














类别都市 恋爱 生活


















内容简介:  原书名《最强装逼打脸系统》!  最强反套路,我TM反手就是一个套路,横扫修仙界无敌手,就问一声还有谁?  装逼如风,常伴吾身!  长路漫漫,装逼相伴!  生死看淡,不服就干!  “ 年轻人,当年我开始套路的时候,你们还在穿开裆裤!”  徐缺踏上了一条套路之路,每天不是在套路,就是正在去套路的路上!1w0-2505 >>


内容简介:作为国公府的嫡长姑娘,拥有绝世无双的容貌。可沈长乐回顾自己的生平,却只有一句话:一个嫁了三次的清白姑娘一嫁前死了未婚夫,再嫁后死了相公,三嫁当了妖妃沈长乐暗叹,当真是一嫁不如一嫁再活一 世,她自然是不愿再重蹈覆辙,所以这一次她要修正好人生方向,找个靠谱的相公,生一群包子,过悠闲美满的人生,谁敢挡她,她就遇神杀神,遇佛灭佛。可谁知……“女施主,我观你面相,乃贵不可言之相。”“小师傅,我看你面相,倒是像极了我前世的相公。”本文又名《进击的撩妹狂魔》,是的,你没看错,这个狂魔就是女主各位书友要是觉得《锦绣书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83992 >>


内容简介:“崩坏你夺走了我的爱人,我的挚友,我的家园,我的一切!今日,我要让你百倍偿还!”绝望的少年将崩坏意志击杀,彻底吞噬。“我来陪你们了我的女武神们”化身崩坏的他,挥枪刺向自己的核心。但是, 他和他的女武神们,并没有死去。第一武魂,崩坏,开!第二武魂,空白之键,开!“我等名为天命,为这个美好的世界而战!”不定期更新1w0-106004 >>


内容简介:获得万界女主掠夺系统,快速穿越位面,掠夺女主的身和心,简言之就是爱。ps1:都市、武侠、玄幻、修仙、魔法……你想看的位面故事都会有!ps2:主角性格腹黑,含反派属性,但反人类的事不会做 !1w0-87168 >>


内容简介:穿越到1925年,成为从西点军校、D国军事学院毕业的张大帅第二子张宗卿。偶获超级军工设计系统,各式超时代武器纷纷涌现。彼时,时局维艰,华国尚未一统。羸弱的华国面对虎视眈眈的倭奴国,张牙 舞爪的大熊国。世界格局风云涌变,华国在二公子的带领下自此复兴,傲立于世。张汉青:“谁敢欺负我,你们知道我二弟是谁?我二弟是大帅,我就是扛着二弟的旗子1w18826-26192 >>


内容简介:惨遭所有人背叛,没想到一纸婚约将她宠上天!想要什么买买买,不够就垄断一个牌子,再不够就垄断整个行业!她虐渣渣,他就派人陪她一起虐,十人不够来百人,百人不够叫千人!场子砸了有他收拾,天塌 了有他撑着!身体不舒服却坚持上班,高冷总裁强制全公司一起放假,在家煲汤陪床不离不弃!“你为什么对我这么好?”“对自己的老婆好,天经地义。”1w0-2587 >>


内容简介:不得宠的梁才人被皇帝赐死,醒来却与皇帝互换了身体!她成了皇上,皇上成了她。而后,她竟听懂了猫语,满耳朵都是猫咪说话……敬事房小太监:“陛下,该翻侍寝娘娘的牌子了。”她把生前仇敌都挑拣了 出来:“翻到的,都拖去砍了!”皇帝换身成“才人”后才发现,从前对自己温柔体贴的后妃,原来个个心计深、手段毒!把他掌嘴、陷害、羞辱,戴了他一头的绿帽子!更没想到,他杀伐决断、文武双全,却会因为一滩癸水晕倒在地……而后,他发现这一直讨厌的女人,除了是大奸臣之妹以外,简直是他心中的完美女神……【标签】日更六千以上;非主流宫斗;小鹿乱撞言情文;谢绝扒榜更新时间:每日18:00。入本文于本周四(v,届时三更,字不易,请大家支持正版阅读。晋江文学城独家连载,请勿转载!【作者君的完结文】古言重生:现言重生:仙侠师徒仙魔:狗窝求包养→1w0-80154 >>


