
































内容简介:相师分九品,一品一重天风水有境界,明理,养气,修身,问道。二十一世纪的一位普通青年偶获诸葛亮生前的玄学传承,没有大志向的秦宇,只想守着老婆孩子热炕头,却机缘巧合一步步走上相师之巅,成就 超品之尊,相地,相人,相红颜六爻算尽天下事,八字测遍世间人!关注九灯微信:jiudengheshan或者公众号搜寻:九灯和善各位书友要是觉得《超品相师》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-4964 >>


内容简介:【下午六点更】选秀出道之夜的前一天,林翡年做了个梦,梦到他所处的世界其实是一本狗血小说。而小说的主角受,就是同在一个宿舍的柔弱室友。按照书中的剧情,霸总渣攻因为和主角受各种误会吵架,一 冷战就打压团队资源想要主角受先认错,最后还一怒之下解散了他们辛辛苦苦选秀成的男团。夹在中间全程炮灰的林翡年:……我去你mua的!!!醒来后的林翡年退了决赛,选择了和原各位书友要是觉得《豪门小少爷是偏执反派的白月光》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-105378 >>


内容简介:  遍战山河九万里,剑行天涯三千界。一人独行,横断苍穹,问苍生孰为敌手?1w0-3895


内容简介:  直径十公里的陨石撞击蓝星,人类的绝命拦截能否拯救自己的命运?  撞击所掀起的尘埃遮蔽了天空,令世界陷入了将持续上百年暗无天日的极寒长夜。  不见天日的地表因为缺少了阳光的照耀而陷入 了零下几十度的极寒。  在这样的末日之下,只有一个自己挖的避难所与捡到的升级系统,陈新该如何渡过末日的危机,让自己活下来?  人类文明是否能够延续,希望的火种能否照亮这个寒夜为人类带去温暖?  命运已经给出了考题,人类是否能够交出和当年被灭绝的恐龙不一样的答卷?  本书背景设定有参考幽灵校长的千本科幻第58、59期内容,特此声明。  书友群6714881551w0-1771 >>


内容简介:你说你啊小时候明明只有那么一小点。邵子峰仰起脑袋看着眼前的庞然大物,双手在胸前比划着。现在怎么长得这么凶。群:594909405各位书友要是觉得《我的宠兽超级凶》还不错的话请不要忘记向 您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-27145 >>


内容简介:浩瀚宇宙,无尽种族!恢弘战技,十决横空!远古独姓,百强战榜!以我之名,脚踏星空!2200年的一天,当人类第一次登上海王星,看到的是一柄战刀和一具站立的尸体!!!已有完结老书《末日之无上 王座》三百多万字,从未断更,人品保证!!1w0-1008 >>




内容简介:预收文《有生活系统后我暴富了》文案在下方,正文文案如下:沈玉姝穿成了甜宠文里面白莲花女配的早死娘。看着眼前亭亭玉立的少女傅青璇娇俏地喊自己娘,沈玉姝心都化了。这是自己心心念念的女配,最 意难平的角色啊。趁着少女现在还没跳入渣男主的火坑,她一定要让眼前少女成为全京城最幸福的女子,帮她挑一个翩翩少年郎,平安喜乐过完一生。系统:宿主,我会帮你的!沈玉姝:……这,好,那就一起发家致富,给乖女儿挑夫君去!系统:“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感5,奖励火锅制作图纸一份。”“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感10奖励精致珠钗图样五份。”“叮咚,让傅青璇幸福感15,奖励……”于是傅家人发现原本久病在床的三房太太身体好了,还经常带着女儿到处跑。听说沈玉姝要去开店,众人不屑:好好的高门主妇不当,干这种末流事!一个个都等着看沈玉姝笑话。三个月后,京城多了家火锅店、珍宝轩、绸缎庄……顾客都排队排出京城城门外了。众人:真香,怎么办?买不到了?某天,沈玉姝正在给傅青璇挑这京城儿郎。突然外面丫鬟跑进来:“夫人,将军,将军他回来了!”沈玉姝惊坐起:什么?傅远回来了?那个在原著中早早死在战场上的丈夫?傅远进门:“夫人,许久未见,可是不认识我了?”——预收《有生活系统后我暴富了》——赵静婉一朝醒来成了赵家村最好吃懒做的婆娘,屋里乱糟糟,崽儿脏兮兮,家里的米缸也空了。幸运的是,她之前玩的生活小游戏也跟过来了。“叮咚,扫一次地奖励半斤米。”“叮咚,擦一次桌子奖励半颗大白菜。”“叮咚,洗一件衣服奖励一小块红烧肉。”“叮咚,帮小崽崽洗一次澡奖励一个小镜子。”赵家村的人发现,村里那个最懒的婆娘赵静婉最近爱干净了,屋里变得亮堂堂的,崽儿也穿上白净的衣裳,家里时常飘出浓厚的肉香味。赵静婉家富了起来。出门在外长途贩运的赵晋升心急地赶回来,本以为自家的米缸已经空了,自家婆娘和儿子肯定得饿坏了,打开门一看:自家婆娘正吃着热腾腾的米饭,儿子正啃酱猪蹄子。赵·疑惑·晋升:这世界是玄幻了么?总以为自家很穷要努力赚钱的赵晋升×每天干干小活莫名其妙富起来的赵静婉。推一下专栏《网红古代养娃发家记》,已完结,小可爱们可以看看。1w0-81400 >>




