










类别恐怖 热血 少年






类别科幻 日漫


















内容简介:  魔术的才能是一流,但体能的方面是废材?  召唤的使魔可以是成千上万,但自己是独守后方?  对此,只想说一句话。  “那都不是事!”  这是得到奇迹,亦对奇迹珍爱有加的少年的故事。   “只要有使魔(同伴),我便是无敌!”  (PS:已完本三本500万字以上长篇小说《少女大召唤》、《全方位幻想》、《直死无限》,更新有节操,各位书友可以放心食用。)1w0-342 >>


内容简介:穿越洪荒,根脚顶级,外加金手指。陈平以为自己这一辈子,必定是脚踏天道,力证最强的存在。但这一路上,似乎有了一些偏差——女娲:他和他老婆,又去打架了!实不相瞒,我想一起。羲和:俺也一样。 常羲:俺也一样。西王母:俺也一样。听到这几个女人的话,一1w0-99578 >>


内容简介:【全网爆款】【戏精本精+医毒双绝+男强女强+打脸+霸宠】前世最牛的解毒师一朝穿越成了弃妃,没事,她除了医术,催眠术,演技好之外,她还可以抱她家王爷的大腿。小妾欺负,不怕,我抱大腿太妃霸 凌,无畏,我抱大腿皇帝用强,王爷,臣妾好怕怕啊,快来救救你的亲亲小王妃!某王爷瞄了眼挂在自己废腿上的戏精:“喂,戏过了啊!”一个花家弃子,一个废物战神,看起来是废物配废物,实则却是强强联合。看逗逼戏精和毒舌王爷,如何牵手从人生低谷,走向世界巅峰!1w0-3962 >>


内容简介:因为在一场远足中遭遇泥石流,当场领了盒饭的陈泽转生到了一人之下的世界之中,并觉醒了抽奖系统,为了能够回到原本的世界,也为了摆脱死亡的结局,且看陈泽如何从一人之下开始,闯荡诸天、长生久视 !1w0-79331 >>


内容简介:她是国公府嫡女,前世被渣男贱女迫害,家破人亡,落得尸骨无存重生后的她步步为营,誓要拳打渣男,脚踩贱女。医术救人,毒术杀人,医毒双修闪瞎众人双眼。洞房花烛夜,宁烨桁将一脸心虚的裴亦姝抵在 墙角,“下毒谋害亲夫,谁给你的胆子!?”她笑脸吟吟拿出一瓶解药来,浅笑道:“解药在此,夫君若还站的起来便来拿!”【美貌天才神医x腹黑反派王世子】【重生打脸爽文】1w0-69145 >>


内容简介:  春衫年少,细雨微茫,他是四季山庄的贵公子。  江湖之远,庙堂之高,他是言定天下的谋主。  雷峰塔倒,西湖水干,他总也等不到要等的人。  …………  他是王侯,亦是乞丐,既是高士,又 是俗人。畏他的人如畏妖魔,敬他的人如敬神明。这是天河上边上一株仙草生生世世轮回不休的故事,也可能是正在你我身边发生的事。  无尽岁月,悄然回首,群星寥落,唯季寥一人独仙。1w0-4195 >>


内容简介:结婚三年,却遭婚内出轨。萧珂对爱情近乎已经不抱有任何幻想了,可偏偏这个时候,她才发现自己怀上了孩子。离婚之后,她原本的天赋总算是被挖掘出来,一步步成为闪耀的新星。即便知道当初男人并没有 出轨,她也没有回头打打算,而那个男人这时候却再度找上门来。“……老婆,跟我回家”“凭什么?”“因为我是孩子他爹!你休想撇开我逃走!”男人依旧霸道专横。1w91852-92729 >>


