


类别都市 恋爱 霸总




简介傻屌转生开无双漫画 ,迄今为止最贱的异世界转生漫画!脑袋少根筋的青梅竹马甲、温柔且包容的青梅竹马乙,再加上坐享齐人之福的少年男主,三个人的平凡生活在转生之后迎来了翻天覆地的改变……










类别都市 恋爱 霸总




简介死囚集中之地,牢国帕罗姆,“MAD GAME”比赛限定展开中。这是一场名为“自由”的战斗。 但自由又是什么?那些厮杀中飞溅的鲜血,里面可有自由的味道? 我曾经承诺,所以我来了,用手中之刃,斩开这世界的枷锁!!!!








简介【《尼洛亚》每周二更新,官方微博:心一_尼洛亚-NIRAYA ;官方群号 :361785911;微信:yingqidm】随着第六天魔王自我肢解,被后人称作“天魔遗物”的魔舍利子散落人间!欲望、野心、痛苦、挣扎……人类的情感与“天魔遗物”缠绕到一起,造就了一群可以融合它们并使用异能的“遗物能力者”。遗遗物持有权的争夺,让这群“物能者”给本就纷乱的世界带来更大的危机 ── 一段段缠绕著轮回、异能、心性与自我的冒险就此展开




内容简介:手机阅读《末世之超市系统》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读【巅峰聚焦——品牌佳作,强力推荐】且看一个末世小士兵怎么把一个只有几样货物的小超市,在末世经营成连锁地球的大超市的!天天吃面新作《末日 之无限兑换》,末世系统流再次来袭,希望众读者书友们继续支持,不吝收藏,吃面拜谢!1w0-32538 >>


内容简介:易辰——一个蓝带世家天生绝脉的废材少爷。他凭惊人的毅力,历九死而涅槃,修不灭金身,炼混沌圣体,诛仙灭神,高歌猛进,踏上神坛巅峰。(本人新书《万域独尊》已经发表签约,请诸君能够抽空支持! )gtpltp1w0-29564 >>


内容简介:  一个半神之人,行走在繁华世间。闲极无聊,上上学,做点小生意,写写歌,作作诗,扶老太太过过马路……1w0-1596


内容简介:天才一朝落凡尘,受尽世间磨难事。龙尘本是家族天才,只因觉醒低级灵纹,被家族放弃,被女友背叛;为了找回尊严,为了将所有的敌人踩在脚下,龙尘凭借伴生龙珠踏上了一条通往天地主宰宝座的通天之路 。各位书友要是觉得《太古龙神诀龙尘》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w61915-96516 >>


内容简介:因为救人而身死的顾长安醒来之后发现自己穿越重生了。而且还传到了一款能够影响现实的游戏当中,成为了一个生活在最底层的农夫。武侠世界,妖魔横行,还有一年后便会降临的玩家,农夫npc的安全得 不到丝毫保障。好在他拥有玩家模版,还能加点技能使之融合。顾长安从游戏最底层的农夫开始,修习武艺斩杀妖魔,获取经验融合技能……当游戏开启,玩家降临之时,顾长安已经成为了游戏中的大boss,当玩家开始发展之时,他已经成为了武林至尊!当游戏与现实贯通,超凡降临之时,顾长安一步跨出——下一刻!整个世界,臣服在他的脚下!1w0-28340 >>


内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:全球游戏:开局获得混沌圣体】全球灵气复苏,一款能够将道具和技能具现到现实中的游戏横空出世…什么?将游戏道具和技能具现到现实需要大洋?在游戏充值通道关闭之前,张邵阳 默默的点开了充值按钮…“叮,恭喜玩家具现通天箓(真)。”“叮,恭喜玩家具现请神术(真)。”“叮,恭喜玩家具现仙法太上宝丹录。”…直到某一天,张绍阳突然发现,自己将原本应该降临现实的妖魔杀光了。小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-78211 >>


内容简介:林阳遵循母亲的遗言,去给别人做上门女婿,去装一个废物,为期三年。现在,三年时间结束了各位书友要是觉得《医道狂尊林阳苏颜》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w1242 -4735 >>


内容简介:他是老婆眼里的窝囊废,是丈母娘眼中的拖油瓶,是亲戚眼中的穷光蛋,是所有人口中的笑料,入赘三年,他受尽屈辱。直到有一天,亲生父亲找上门,告诉他,只要你愿意,你可以拥有整个世界,你才是真正 的豪门。“当你站起来的时候,整个世界都将在你的脚下!”1w17292-26880 >>


内容简介:一觉醒来,成了奴隶,你敢信?非人的折磨,你让我一个21世纪的大好青年怎么活,死老天,死天龙人,全给我去死。第二天晚上,怎么那么吵,有人……放了我,太好了!之后,圣水以及狂徒杜鲁特出现了 ,成为了世界的传奇,我想要做的是给世界所有人带来自由与平等!新人新书,但是不小白,基本的人物智商在线,写的不合口味,也请轻点喷。还有就是求支持!ps(先跟着雷利老儿修练,是海贼方,不跟船,以后会在主角1w0-96428 >>


