
































内容简介:三千大世界苏纪年全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《三千大世界苏纪年》苏纪年雪宁宁著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读三千大世界苏纪年全文内容。1w24 30-66023 >>


内容简介:传闻云城陆家二公子,脾气乖戾,时而温顺时而暴戾,手段非常,在商场上常令对手闻风丧胆的存在。却不知道,陆公子有一位被捧在心尖儿上的女人。某女:“陆先生,外面人说我为求上位,不择手段的勾引 你。”陆公子:“屁,明明是我要上你,死皮赖脸扒着你。”某女:……陆公子说:遇见沈星舒前,他不信什么一见钟情。可后来真遇上了,才知道原来,一见钟情,二见倾心,三见终生。是真的。1w0-29237 >>


内容简介:天之骄女盛安安被害身亡,一夕重生为江城首富陆行厉的新婚妻子沈安安。害她的,伤她的,她必有怨抱怨,有仇报仇。那些欠她的东西的人,她也要一桩桩,一件件,亲手跟他们讨回来!盛安安:“我说亲手 讨回来,就是我自己讨就可以了,你不用帮忙。”陆行厉:“我就帮了,你有意见?”盛安安:“……没有。”陆行厉:“老婆,讨完了回家睡觉。”1w24484-84659 >>


内容简介:《热爱可抵岁月长》是叶沐芙霍帛龚精心创作的都市小说,小兵实时更新热爱可抵岁月长最新章节并且提供无弹窗阅读,书友所发表的热爱可抵岁月长评论,并不代表小兵赞同或者支持热爱可抵岁月长读者的观 点。1w0-108186 >>


内容简介:  嗯!简单说,这是一本网游,玩家驾驭了法宝,飞剑……互相pk人品贱格度的故事  1w0-738




内容简介:搜小说免费提供作者酱子贝的经典小说:《放学等我》最新章节全文阅读服务本站更新及时无弹窗广告欢迎光临观看小说喻繁看班里那位新来的转班生非常不爽。对方朝他看了一眼。喻繁:他在找我约架。第二 眼。喻繁:他问我是不是怂了。第三眼。转班生依旧顶着那张面无表情的冰山脸,递给他一封信:“喻同学。”喻繁心想学霸就是臭讲究,打架还递挑战信,抡起衣袖站起身。“请你收下我的情书。”喻同学敦地一下坐回去了。陈景深(攻)x喻繁(受)日常,慢热章节写到自己满意了才会发出来,所以无法保证日更包被们可养肥再宰,么立意爱学习,爱生1w0-82506 >>




内容简介:穿越成修真世界的一个杂役,还是废材资质,修犊子的仙?脑袋中的一声炸响后,叶白突然逆天了!!他的资质属性,直接变成了无穷大。从此什么功法都可以推演至最高境界,炼制的丹药不仅生死人肉白骨更 能永驻容颜,无数美人仙子苦苦相求只为一颗可以付出一1w32517-82245 >>




内容简介:  (纯粹网游,都市情节稀少!)  世界型网游——天临,正式上线。  苏叶重生五年前,脑海里保留着天临这五年后发展的所有主要动态。  什么?你只有一把黑铁武器,我都青铜套装了!  什么 ?你的宠物的黄金级别的,抱歉我的是神宠!  什么?一瓶药剂1金币还嫌贵,老板给我来十桶!  苏叶立志:既然重生了,那么就要做最强玩家!  VIP群:638593801(需要粉丝值截图,作者常驻,内有舵主微信群二维码)  普通群:3267027291w0-934 >>


