


类别都市 恋爱 生活
























简介【每周日更新】21世纪金牌神医特工,一朝穿越定国侯府三小姐,却成了远近闻名的胖丑废物? 须不知她冷眸一开,万兽臣服,脚踩恶女渣男,化身顶级召唤师,遇佛挡佛,遇神杀神!虐渣减肥正上头,不想却惹上个腹黑皇叔: “王妃美若天仙,你们给本王看紧了,搭讪者杀无赦!” “救命!这种长得帅但眼睛不好的粘人老公申请退货可以吗?”






内容简介:  出门一把刀,装备全靠爆!  网文写手白小文,被一颗神奇眼球带到了百年之后的灵能时代。  灵子渗透,变异兽肆虐,灵界怪物入侵,数据化的地球如同一个超大型游戏!  我来了,我看见,我征 服!  白小文睁开神眼吼出强者语,然而距离高考只有130天。  征服灵能时代,从成为高考状元开始。  ***  进化之眼全订群:603,765,346(进群请报起点昵称)  进化之眼普通群:165,675,218。  目前群刚创建,车位很多。欢迎兄弟们的加入!1w0-504 >>


内容简介:林彦穿越斗罗世界,开局获得签到打卡系统。恭喜您第一次来到斗罗世界,签到成功!获得“至尊骨·上苍劫光”一块!林彦原本以为这是他崛起的开始,没想到竟被人当做天生魂骨挖走!先天根基受损,资质 下降,七岁才武魂觉醒,想要拜师大师被拒,被唐三看不起!没关系!我有签到打卡系统!三十年河东,三十年河西,莫欺少年穷!扣扣群:3024106831w0-127223 >>


内容简介:苏宜上班途中出了车祸,失忆了,忘记两件事:1她和许若星是形婚。2她喜欢许若星好多年。苏宜醒来,朋友告诉她两件事:1她和许若星非常恩爱。2许若星爱她爱的死去活来。许若星接到苏宜车祸消息匆 匆赶到医院,私下和她见面招呼都不打的女人躺在病床上,见到她之后伸出手,撒娇的说:“老婆,抱抱我。”接档文【朋友】:所有人都知道,周天醉有个朋友,住在她隔壁,朋友循规蹈矩,是新闻界最严以律己的标杆,从未做过出格的事情。所有人都不知道,周天醉有个“朋友”,住在她隔壁,这个“朋友”每天夜里会打开她的房门,掀开她的被子,爬上她的床。一次被安排相亲,周天醉晚上和赵清河说了,赵清河反应比以往更大。周天醉附耳亲昵:“既然那么喜欢我出去相亲,那我干脆结个婚好了。”“婚后再找你。”食用须知:1吹牛瞎扯,结局HE。2文是猫写的。3去留随意,无须告知。1w0-99265 >>




内容简介:小鲤鱼心性善良,为了拯救他人的性命,却将自己变成了宫中的小公主。此公主心智有损,不论是父皇母后还是哥哥们或者下人都不将她放在心上。但自带幸运加持的小鲤鱼夏宝儿,分分钟赢得了所有人的喜欢 ,没等她说要什么,家人们就将一切好东西都摆在了她的眼前,真真是个幸福的小公主……1w63800-75722 >>


内容简介:穆平侯徐锦融,因为众所周知的原因,在朝中地位居高不下。行事和脾气亦是。徐锦融生平只爱两件事:一是造武器,二是追公子。旁人私语她可能有病,徐锦融没当回事。但宛亲王世子贺昭知道,旁人说对了 。曾有偶发失魂症的放荡不羁女侯爷*逼成浪子的隐忍忠犬小王爷控制不住挖坑难填的手。。。完┊整┊无┊错┇书┊籍:oop﹝wop﹞181w0-106049 >>


内容简介:  穿越真灵大陆,萧然成为一代女尊伶舟月的亲传弟子,绑定“最强孝心系统”的他,只要给师尊尽孝心就能变强。端茶送水,捶腿揉肩,他用美食仙酿腐蚀师尊的肉身,用小说漫画腐蚀她的灵魂,在师尊身 上没日没夜的薅羊毛!终于有一天,这位本想占徒弟便宜的漂亮女师尊,发现自己反被徒弟薅尽羊毛,红着脸骂他:“孽徒,你的孝心变质了!”【另类狗粮文,非舔;另有五千均完本老书《女大三千位列仙班》,无敌狗粮文,书荒可看。】1w0-1799 >>


内容简介:本是一名有大好前途的脑外科医生,她坚贞保守,视节操为生命。但是上天跟她开了一个大大的玩笑,竟让她穿越到一位王爷的床上,才知道自己是一位被王爷厌恶鄙视的王妃,还被自己的亲妹妹各种整治。幸 好,幸好,新时代的女性,尤其是靠拿刀混饭吃的女医生也不是那么好对付的,且看她如何在王府与皇宫混出个人模狗样!1w0-2604 >>


内容简介:“我的学渣老婆,竟然是高考状元?”“我的草包老婆,竟然左手画画右手弹琴?”“我的娇软老婆,竟然是打遍无敌手的拳王?”“我的败家老婆,竟然是神秘集团幕后大BOSS?”众人:“薄少,你是不 是瞎?放着全能大佬不要竟然离婚?”脸被打肿的薄少离婚一时爽追妻火葬场。她俏脸紧绷,“滚!”直到——某晚宴。男人强势将她按在墙上,“肚子里揣着我的娃还想往哪跑?”1w0-2544 >>


