






















简介全新连载《3月的狮子》(将棋故事)将从今年初夏在漫画杂志《Young Animal》上正式展开连载!在《Young Animal》官方网站的首页上,也开始大肆宣传这项令粉丝们兴奋无比的消息。










内容简介:孩子的妈到底是谁是紅桃九创作的经典的小说作品孩子的妈到底是谁小兵提供孩子的妈到底是谁最新章节全文免费阅读,孩子的妈到底是谁下载,孩子的妈到底是谁全文字更新,孩子的妈到底是谁无弹窗!请关 注孩子的妈到底是谁吧,本站最新最快更新孩子的妈到底是谁的最新章节。1w0-72472 >>


内容简介:《胖娘她只想混吃等死》大明星沈霜一觉醒来发现自己穿越到一个古代小山村,不仅仅身材肥胖,还是个被设计抱错被丢回村里去的农家女!她发现自己太难了,小哑巴弟弟,老实巴交懦弱属性的父母,强势的 奶奶,各种极品亲戚……成天鸡飞狗跳,幸好遇上一只通灵小狼能开开金手指,可是山脚下的大哑巴老盯着她是怎么回事?1w0-76230 >>

家庭淫魔 VIP未删节全本

内容简介:故事大约起先在两年以前,那年我十七岁,一个对性爱懵懵懂懂的年纪,由于母亲对我的管教甚严,所以我在高中以前几乎都不知道有关这方面的知识。而高中很凑巧的读了一间和尚学校,里头的学生全部都没 有异性,只有清一色的男性学生,想当然尔正处在青春期的我们,对于男女之事都是充满了好奇心的,但是我们当然没有正常的管道可以来了解,而学校里面也几乎都是晚娘脸孔的女老师,所以三俩哥们凑在一起,话题当然离不开有关性爱的东西。分享书籍《家庭淫魔VIP未删节全本》作者:狂龙使1w0-30081 >>


内容简介:五年前,被同父异母的妹妹设计。五年后,携宝归来,当上首席设计师!“女人,你跟着我,钱、珠宝、房子,要什么有什么!”顾程远高傲的说道。“不需要,我有钱,自己能买。”安宁拒绝道。“不行,你 五年前睡了我,现在就要对我负责!”男人态度大变,扒拉着她的腿求负责!“……?”这人有这么不要脸吗?1w30425-30716 >>




内容简介:一个人砍翻乱世的人生之路。丧尸:吼。林凡:“大家都是邻居,为什么要如此暴躁呢。”林凡:“我还要去买菜呢。”林凡看着变成丧尸的小青:“小青,我买了几瓶水,已经扫码了哦。”林凡:“老板,我 想结一下工资。”阳光小区,林凡生活的小区,无数逃难者,蜂拥而至,寻求庇护。我们要跟林凡学习,遵守法律,打工赚钱,争取买房买车,在丧尸横行的城市里,做一位优秀的市民。1w94413-99025 >>


内容简介:  后来,所有人都羡慕秦绾——她不仅成了真千金,还是叶城最矜贵的男人慕少程心尖尖上的人。  **  新婚次日,他奔向摔断腿的白月光。  她浅笑挑衅,“慕先生的意思是,以后我们都各玩各的 吗?”  他顿住脚步,回眸冷笑地看着她,“慕太太,你做什么梦?”  “当然是美梦…………”  **  她本以为,他们的婚姻是一场各取所需的交易。  却不知,那是他的精心筹谋,步步为营。  直到后来,她在产房疼得死去活来,把他的大手咬得出血,他抱着她声音哽咽,“绾绾,对不起,都怪我让你怀孕。”  **  宝宝篇:  不能让爸爸陪洗澡的小公举委屈又可怜:  “粑粑陪哥哥洗澡,不陪我,这不公平。”  “因为哥哥是男生,你是女生。”  “那妈妈也是女生,粑粑为什么可以陪妈妈洗澡?”  “……”1w0-3522 >>


内容简介:美貌娇妻,成为他心中最痛的谜:摇身变成另一个男人之妻的,是她;披着“心理会所”美女医生外衣,为多位富豪提供“体验式”治疗的,是她;在“婚介俱乐部”游艇派对上,与钻石王老五们眉飞色舞的, 是她……她,到底还有多少重重面纱,等着他去一一揭开?分享书籍《夜色妻谜》作者:温水青瓜1w0-105473 >>


内容简介:男友出轨妹妹还珠胎暗结,她转头就嫁给了令人闻风丧胆的商业帝王陆景深。不仅如此,听说她捧得了明星,做得了公关,开得了公司?是超级赛车手?还是闻名世界的金牌设计师?这是什么宝藏女孩!!!从 遭人唾弃的可怜鬼,转身变成万人仰望的女神,追她的人更是从晋城排到了京都。见识到某女人气的陆先生一把将人揽进怀里:“收起你们的痴心妄想,这是我的女人!”众人恍然,还没反应过来,一个小包子突然跑出来抱住了景宁的大各位书友要是觉得《撩妻入怀陆景深》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-95397 >>