内容简介:  [半无敌,休闲文,日更万+]许笙一觉醒来,发现自己穿越到了斗罗大陆!本想平平淡淡过完一生的他,直到武魂觉醒时才意识到不对劲!  第一武魂:九心血棠!由九心海棠变异而成,以血为祭,以 魂润棠,彻底打破辅助系的神话!  第二武魂:冰蔷薇之剑!攻击力碾压昊天锤,成就大陆最强器武魂!  在素云涛震惊的目光下,许笙无奈的望着自己身上九个猩红的魂环,“那啥,其实我只是想平平淡淡过一生,不过你瞧我身上这九个红圈圈好看么?”1w0-1689 >>


内容简介:说盛唐逆子李恪传的男女主是李恪李世民,由老刑精心写作而成,扣人心弦,值得一看。“陛下,您在看什么?这般入神?”长孙皇后端着一杯参茶走了过来,虽说李二拥有三宫后院,可他最喜欢的还是这个观 音婢。1w12546-66546 >>


内容简介:小倩越说,我越是卖力舔吻她的美足,爱抚她半穿丝袜半裸露的双腿,肉棒从女友的嫩穴裡挤出大量淫蜜,发出咕叽咕叽的水声。正干得起劲儿,眼角扫过床边的衣柜,突然发现女友的衣柜没关门,裡面有人影 闪动。仔细一看,原来是衣柜裡面镶了面镜子,我和女友激烈交合的身影正映在镜子裡。女孩都是爱美的,女友的衣柜不仅门上有镜子,裡面还有一面等身高的镜子,而且衣柜侧面还有一面可以折迭的镜子,拉出来就能照。我突然兴致勃发,看着镜子裡的女友赤裸上身,一对傲人嫩乳高高挺立,双腿高抬,裤袜的袜口堆在膝盖以下,受裤袜的限制,双腿无法分开很多,细长笔直的线条远看别具风情。1w0-72093 >>


内容简介:小兵提供颜蔓蔓大神最新作品《团宠萌宝一岁半》最新章节全文免费阅读,团宠萌宝一岁半TXT下载,团宠萌宝一岁半全文字更新,团宠萌宝一岁半无弹窗!请关注狂人小说网团宠萌宝一岁半吧,本站最新最 快更新团宠萌宝一岁半的最新章节。1w0-96471 >>

Yokujou Kiss

1) Passion Kiss (Yokujou Kisu One night) - Manatsu has a dream of an incredibly fulfilling kiss. 'Who was the boy in my dream? That's the first time a kiss has made my chest ache.' That's when Manatsu gets a feeling from her classmate, Morishima-kun -- the same feeling she got from the boy in the dream. Without thinking, and despite the fact she already has a boyfriend, she... (!!!) 2) Second Virgins (Sekando Vaajinzu) - Kawori is prepped and ready to lose her virginity to Shunsuke... until he penetrates her and it hurts like hell. She wants him to stop, but he can't. They get into a fight and stop talking after that. Then, one and a half years later, Kawori gets coerced into attending a singles party -- and Shunsuke is there! ...As the boyfriend of Kawori's friend Nao? How will Kawori and Shunsuke handle their unresolved feelings? 3) Eternal Summer, Fleeting Summer (Eien no Natsu, Isshun no Natsu) - The first love letter Takeshita Riho wrote was to Sakurai Touma, the class president she had a crush on from second to sixth grade, but the letter never got sent. ...Until now, when Riho's meddlesome friend mails it out. To Riho's surprise, Touma writes back and responds well to her feelings! He's just as Riho remembers him, and the way he writes makes it sound like those elementary school days were the most important of his life. What Riho doesn't realize is the heart-breaking (and tear-jerking) reason why...

