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今天的小白依旧想要“越狱”,但是没想到困住他的书院里竟然来了一个比他还可爱的转学生?! 不行!我才是书院最可爱的!




















内容简介:〔免费玄幻,最热爽文〕少年陆鸣,血脉被夺,沦为废人,受尽屈辱。幸得至尊神殿,重生无上血脉,从此脚踏天才,一路逆袭,踏上热血辉煌之路。噬无尽生灵,融诸天血脉,跨千山万水,闯九天十地,败尽 天下英豪,修战龙真诀,成就万道龙皇。群号:5702747701w883-4726 >>


内容简介:起点编辑第二组荣誉出品,着名编辑海星、青山特别力荐!开皇十八年,大隋帝国甲兵强盛,风行万里,如日中天。可盛世太平的平静波面下,却已经暗流涌动,危机四伏!烟花般灿烂的三月,凌云出现在大隋 江南扬州。重返大隋,我意任逍遥。我本卑微,却君临天下!继《隋末》、《晚唐》之后,木子蓝色《隋唐三部曲》最后一部,《重返大隋》正式开始,希望大家喜欢,多多支持!本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《重返大隋》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-80045 >>


内容简介:三国:我哥是郭嘉郭云来到东汉末年,穿越成了郭嘉的弟弟。开局绑定朝九晚五的打卡系统。本想咸鱼度日的他,只好来到曹氏集团打工。曹操:玄仙啊,你说刘备要不要杀呢?许褚:玄仙啊,你觉得1w0- 98505 >>


内容简介:  诸天最强仙帝系统绑定苏煜,主神空间回收,兑换积分三十亿。 苏煜,穿越者,遮天世界,错过了九龙拉棺,不得仙门却加入了主神空间。ps:本书属于诸天流,无限流。主世界是遮天三部曲,喜欢本 书风格的可以加群!!群号:316115942有什么想去的世界,可以提意见。前期影视小说为主,后期纯小说内容。1w0-1445 >>


内容简介:全民皆兵,人人都有军衔,人人都是领主,开启万族争霸!“欢迎进入万界领主争霸的世界,你是十亿地球降临者之一。”“这是一个超乎你们地球人想象的庞大而又恐怖的世界,这里有来自诸天万界的降临者 ,他们有的比你们早,有的会比你们晚,但是不管如何,最终的强者,迟早会碰面。”“这里危机重重,弱肉强食,你们地球人想要活下去,就得不停的发展壮大,成为金字塔的顶端。”甄建一脸懵逼,突然脑海中响起一个提示音:“神级军火抽奖系统绑定中,每日随机推送四样物品,宿主可从中抽取两样。”【六管火神炮99】【RPG火箭筒23】【巴雷特狙击枪12】【高级核弹套餐】(沙皇大伊万)“请在一分钟内做出选择……”甄建双眼通红:“我选核弹,炸死他们!!!”1w0-97396 >>


内容简介:《信息素紊乱综合症》简介:“啦啦啦……啦啦啦……”许星海哼着曲儿回了宿舍(信息素紊乱)。“让我闻闻,让我闻闻……”赵尧蒙在被子里就露出个小鼻子,“Alpha的味道,海星你今天艳福不浅啊 ?”“别提了,有艳福,都被江淮搅和黄了(信息素紊乱)。”许星海接了杯水。“那你磕了药啊这么兴奋?”“我刚接到面试通知了。”许星海把手机凑到赵尧面前(信息素紊乱)。赵尧露出两只眼睛看了又看:“我去,水榭集团,不错啊你海星。”“面试而已,之后也只是实习,导员那边我已经沟通过了,”许星海长叹了口气,“正所谓‘情场失意,商场得意’(信息素紊乱)。”“啊啊啊啊啊啊!”许星海正抿着水,被赵尧突如其来地一嚎吓得一激灵。“咳咳咳……咳咳咳……”许星海猛拍自己胸口,“你见鬼了?”“真的是鬼!!”赵尧拿着手机噌一下子从被子里坐了起来(信息素紊乱)。。1w31249-74029 >>