内容简介:文案一:穿越是种时尚,但是她从来不想追求流行,可显然老天并没考虑她的感受以及心理承受能力因为她穿了!穿就穿了吧,好歹也送她到向往以久的大唐盛世女皇时代瞻仰一下武则天的绝代容颜不是?结果 却把她弄到满街大辫子的清朝,尤其让人抓狂的是竟然是清朝历史上最风云诡谲的九龙夺嫡时期……天呐,你不堪贤愚枉为天;地呀,你不分好歹何为地?瓦没有失心疯,瓦虽然不是窦娥,但是瓦也冤呀,咋地也不能这样枉顾个人意愿送偶到这么1w0-97105 >>


内容简介:云落桑这辈子最不幸的事情,是遇上叶落辰。云落桑这辈子最幸运的事情,是遇上叶落辰。且看风起云涌,红尘作劫,步步为妻。叶落辰:“桑儿,今生,我护你。”各位书友要是觉得《霸君宠妻:腹黑圣女驯 夫记》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72323 >>


内容简介:简希是当红顶流,白虞是他见不得光的地下女友。苦恋三载,爱得卑微,没了自我,还三五不时欣赏到男友经纪公司全网发布的律师函:造谣可耻,简希单身。更是万万没想到——她,白虞,居然是简希白月光 的替身!1w0-102342 >>

Seiken Densetsu: Legend Of Mana

Legend of Mana is set in the fictional world of Fa'Diel. The Mana Tree, the giver of mana and life for the world, burned down nine centuries prior to the events of the game. A war erupted between faeries, human, and others seeking the scarce power of mana that was left. When the war concluded, the drained Mana Tree slept and the many lands of the world were stored in ancient artifacts. A hero, controlled by the player, is self-charged with restoring the world, and its mana, to its former self. The Lands of Fa'Diel are populated with a large number of different creatures, including humans, faeries, demons, the jewel-hearted Jumi race, plant-like Sproutlings and Flowerlings, miner bears called Dudbears, and shadowy beings of the Underworld known as Shadoles. Fa'Diel is also the home of a host of anthropomorphic animals and objects, as well as monsters from other Mana titles such as Rabites, Chobin Hoods, and Goblins.

Acid Flower

Set in an all boy’s Catholic school, it tells the story of one Kanan Hatori – a stunningly beautiful but damaged boy who spreads his legs for anyone who would have him. Once betrayed by the person he loved, the emotionally damaged Kanan has vowed never to fall in love again. Because of his beauty, many men he has slept with want him to be theirs; but Kanan always seems to be just dancing out of their reach… He is like the ever elusive wind – you want to touch it, want to bottle it, but the moment you close you’re fist around it thinking you have it in the palm of you’re hand, it just slips right through the gaps between you’re fingers… Jake Langley is the school’s corrupt priest. Just as Kanan had been known to sleep around with anybody, so too is Jake. Using his additional post as a Counselor, Jake openly “entertains” students, even in front of Kanan! But unbeknownst to anyone else, Jake is from a race of vampires that feeds on humans – specially the students he seduces, and he has set his eyes on Kanan to be the next victim. How will he fare? Will he finally be able to bottle this elusive wind, or will Kanan slip through his fingers just as he has slipped through everyone else’s? And what of Jake, what are his true intentions for Kanan? Does he really view him as just another goal to be conquered, or is there more to it? Will Kanan comply, or will he stay true to his reputation and forever remain just out of reach… *********** Because of a painful past experience, Kanan can't believe in love again. Yet after meeting with the priest and school Counselor, Jake, he begins to experience the joy he longs for. Even the strong possessiveness of Jake's, that is beyond normal, to Kanan is also a wonderful feeling...

Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha: The Movie Comic A La Carte

An anthology of stories based off of Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The MOVIE 2nd A’s.

Dream Knight

Dream Knight summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Dream Knight. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Sugar Creek: Marigold's Werewolf Mates

Sugar Creek: Marigold's Werewolf Mates summary: Sugar Creek: Marigold's Werewolf Mates summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Sugar Creek: Marigold's Werewolf Mates. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Qinglian Chronicles

Qinglian Chronicles summary: MC (female protagonist) dies in a plane crash and wakes up in the body of a beautiful but corrupt and lascivious prime minister in ancient times, Zhang Qinglian. As circ.u.mstances decree, he (she) cannot reveal that the original owner’s soul is gone else calamity might occur. So he (she) decides to walk a righteous path, determined to help the lovely but simple little emperor rule the country. Not backing down after facing torture, not losing courage, destroying rebellions and facing off with scheming princes.

Demon Horde: Enforcer's Price

Demon Horde: Enforcer's Price summary: Demon Horde: Enforcer's Price summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Demon Horde: Enforcer's Price. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation

The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation summary: The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Rise of Canada, from Barbarism to Wealth and Civilisation. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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