内容简介:  天巫族神女寂璃穿成了修仙世界里角布村普普通通的三岁小娃娃,还是个女配。  本以为要过上朴素的种田生活,谁知修仙界来收徒,天灵根的五岁小寂璃震惊四座。  寂璃由此步入修仙界,在女主的 光环下努力修仙。  仙道缥缈,数年后,她是道门万道宗天才弟子,亦是仙道至尊。1w0-2487 >>





Kagakushitsu E Douzo

First yaoi book by Honjou. 1) Welcome to the Chemistry Lab (Kagakushitsu e Douzo). (Two chapters). Shibaura, the Chemistry teacher, usually seems gentle and kind but, in reality, is a beast. Kousuke loves this Shiba-chan but will his chastity be safe?! 2) Only You Would Steal me Away (Kimi Dake ga Boku wo Ubaisaru) : story of Kousuke's brother and best friend. 3) The King's Lens (Ousama no Lens) : A student photograph and his model. 4) A Grave Sin : Revenge of an angry son upon his dead father's lover. 5) I'm in Love With a Demon (Boku wa Akuma ni Koi wo Suru) : A lonely otaku boy loses his eyeglasses and he looks very handsome, but...? Extra of the first story. For volume 2: It's been 6 months, and Shuri is wondering if Kobayashi is really his lover. Kobayashi's memory is continuing to improve, and he remembers something about Shibaura Sensei and the pharmaceutical company he worked at, but he can't remember what. Is it good? Is it bad? Will it affect the relationship between Shibaura Sensei and Kousuke? Will Shuri and Kobayashi move their relationship past kissing? (from Attractive Fascinate) Volume 3 contains a 2 chapter side story that was also published in Ikura Nandemo Suki Sugiru as chapters 1+2.

Akuma De Koibito

Story 1: Devil and Boyfriend Ever since she was young, Rinko has always been labelled as a 'Ohito yoshi baka' by everyone except for a young boy, Itsuki. Since then, Rinko has always had strong feelings for Itsuki, but will he ever be like that angel-like person she meet as a child or stay as the Akuma she has now gotten used to? Story 2: That's the Rabbit's Forest Madoka is a hardworker! One day her friend asks her to fill in for her as a house-keeper due to illness and Madoka gladly accepts. When she arrives at the apartment of the Art-College student who she's suppose to clean for she finds a scary shadow-like figure in a war-zone of trash. On top of that he yells and threatens to strip her and use her as a nude model. What mess has she gotten herself in!? And whats this? A rabbit-fetish? Story 3: Because, It's Love Jun has always had a mature and cold face, but she gets easily scared and cries when she's alone. The seniors are graduating and they don't have to go to school until their graduation. While Jun is cleaning the mops, a guy next to her accidentally splashes water all over himself. She hands him her handkerchief. This handkerchief is very important to her because a guy gave it to her while she was crying but she never saw his face. Before she knows it, the guy's friends drag him away with the handkerchief.

Doctor's Rule

In the Doctor's Rule series: * Vol 1 - Doctor's Rule • Nakajima is called for backup at the hospital Kurata is working. When they were high school students, Kurata and Nakajima were lovers but Nakajima unilaterally forced a rule on Kurata to not have eye contact with him and he finally ran away from Kurata. On the other hand Nakajima realizes that his disquiet never disappears... • 2 students of an acting school are working part-time in Kurata's hospital. One aims at getting a wealthy man and Kurata gives him a ticket for a mixer where adult guys who like young boys will gather... • Because of their battle of ego, rival attorneys play a game where the loser must be a slave... • Angst between an elite career inspector and a detective under his jurisdiction. * Vol 2 - Amai Kusuri

Tenshi No Kyuu

He likes to watch women' butts from below when climbing train's stairway. One day, his favorite girl fell down, hit her butt to him, broken his arm. She then offers to cook for him while he's still injured...for a month.

The Double Comfort Safari Club

The Double Comfort Safari Club summary: The Double Comfort Safari Club summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Double Comfort Safari Club. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Vale of Cedars

The Vale of Cedars summary: The Vale of Cedars summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Vale of Cedars. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Democritus Platonissans

Democritus Platonissans summary: Democritus Platonissans summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Democritus Platonissans. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Imperial Princess Accidentally Seduced Her Husband

The Imperial Princess Accidentally Seduced Her Husband summary: Ah&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..she was married to a Marquis, yet he only had intent to treat her as a concubine not as his first wife, a princess (princess refers to a person’s first wife, it is a position of power among the wives and in the household). Now she overheard that he only married her for appearances sake?
It was just great! Not only was she forced to marry, she also lost her freedom. Since her husband was also unwilling to marry, they might as well not bother with each other&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;.
His newly wedded wife was so very strange!
A night before the wedding he caught her peeking shamelessly. She also demanded that the favor he owed her for having saved his life, two years prior in the desert was to not touch her?
Usually a wife would be sharing a husband with three or four other women. Thus they would be full of worry and trepidation, serving their husband to the best of their ability attempting to become the favourite and obtain the valued Princess position. Yet she actually tried to distance herself from him as much as possible. How was this a relationship?
Though it did not matter to him, for he long had the intention to separate himself from her, he was only marrying her because of the Imperial Edict after all. If he didn’t seize this golden opportunity then he was too dumb to deserve it.
Let her regret it!
She was very proficient in the art of Qi Huang. Even though this princess’ beauty wasn’t too outstanding, it wasn’t bad and her temperament was unquestionable. This Prime Minister’s Daughter even had a touch of feminine charisma. Her varying facial features made him forget about the other beautiful concubine completely and made him want to&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;..only care for her!?
Although he swore to the moon that he would not touch her, however tonight the night sky was cloudy&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;&h.e.l.lip;

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