内容简介:刑侦文。一对处在热恋期的男人一起破破案、抓抓坏蛋,顺便撒撒狗粮的故事。恋爱为主,刑侦为辅高穷帅X白富美,下克上,双男神前篇《金嘉轩去了哪里》,感兴趣可以看看,没看过也不妨碍对本篇的阅读 和理解封面感谢世界上最文静的女孩子2021冬开文各位书友要是觉得《金嘉轩2:沉默之诗》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80636 >>


内容简介:【公告】与编辑商量,本书打算于2016年11月9日也就是星期三入V,当天三更或万字更。姐妹们支持一下正版。更新时间大多在凌晨1点50左右,你们白天起来看。晚12点放防盗,凌晨1点50替 换,已尽力往深夜时间靠,大家可以次日来看。除这两点时间之外皆是防盗或捉虫,特殊情况会说明。带来的不望谅解。前尘缘事皆忘,而后忆起。一代天师季童上一世做了无数利社稷的事结善缘得善果得此重生。【阅前注意:】勿扒榜。此文苏,女主美。码字不易,不适点X,在此多谢。(划重点:女主穿到现代是之后才慢慢想起自己以前的事情的)各位书友要是觉得《女神算命手册古穿今》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80385 >>


内容简介:每隔百年的凛冬逢魔时,地狱之门都会重新开启,被打入无间地狱的恶灵闯过十九层炼狱,就可以重回人间。地狱内的恶灵绝非善类,连阙混在其间,众恶灵却发现——他总是能莫名躺赢。厉鬼的刀每次只斩在 他身侧……就连末世中恶名在外、手腕铁血的最高裁决院之刃也为他破例。在他们看不到的暗角,众人求而不得的地狱使者召唤卡牌在他手中熠熠生辉——“绑定成功,尊贵的付费用户,欢迎来到,地狱的第十九层。我是地狱使者,您最忠实的——信徒。”连阙歪头笑道:“谢谢,但我不记得什么时候充过值?”地狱使者微笑不语。可他记得那座荒山孤冢,那人随手丢下的花,和那一句——“听说在人间,死后无亲人祭拜者只能入地狱门,不能再入轮回。但如果可以,做个人吧。”景斯言始终追随他的神,舍弃轮回甘入地狱成为他最趁手的一把刀。直至十九狱业火倾覆,人人贪欲满身。他望向他的神明,目光温柔而克制:“什么都可以?”连阙倾身低语:“什么都可以。”他的双瞳已被业火染成一片赤红,在他的神明前单膝跪地,生涩而虔诚地吻上他的手背。连阙:?他妄图比肩神明,只为他片刻垂青。1w0-105855 >>


内容简介:  吞天至尊凌霄,战神大陆十大封号至尊之首,触摸到神灵之境的绝世强者,却因好友陷害而死,重生于万年后一个平凡少年的身上。  拳出乾坤动,念动星河灭,一代至尊,荣耀归来,从此踏上了一条横 扫各路天才的无敌之路!  《万古大帝》书友群:597752565。《万古大帝》VIP书友群:614330688,需要全订加截图验证。1w0-640 >>


内容简介:方晨,一个在万年前被封印的少年,出世却发现修为尽失,家族被灭,无奈背负复兴重担,再次踏上修行路。自己被封印之后,到底发生了什么?到底是人故意为之?还是冥冥中的安排?纵是天骄无数,战!纵 是举世皆敌,战!纵是神魔大凶,战!一路争锋,战败绝代天骄,踏破1w0-99153 >>

