









这片大海的深处 有记忆的碎片 与曾经见过的景色









简介可爱又可怕,像猫又像虫的谜样生物咖波, 治愈你的心,吃光你的肉。 温馨猎奇的日常故事就此展开!
















内容简介:“先……先生,你放开我,不然我要打你了。”单简明举着双手身体尽量后倒,想远离这个拖着行李箱,走过通道就抱住自己的陌生男人。机场里拖着行李的旅客匆匆而过,没有分更多的注意到这对姿势怪异的 男人身上,甚至,一个风尘仆仆的老式知识分子一样的年迈老人,在走出机场看见满眼的中国人后,情不自禁地匍匐到地上,浑浊的双眼里频频落出大颗大颗的眼泪来。1w12594-108594 >>


内容简介:一个偶然出现于宇宙边界的异常现象,打破了文明长久以来的技术枷锁。然而,任何事件都不会凭空发生。在灾难中闯出一条路,将文明引向复兴。发展过程并不均匀,有时,在千百万年中,整个文明仿佛凝滞 一般毫无波动;有时,仅仅是一息之间,全新的知识就能让任何人眼花缭乱。力量只是一个方面,更多时候,决定文明自身是否伟大的,是思想。如果您喜欢星明帝国,别忘记分享给朋友作者:伍德斯特VV所写的《星明帝国》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-83303 >>


内容简介:  战战兢兢的日向镜,终于得到了梦寐以求的宝物...  在宝蓝色的转生眼中,火影的世界究竟是什么样的呢?1w0-282


内容简介:新文已上传新文已上传新文已上传新文已上传新文已上传新文已上传——————————龙上九天凤舞神州叹一声乱世风流吟一曲千秋长歌乱世将尽的大时代中,多少人在统一天下的千秋大业中挣扎沉浮,成 就着一个个传奇。她是王者的利剑,亦是智者的棋子。身在局中,清醒而决绝,对己亦对人,对心亦对身。因此,即使那人伤她至痛至深,她仍然奉上忠诚,为他的王图帝业殆精竭虑。江山如画千古风流她惊才绝艳,冷情漠然。他立于九重,意在天下。前因种种,他们亦曾一往情深,执手盟约,时至今日,伤痛入骨,覆水难收,谁之错?在这场以天下为局的游戏中,他们可以君臣同心,只是大局已定时,她可能回头,他可能牵手?其实,执着也罢,放弃也好,唯一的希望,只不过是多年后能对自己说:“此生无悔!”本文终于有封面了。在此,特别感谢秋夜挑灯、闾阖、十七、无字不香与丫丫!1w0-78854 >>




内容简介:又一个假期即将结束了。我又要回到熟悉的大学校园,开始冲刺最后学年的奋斗目标了。许多美女大学生知道我回来了,马上过来寻找我。让我陪着她们打羽毛球,或者,去遛遛街道。遇到我的女孩子,总会苦 巴巴地追求我,让我烦不胜烦呀!男神的世界里,见过我的女孩子,都会深深爱上我。1w0-73218 >>




内容简介:宁孤舟把剑架在棠妙心的脖子上:“你除了偷怀本王的崽,还有什么事瞒着本王?”她拿出一大堆令牌:“玄门、鬼医门、黑虎寨、听风楼……只有这些了!”话落,邻国玉玺从她身上掉了下来,他:“……” 她眼泪汪汪:“这些都是老东西们逼我继承的!”众大佬:“你再装!”1w18904-26095 >>


内容简介:简介:【1v1双洁】【追夫互宠爽甜文】阮宴到最后才明白,那个他眼里阴狠毒辣、冷漠至极的顾司琛,才是最爱他的人,而他却亲手将这个唯一爱着他的男人推入深渊…不曾想,上天眷顾,让他重活一世, 有弥补的机会。阮宴:“顾司琛,你住客房冷不冷?要不你回主卧?”顾司琛冷漠:“不用了,这里挺好。”阮宴心塞自闭第一次。阮宴:“顾司琛你冷不冷,我给你暖暖被窝好不好?”顾司琛:“我不冷。”阮宴心塞自闭第二次。阮宴:“顾司琛,我…我们生一个宝宝好不好?我可以的…”顾司琛:“不好。”阮宴心灰意冷,垂着脑袋想哭…顾司琛面无表情:“一个不行。”阮宴瞪大双眼:“什…什么?”顾司琛勾起唇角:“我要十个,不打折扣。”疯狂追夫只爱顾司琛黏软受x霸道深沉温柔攻排雷:本文有生子设定,攻受相差11岁(皆已成年)1w0-126264 >>


