












类别总裁 浪漫



















内容简介:下本开《实不相瞒》渣男从良1作为时装品牌的创始人之一,那日尤妍给自己的品牌走了一次秀;那一场秀,她的颜值与气质惊艳了时尚圈,吸引了无数在场看秀的单身男士加她微信,甚至还有一个渣天渣地, 全世界都认识、都知道非良人的男人也发来了好友请求。不出意外的,没多久他就各种追人手段淹没了她。但尤妍从来没想和这样的男人发展,她知道,有些男人天生只适合远观;他绅士浪漫,但花心;尊重女人,但女友一个又一个地换。席骞追了她数月后,那日再一次来找她,尤妍被迫说了狠话,再次拒绝了。说完,浪天浪地渣了三十来年的席公子盯着她,痞笑着说:“原来你不是不信我会对你动真心,是介意我过去?那对不起,我以后不打扰你了。”那晚尤妍好像看到了席骞的心碎得哗啦作响,但他嘴上却一再绅士保证,不再打扰她了,让她放心。可是看着他那抱歉又落寞的眼神,她似乎,后悔故意伤他了。……2他在圈子里公开的时候,全世界都感慨,果然再风情绝然的女人都躲不过席大公子的撩人手段,都在猜测什么时候他又换人。众所周知席公子从来不会跟哪个女人玩长久,眼下这位也不过是因为那场大秀,一时新鲜罢了。没人知道,那时候的尤妍正在加班赶制巴黎高定周的礼服,她边上的男人围着她的模特架转了圈,邪邪一笑:“下一步,要不要给你自己做件婚纱?我送给你。”——终结渣男——男主风流爱玩,女友无数,但只是不想定下来,没有劈腿过脚踏两只船过。:每天晚上八点更:微博:常年冬眠的fn:文案全部已截图,拿梗慎:专栏中有完结文《百听不厌》《交杯酒》《温柔的某某某》《就让风与光去交缠》《邂逅》《万般着迷》《贪恋我》下本开《实不相瞒》1大学时肖虞最精彩的事,别人觉得是她的颜值曾经吸引得三天两头有人堵教室送花;她自己觉得,是与叶幸周谈了一年恋爱。这一年,感受到了学校第一男神的魅力与浪漫,实力与魄力也是让人崇拜又着迷。以至于,分手后她感觉是越陷越深,实在难以忘怀。不过叶幸周研究生考出了国,听他一起出国的舍友说,他一心埋在读书与工作上,爱情什么的,肖虞什么的,他从来没提过。……2四年后叶幸周毕业回国,两人在他舍友的婚礼上重逢,朝对方微笑点头,都一副校友友情天长地久的模样,谁都没提昔日那一段炙热的往事。舍友暗示叶幸周,肖虞目前单身,叶幸周说我也单身,单身有罪吗?我不歧视她。舍友:“……”肖虞听到了这句话,婚宴结束后在停车场里,把叶幸周按在地上摩擦:“不巧,我孩子都有了,我歧视你。”叶幸周自然不信,结果改天,真的见她带着个精致帅气的小男孩在马路兜风。叶幸周当场愣住了,而后找了舍友打探行情,舍友很给力地确认了消息,还附赠一条更给力的,孩子姓叶。那日,舍友被叶幸周揍得老婆都不认 >>




内容简介:  京城传言,封家三爷,冷血无情,是贵族新贵,狠绝冷戾,不近女色。只是最近这位爷有点怪,身边跟了个小包子,眉眼跟他像了八成听说封三爷看上了个小姑娘,打算替人家养儿子。听说封三爷看上的小 姑娘是娱乐圈的,每天花式送剧本资源。众人嗤笑,一个戏子,还带个拖油瓶,三爷不过玩玩儿罢了。直到媒体拍到封三爷连拖带拽,将人抗进民政局。整个京城都炸了,娇花们敢怒不敢言,纷纷把矛头指向简初。带个拖油瓶还想染指封三爷,好不要脸。简初怒摔,将宝贝儿子和封三爷的奶娃娃照发上微博。看着两张一毛一样的小脸,京城直接炸开了锅。只有小包子沉默:我把你当兄弟,你却要当我爸爸?1w0-4340 >>