内容简介:什什麽?我正迷糊著时,没发觉自己已经被美人店长抱坐在了了书桌上。并且美人店长很暧昧的站立在我的两腿间。本来热裤就短,这样腿被一分,热裤更是被往上拉险些PP也包不住。我们家是在一个老社区 ,隔著郁郁葱葱的大树外面就是闹市区。我拐进绿树成荫的小巷准备回家了。突然这时一个身影从我前方左边草丛钻进了右边草丛。黄鼠狼?话说在许多年前我们社区还未被闹市区包围初,这里的确会有黄鼠狼的身影,可如今?我摇摇头否定了这一猜测,难道是猫?可这速度也太快了不!最後我决定上前看看那再没动静的草丛,我蹑手蹑脚的靠近草丛快速的用手一拨,里面没有可疑的动物倒是有一个不大不小刚刚可以钻进一只猫的洞。我蹲下身,向里面张望,好多笼子哦,好像是家宠物店的样子。“汪汪”哎呦!笼子里的狗们突然叫了起来,吓了我一跳。拍了拍腿上的灰尘站起身,我都在这住了近20年了,怎麽从来不知道这里有家宠物店呢?我可是很喜欢小动物的哟所以如果能在宠物店打工?真不错呢!恩!得找到宠物店的正门才行,应该就在附近吧!我继续向前走,来到前面不远处的小商业街,这里只有大约10来家的店,并且都是些安静的特色服饰小店,我经常来逛的。难道那家宠物店是新开的?我兜了几圈,并没有发现有新开的店啊!“叔叔!这里有没有新开一家宠物店啊?”我走进经常逛的一家店,询问相识的老板。“啾啾啊最近可是很少来逛叔叔的店了啊!”“叔叔,人家问您问题呢?有没有呀?”看我很著急的模样,老板叔叔不再和我开玩笑。“宠物店,倒是有一家。可已经开了好多年数了啊!”好多年我居然不知道?“叔叔!在哪呀?我都没见过!”按著叔叔指的路,我走进从不曾注意的小巷,经过七八个弯才看见一家门店。宠物店吗?看著门口布满的鲜花,更像是花店啊!并且还没有招牌,真是一家奇怪的店。不管了,进去再说。踏进门口的一刻,此起彼伏的狗叫声猫叫声证明了这的确是家宠物店,还是一家热闹的宠物店。“有人吗?”我叫了好几声,并没有人回应我。也许店主有事不在。我只好打量著这家热闹的宠物店。还真是不看不知道一看吓一跳啊!这里的宠物狗宠物猫品种真全,连蓝骑士,小雪獒都有。并且花丛中还挂著好多鸟笼,都是没见的。1w0-75847 >>

Hitomi No Catoblepas

The story of a guy named Tokio, who's a descendant of a legendary family of youma (demon) fighters. He has the ability to freeze time because of the youma he has in his eye, Catoblepas. One day, he encounters a girl who became a target of a demon. Tokio, with his eye, will try to prevent the girl from becoming another victim of a string of mysterious events that have occured in the town as of late. Little does the girl know that Tokio is her next door neighbour.

