











虎x鹤 妖师录





















内容简介:  穿越到星际时代的一颗垃圾星上面,季柚穷得都快要刨土吃了,可……这里土有毒不能吃……没办法,她只能放低身段去捡捡垃圾,卖卖破烂啥的……  比如这么漂亮的草籽果然竟没人要,捡起来车个珠 子,能挂网上卖。  可一挂上网,就有人打差评:“草籽果都拿来卖,想钱想疯了吧?”  数日后,这人就后悔的直捶墙:“跪求卖我一个颗草籽果,就一颗!一颗就好了。”  季柚高冷道:“不卖!”  再比如,这满大街的破石头,亮晶晶的,竟然没人要,捡起来,打磨成镯子,挂网上卖。  众人口出恶言:“破岩石都拿来卖,是没见过钱吧?”  数日后,众人痛哭流涕道:“是我有眼无珠,是我眼拙,这么漂亮好看的石头,跪求卖我一个吧。”  季柚摊手:“没了。”1w0-913 >>


内容简介:  穿越到刚刚招安封侯的土匪一家。  亲爹,威武勇猛爱闯祸。  亲娘,貌美如花爱爱闯祸。  亲哥,英俊潇洒爱爱爱闯祸。  ……  你问她啊?  她就比较懂事了,刚刚从街上抢回来一压宅夫 君……  ——————  木嬴新书《嫁偶天成》~1w0-361 >>


内容简介:继父BY乌蒙小燕【完结特典】32高质言情小说全文免费阅读完整版在线阅读小兵这麽一想,严冀昊整个人都轻松了起来,不再小心翼翼,又恢复了以往的坝气和俊朗,走到床边勾唇叫道:小懒虫,太阳都晒 到屁股了还在赖床!床上的小人儿似乎没有听到,一点反应也没有,严冀昊扬起剑眉,没有生气笑了1w0-134866 >>


内容简介:号外号外,女杀神穿越成废材了!!!嗯,然后?左手医术,右手毒术,前脚救人,后脚杀人。醒掌万里江山,醉拥天下美男。诶诶诶,这位魔君大人搞毛,掐死我的后宫三千美男是虾米意思,想独霸六宫?某 女,“咳咳,那个,大夫说我不孕不育。”某君,“那你后面两个肉包子哪来的?”某女,“……偷来的!”某君不语,抬手,扛人,关门,上榻。某女扶腰,呜呜,不就是说了一句不孕嘛,用得着亲自为她治疗了三天三夜嘛1w0-65916 >>






内容简介:小倩越说,我越是卖力舔吻她的美足,爱抚她半穿丝袜半裸露的双腿,肉棒从女友的嫩穴裡挤出大量淫蜜,发出咕叽咕叽的水声。正干得起劲儿,眼角扫过床边的衣柜,突然发现女友的衣柜没关门,裡面有人影 闪动。仔细一看,原来是衣柜裡面镶了面镜子,我和女友激烈交合的身影正映在镜子裡。女孩都是爱美的,女友的衣柜不仅门上有镜子,裡面还有一面等身高的镜子,而且衣柜侧面还有一面可以折迭的镜子,拉出来就能照。我突然兴致勃发,看着镜子裡的女友赤裸上身,一对傲人嫩乳高高挺立,双腿高抬,裤袜的袜口堆在膝盖以下,受裤袜的限制,双腿无法分开很多,细长笔直的线条远看别具风情。1w0-72093 >>


内容简介:笔趣阁提供鱼鱼快动大神最新作品《我的日式物语有点甜》最新章节全文免费阅读,我的日式物语有点甜TXT下载,我的日式物语有点甜全文字更新,我的日式物语有点甜无弹窗!请关注我的日式物语有点甜 吧,本站最新最快更新我的日式物语有点甜的最新章节。1w0-28909 >>