内容简介:我经历传说中的龙泉乡事件和95年的僵尸事件后申请了退役。2000年夏季的一天,曾经的一个战友来到我家里,告诉我关于98年特大洪水的一些内幕。以及他需要我的帮助,当他拉起右手上遮盖的手套 时,看到了不属于人类该出现的东西1w0-124894 >>






内容简介:天庭毁灭,真的是各路妖王所为?仙佛转世,又会隐藏怎样的惊天秘闻?仙命传承,到底又代表着什么使命?孙晓花意外穿越,得孙悟空之传承,被胁迫至东胜神州,面对吃人的妖怪,他很像大声说不,面对诱 人的侍女,他很想做正人君子。这个世界太疯狂,如果想活得滋润点儿,就只能做个彻头彻尾的混蛋,好人不长命,祸害遗千年!书友群(299856133)本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《仙命传承》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-79020 >>


内容简介:她是东陵王朝凌王府嫡女郡主宫流苏,未来的太子妃,却是个痴傻儿,为了一份婚约而丢命。她是21世纪的神偷宫流苏,为了盗取麒零玉而死,灵魂在异世重新醒来。说她是傻子?说她是废物?她会告诉他们 这一切都不是真的。亲爹不疼,二娘不爱,姐姐不喜,那又如何?一样可以活的精彩。她是宫流苏,她的人生她做主!1w0-72562 >>


内容简介:楚殷殷嫁给容无崖冲喜之前,就知道他命不久矣。她打算凡事都顺着他,让他高兴过完最后的时间。他说一,她绝不说二,他让往东,她绝不往西。春朝会上,他问她会不会跳舞,她说,“略懂。”结果一舞惊 艳,扬名天下。秋日宴时,他问她会不会骑射,她还说,“略懂。”结果飒遍全场,勾魂摄魄。洞房花烛夜,他问她会不会男女之事,她羞红了脸不敢看他,“这个真不懂……”“没关系,本王略懂。”1w0-107142 >>


内容简介:  肖恩:你好,我对你的仰望如滔滔江水,额,能握个手吗?  某天才疑惑地与肖恩握了握手。  肖恩转身,心中狂笑:嘿嘿,顶级骑士天赋到手。  骑士粉丝群835732045,有兴趣的可以加 加。1w0-3917 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:四合院:开局娄晓娥给我生了个娃】苏秦穿越到禽满四合院的世界,成为一名供销社的员工。面对一院子的禽兽,苏秦只能说别来惹我,谁惹坑死谁。谁知第一天,就被棒梗偷了酱 油,还被许大茂挤兑威胁。苏秦冷笑一声:许大茂,听说你是个不下蛋的公鸡?没关系,我送你一个儿子。傻柱,听说你又想娶秦京茹,又想娶冉秋叶?还惦记着秦淮茹和娄晓娥?呵呵,有我在,你这辈子都不可能娶到媳妇。棒梗偷鸡摸狗?少管所包吃包住了解一下。三大爷爱算计?算计到我头上,你棺材本都保不住!既然一院子都是禽兽,那咱们就来比比谁更禽兽!飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-86657 >>


内容简介:  孤儿夏至穿越了,  有父:秀才……妻管严(药不能停)  有母:漂亮能干……重男轻女顾娘家(何弃疗)  夏至:我不嫁傻子!1w0-4088


From OMFGG Scans: Humans with strange new powers have begun to appear. They are called Knockers. The Knockers are not without rival, they are being hunted by the mysterious being named Void! Not adhering to any notions of good or evil, Void pursues the Knockers while being himself in the cross-hairs of government agencies BOOTS and the Public Safety Commission Section 5, along with mysterious pursuers like Shamonji the beautiful swordsman and the undead soldier Pale Horse, who arisen from the dead. Just what is Void's goal, and for what purpose does he stretch his raven wings?

