












简介一个寒冷雪夜,年幼的黒主优姬意外遇上 LEVEL E级的吸血鬼。在这个吸血鬼向优姬露出獠牙的生死时刻,另一个名叫玖兰枢的纯血种吸血鬼救了她,并将她带到黑主学园请求园长(黑主灰阎)收留。黑主学园除了一般学生就读的日间部外,还存在着夜间部。在夜间部就读的学生都是十分俊美优秀的人物。不过这里却隐藏着不为日日间部学生所知的秘密——夜间部的学生全都是高级吸血鬼。十年后,为了维持学院安宁,优姬和同被园长收留的锥生零一起担任学园的“风纪委员”,守护这个秘密。而受人尊敬的,也是优姬非常倾慕的玖兰枢,更是被称为“吸血鬼中的君主”的纯血种,是站在吸血鬼金字塔端的最高种族。如果被纯血种吸血,就会变为LEVEL D(曾经是人的吸血鬼,在经过一段时间就会变成LEVEL E)。而锥生零作为g吸血鬼猎人,却在一次家难中不幸被同样是纯血种的绯樱闲所咬。绯樱闲杀死了零的家人,带走了他的弟弟一缕,所以零非常憎恨吸血鬼(尤其是纯血种)










类别都市 恋爱 生活










内容简介:穿越到了神奇宝贝的世界。“你就是空间的掌控者,帕鲁奇亚?”“抱歉,你现在已经不是了。”“你就是火焰至尊,凤王?”“抱歉,这头衔在刚才不久,已经被我的喷火龙夺得了!”“你是异次元的究极异 兽?想要入侵我们这世界?”“对不起,在刚才我已经完成了反入侵,你们的世界已经成为了我的领地。”站在山巅之上,他看着脚下众多倒在地上的精灵,这些小精灵都是某一属性达到了极致的存在,也就是所谓的神兽。他神情淡然无比“不好意思,我要的不是某一项属性当中的霸主,而是所有领域的……全能霸主!!”……各位书友要是觉得《神奇宝贝之全能霸主》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-82191 >>


内容简介:醉卧美人膝,醒掌天下权,这才是男人该有的生活!赵洞庭穿越成皇,为这个小目标不断奋斗。各位书友要是觉得《重生为君赵洞庭颖儿》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w143 9-4721 >>




内容简介:  寒星映戟月照弓,龙雀辚辚雪夜惊。  半纸功名千山外,银花火树故乡中。  “我,荣陶陶,总有一天,会成为那九颗星辰的主人。”  那一年,一个背着小书包、头顶天然卷、手持方天画戟的少年 ,在天台上如是说道。  ...  轻松搞笑,欢迎入坑。  已有四百万字完本作品《九星毒奶》,欢迎各位阅读。1w0-1484 >>




内容简介:在年代文里当神童崽崽在娱乐圈文当锦鲤崽崽在孤儿院文当团宠大佬崽崽在真人秀文当天才崽崽在豪门文里当小祖宗崽崽在古代文当神仙小崽崽在萌宠文里当白虎小崽崽在末世文里的小丧尸崽崽!在星际文里面 当天才导演小崽崽这就是大佬沈青澜在每个世界当崽崽的逆袭故事写的顺序会打乱,每个都会写,轻松治愈文,比较放飞自我。这个预收原本是超级男神,可今年想写一些开心的,就改成了崽1w0-94815 >>


内容简介:我的修仙日记我的修仙日记小说阅读玄幻魔法小说我的修仙日记由作家凌空一渡创作距离我成为修仙大能已经过去了上万年,我的寿命还是那么生机勃勃,不见枯竭!我已经活成了一个老妖怪!我不知道自己存 在的意义何在?我很孤独,没有一个朋友,有的只是一馋言趋势想从我身上捞到任何好处的小人。我时常在一个山洞里独自呆上几百年发呆,如果修仙能够重来一次,我还要不要那么孤独?直到偶然间我独自打扫一个只属于我的洞天宝藏时,翻出了那本泛黄的厚厚的日记簿,我才猛然记起,原来在我当初初为一个小修士时,我还有写日记的习惯。随意找到一处角落,翻开日记,我的思绪陷入了长长的回忆中……本故事及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。【收起】小兵提供我的修仙日记最新章节我的修仙日记最新更新章节小兵免费稳定急速专业无弹窗1w0-82833 >>