Mishiranu Machi

Stories included in this volume: 1. Mishiranu Machi (見知らぬ街) (Date:1989) A group of teenagers went on a summer holiday and had a car accident. The woke up and found the whole city was empty. How can they escape the eerie place? But more importantly, can they really all go back? Note: It has been suggested that MATSUMOTO Yoko traced some of her panels of this stroy from Birthday Present (MIYAWAKI Akiko). 2. Youkoso Mystery Tour e (ようこそミステリーツアーへ) In the summer holiday, a 15 year old girl Kana went on a vacation on an island, when a certain hotel giving out invitation to join a treasure hunt event with only a ridiculously impossible map to read. With a group of four along with her cousin Riku who can't handle transportation, her little brother Takashi who likes mystery and her brother's girlfriend Natsuki, the group join the event, meeting suspicious people and witnessing unexplainable occurences. Can they find the treasure? Is there any hidden agenda from the hotel owner by making such an event? 3. A wa Akuma no A (アは悪魔のア) An almost dead man entrusted a Devil statue to Riku, a 15 year old boy. Before they realized, Kana, Riku, Takashi and Natsuki were already involved in an adventure involving antiques, cops, a devil in disguise, an angel in custody, and a cold blooded killer.

Tetsudou In, Love Letter

Poppoya: Satou Otomatsu is a lonely station master of a small station in Hokkaido, situated at the end of the line in a small village with an aging population. The station is due to close in the coming spring, and he will retire with it. One night in his last winter manning the station, an encounter with a young girl marks the beginning of the events that will see him reflect on his working life - performing his duty as a railroad man, whilst enduring the pain of its cost to his personal life. Love Letter: Goro just got out from jail, but a police officer wants to talk to him right away. He announces to him that Goro's wife is dead and that he has to go to Chiba and take her body. Goro has no recollection of having a wife, but then he remembers he married a Chinese woman a long time ago. He married her for her money, and had she married him because she needed a Japanese visa to work. In fact, she's a prostitute who came to Japan hoping to find better life. At first, Goro can't be bothered by this situation, but he goes to Chiba just because he can earn a lot of money. Later on, during his trip, Goro finds a letter she wrote him and through it he discovers the pure person that lies beneath this common prostitute. She is a woman of such kindness and love that Goro is moved to learn something about the woman he married. With those few words of love and tenderness, he understands her fears, her goals, and her hopes for the future -- a future that he knows will never come.

Monochrome Factor

The story revolves around high school student Akira Nikaido, a typical slacker living a normal life. That is, until he meets the mysterious Shirogane, a man who suddenly appears and tells him that they have a destiny together. When Akira hears this, he is shocked and doesn't believe a word of it. Aya, a friend of Akira, forgets something in the school one night, and asks Akira to help her and go find it. He agrees, and while there, he gets attacked by a shadow monster. Shirogane convinces him that the balance between the human world and the shadow world has been distorted and that Akira must become a 'shin'- a creature of the shadow world- in order to help restore the balance.-wikipedia

The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance

The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance summary: The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Old Republic_ Fatal Alliance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Rebel Force_ Uprising

Rebel Force_ Uprising summary: Rebel Force_ Uprising summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Rebel Force_ Uprising. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Pygmalion Is Planting Seeds

The Pygmalion Is Planting Seeds summary: The Pygmalion Is Planting Seeds is a story following the life of a graduate student who failed all university entrance exams and is thus left looking for another chance the whole year. After a former cla.s.smate girl he likes went missing, he decided to spend his free time looking for her, without having the least idea about what is going to happen to him.
This is a story of blood and flowers, beauty and gore. Following the story of Mamesaki Kuuya as a protagonist and using a little spice of supernatural, it shows you how love could turn a person blind.

Mushoku Tensei (WN)

Mushoku Tensei (WN) summary: A 34-year-old NEET otaku, chased out from his house by his family, found that his life is reaching a dead end. He then recalled that his life could actually have been much better if he had made better choices in the past.
Just when he was at the point of regret, he saw a truck moving at fast speed, and three high schoolers in its path. Mustering all the strength he had, he tried to save them and ended getting run over by the truck, quickly ending his life.
The next time he opened his eyes, he is reincarnated to a world of sword and magic as Rudeus Greyrat. Born to a new world, a new life, Rudeus decided that, “This time, I’ll really live my life to the fullest with no regret!” Thus starts the journey of a man yearning to restart his life.

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