Fiancee Shitai

Fianse Shitai Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom -- and he has such a weird name -- so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? (taken from shoujomagic) From Baka-Updates: 1) I Want to Be a Fiancée (Fiancée Shitai). (There are 5 chapters to this story). Yukimi is a high school junior and cheerleader already scheduled for her first marriage interview. She's seen a disappointing picture of her nerdy potential groom - and he has such a weird name - so Yukimi has every intention of rejecting him, but she's still curious to go and see what a marriage interview is like. Later that day, Yukimi meets her ideal man at a football match and inadvertantly begins cheering only for him -- despite the fact that he's the opposing team's quarterback! He gives her a bold and seductive response. Ah, if only Yukimi's marriage interview could be with a guy like this... But why won't the sexy quarterback tell Yukimi his name...? 2) My Darling in the Infirmary Room (Hoken Shitsu no My Darling) Maki doesn't mind a few cuts and bruises if it'll earn her a ticket to the campus infirmary room. That's because her school's doctor is handsome Takashiro, age 23, single. She works so hard to make passes at him - and Takashiro knows it. But is Maki really so busy trying to catch his attention that she doesn't notice...?

Ruri No Kaze Ni Hana Wa Nagareru

From Aerandria Scans: 'You've always belonged to me since long ago.' In order to get revenge against the enemy nation, who destroyed her own country, Hina decided to become their crown princess... However, she cannot help being attracted to Ashiru, who's supposed to be her enemy...

Marshmallow Honey

Marshmallow Honey summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Marshmallow Honey. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Yaneura No Majo

From Dazzling Scans: A collection of interlinked oneshot stories, Yaneura no Majou tells the story of students from Sannosan High School as they are preparing for the Culture Festival. • Lilith Asumi is responsible for writing the play that will be performed this year, but struggles to relate to her own characters—especially that of Lilith the Witch—until she reflects on her relationship between her childhood friend Asami. • Ground Woodpecker Michi loves fortune telling, but when she helps her childhood friend Satoshi with his crush on fellow classmate Mikako by performing a magic trick, something seems strange. Her magic actually works! Satoshi begins to change and even gets the girl; however, Michi becomes obsessed with the bird that she saw while performing the trick... and she joins the bird watching club in order to find it again. • Eve Suzuki Mie is the president of the bird watching club and is assigned to put the yearbook together with committee member and star of this year's play, Kawahara Hisaki—who plays Adam. After getting to know each other, Hisaki-kun discovers that Mie is dating a girl: also named Suzuki Mie, the girl who has been cast in the role of Eve in the play. • Lilith and Venus Mikako has always envied her older sister's relationship with her boyfriend Motomu-kun. Thus, the beautiful Mikako begins dating Satoshi, who seems to possess similar qualities to Motomu. However, when she finds that they aren't so similar after all, she's faced with a crisis. • After Mary, It's Eve and Pandora Rieko, after hearing that Asami is single, confesses to him even though she knows he just broke up with a girl he liked for a long time. After a series of events, she ends up opening the Pandora's Box that she received from her father when she was young. She believes this to be the cause of a series of disasters that happens, but ultimately she's left with...?

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Colby Agency: Small-Town Secrets summary: Colby Agency: Small-Town Secrets summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Colby Agency: Small-Town Secrets. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Mama Pursues Murderous Shadows

Mama Pursues Murderous Shadows summary: Mama Pursues Murderous Shadows summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Mama Pursues Murderous Shadows. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Law of Webnovels

The Law of Webnovels summary: Ham Dani, a normal student whose hobbies were to read novels.
One day she woke up and find out that the girl next-door is as beautiful as a web novel protagonist.
And in school, there was the introduction of ‘The Four Heavenly Kings’.
The world changed into a web novel just over night, and Ham Dani’s role is heroine’s childhood friend 1!
“I just want to live normally, but why is everyone doing this to me!”
Due to a strong fate ‘The Four Heavenly Kings’ and the heroine entwines Dani’s everyday life.
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Cupid: A Dark Erotic Romance

Cupid: A Dark Erotic Romance summary: Cupid: A Dark Erotic Romance summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Cupid: A Dark Erotic Romance. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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