








虚位王权 - 三云岳斗 うがつまつき

武庚纪 封神记 第二部











类别热血 玄幻 校园












内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:超甜无限影视从暖暖小时光开始】江寒,一个普通大学生。因为一次意外,竟然获得了『超甜无限影视系统』。从此,他开始穿梭在各大电视剧中,完成各种系统任务……并甜宠不 断~穿越,就从『暖暖小时光』开始。『一起同窗,耿耿余淮,小美好,杉杉等甜宠剧……』飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-75407 >>


内容简介:【直播搞笑无女主气人夺笋】n绑定拉仇恨系统后,徐牧歌不当人了。n大学军训,开局抢了校花饮料,一句话把她气哭。n直播的时候,动不动就暴击阴阳怪气观众。n写一本小说,在高潮部分断更半个月, 读者气的想给他…1w92904-99306 >>




内容简介:聂雍在执行任务身受重伤后被冰封入“复活”计划,等待多年后科技发展了治疗他的伤势。一百多年后,营养仓里的聂雍突然清醒,展现在眼前的,却是一个怪兽横行,变异人、变异兽正在逐渐侵吞人类城市的 世界……1w0-67956 >>


内容简介:看书就到haitangshuwu综网王黑篮名柯南超高h涉及各种场合调教道具等不喜勿入会拆掉官配但不会黑化女生们不喜勿入请cp党勿人参公鸡谢谢!再一次醒来后,她的世界就变了,柔姬所知道、 所认识的男人们,竟然全都对她抱有别样的欲望。监视、强迫、药物、囚禁、调教、诱导……她的身子……要玩坏了。ps:隔日更尽量日更(具体还要看系统……)您要是觉得(综漫)别这么变态还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博微信里的朋友推荐哦!推荐地址:1w0-77505 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《我家老婆是二代僵尸》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读韩枫误入了一个聊天群。一进群就人给他送老婆,号称什么尸仙独女,嫁妆丰厚,编造的像模像样。面对这种中二言论,有点好奇的他,答应下来。 他想要看看这个家伙怎么编造后面的情节。等到第二天,一个女生突然出现在家时,韩枫才发现……群里说的都是真的!他有了一个老婆!一个二代僵尸老婆!下载地址加入书架投推荐票直达底部1w0-78282 >>


内容简介:东南风云动,旨降孽龙出,玄天开战端,苍天谁独尊?风起云来山河变,古世豪雄谁争锋?灵州异宝,牵引烽火连天;金鳞离池,再创千秋霸业!白虎国内暗潮汹涌,正邪两派意在天下,孽龙搅世而出!龙王、 凤皇、虎帝、武尊四大高手联手,可否屠龙救世?二十年前的阴谋者,集齐天下功法为一的混一诀再次出现,这名蕴藏多方绝世高手精髓于一身的最强本书关键词:玄幻奇幻异界争霸斗智玄幻《龙枪传说》小说推荐:从林正英世界开始修道、混沌效应:撕裂末日、茅山关门弟子、梦幻西游:我能看见收益、日常系影视世界、我的天赋是无敌、盗墓:开局成为发丘天官、神级插班生、星际之亡灵帝国、忍界神话:最强砂隐、三国帝皇之万界征战、我!无双战将、都市娱乐之全能大明星、小娇妻,你被捕了!、西游:从平乱花果山开始!、秋以为期、神奇宝贝:牵绊智爷、我的夫人竟是魔教教主、那个被我活埋的人、九龙圣祖、火影:开局掳走日向雏田、火影:从瞬间满级开始、跨物种相亲、女总裁的贴身战兵、跑男之最强高富帅、我在超神学院开宝箱、烈火出击最强特种兵、我在武侠世界捡属性、武侠之神级掌门、从港片开始当幕后大佬1w0-84736 >>


内容简介:《春庭寂十二春》简介:罗御转身,将春庭抱在怀里,下巴抵在春庭的头顶蹭了蹭,“怎么突然回来了呢?”春庭仰着头看罗御,这些年来她个子也没长多少,倒是在江南的那几年,罗御的个子窜出去不少(深 庭春)。因着林家如今还在易城,春庭刚回京城去参加别家夫人的宴席的时候还被问是不是自小从南边长大的(深庭春)。“你不想我回来吗?”春庭眨了眨眼睛,轻声问道。怀里的妇人已经是两个孩子的母亲了,腰身不再似以前那般纤细,脸也圆润了许多,可神态还是如少女一般娇俏,罗御低头,呢喃道:“怎么会不想你回来呢”简直都要想疯了(深庭春)。春庭环着罗御的腰,心情很是愉悦,把头靠在罗御的胸膛上,说话的声音听起来有些发闷,“那我回来,你不应该高兴才是吗?”“我很高兴(深庭春)。。1w0-70611 >>


内容简介:转世恶魔,天使窝里签到千年夭寿!李维穿越西幻世界,身为恶魔,却在天使窝里的降生。在一堆美丽、呆萌、纯善的傻白甜天使环绕中,李维被迫隐藏自己邪恶真身,开启签到系统。“叮!宿主在天使池签到 ,1w0-74405 >>