内容简介:  武朝末年,岁月峥嵘,天下纷乱,金辽相抗,局势动荡,百年屈辱,终于望见结束的第一缕曙光,天祚帝、完颜阿骨打、吴乞买,成吉思汗铁木真、札木合、赤老温、木华黎、博尔忽、博尔术、秦桧、岳飞 、李纲、种师道、唐恪、吴敏、耿南仲、张邦昌,忠臣与奸臣的较量,英雄与枭雄的博弈,胡虏南下,百万铁骑叩雁门,江山沦陷,生灵涂炭,一个国家与民族百年的屈辱与抗争,先行者的哭泣、呐喊与悲怆……  而在这之前一点点,江宁城中,暗流涌动,一个商贾家毫不起眼的小小赘婿,正在很没责任感地过着他那只想吃东西、看表演的悠闲人生……1w0-382 >>


内容简介:叶无缺,本来天资绝世,惊才绝艳,但为了身世之谜甘愿寂灭,装成废物凝练斗战圣法本源,整整十年!如今十年期满,真龙归来!一条碾压无数奇才鬼才、打爆各种王体神体、生撕诸天神话令万界颤抖的无敌 之路至此展开!“你说你资质无敌?悟性逆天?血脉高贵?”“抱歉,那要分和谁比,和我比,你会哭的。”战神崛起,一路狂飙!1w16881-26021 >>


内容简介:此为《生命中不能承受之轻》章节列表页该小说章节完整更新及时。《生命中不能承受之轻》情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的,本站提供生命中不能承受之轻最新清爽干净的文字章节在线阅 读。1w0-65754 >>

Shounen Dolls

From Aerandria Scans: Etou Ageha is the successor of a family that have been doll makers for generations. Everyone in her family has a special ability - to be able to hear the voices of dolls. With the two guardian dolls, Leo and Yuki, Ageha should be able to become the true leader of the family, but due to some complications, Yuki was lost a long time ago. And thus, our heroine is on a quest to find the lost doll, while accompanied by the other guardian doll, Leo...


From Aeida Scanlations: A 2 chapter one-shot series by KUDOU Ikumi. Chapter 1 Fukuzawa Makoto is the chairman of the discipline committee. Shiba Emi has a super big crush on him so she attempts to get his attention by breaking the school dress code. Find out what will happen between her and Fukuzawa in this cute romantic one-shot! Chapter 2 To be updated ^^

Medaka Box

The storyline follows Medaka Kurokami, a magnetic and appealing first year Hakoniwa Academy pupil who's elected Student Council President with 98% of the vote. She addresses these petitions in her improper way, and with all the help with her childhood buddy Zenkichi Hitoyoshi, institutes a suggestion box. On the span of the narrative, the student council leadership places are distributed by her to other pupils like Mogana Kikaijima and Kouki Akune. The Student Council learns that the academy chairman means to initiate a job to powerfully experimentation on routine pupils, the Flask Plan, called Normals, so that you can turn them into Abnormals, that's people with superhuman powers. The Student Council conflicts with other pupils which are involved using the job and infiltrates the secret laboratory of the school. Soon after, Misogi Kumagawa who wishes to replace the Student Council with one of his own of Medaka challenges to a championship the Student Council. From his powers, two pupils are unsealed after the defeat of Kumagawa and complete their transport to Hakoniwa Academy. The 2 tend to be more strong than Abnormals and are dubbed 'Not Equals'. Their leader, Anshin'in, threatens to restart the Flask Plan once Medaka grads, driving their successors to be trained by the Student Council. Nevertheless, the accurate strategy of Anshin'in would be to have the standing as Student Council President of Zenkichi usurp Medaka. Zenkichi succeeds and does so on the pretense of enhancing the student life. He convinces Medaka to permit the Flask Plan for those people who are not unwilling. Took over from her responsibilities as president of the Student Council, Medaka shortly becomes involved in a championship to determine her husband. Medaka becomes the winner, choosing to wed Zenkichi after they both grad and enters herself. Shortly after, the close pal Hansode Shiranui of Zenkichi leaves the school. Zenkichi and medaka find she's to end up being another host for Iihiko Shishime, a 5000-year old being. He is defeated by medaka and vanishes after quitting the moon from crashing towards the Earth, simply to reappear in time for the year end service. Following her return, assume her dad's position ahead of her family's company conglomerate, the Kurokami Group, only to later return as the new chairwoman and Medaka determines to leave the academy. Ten years after, Zenkichi, had worked his way up the Kurokami Group, becoming a high level worker before reuniting with her, with both swearing to never get split again.

Writer J

An existence gained from exchange of life. A world filled with pain and darkness. At the edge of despair, Writer J starts his solitary struggle.

New National Fourth Reader

New National Fourth Reader summary: New National Fourth Reader summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of New National Fourth Reader. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mrs. Thompson

Mrs. Thompson summary: Mrs. Thompson summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mrs. Thompson. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai CONNECT

Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai CONNECT summary: This story takes place ten years before the events of the original Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai series. It tells the story of Kodaka Hasegawa and Sena Kashiwazaki’s parents’ high school lives.

Prisoners of Chance

Prisoners of Chance summary: Prisoners of Chance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Prisoners of Chance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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