Liar Game

Read Liar Game Manga At the start of manga, a scrupulously fair college student named Nao Kanzaki - receives a bundle including 100 million yen (about 1 million dollars) along with a note that she's now a contestant in the Liar Game Tournament. Contestants should cheat and lie to have other contestants' cash, using the losing ones compelled to endure a debt proportional with their losses. When Nao's first competition - a former teacher that is sure - steals her cash, she seeks help from a con man named Shinichi Akiyama. Though they manage to get the better of him, Nao and Akiyama determine to buy out his debt and progress through different rounds of the Liar Game Tournament against merciless contestants, while in the exact same time trying to free their competitors from debt also to get the better of the Liar Game organization from within.   These characteristics enable her to win the trust of fellow contestants in the Liar Game, although she's incredibly reliable and, initially, innocent. Nao is usually in a position to make deep insights regarding human nature and the Liar Game and slowly learns to challenge others while keeping her power to trust her allies, while becoming more mature and considerate with each round played. She continues to play wanting to save the other players that have fallen into debt although Nao has had several great opportunities to depart the Liar Game. The simply known family member of Nao is her dad, who's in the hospital with terminal cancer.   In Volume 1 because he was reminded by her fair character of his mom, he's only been released from prison and consents to help Nao in the Liar Game. For continuing in the Liar Game Akiyama's motivation will be to discover the actual reasons on the other side of the Liar Game Tournament   The former teacher and competition in Round 1, who had been initially a type guy of Nao concerned regarding the wellbeing of his pupils. Following a number of misfortunes, Fujisawa is now hateful, mad, and mistrustful. Nao is shocked when he told her if she goes into debt that he does not care or is driven to pay it back. The choice of Akiyama, yet, just solidifies to aid Nao. By the end of Round 1 when Akiyama outsmarts to that he is able to repay his debt Nao although Fujisawa gives her winnings to Fujisawa, Fujisawa is last seen bowing in gratitude to her.   A male to female transgendered man who first appears in Round 2, where she poses as a girl named Hitomi. Perhaps in-transition or post op MtF transsexual (in which case she shouldn't be called a transvestite, which differs from transgender), promises to be female in body along with thoughts, and exclusively male according to your birth certificate; still has breasts when not dressed in drag. Sly, computing, and a 5th degree black belt, Fukunaga is a skilled manipulator whose weaknesses may actually be her desire for her temper and cash. Alludes to being clearly older than she looks, age unknown. During Round 3, Fukunaga learns to work with Nao and Akiyama, as well as when Fukunaga completes the round debt-free, she decides to continue in the tournament to assist them. Nevertheless, Fukunaga is removed in the match with over one billion yen of debt and is made to face Yokoya without their help in the next resurrection round. In later chapters, Fukunaga understands begins and Nao's progress to get fond of her, although she still believes she's clumsy. Nao additionally noted that Fukunaga may have a crush on Akiyama. After Fukunaga's identified-as-male-at birth identity is disclosed, the Japanese text intentionally avoids referring to 'her' by sex. (In the live variant this character remains male, but with a vaguely gay overtone). She's totally convincing as a female when she often has everyone fooled and wants. Additionally stated to have managed to play a persuasive nondescript man to orchestrate a scam (not shown), despite having outstanding 'real' cleavage, said to be caused by a variety of female hormone shots and breast augmentation surgery with saline implants. Other manga: + The World God only knows manga + Akame ga Kill Manga

Happy & Murphy

Hangyul has only been carrying credit cards (no cash) since her kidnapping when she was 6 years old. One day, Gyuh-lu, the adopted son of her birth mother appears and transfers her to his school and starts living with her at her house….?! About how these two delinquents meet. Their life... is it meant to be fated...? Wonderful art... -Please read at Entropy's website

Suzumiya Haruhi No Shukusai Comic Anthology

A trilogy anthology of Haruhi comics, by various artists.1. 'Contest'2. 'Celebration'3. 'Gorgeous'

Red Serpent - The Falsifier

Red Serpent - The Falsifier summary: Red Serpent - The Falsifier summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Red Serpent - The Falsifier. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Works of Horace

The Works of Horace summary: The Works of Horace summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Works of Horace. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Battle Emperor

Battle Emperor summary: Freak Xie Ao Yu originally had no way of cultivating battle qi but with accidents, he got a mysterious G.o.dly pellet and he received a supreme emperor blade. That changed his destiny and from then on, he felt the real meaning of life and he made original time-related battle skills, s.p.a.ce-related battle skills and decisively battled ancient, huge clans and hundreds of continental clans in the Qi Ao continent.
Clouds formed with a flip of a hand and rain formed with another flip. He left the strongest mark in tens of thousands of years of history and created glorious chapters about a tyrant’s anger, blood shed for thousands of miles, the skies hissing from mad blades, and the allegiance acknowledgement of all times.

The Magus Era

The Magus Era summary: Long ago, there were people who stood upon the earth with their heads held high. They never bowed to anyone because of their indomitable spirit. They were capable of controlling wind and lightning, and conquering dragons and serpents. They seemed strong enough to split the earth and shatter the stars with their fists. They traveled throughout the land and called themselves Magi. Eventually, one of them would become a Supreme Magus! These men are the ancestors of human beings. Their blood is what we all share today.
Qing Long is the former strongest man in the world. He traveled through s.p.a.ce and time and was reborn as Ji Hao in the Fire Crow Clan of the Southern Wasteland. It’s a complicated world. Forces from both inside and outside of the clan want this young and talented boy to die. Under great pressure, Ji Hao makes a deal with a mysterious man, who resides in his spiritual s.p.a.ce, never showing his real face. He gains two drops of blood from a dragon and phoenix. Afterwards, Ji Hao becomes increasingly more powerful.

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