内容简介:  林云秀寿终正寝,死前已经是一品诰命,风光无限,子孙后辈个个成材,是所有高门主母里当之无愧的翘楚。谁料老天爷竟然给她一个带着记忆重生的机会,让她重生在了八零年代里和她同名同姓的人身上 ,但这个林云秀,却是一个极其差劲的恶婆婆。总用孝字压顶,磋磨儿媳妇,背后里挑拨离间,搅的四个儿子都不得安宁,最终都走向了妻离子散的结局,女儿更惨,好好的家庭因为她弄的家破人亡。面对早已离心的儿子,心中憎恨她的儿媳妇,不愿意亲近的女儿,林云秀表示小问题,调教后辈正是她的拿手菜之一。至于早已死亡的丈夫,林云秀乐呵一笑:男人,在老娘这里早就被抛弃了,赚钱才是第一,时代以后会越来越开放,以后可以养个小奶狗。某死亡(且失忆)的丈夫表示,我就是小奶狗:“汪汪汪。”林云秀:这男人,怎么和她上辈子偷偷暗恋过的公子长的一模一样?1w0-3426 >>


内容简介:  一个从小体弱多病的富商之子,在寻求续命之法时,意外走上了修仙登天之路! 大唐盛世,天下安泰,风调雨顺,百姓安居。 千年后世,魔物吞天,妖鬼横行,遍野哀鸣。 西游再现 ,大圣斗天,天蓬下凡,卷帘重生。 莫名的穿梭与轮回,虚实掩映,真幻交织! 是预言中的梦境?还是尚未发生的现实? 他能否打破命中注定的魔障,消弭还未发生的三界大劫,挽救苍生于水火?1w0-1467 >>


内容简介:一个孤儿,为了保护自己所想保护的人,从小立志要成为一名魔法师,可是在元素检测是竟然是光与暗的结合体,可是主角没有放弃,那么主角将如何打破这一规律,让光与暗共存,怎么走上魔法的巅峰,请观 看我的小说《法魔至尊》。我是一名在校大学生,想写一部自己喜欢的小说,希望可以得到大家的支持。谢谢各位书友要是觉得毁灭之爱最新小说作品《法魔至尊》还不错的话可以通过下面网址复制分享给您的朋友哦!无弹窗阅读地址收藏:1w0-66527 >>


内容简介:千门掌门意外穿越,成为青楼一小厮;偶遇正德,结下八拜之交,入仕匡扶社稷;得帝兄临终托孤,立志让兄弟之子安安稳稳登上帝位。这是一部欢乐的书,这是一部讲述兄弟情义的书,这是一部充满了朝堂阴 谋算计的书。新书《绝品保镖》已经在纵横发布,求各位书友前来支持。1w0-1122 >>


内容简介:赵雪凝今年31岁,在一家合资公司做个白领,这个年纪正是成熟有韵味的时候。8203我对妻子很了解,所以我也笑着让妻子紧张排斥的心里平静下来。当我把话语说完之后,可以看得出妻子没有刚才反应 那么强烈了,只不过还是纠结着。1w100917-104472 >>


内容简介:女帝上恋综后爆红了(日更到完结还请各位小天使多多支持,啾啾)一觉睡醒,辛娆从卧薪尝胆二十年,最终大权在握的女尊国帝王,变成为了刚刚成团出道,即将参加明星直播恋爱综艺的女爱豆。1w0-8 3201 >>

Kondo Koso Honki!

A collection of oneshots; including bdsm, salarymen 1)Natsume often goes to see his childhood friend Hisataka, but Hisataka's always mean to him. Being eight years younger, Natsume has always looked up to Hisataka, but those feelings have changed into something more serious. Will Hisataka ever see him as anything but a kid? 2)Kazama is a clumsy but energetic office worker who's secretly in love with his boss Sudou. Knowing he'll never catch the super elite beauty, Kazama is content to watch from the sidelines. But then he accidentally witnesses an unprofessional side to Sudou. Does it mean Kazama has a chance, or is his case more hopeless than ever? 3)Sweet Funny Fighter- Kouna's not sure when he fell in love with Seto, but he can't stop visiting the convienence store clerk and trying to get a reaction out of the expressionless kid. When he mistakenly sees Seto in a fight, Kouna becomes his confidant. But it would be so easy to take advantage of the lonely boy... 4) Sunao ni Narenakute (I Can’t Be Gentle) - Junya is always ditching Maki-san (his older lover) to help out others and never makes Maki a priority. Now Maki has had enough of coming last and makes a drastic move. (teaser by Tiku mf member) 5) Let Me Be On Top Next Time! - Nishina andTakei are colleagues in the fashion industry and Takei’s designs are putting his job in jeopardy. Two hard headed semes clash over business and sex. (teaser by Tiku mf member) 6) Love Trick - Nishina & Takei are now lovers (at least physically). This picks up thier story again a little bit later... and yes the fight for the seme position is still on ^^. (teaser by Tiku mf member) 7) EXTRA: Cute Lovers - One last look into the love life of Nishina & Takei (teaser by Tiku mf member)