内容简介:时涵逸穿成了替身文学里的炮灰受。原文里替身炮灰爱上了霸总攻,在霸总攻的白月光归来时不仅纠缠不休,还数次试图陷害,最终被霸总攻打断狗腿,送进了局子。穿书后,时涵逸看着霸总攻——楚泽坐在他 对面,冷着嗓音淡淡开口,“年薪五百万,包吃包住,乖乖听话,认真演戏,演完后房子归你。”“以及,”楚泽眼神冰冷,“不许爬床,不要乱动不该有的心思。”……还有这种好事?!时涵逸瞬间挺直腰1w0-66979 >>


内容简介:  不减肥就得死!一部被贬仙人在凡间的奋斗史!群号:8324766241w0-138



Qi Dan Qu

MenJi Yu of the Tian Tai Tribe has been invited by BaCha KeHan to live in the tribe Qi Dan. Because he can’t understand the language of Qi Dan, the people of Qi Dan can’t get along with MenJi and vice versa. The only person that MenJi revealed a slight smile to was the Qi Dan Princess, KeYi GuChai. In order for KeYi to help MenJi fit into the Qi Dan lifestyle, she taught him what she is best at, the Qi Dan dance. MenJi thought the dance was hard and complicated so he wanted to give up, this thought got KeYi to be very upset…

Hatsukoi No Yamai

Six stories of love and sweetness. 1) Sickness of the First Love - After a car accident Ayase begins to see hallucinations of his first love,Haigo, who died as the young man he was. An operation is supposed to fix the problem, but doesn't. Seeing a young Haigo during the day, and a grown-up Haigo at night, has Ayase finally gone crazy? 2) The Mystery That Began on the Train - There are two kinds of customers that Soo, as an attendant on a sleeper railway has to deal with: honeymooning couples and weirdos. Teshirogi is definitely one of the latter. The overly dramatic older man seems to be making fun of Soo, but why does he think they've met before? 3) Kitsune Tsuki (Fox Moon) - Tada is the heir of his family and the last fox spirit handler. As a child he saved the spirit Shiro from being abandoned, and Shiro agreed to stay till Tada was an adult. With only two years left to go, Shiro needs to reconcile his feelings for the human boy. 4) Kikusa Yayoi Zukitan - 2nd year piano student Wachi is playing one day when he's suddenly accompanied by a violin. Enter genius violinist Meguriya. When Wachi confesses to Meguriya he doesn't receive a reply, but when two people are so aligned musically, are words really necessary? 5) A Happy Person - When Komiya disappears from school, Oosakaya is sure that Komiya will contact him. They're dating, after all. But four years go by before a dirty and tired Komiya crawls into his bed and promptly falls asleep. He's happy to have Komiya back, but Oosakaya can only wonder how long it will be before the person who says he loves him disappears again... 6) Speechless - A word game between two colleagues offers one a chance to make his feelings known.

Ume Ni Uguisu

The leading lady here is a girl called Ume-chan. That isn’t her first name, it’s actually a nickname based on her last name, Umehara. I won’t say what her first name is, because it’s kind of funny, and it’s sort of a surprise in the scene where it’s first revealed. Anyway, Ume-chan is suffering from an unrequited crush on a boy in her class. His name is ISEZAKI-kun. He sits directly in front of her, and she spends a lot of her time observing him and writing down her thoughts in a little notebook devoted entirely to him. Ume is fairly comfortable with her situation of loving him from afar (well, from one seat behind). After all, there is no hope for her. Isezaki-kun has a girlfriend who is pretty and nice, and practically perfect. He seems to really like her. So Ume spends her time writing about him instead. Naturally, this situation can’t last for long, and sure enough, things change when Isezaki forgets his notebook one day, and asks Ume if he can borrow her notes. Ume, totally dazzled that Isezaki actually SPOKE TO HER, hands him her class notes… only to realize she gave him the wrong notebook! Before she can grab the notebook back, Isezaki-kun is reading the notebook about himself. He quickly realizes what it is, and is understandably surprised. Absolutely mortified, Ume grabs the notebook back and runs from the class. Oh no, now everyone will know, now Isezaki knows, oh, what an embarrassing mess! Surprisingly, Isezaki is actually a nice guy, and he handles learning about Ume’s crush rather well. He isn’t mean or anything. He takes it all with good humor, and even decides to be friends with Ume! But this is sort of pleasure and Pain for Ume. On one hand, she gets to actually speak to him sometimes. On the other, it sucks being close to a guy who you really like, knowing he has a girlfriend. But wait, what’s this? Isezaki has broken up with his girlfriend? can it be true? Or did she break up with him? Does he still love her? Could this be Ume-chan’s big chance? Isezaki knows she likes him, can she convince him to like her back?


The story is about Yawara Inokuma , a young girl who aspires to an ordinary life but who, due to her innate talent, is forced to keep practicing judo by her authoritarian grandfather, Jigor? Inokuma, with the aim of achieving championship in Japan and the gold medal in the Barcelona's 1992 Olympic Games. Because of all the pressure from her grandfather, she has a generally bad attitude about judo, avoiding it as much as she can. However, as the manga continues, she begins to understand why her grandfather so loves judo, and she begins to appreciate it more. -From Wikipedia

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Popular Education

Popular Education summary: Popular Education summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Popular Education. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Abiding Presence of the Holy Ghost in the Soul

The Abiding Presence of the Holy Ghost in the Soul summary: The Abiding Presence of the Holy Ghost in the Soul summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Abiding Presence of the Holy Ghost in the Soul. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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