内容简介:“叮咚——”“欢迎进入神级盗墓系统,请您选择职业——1摸金校尉2发丘中郎将3卸岭力士4搬山道人”“1啊,果断摸金校尉,选1啊!”“叮咚——职业选择成功,请接收第一个初级任务,挖掉你隔壁 老王家的祖坟——”各位书友要是觉得《神级盗墓系统》还不错的话请不要忘记向您qq群和微博里的朋友推荐哦1w23869-108826 >>


内容简介:老马的幸福人生小说儿媳叫苏玥公公叫马强的小说作者是夫子,这是近期非常受欢迎的一本都市小说,全文讲述的是苏玥是一个已婚少妇,可是丈夫的常年不在家以及生活工作的各种不如意早已将她击垮,在她 最不开心的时候,是公公马强陪在她的身边,为她缓解悲伤的情绪。马强见苏玥一副居家女人的模样,回答说:这两天我跟你联系不上,以为你生病了,就跑过来看看。没……没什么,只是觉得心烦,一直在家休息……苏玥急忙敷衍道。你没有去上班吗马强诧异地问。我……我觉得工作压力大,就辞职了……苏玥不想让公公知道自己在外面1w5932-29683 >>


内容简介:关于透视医圣:林奇得到上古传承,觉醒神瞳后,拥有了不可思议的能力,他不在是一个平凡小医生,还有了很多烦恼,因为昨天冰山女院长要他约在小树林,讨论一些羞羞的事情,但是他今天已经约了热辣老 师,清纯校花,高挑女警,傲娇大明星……一起学姿势。透视医圣是原作者大小写精心创作的都市小说大作,笔趣阁同步更新透视医圣最新章节,书友所发表的透视医圣评论,并不代表笔趣阁赞同或者支持透视医圣书友的观点。您要是觉得《透视医圣》还不错的话,请点击顶部的分享按钮分享到你的朋友圈吧!1w6519-3116 >>


内容简介:常清晗是个漫画家,她第一眼瞅见苏玖的时候就知道,这个男人得跟自己有故事。于是她十分主动的摸了他的腰,亲了他的嘴。常清晗抬头透过青白色的烟,从他眉角看起,然后是鼻子,薄唇,下巴,喉结,锁 骨她啧了一声,各位书友要是觉得《我只撩汉不负责!》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-85892 >>


内容简介:作为二十六世纪的第一杀手,因主上怀疑,为保战友而自尽,岂料竟一朝穿越。穿越后的身份这么爽?虽是心智不全,却是受尽万千宠爱可是这些不长眼的都是哪里来的?敢在姑奶奶我的面前耍小心机?!看老 娘不把你们教训得哭爹喊娘!本是天之骄子,岂容尔等放肆!过程打怪升级,啪啪打脸,美男多多,萌兽多多,结局1V11w0-27713 >>

Kaitou Le Vin

A five man band of thieves whose specialty is wine travel the world, appearing here and there under the name “Phantom Thief Levain” to save bottles of unparalleled wine from the villains who hoard them! A brand-new action title from Shu Okimoto and Tadashi Agi, creators of the definitive title in wine manga, “The Drops of God.”

Joushi No Okiniiri

[From Fantasyshrine] Collection of oneshots: Sakurai is a new hire who is having a secret relationship with his boss, Chief Akimoto. Even though the chief is gentle, suave, and unexpectedly, a pro when it comes to the H-department, he’s still an “old man” in Sakurai’s eyes! However, Akimoto sees right through the rather naive Sakurai and spoils him to the point that keeps him demanding for more… until they both come to regret it! This is the debut of Yoshihara Yuuka’s salary-man romance! Quick Reference of story titles and pages they begin at: 1.Boss’ Favorite (pg 10); 2.Secrets Under the Suit (pg. 36); 3.Until There’s Love (pg. 60); 4.Cat Lover (pg. 84); 5.Butterfly and Flower Lovers (pg. 120); 6.Secretary’s Choice (pg. 144); 7.The Favorite Subordinate (pg. 170)

