


























类别恋爱 霸总 生活






内容简介:定亲八载,苦等四年,等回的他,却拥着另一个美丽女子。一夕之间,她由正妃沦为侧妃。侯门深深,君恩微薄。正妃受伤,她被诬陷,他废她武功,逐她出府。他一掌将她拍下悬崖,只为了救他心中的那个她 。原来,这段情,都是她一个人的独角戏。她毅然挥刀断情,向无尽的深渊坠去。心已累,情归何处?各位书友要是觉得《冷王盗妃:侧妃不承欢江瑟瑟夜无烟》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-69399 >>




内容简介:在地下沉睡千年的血凤重现人间。平凡的西安小市民沈青,出差来到新疆一座偏僻的小城,并莫明其妙得到了血凤,从此开始了他传奇的一生。面对十二名美女的青睐,他该如何取舍呢metapropert yogimagecontentfilesarticleimage33164metapropertyognovelcategorycontent各位书友要是觉得《金融皇帝十二妃》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-30701 >>


内容简介:放荡不羁却又超温柔的攻VS我只在你面前超乖的受冥界少主祁僮,冥王养子,官二代。怎么说也该是个千人吹万人捧的角色,可偏偏这位运气不大好。先是少年时出门溜达捡回了一身伤,把一身法力散了个干 净。后来一朝当公务员,吃瓜群众纷纷怀疑是靠爹上位,喜提冥界社交网络的黑热搜无数。最后在公务员岗位屁股还没坐热,便匆匆下台,转行到人界开起了火锅店。祁僮乐得清闲,以为自己能这么安逸到鬼生尽头,谁知某天自己那冥王爹给他安排了个结婚对象,通知他8小时后立即结婚。祁僮:???要说他这结婚对象,居然是天界皇子赫榛,本跟他一样该是个金贵的角色,但偏偏三界都在传这位其实是天后给天帝戴了绿帽,悄悄带回来的私生子。黑热搜无数的少主,流言不断的皇子。配!可太特么般配了!门当户对,宜合葬!可万万没想到,结婚前夜,天帝请他喝了杯茶,岳父(?)疯狂暗示赫榛是个危险人物祁僮:怎么个危险法?赫榛:我会骗财,还会劫色。几个月后…………祁僮:你怎么还不来劫色??!!!赫榛:我不知道你说什么,我超乖的jpg祁僮:来!我教你!这文原名叫《百味消融》立意学会跟自己和解1w0-78035 >>




内容简介:《游戏be后我成了白月光》为作者井蛙言海创作,作品游戏be后我成了白月光章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供井蛙言海精心编写原创游戏be后我成了白月光及无弹窗游戏be后我成了白月光最新章节, 游戏be后我成了白月光全文免费阅读。1w8811-47251 >>


内容简介:路时洲向高中时的初恋女友求复合,惨遭拒绝。他喝到半醉和朋友吐槽:我这个初恋贪财好色还花心,是我疯了才把脸扔到地上,让她踩了一次又一次。朋友:我也失恋了,不过拒绝我的那个女孩单纯优雅又善 良,是我配不上她。后来才知道,拒绝他们的是同一个人。半校园甜文,读者群:5788299971w0-59602 >>


内容简介:周溪和林笑成相恋两年,在新婚之夜却被他算计送到别人床上。旖旎过后,她带着愧疚回家,却撞见曾经的爱人和旁人缱绻,对她视如敝履口出恶言。她痛定思痛,决意与渣男恩断义绝,但是林笑成却对她百般 纠缠,不愿意放过她。正在她一筹莫展时,严景山强势出现,替她手撕绿茶白莲花,完爆贱人渣渣,数次解救她于危难。周溪:“为什么帮我?”严景山挑眉逼近,在她耳边轻声道:“当然是1w0-62604 >>