Penguin Prince

A Collection of 5 oneshots. 1) The Penguin Prince Ranko is a girl who is frightened by the students in her school until she is labelled as a 'witch'. Murakami is a good-looking boy given the title 'prince' by the other students, especially the female ones. One day, Ranko discovered Murakami's biggest embarassing secret. By understanding the difficulties that Murakami faces as an idol, Ranko begins to know the truth meaning of love. 2) One Thousand Years Love Song It's about this boy who is always enthusiastic when it comes to class activities and attention, and a girl who scored the highest in Japanese history in the same class. She and the boy are appointed as the class representatives. And of course, she has a secret crush on him. Having to spend time with him everyday, she finds herself unable to suppress her feelings for him anymore... 3) Sitting Straight Tea Time t's about a girl who is being forced to learn how to act more lady-like by her sister by learning the proper way of the Japanese tea ceremony. She finds out that she will be taught by a boy who is a known delinquent in her school. However, that boy turned out to be perfectly fit wearing a kimono with no sign of the delinquent in sight. 4) Tea Time With Flowers And You The continuation of story 3 where both of them have become a couple. One day, the boy's first crush comes back and this makes his new girlfriend feel uneasy. Moreover, knowing that he had once confessed to that girl makes her even more anxious. Soon, she learns that he was challenged by that girl that if by the time she came back, he can perform the tea ceremony successfully, she might reconsider his confession. Will he perform well in the tea ceremony and be with his first crush, or will he turn the challenge down, and continue to be together with his current girlfriend? [Story 5] Searching for Four-Leaf Clover He has always been told that he plays piano without a soul. He plays incredibly, but it's like hearing a machine play. One day, he meets a girl that by chance saw him crying while throwing sheet music. Being a considerate person, she believes the piece is important to him and returns it, but the boy scolds her for being a busybody. He realizes the girl's good intentions and apologizes to her. She tells him that while searching for his piece she lost her earring and couldn't find it. The boy finds it easily and he tells her the secret to search for things.

Nikutai Kankei (Kaiya Tatsumi)

Collection of oneshots. 1) Physical Attraction When I met the cool stud Narusawa at college I said half-jokingly, 'Screw me next!' Before the day was out, he had. Our relationship was supposed to be just physical, but now I realize I'm falling in love with Narusawa. Looking back on it, it's a one-way love I brought upon myself. I'm much too embarrassed to tell the purely physical Narusawa 'I love you' now! 2) February Rain One rainy night, part-time worker and university student Chihiro stops a kid from dine-and-dashing. Turns out this kid, Masami, doesn't have a place to go... 3) Anti-Dramatic (Sequel to 'Baby Maybe') Shiba and Yushima had been together a while now, they're off to college and it's time they move in together. Now they have to deal with the little everyday problems in life. 4) Let me Knock on the same Door Imamura and Toyohara work at a game software company together. They're close friend... and Toyohara also has some interest in Imamura. 5) Cooled Passion Arisaka's next big story is supposed to be about Tsutsumi, now a politician and his old friend. 7 years since their parting, what will happen if they're suddently reunited? 6) Loving Attraction (Physical Attraction Extra) A nice little extra about Kurata and Narusawa from Chapter 1 who are wondering if they should be going on a summer vacation or not.

The One

From ShoujoMagic: Lele was born into the fashion industry. Both her parents were models, and they both die in a tragic airplane crash leaving a 5-year-old Lele orphaned. Therefore, it is no surprise that Lele hates the industry, thinking it’s superficial and unnecessary! Raised by her maternal grandmother, Lele reaches seventeen years of age before she is sucked in when her mother's sister – a fashion model agent and former model, convinces the reluctant Lele to model. Lele had been adverse to the whole idea, until she sees a photo shoot of popular American model Angus Lanson, and she begins to see modeling as an art form. When Aunt Fei's magazine editor invites Angus Lanson to a meeting of all the top fashion ambassadors, a curious Lele is invited to meet him. She does not know that Angus' twin elder brother, Eros Lanson, is secretly accompanying his brother. This obviously leads to confusion and is the start of a charming story of Lele's goals: fashion in NYC, becoming a top model, and…love???

The Home Life of Poe

The Home Life of Poe summary: The Home Life of Poe summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Home Life of Poe. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Certain Personal Matters

Certain Personal Matters summary: Certain Personal Matters summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Certain Personal Matters. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln

Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln summary: Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Boys' and Girls' Biography of Abraham Lincoln. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Addresses by Henry Drummond

Addresses by Henry Drummond summary: Addresses by Henry Drummond summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Addresses by Henry Drummond. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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