,还没来得及想对策挽救宗门,就发现师父和五位师兄也重生了。众人抱 头痛哭,建立起“屠康受害者联盟”,每天都在为弄死屠康而奋斗不停,在自救路上狂奔不歇。可惜,屠康身为男主气运加身,完全弄不死啊!而且,画风怎么越来越不对了?1w0-89810 >>


内容简介:《全能中单(电竞)》为作者蝶之灵创作,作品全能中单(电竞)章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供蝶之灵精心编写原创全能中单(电竞)及无弹窗全能中单(电竞)最新章节,全能中单(电竞)全文免费阅读 。1w0-32502 >>


内容简介:“就是喜欢你们看不惯我,又干不掉我的样子!”行走诸天,与人斗、与鬼斗、与妖斗、与神斗,其乐无穷!影视、神话、二次元……诸天万界,谱写传奇!各位书友要是觉得《诸天最强天师》还不错的话请不 要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95025 >>


内容简介:斗兽场手撕妖兽血洒三千尺,穿越异界逆天武魂终成神!少年穿越异界与妖兽搏命练就超强杀技,携逆天武魂,踏上与天才争锋,与强者争霸,唯吾独尊之妖魔神三界逆天路!……逍遥超热血新书!热血、情谊 、道义永恒……各位书友要是觉得《逆天武魂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-107560 >>

Twinkle Tiara

This is a story by the author of Kero Kero Chime, and you can tell. The characters look similar, though the plot seems different. Rupika lives on a far off planet called Rakariina and has a growth on her head that looks like a tiara(called the Twinkle Tiara). Her grandfather tells her that her destiny begins when she meets a man with the Twinkle Crown. Every so often on this planet, a lot of meteors fall and a lot of new aliens land on the planet. Rupika goes out to see this and maybe find 'her prince'(the Twinkle Crown) and is captured by a boy named Alpha, who then mentions something about someone named Rozeus. Rupika wants to see Rozeus and leaves Alphas's spaceship, which is actually a big turtle. The new aliens seem to know something about her tiara and start harassing her, and though Alpha tries to control them he gets knocked out. Rupika's situation turns desperate but suddenly a man with the Twinkle Crown appears.

Chocolate Cosmos

[Summary By: Love_blossom] One look at Sakurai Sayuki and you would think she's glaring at you with her 'sharp eyes'. But looks are not always what they seem. Sayuki is actually a girl wanting to fall in love. If only people would just look at her in the inside instead of her looks. One day, her friends force her to come to the beach with them to pick up some hot guys. She meets a mysterious guy who not only is nice to her, but has good looks! All she knows is that he goes to her high school and he smells faintly of chocolate. Can she find him? And what if, he's closer to her than it seems.....? From Baka-Updates: Sakurai Sayuki was born with sharp eyes that make her look like she's always angry, even though she's not. Because of her looks, students around her misunderstand her as a bully and scary girl when in fact she's 'a romantic'. After 15 years without a boyfriend, she started off her high school year with hopes of love...

Kimi To Iru Asu

1) Your Feelings Takamichi and Atsuki have always been together since childhood. Everything feels like it will never change, including their relationship, but is that really true? With Takamichi going away for his archery training, this will be the first separation of theirs. Even thinking about it is making Atsuki uneasy... 2) Deviation Value Sweet Haruto is always coming in second to Itou. His father's disappointed in him and he just can't seem to do anything about it. Until one day he walks in on Itou masturbating in an empty classroom. What happens now? 3) Tomorrow, That is With You Story of Inori and Senou's relationship, which begins in Kimi no Ai wa Mienikui. Inori takes a trip with Senou to his birthplace in Kyoto. 4) The Wolf's Bed Serihashi joined the arts club to be able to sleep. Mahiro joined the club and found himself to be a constant victim of Serihashi's teasing. Mahiro walks in to the club to see things he wasn't ready to see. Will he stay in the club? Does Serihashi really only want to sleep? 5) We'll Always Be Together Yuuto and Keisuke have been friends since childhood. Wherever they go, they always hold hands. Keisuke starts to question their relationship and relinquishes Yuuto's hand. Will the quiet Yuuto be able to finally express his feelings. 6) Omake Time It's been a year since Senou proposed to Inori, and Inori just found out that drinking turns Senou into another man. Will they still get married? 7) Omake of Omake More short stories on Inori and Senou!


A city is being besiege by a group of monsters called Green.

All Aboard or Life on the Lake

All Aboard or Life on the Lake summary: All Aboard or Life on the Lake summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of All Aboard or Life on the Lake. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Dotty Dimple At Her Grandmother's

Dotty Dimple At Her Grandmother's summary: Dotty Dimple At Her Grandmother's summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dotty Dimple At Her Grandmother's. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

In the Irish Brigade

In the Irish Brigade summary: In the Irish Brigade summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of In the Irish Brigade. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Stranger

The Stranger summary: The Stranger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Stranger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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