内容简介:这世界上还有什么比沦为替代品更悲哀的?我说有,那就是被沦为男人的报负品,一个无情无心,一个残无人道,两个男人之间的仇怨竟然让我承担,最好的下场只是奴隶,男人的泄恨,如毁天灭地,叫我一个 弱女子如何承受?在他的眼中,我只是姐姐的替代品,供他赏心悦目,却从不温柔对待,更别说他的爱,从不会下注在我身上,他说我不配,我哪里不配?在他眼中,我是好友之妻,。。。。。他的温润如水,1w0-34033 >>


内容简介:自连灭韩、赵、魏三大王朝,大秦王朝已经迎来前所未有之盛世,强大的修行者层出不穷,人人都以身为秦人而荣,但丁宁,一个出身毫无疑问的秦国都长陵普通的市井少年,每天所想的,却是颠覆大秦王朝, 杀死修行已至前所未有的第八境的秦皇帝。1w0-1024 >>


内容简介:  简介:白锦重生三清成圣之前,并且被通天收为弟子,强烈危机感的白锦开始展开自己的求生之路,巴结师伯,结交大能,点点滴滴影响洪荒大势,构造一个关系网将自己保护其中。这个过程中,白锦也赢 得无数美誉。太上:“白锦有大智慧!”原始:“通天那些弟子之中,唯有白锦可看。”通天:“最知我意的还是白锦。”准提:“白锦无耻起来,贫僧甘拜下风!”多宝如来:“白锦就是个卑鄙无耻,奸诈小人。”玉帝:“世上再也没有比白锦师侄更重情义的了。”……qq交流群7480925621w0-1825 >>


内容简介:[男主在18章正式出场,有很多甜甜互动!]阮莹死后进入了一个逃生游戏,那里有诡异的灵异事件,各路黑化boss,用心险恶的玩家……作为一个手不能提的柔弱女子,阮莹只能做个人美音甜的刷脸女 孩。午夜鬼敲门。阮莹:晚安,么么哒。再不睡会有黑眼圈的。怨灵:?无头鬼出现在盥洗室的镜子里。阮莹:护手霜和身体乳要吗?没有脸了,更要爱惜剩下的肌肤呀。无头鬼:……水鬼快速游到岸边,甩动湿淋淋的头发。阮各位书友要是觉得《在逃生游戏里拐了一个男朋友》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82609 >>

The Little Lady Behind The Scenes

I was the only younger sister of the female protagonist in the reverse harem novel. In addition, I was exceptionally pampered by the female lead after waking up after being very sick. I used that to defeat the original inexcusable tr*sh male leads who only hurt my sister… ‘Lili, how are you? Do you like cake?' ‘Lili is really pretty because she resembles her sister. Won't you eat cookies? Please tell your sister that these were given to you by your wonderful brother.' ‘Would you like to eat this and go over there for a while? I have something to say to your uncle and sister.' For some reason, the male lead candidates seem anxious to see me. *** “I don't play with ugly kids.” The boy in front of me muttered with a deep frown. What? Did you really just say that? I'll show you what the real world is like. I gently pulled the hem of my sister's clothes and shook my head. “I hate him, so I hate the older brother who brought him.” At the same time, Cedric's face turned pale, similar to someone who had been sentenced to death.

