









天元突破红莲螺岩 男子汉篇(境外版)

超人气动画《天元突破》的DRAMA CD“男人系列”完全漫画化!!舞台变成现代日本,同样是卡米娜、西蒙、优子和尼娅,在大红莲学园大暴走!如岩浆般熊熊燃烧的“男人之魂”,深刻地烙印在眼底!!




简介【每周三&每周五】更新! 这位温润出尘的绝色美男,不仅治好了我的怪病,还要收我为徒?一日为师,终生为夫,小女子无以为报,唯有调戏扑倒!“师父,要抱抱~!”哎,你别跑呀! 官方QQ群:662055933,586311476


















内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:围棋:开局下天元,西钊直呼内行】方炎来到了棋魂世界当中,选择成为了一名棋手。他的最强棋圣系统也随之觉醒,获得了一位又一位棋圣棋力的他。誓要打败西钊和于晓阳成为 当世最强棋手。西钊:“开局下天元?难道说,这就是传说中的神之一手么?赢了皆大欢喜,输了小心我铠甲合体!”于晓阳:“天地大同?天魔大化?为什么他的棋风可以切换的如此自如?”于亮:“为什么,明明已经打败了时光,却又有一位无法逾越的大山压在了我面前?”飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-81416 >>


内容简介:龙舌神弓,辕门射戟!方天画戟,天下无敌!人中吕布,马中赤兔!天下第一将!“低调,低调!”面带忧伤,吕布淡淡说道:“虚名罢了!”“当天下第一,是很枯燥,很无聊,且很乏味的一件事情!”“其 中的空虚,寂寞,还有冷,你们这些垃圾,又怎么能明白呢?”……《三国演义》,或《三国演义》偏高起步,考究党勿究!……框架宏伟,细节到位,请品尝!……上本书精品,新书请放心收藏!作者:强中更有强所写的《新吕布战纪》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-99977 >>




内容简介:他养了一条狗。小东西娇娇嗲嗲的,嗷嗷叫。每天只知道傻乐,迈着短腿紧紧跟在他身后。被欺负哭了还能自己把眼泪憋回去。他给小狗食物,给它洗澡。后来小狗变成了金发小美人。混血小美人不识字也不会 说话,只认他一个人。他给小美人穿上衣服,抱着不会走路的人回家,教他说话,牵手和拥抱。他依然给小美人食物,还有洗澡。还是他养的宝贝小狗。1、直男攻x美人受;安x泡泡2、先写狗勾后写人3、无波折无误会,一个现实中的童话故事1w94116-106026 >>


内容简介:【穿书反派养崽空间】手拿药箱的姜蜜来自末世却穿入了一本反派文中。一家都是反派真是令人头大!一穿越三个末世罕见的小崽崽就要弄死她。她相公虽然长的英俊潇洒风流倜傥可惜也想弄死她。不过好在极 品亲戚上门相公能挡在身前这样的男人能处!姜蜜摸摸自己肚皮上的肉肉决定还是挽回帅相公还有三个崽崽的心!她摆摊、开店、治病救人秉持着言传身教的想法。可一家依旧在反派的路上越走越远一不小心还造反成功了。1w0-114148 >>


内容简介:天地未开,自混沌中衍生出的一朵青莲,难抑天命之威,莲身崩碎,盘古开天,身化洪荒,遭无量劫,化三千道界,万灵皆可成道。虽莲身已碎,可一丝莲魂所以转世为人。隐在莲魂深处的是什么?那是不甘! 身已陨,血仍沸,战欲狂,意正酣!聚灵宝,踏仙门,斩鬼妄,破三千!天命不可违?哪又如何?便搏他一搏,搏他个日月沉沦,搏他个天地崩碎,还我一片朗朗乾坤!都说荒古,上古,而此刻便是荒古,此刻便是上古,此刻便是巅峰!抬脚崩山河,抬手碎星辰,这是修仙巅峰的波澜壮阔,亦是一场前所未有的靡战!书友群:304254026本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《洪荒之搏天命》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-71448 >>


内容简介:简介:【吾有一口饕餮气,百纳星辰山海川,弹指间苍天血鹏,铸此万道君魂】十万年前,亿万位面至强响应天神号召,齐聚太荒位面诛魔,群神化星陨落,碎裂太荒位面,诛杀魔君夜辰,此一战毁灭万千世界 ,一代魔君怀恨陨落。十万年后,魔君夜辰重生渊夜帝国,赤瞳少年醒天鹏武之灵、掌饕餮之力、燃无上瞳印、永夜魔瞳破虚妄、修天枢九鼎镇八方那个被称为魔的男人回来了,脚踏血瞳龙王,万血八翼在身,一飞三重天,吞噬星辰冷月,怒问作者:金色天芒所写的《永界魔帝》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-127694 >>




内容简介:  这是一只程序员在异世界‘刻光盘’的故事。PS:新书书友群(783084289)1w0-321


内容简介:系统:给我在教廷九大强者百万神圣联军手中把频死的女魔王救下来。主角:让我去送你就直说呗,还整这么含蓄干嘛,这开局你能顶得住?系统:还得给我帮女魔王恢复势力!统一北境,再锤九大王国!干翻 神圣教廷!主角:那个,咱们还是讨论一下刚才拯救女魔王的事情吧!系统:小萧同志,组织上这么信任你,可不要辜负了组织上对你的期望嘛,这两个任务你务必坚决完成。主角:妹的,爷不干了,你这主角爱谁谁当吧!老子不伺候了!1w60730-72038 >>