内容简介:精神分裂攻:[只有死亡才能摆脱我。]余白看着系统商店里的绝症buff:[哦?]—————————余白一直以为自己只是普通的兔子,直到他被系统强行绑定。“你不是兔子你是神兽!”“治好我家 主神的精神分裂,这一个亿就是你的了!”于是——第一个世界:暗堕的神明降临,信徒们的血液染红脚下的神坛,祂轻轻抚摸神子的脸,露出一个病态的笑容。“这双眼睛,不需要看我以外的生命。”余白被祂散发的恶意吓到浑身僵硬,心中还不服输的想:好家伙,威胁我?OK,[失血症]安排上了。第二个世界:人鱼猩红的眸子倒映贵族少年的脸,他蛊惑道。“放我出去。”“你会喜欢我的。”余白看他充满攻击力的银蓝色尾巴,隔着防护窗装甜卖乖。“亲不好意思,我有心脏病,不能受刺激,你要在房间里乖乖的哦么哒!”第三个世界:雄虫小心翼翼的将蛋中孵化的人类抱出,开始三百六十度无死角养崽日常。后来——爽了一发的余白得知,跟雄虫上床要生小虫子??少年微笑表示:“不是寻死,主要是这个沉睡症我挺喜欢:D”【精神分裂疯批攻皮断腿受】主神不明白,自己的对象为什么总会死讨对象欢心真的好难————预收:《O装A后我壁咚了帝国战神》文案:闻粥十六岁就分化成了omega,但他拿到的剧本竟然是——炮!灰!攻!还得伪装alpha!系统:[您的随机任务如下:1壁咚主角受谢川;2对谢川说出经典台词“坐上来,自己动”;3我全部都要。请宿主尽快选择其中一项完成。]闻粥犹豫不决:“就、就1吧。”反正两个O也没有谁占谁便宜一说,等任务结束后,他好好解释应该能获得原谅吧?一刻钟后……闻粥看着大步而来的六年级级长——他刚从审讯室出来,穿着一身黑色战斗装,宽肩窄腰,肌肉虬结,微长的黑发在脑后扎成一个小啾啾,正一边走一边用手帕擦拭指尖的鲜血。闻粥:???妈呀!这个两米的大块头真的是O吗?!谁能驾驭这么狂野的O??文案二:“听说后勤部一年级新生里有个刚成年的弱鸡alpha,那小子用他那又白又细的胳膊壁咚了谢神!”“他手断了?”“不!是谢神他、他脸红了!”[武力值天花板,大块头忠犬饥渴攻][被系统带到沟里,一直以为谢川是omega的天然撩受]ps谢川是alphapps:真·最萌身高差!大概是谢川能单手抱起闻粥,让他坐在手臂上那种(【求收藏!拜托啦这对我真的很重要!】【指路微博:洛洛沛】1w0-36465 >>




内容简介:〔免费玄幻,最热爽文〕少年陆鸣,血脉被夺,沦为废人,受尽屈辱。幸得至尊神殿,重生无上血脉,从此脚踏天才,一路逆袭,踏上热血辉煌之路。噬无尽生灵,融诸天血脉,跨千山万水,闯九天十地,败尽 天下英豪,修战龙真诀,成就万道龙皇。群号:5702747701w883-4726 >>



Hydra 9+10+11

In a startling series of events that lead up to Hydra's transfixing climax, hearts break, enemies resurface, and ties of friendship bind the trio in a complex web of struggle, sacrifice, and redemption. -Liquid Passion Rules series Timeline : 1) Please (5 chapters) -- Kiss (MIYAMOTO Kano) -- Kiss After 2) Skies ** 3) Hydra 1+2+3+4 (ch1-4) 4) Hydra 3+4+5+6 (ch5-6) -- Blue Film (after Hydra ch8) -- Heavenly (between Hydra ch9 and ch10-11) -- Real Thing -- Hello Again 5) Lovers and Souls 6) Fragile ** 7) Vanity ** 8) Dreamer's high ** 13) Rules volumes 1 & 2 14) If Winter Comes, Can Spring Be Far Behind? ** 15) Rules volume 3 16)Song Birds ** 17)Another Day on The Planet** 18)Double Trouble** ** = doujinshi also the ones in ( -- ) are doujinshi's


Auna is a girl forced into servitude to a petulant princess who presents her with a furry fox cub. Soon afterwards, Auna embarks upon the adventure of a lifetime when she learns that fox is really an adventurous boy trapped by a magical spell! Before she knows it, the pistol-packing teen and her unlikely ally journey into a fantasy realm unlike anything you've ever seen!