Hishoshitsu No Himitsu

1) For Tomorrow The Nagaoka General detective agency is on the verge of bankruptcy. Nori, the son’s owner, is doing everything he can while his father is away to keep the business afloat, despite his lack of experience with investigating. His biggest challenge? The lazy, perverted ex-cop, Aoi-chan, who is their best and only detective. It seems a waste of his talents to be with the agency, but he is determined to make Nori his. So, when Aoi’s childhood friend and rival, Miyasako Yukari, shows up to offer them both an investigative job worth more money than the agency has seen in a while, he reluctantly accepts. But, the job is almost too easy. And, it seems rather suspicious that Yukari would request both Nori and Aoi to work the case. What is his real reason for hiring Nori? What kind of unexpected danger is waiting? 2) For the Two of Us Nori and Aoi are struggling with their newfound love and have yet to complete that final step to consummate the relationship. On top of that, Yukari is keeping Aoi incredibly busy with troublesome jobs, which is the agency’s only source of steady income. Nori takes on a case to search for a missing father, and Aoi tells him to leave the job to him, but then suddenly leaves for an indefinite amount of time claiming the need to do some work for Yukari. Nori begins to feel guilty at his inability to effectively contribute to the agency and his fear of giving himself completely to his lover. But, when Yukari shows up the following day looking for Aoi, Nori learns that his lover has lied to him. Will Nori be able to solve the case of the missing father on his own? And what will happen between the couple if Nori is able to locate Aoi? 3) The Secret of a Secretary Usami is the manager of the secretaries for YM Company, run by Miyasako Yukari. He is constantly witness to Yukari’s immoral and perverted behavior with all of the secretaries. It is the secret of the secretary room that many of the young men within were transferred there for the sole reason of becoming Yukari’s sexual flavor of the week. What’s worse is how Yukari shamelessly uses them as a tool to blackmail ther companies. Usami respects his director, but can’t understand that side of him. Even more, he can’t understand why he has feelings for the man; why he wants to push the director down and dominate that proud guy. The very idea excites him. What will happen when he finally confesses these desires to Yukari? Will his dreams of topping the confident director be fulfilled? And why does he have the feeling that Yukari has his own agenda? 4) The Boss’s Secret Yukari hasn’t changed at all, much to Usami’s dismay. But when Yukari has sex with others, Usami rarely complains even though he is jealous. Usami’s desires to be seme are also strong, but he has not yet learned to fight for what he wants. Is Yukari teasing him too much? 5) The Devil & The Love Revolution Iwata Daichi is a newbie teacher, finally landing a job as a P.E. teacher. But, on his first day touring the school, he stumbles across another teacher, Yoshizawa, in a compromising situation with a student. In his efforts to question and scold Yoshizawa, Iwata is forced into his own compromising situation and taken advantage of by Yoshizawa, who threatens to use their encounter against the new teacher unless Iwata holds his tongue about what he saw. Iwata has always believed himself to be straight, but when starts to see things in a new light afterwards, and becomes a confidant for students in love. A series of misunderstandings shows both teachers how much they may have misjudged one another. Will Iwata realize his true self when Yoshizawa decides to be serious with him? 6) Their Position Kamio and Akagi work for the same company, having joined at the same time and being the same age. Time and time again, though, Akagi excels over Kamio. Whether it’d be by achievements, popularity with the ladies, or in school, Akagi is always ahead of Kamio. So, when Akagi’s business proposal is chosen, he wants Kamio to be his assistant, telling his coworker that ‘Kamio is enough’. Kamio believes it is to pick on him and treat him as an underling. But, what can Kamio believe when Akagi confesses the true reasons for choosing him as an assistant? Is it really just to make fun of him or does Akagi have deeper feelings for his contemporary? And what are the two of them to do when they are accidentally locked within their office building overnight?

Www.you Are So Busted.com

A girl has to transfer to a new school on a scholarship. She can't refuse because the person who offers the scholarship is her mother's boss. On her first day of a new school, she discovers things are not what they seem. 'Snow White' greets her with a threat in front of the school. She encounters the rude 'King' who also force her to leave like 'Snow White.' Later, she learns she is 'prophesized' to be the 'Queen,' future wife of the 'King,' by the 'Priest.' What is with this superstitious school!

Moshikashite Vampire

The heroine Matsuri was terrified by a vampire movie when she was little and even to this day has a terrible fear of monsters. But now she has actually fallen for a guy who turns out to be a vampire?! (Source: B-U)

The Guy Inside Of My Bed

The Guy Inside Of My Bed summary: Even in the second time, would time be always their enemy? How can you fight for it if you already know that at first you should not be together? Are you going to surrender or you will take the risk? Because maybe you won’t know if it will be your last. All for love.

Bayou Rouges: Dirty

Bayou Rouges: Dirty summary: Bayou Rouges: Dirty summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Bayou Rouges: Dirty. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Never Love A Stranger

Never Love A Stranger summary: Never Love A Stranger summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Never Love A Stranger. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang

Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang summary: Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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