Second Life Of A Trash Princess

Legina, whose father was the murdered emperor, became the regent on behalf of her younger brother. While facing plenty of hardships, news about the depletion of government funds due to her maniac younger brother's behavior, and her fianc having an affair, begin to spread... In the end, she loses everything when her fianc commits treason. In her last moments, she turns back in time with the relic of the First Emperor. In order to stop the main culprit, Legina declares that instead of a maniac, her brother will become a love-crazy fool.She's a Nerd's SisterSecond Life of a Trash PrincessShe's the Sister of a Maniac

Tour Shangri-La

1) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 1 Hirastuka and Matsuzono have been friends since college, but Matsuzono harbors secret feelings for Hirastuka, but as the heir to the company they both work at, Matsuzono's step mother opposes any relationship (be it friendship or more) between the two. She calls for Hirastuka and offers him a choice - never see Matsuzono again or become the tour guide to a Shangri-La trip and all that it may entail... 2) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 2 Kanou has traveled the world and seen many things, but the one thing that has haunted him for years is the sight of his father making love to a young man. The image burned into his memory is that of the young man, whose body pulsated with pleasure, and Kanou dreamed of being the one giving the pleasure. As a present for beginning a career, Kanou is on Tour Shangri-La, where any dream can be fulfilled. Can the tour guide Asada help this dream become a reality? And why has Asada, who hasn't been a tour guide for years, decided to accept Kanou's tour? 3) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 3 Daichi and Housei are step brothers. What started as a biker gang showdown between Housei and Daichis respective gangs ends in Housei raping Daichi as part of a ritual punishment for the loser. However Housei isn't happy to leave it at just once and continues their relationship until Daichi escapes. Now Daichi is a Shangri-La tour guide, and it just so happens Housei is his next client! 4) Tour Shangri-La Tour. 4 Kashii would often visit a small cafe where Hiroki, a young cook worked and before long Hiroki began to yearn for Kashii's approval of his cooking. However Hiroki decides to take on the job of a Shagri-La tour guide in order to experience and learn foreign cuisine after hearing that Kashii has a 3 star personal chef at his disposal. Kashii finds out about Hiroki's sudden change in job and follows after him, taking the place of the first client - and his first request is that Hiroki become his personal chef for 3 days. 5) Safari Act. 1 Kazuki is a half-human werewolf, Akira is a legendary pure white wolf. They fall in love, but Kazuki as a half breed is considered an outcast in the tribe. One day the tribe tells him to leave so that Akira can get a real mate. Kazuki, recognizing the truth of their words leaves and takes on the life of a normal human, even becoming a teacher at a school. Yet, five years later Akira reappears in Kazuki's life. 6) Safari Act. 2 Story about a veterinarian and his love for a particular breed of cat. Satoya owns and runs the Satoya Veterinary Clinic alongside his adorable assistant Minami. After a customers' criticism over Satoya's favorite breed, Minami becomes quite upset. What's hiding behind his reaction?

Lover's Position

Jun secretly loved Hayato since highschool. But Hayato already has someone in his side, his best friend. A few years past, Jun sees Hayato again in his job. He took him home after a drinking party. His dream turned to reality. Everything seems to go well until.. Hayato tells Jun not to come over because a friend will stop by..without explaining much...Jun becomes nervous about the outcome of their relationship. Is Jun the real lover? or is he a substitute for someone else? In this volume: • Lover's Position • Love Damage • One-sided love (Lover's Position extra)

Creating A Virtual World

Creating A Virtual World summary: Creating A Virtual World summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Creating A Virtual World. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd summary: The Good Shepherd summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Good Shepherd. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The House of Rimmon

The House of Rimmon summary: The House of Rimmon summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The House of Rimmon. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Generation Kill

Generation Kill summary: Generation Kill summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Generation Kill. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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