内容简介:【小说网独家签约小说:都市:从乡村直播到全国崛起】原本是国家高新科技顶尖科学研究人员的苏晨在穿越之后,成为了乡村老师,兼职村长!但是前世经历过了太多的他,即使是获得了系统,并且激活了无 数技能的她,也依旧是只是想要安安静静的教书育人!看着留守儿童逐渐成长为未来的社会栋梁!结果有一天,一档节目组选中了苏晨所在的贫困县。他们带着一个无恶不作的富二代,带着大包小包,摄像机长枪短炮的来到了彩云村之后,准备挑选村子里面最乖巧的孩子作为交换!这个时候,作为支教老师的苏晨站出来。当时全村,全剧组,以及所有直播观众的面,怒怼他们!“一个毒瘤节目,给我离开彩云村!”瞬间,苏晨火了!小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-65535 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:深海潜水,唤醒亚特兰蒂斯】穿越蓝星,江流觉醒系统,能够唤醒各种消逝于时间的神话传说与遗迹文明。无意间的一次深海潜水,江流听到一道缥缈的呼唤声。“请唤醒我们,吾 主!”“亚特兰蒂斯将在您的统领下再次绽放荣光。”江流应声了。于是,亚特兰蒂斯文明苏醒。他是古老的亚特兰蒂斯文明之光。他是东方道家之祖。他是希腊神话传说中的源头。他是北欧神明的无上神王。不知不觉间,江流发现自己,唤醒了整个蓝星的所有传说,复苏了昔日的神祗。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。1w0-79985 >>

Cold - Zettaireido No Koibitotachi

[from Fantasy Shrine:] Odagiri Yuki, a brilliant surgeon, is also known as the “Absolute Zero Angel” for his ice-cold aloofness with people, and his soulful compassion when he operates on patients. Haunted by a lover’s death, Yuki consoles himself with drugs and sex—… This piques both personal and professional interests in Mine, a neuropsychologist, who accepted Kuneida’s request to cure his friend’s coldness. What would it take to melt the “Absolute Zero Angel”?

Renai Joujou

Tsubasa, a normal teenage girl, promises to her dying grandfather that she'd fufill his last wish. However, it turns out that she must marry the heir of a tea ceremony school due to her grandfather's promise? What?! But, there are two heirs, so she must decide who to marry, or if to just run away from her problem.

Oni Ni Hatsujou

From Shinmakoku Scanlations: When Tanami Riku's father died in a traffic accident, he was left all alone. Then suddenly a guy named Onikubo Nagi came and demanded to be his guardian in place of his father, who was actually Nagi's former teacher. Then he applied as Riku's homeroom teacher! He pushed himself into Riku's life without even asking for permission. Living with the Super Sadistic Teacher was unbelievably harsh. What exactly did Nagi want with Riku?

Ore Wa Teppei

From Devious Breezes: Uesugi Teppei and his father lives deep in the forest in search of a buried treasure. Isolated from society, Teppei became a wild child with no restaints until one day his uncle found him. Teppei finds out that he is actually from a very prestigious family with 5 siblings. For the first time in his life, he will have to attend school and live under his grandmother's rules. Can Teppei really adapt to his new environment? It was also adapted into an anime that aired from September 12, 1977 to March 27, 1978.

The History of Henry Esmond

The History of Henry Esmond summary: The History of Henry Esmond summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The History of Henry Esmond. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

The Fierce Illegitimate Miss summary: Yu Linglong is the shu (born of a concubine) daughter in a general’s family. Since her mother was only a tribute dancer, her position is the lowest of the low. She used to live with her mother outside the father’s residence, and they only received some monthly money from him. He didn’t bother seeing them. But when her mother dies, she moves into the general’s residence.
The general is a very irresponsible and violent man. He doesn’t really get attached to women, just letting his l.u.s.t dictate his actions. His wife is a jealous woman, who killed one of his previous concubines, because he doted on her too much. She similarly wants to get rid of Yu Linglong, in part to vent her frustrations over her husband’s cheating habits.
Because the sixth miss – the general’s legitimate daughter, was bitten by a snake, she needs detoxification. The cure was apparently getting poisoned by scorpions, to fight one poison with another. But since she’s already weak, they decided it would be better if she drank the blood of someone poisoned by scorpions instead. The general’s madam naturally decided to use Yu Linglong’s blood. During the process of getting bitten by the scorpion, the original timid Yu Linglong died of fright (and maybe poison? it’s never made clear). Then Yu Mei takes over her body.
Yu Mei is a modern woman. She was some mafia boss, so she’s very capable with fighting and overbearing att.i.tude. She died because the man she fell in love with betrayed her and killed her. So she doesn’t trust easily afterward.
Since she took over Yu Linglong’s body, she refuses to adapt to the circ.u.mstances of a lowly illegitimate daughter, and uses her violence to fight for a peaceful life, where no one will challenge her and plot against her. Basically, she beats them up into submission. In the meantime, she acquires a tail – a very persistent prince, who only seems to stick to her harder, the colder she treats him. Did ancient men have such heavy tastes, she wonders.

The Island of Faith

The Island of Faith summary: The Island of Faith summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Island of Faith. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Pregnant By The Italian Count

Pregnant By The Italian Count summary: Pregnant By The Italian Count summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Pregnant By The Italian Count. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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