Kusenai Yoru No Kioku

Eve has to accompany her father to a party held in a luxurious hotel and curses her unfortunate life as a daughter of a ruthless tycoon. Her role is to blandish a businessman who is planning to take over her father's company by seducing him with her youth and beauty, to maneuver the deal in favor of her father. By the time an irresistibly attractive man comes into view, Eve is fed up with everything. Defeated by his temptation, Eve shares a passionate kiss with him, not knowing that he is the man who she has to sweeten tonight!

W-Juliet Ii

Sequel to Emura's W-Juliet. Ito and Makoto have recently begun their lives together, living together in a small house. Ito has become the beautiful girl she wanted to be for him, though she remains the same on the inside, and both are continuing with their work as actors. Makoto's career is gaining more momentum and he quickly becoming successful, and Ito is glad for him, though she is a little worried about being left behind. When Makoto's manager steps in, however, and refuses to allow them to marry, Ito is more uneasy than ever. All the while, friends and family, facing dificulties in their own lives, turn to the couple for help and advice.

Hellbound With You

Hellbound With You summary: 'I love you, despite the danger signs.'
'Let me tell you this. You're standing before the gates of h.e.l.l right now. Doing this means ruining your life. Are you ready to step down to h.e.l.l with me?' his eyes blazed. A warning was burning within it and Abigail knew he was more than serious and that the danger was real, but… every time she thought about her future, was there anything scarier to her at this point? Wasn't she looking for something like this? For a man like this?
As the silence dragged on, the man's lips curved up into a triumphant, mocking smile and his hand landed on her head. He ruffled her hair and leaned in on her.
'h.e.l.l is not a good place, at least for a little lamb like you. I'm sure you're aware of that. Now run away while this demon king is still being nice and calm.' He whispered.
And then, he turned to leave, so casually, as if nothing just happened. But after three steps, the girl stopped him again.
'The h.e.l.l you're talking about...' she mumbled, 'I… I'd like to see it for myself… Take me there.'
Abigail is a beautiful oh-so-innocent lady. She is kind and well mannered but she is terminally ill. She knows she will die soon so before she dies, she wants to fulfill her one and only wish - to fall in love. She wants to experience loving someone romantically. But under one strange condition- she wants a man who will not fall in love with her because she doesn't want him to suffer when she's gone. She met Alexander Qin, the coldhearted and mysterious man. He warns her from the start that he doesn't do love and that he is dangerous. But that made him the perfect man for Abigail. He was exactly the kind of man she was looking for.
Alexander will start to teach the innocent Abigail about his kind of pleasure while Abigail will show him the joy of doing simple things in life. Their completely different worlds collide, Abi's illness and the mysteries about Alexander will slowly be revealed. Can Abi handle his own kind of h.e.l.l? Can Alex handle her light?
He handed her an egg-shaped, pink vibrator and then returned to his spot.
The girl blinked again as she examined, with deep curiosity, the pink egg-shaped thing in her hand.
'Don't make me wait. Put it inside,' the man ordered and Abi swallowed.
Abi had no idea whatsoever as to what this thing was. She had never seen anything like this before. She wanted to ask him what this thing was and what he meant by 'put it inside' but the man was so serious, she was afraid she'd fail the test if she showed him that she didn't even know what this was.
'Is this clean?' was what she asked instead and the man half-smiled.
'It. Is. Very. Clean.' He stressed out every word.
Still unsure about what to do, Abi hesitantly looked at him and then in the next second, she put it inside her mouth.

Discovery of Oxygen

Discovery of Oxygen summary: Discovery of Oxygen summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Discovery of Oxygen. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Wild Animals at Home

Wild Animals at Home summary: Wild Animals at Home summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Wild Animals at Home. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Masked Bridal

The Masked Bridal summary: The Masked Bridal summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Masked Bridal. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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