内容简介:云海缥缈,苍穹无限。芸芸众生,谁不心向往之?天道虚幻,无人得窥。万丈红尘,何人不欲长生?三生七世的怨侣,正道与魔教数千年的恩怨情仇。一个人,一柄古剑,他将如何面对整个世界……1w0-1 454 >>


内容简介:穷屌丝当了二十五年的许并非,一觉醒来突然拥有了十亿零花钱,人生从此发生了翻天覆地的变化。看不上他的长腿女生,看不起他的白富美。践踏他的嚣张女,欺辱他的学生妹。终将匍匐在他的脚下。喝一口 八二年的拉菲,索然无味。抽一口高斯巴雪茄,没点意思。许并非的暴富人生,从过完二十五岁生日开始。1w0-99544 >>


内容简介:【【云起书院“我们的2020”创意征文大赛】参赛作品】许以龄被烧死之后,才知道自己是豪门穿书文里的恶毒女配。她同父异母的妹妹在小说里面美丽善良,男主爱她,男配们爱她,而且还拥有超强金手 指。而她又蠢又恶,抱着恶人剧本,各种陷害各种作,终于作死了妈妈,作死了哥哥。重生以后,面对再次走进许家的女主,她要保护妈妈,保护哥哥们,她还要抢到女主的金手指……不过,这男主哥哥怎么回事?身残志坚的霸总怎么回事?终极反派boss怎么回事?~~~~这是穿书文团宠女配重生之后,狂掉马甲的故事!【!!!《偶像时代》训练生许以龄半夜敲顶流的门。】许以琢:滚,那是我妹,是我敲的门!【!!!神级账号被抢,菜鸟许以龄欲电竞出道。】怒风:滚,那是我妹,是我给的号!【!!!许以龄下套,成为今尚集团第一股东。】各位书友要是觉得《穿书文里的团宠女配重生了》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-25858 >>

Tango No Otoko

Angie, though hailed as 'The Man of Tango,' had never truly felt the deep, fiery passion of Latin dance. That is, until he met Hiro, a man born from a Latin mother, who was under his Japanese grandfather's custody and now lives as a Japanese citizen. Now, a slow, seething desire begins to rock his body and soul! At first feeling a nostalgic familiarity toward the Latin dancer, Hiro finds himself drawn into the seductive beat of a Latin dance, opening his body and heart to the smoldering heat of his Tango partner.

Queen's Blade - Vanquished Queens (Artbook)

Stories of Beautiful Fighters from the Queen's Blade franchise made to suffer crushing defeats by various opponents. The events of all these stories are entirely non-canon and left as 'What If' possibilities instead.

Ginga Densetsu Riki

Riki, the grandfather of Weed and father of Gin, was born a runt. He was fathered by Shiro and mothered by Yamabuki. Shiro`s owner, Gohei, pays no attention to Riki when he comes to pick a pup from the litter. Instead, Riki is never rehomed and becomes close to his mother. Unfortunately, Yamabuki`s true owner, who had been sick, was healthy enough to take her back. She didn`t feel she could handle two dogs, and decided that he would not take Riki in. Riki severely missed his mother, and one day set out to meet her. On his way, he is attacked by a pack of dogs. Hopelessly outnumbered, Riki tries to escape and falls into a river. Waking up, he learns that his father, Shiro, has rescued him. Riki had never seen his father, but had known his name. Shiro, on the other hand, didn`t know that Riki was his son and left before Riki could say anything. But, not before giving him a speech on being strong. Riki makes it his goal and constantly tries to get stronger. One day, a child named Daisuke takes a toy car (one children can ride in) through a roaded mountain pass with an incline. Riki, while traveling to see his mother, notices him racing down. A truck, not seeing Daisuke, hits the boy and sends him flying over the road railing. Afraid that he is dead, the driver moves on. Daisuke, although only bruised, is knocked out. Riki jumps onto a ledge and howls, hopeing someone would hear. Instead, the pack that attacked him heard him and came. After being abused, the pack came to hate humans and attacked Daisuke. Riki, in an effort to save him, fought against the dogs and succeeded in winning. Gohei and Shiro eventually showed up, and the pack ran off. Shiro finally found out that Riki was his son. Gohei, Shiro, and a few others head out to fight Akakabuto. Seeing this, Riki follows the van. Gohei intends to kill Akakabuto, but the bear is too strong. Gohei shot the bear in the eye, and the bullet became lodged in the beast`s brain. This made him go insane and, while biting Shiro, fall over a cliff. Riki witnessed all this, and was distraught when his father fell. These events set the stage for the future series, Ginga Nagareboshi Gin.

Telepathy Shoujo "ran"

Ran is a bright and energetic first-grader in junior high school who possesses supernatual abilities. Together with Midori (her friend who also has supernatural powers) and Rui, the threesome are constantly embroiled in mysterious circumstances. Ran is troubled by her powers because it seems to spark off the ill intentions of people in contact with her. However, with the support of her family and peers, Ran learns to deal with her 'other' side and accepts who she is. The threesome also learn how to team up as a whole and solve these mysterious events. (from Animenewsnetwork)

Seduced By His Touch

Seduced By His Touch summary: Seduced By His Touch summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Seduced By His Touch. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

All's for the Best

All's for the Best summary: All's for the Best summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of All's for the Best. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Boys' Book of Indian Warriors

Boys' Book of Indian Warriors summary: Boys' Book of Indian Warriors summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Boys' Book of Indian Warriors. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries

Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries summary: Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Journals of Travels in Assam, Burma, Bhootan, Afghanistan and the Neighbouring Countries. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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