Akutai Wa Ude No Naka De Futatabi

1. Akutai wa Ama sa wo Motte Hibi 2. Akutai wa Raihousha ni Yurumaru On the first day of the Golden Week, Natsume chances upon a kitten in the rain. He decides to look for an owner for the kitty but Touji is not happy about the fact that they have to spend their precious holiday looking for a cat lover. 3. Mutsugoto wa Akutai ni Torikawaru Natsume is going to Nagoya for a work assignment for a month and Touji wants something to remember by before he leaves. Touji snaps a picture of Natsume's sex face and Natsume snaps Touji's phone in half. How is the obsessed Touji going to last for a month without seeing Natsume's face? 4. Akutai wa Ude no Naka de Futatabi Natusume's and Touji's relationship, originally formed with a contract and a pair of handcuffs, has been steadily moving along. Despite that, Natsume is troubled by the mysteries surrounding Touji that is causing him to act strangely. Could their relationship last when Touji is force to deal with his past, which has come back to haunt him...? Extra. The Uninvited Housesitter

Turning Point (Yaoi)

In the pursuit of his dream to become a successful writer, Sakuragi Keigo has become jaded and disillusioned. All he really wants any more is a good night's sleep, unburdened by the stress and pressure of his career. When he picks up a stranded Imamura Toshiki, a student looking for his own dream to follow, Sakuragi finds himself being inexplicably kind to the younger man. Why? Will Imamura be able to help Sakuragi sleep through the night?

The Gun

The Gun summary: The Gun summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Gun. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Halo

The Halo summary: The Halo summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Halo. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time

The Resolute Cannon Fodder Teaching In Ancient Time summary: Summary 1 Xu Zhen picked up a little beggar. Xu Zhen treated and loved the little beggar in every possible way. However, during a certain day, the system pointed out to her, this little beggar was a big villain, and Xu Zhen this small cannon fodder would sooner or later die due to the big villain. Xu Zhen cried. She quickly retreated 3 feet away from the little beggar, kneeled down and kowtow, “I’m wrong already, I won’t dare to ever make you recognize words and do homework, please spare me and let me return to the countryside to live my life.” With a cold expression, the little beggar calmly told her, “Begging for forgiveness now? Too late already.” Summary 2 Xun Qianchun was born from a general family, but just because her mother was huji (huji is used to refer to northen or western females in ancient time), it caused her entire family to be crowned with the criminal charge of having secret ties with the enemy country. Under the emperor’s order, Xun Qianchun’s entire family, from the old to the young, were all brought to the gallows. Only her, feeling indignant in her heart, she drifted and lived on without a purpose. That year when she was 14 years old, when she fled to the front of Jiangling’s bookstore, a pair of delicate and fair hands held her up. From then on, her drifting and miserable life had a fixed residence. There was another person’s name in her heart that was filled with cold frost. Unfortunately, recently, this person seems to not really like being intimate with her anymore. She was extremely bewildered and did not understand why. Could it be that I have done something wrong? Summary 3 Everyone knows that Zhenbei King, Xun Qianchun, was decisive when killing, and had a fearful appearance. Although Xun Qianchun was also a woman, she was always disagreeing with the tender and kindhearted female tutor. Xun Qianchun and the female tutor always pitted against each other. Xun Qianchun was a completely evil person. Someone was curious as to how this evil person was like in private, and thus climbed over the wall, wanting to go investigate about it. Who knew that, before he even entered the house, he saw a gorgeously dressed thing rushing head-on while happily cheering, “Madam~ You are finally back~” ……. Later on, when chatting at a wine shop, someone asked him, “The person who rushed over was Zhenbei King’s pampered male?” That person trembled and said, “No, it was that person whose temper was good, kindhearted, dignified and sweet-tempered, once saved tens of common people……” “Just who is it?” “Female tutor, Xu Zhen.”

The Rover Boys on a Hunt

The Rover Boys on a Hunt summary: The Rover Boys on a Hunt summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Rover Boys on a Hunt. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

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