内容简介:【体育竞技,全息游戏,微魔幻】司扶倾把自己炸死后,不仅被夺了气运,人人都让她滚出娱乐圈。重活一次,她只想咸鱼躺,谁知娱乐圈里总有不长眼人蹦跶,不学无术,天天拉踩蹭她热度,这样下去还有救 ?怎么也得收拾收拾。司扶倾捏了捏手腕,动了。后来——爆出与司扶倾不和的顶流:今天我能站在这里,多亏了倾姐。老牌影帝:司老师演技登峰造极,我自愧不如。黑粉:姐姐求营业QAQ国际运动会组委会:恭喜司扶倾拿下第131w53820-89537 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:三国:开局貂蝉带着女儿找上门】韩毅穿越三国,经过四年努力,当上了泰山郡郡守。可令韩毅没有想到的是!刚穿越时,与他情投意合的貂蝉,竟然带着个三岁的女儿,找上门来 。从此,韩毅变成了护娃宠妻狂魔!曹操:“谁能想到,韩毅突然进攻东郡,是因为女儿想吃这里产的鱼?”袁绍:“靠!因为女儿一句话,就派兵攻打我?”韩毅:“女儿要富养,她想要什么,我都会给!”颖宝:“爹,我喜欢吃雪糕!”韩毅:“好!爹给你做!”幂宝:“爹,我要去风筝!”韩毅:“没问题!”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-72585 >>

Chijou 10 Meter No Ori Kara

From Aerandria Scans: A collection of Mitsukazu Mihara's newest eight one-shots, printed in two colors. The stories vary greatly in mood and tension, but are nonetheless a perfect example of the artist's distinctive style. Their titles are: 1. Two Sweets xxx 2. Canariya 3. A Paradox of a Lion 4. Natural Born Scissors 5. Rikon Shiki (Divorce Ceremony) 6. What a Wonderful World 7. Tengoku to Jigoku (Heaven and Hell) 8. Chijou 10 Meter no Ori kara (From a Cage 10 Meters Above Ground)

Fancy Love

Kouzuki picks up the beaten young man from the street and takes him in. They start a sexual relationship and begin living together. Can emotionless Kouzuki learn to trust this mysterious guy? -project dropped by GOOC- This is a collection of cute oneshots. Ch. 2 features a young prince and his bodyguard who are sent to the dragon king and his younger sister on the prince's 13th birthday. Ch. 3 About a boy's love for his older brother. (If you don't like incest, skip it.) Ch.4 Another fantasy, featuring a magic love potion and a crazy tangle of lovers, both human and gods(?), and a servant who complicates the whole mess with good(?) intentions.

Harenchi (Akira Shouko)

From Chibi Manga: 'Does the attractive force make me attracted to you ?' Sonoko is leading a life of high school girl idly, and one day at after school she 'accidentally' kissed her friend's boyfriend in the science room. But Ito, a super A-student, saw the scene!! Although Sonoko hurriedly fled? This selection of one-shot master pieces describes swinging feelings of teens in love.

Ginga Densetsu Riki

Riki, the grandfather of Weed and father of Gin, was born a runt. He was fathered by Shiro and mothered by Yamabuki. Shiro`s owner, Gohei, pays no attention to Riki when he comes to pick a pup from the litter. Instead, Riki is never rehomed and becomes close to his mother. Unfortunately, Yamabuki`s true owner, who had been sick, was healthy enough to take her back. She didn`t feel she could handle two dogs, and decided that he would not take Riki in. Riki severely missed his mother, and one day set out to meet her. On his way, he is attacked by a pack of dogs. Hopelessly outnumbered, Riki tries to escape and falls into a river. Waking up, he learns that his father, Shiro, has rescued him. Riki had never seen his father, but had known his name. Shiro, on the other hand, didn`t know that Riki was his son and left before Riki could say anything. But, not before giving him a speech on being strong. Riki makes it his goal and constantly tries to get stronger. One day, a child named Daisuke takes a toy car (one children can ride in) through a roaded mountain pass with an incline. Riki, while traveling to see his mother, notices him racing down. A truck, not seeing Daisuke, hits the boy and sends him flying over the road railing. Afraid that he is dead, the driver moves on. Daisuke, although only bruised, is knocked out. Riki jumps onto a ledge and howls, hopeing someone would hear. Instead, the pack that attacked him heard him and came. After being abused, the pack came to hate humans and attacked Daisuke. Riki, in an effort to save him, fought against the dogs and succeeded in winning. Gohei and Shiro eventually showed up, and the pack ran off. Shiro finally found out that Riki was his son. Gohei, Shiro, and a few others head out to fight Akakabuto. Seeing this, Riki follows the van. Gohei intends to kill Akakabuto, but the bear is too strong. Gohei shot the bear in the eye, and the bullet became lodged in the beast`s brain. This made him go insane and, while biting Shiro, fall over a cliff. Riki witnessed all this, and was distraught when his father fell. These events set the stage for the future series, Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.

A War-Time Wooing

A War-Time Wooing summary: A War-Time Wooing summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of A War-Time Wooing. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Ruggles of Red Gap

Ruggles of Red Gap summary: Ruggles of Red Gap summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ruggles of Red Gap. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign

The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign summary: The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Scouts of Stonewall: The Story of the Great Valley Campaign. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Letters of Pliny

Letters of Pliny summary: Letters of Pliny summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Letters of Pliny. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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